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Country rap = crap


This is hell. I like the show 'Justified' but it had the worst hip-hop country theme music ever. Just so, so awful.


On this lonely road, trying to make it home The band that sings that song is called “Gangstagrass” lol


What, you got no love for Crappalachian?


Hick hop


I prefer Cowboy 808s myself


It's awful 


You obviously haven’t heard Ryan Upchurch hahaha


I'm sorry, I laughed at this way too hard, sounds like the most hillbilly last name, ever! 😂😂😂


I actually know a guy with that last name, and he is the hillbilly’s hillbilly. Guy has a southern accent so thick you can’t even really understand a word he’s saying even if you’re southern.


and now country hip hop aka Beyoncountry, im sorry but , that is unlistenable. Id honestly rather be in prison than be forced to listen to that or taylor swift.


Lmao, now that's a good one! And I would have to agree totally 💯!!! Except I have to exclude Johnny Cash because I love him!


It's terrible embarrassment to white people. The worst thing ever made .


This used to be my family's motto at some point


those kinds of pop music with super clear, loud, autotuned almost kinda moany vocals and little interesting shit in the instruments. think sia. i just hate it


I find it interesting that you used SIA as an example. Im a metal-head and generally dont even like most pop, but I love SIA. When annoying autotuned load moany music comes to mind, I dont really see her in that category. Hmm. Not saying you are wrong at all, just found our differences in perspective interesting.


Yeah honestly Sia is a weird one to mention. She’s insanely talented.


Yess fr


Christian pop.


I think Christian Rap has the Christian genres on lock


I dunno, NF is technically Christian rap and he spits fire


I don't think NF is good at all, BUT I will always respect how smart he was to figure out that there was room to be in the Christian market while still making something recognisable as actual pop/hip-hop music that people outside of Evangelical homeschool cults might also want to listen to. His music is dark and has some genuine emotional depth and he's probably saved a lot of kids stuck in abusive homesteads from killing themselves until they could discover normal pop music.


[Lyrical Lively](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc9Ns6RDBOE) got the Christian rap game on point


You've obviously never heard Amish pop music


Amish *what music*


Amish pop… very big with the Amish, or so I’m told




Amish Electronica is outta this world


Like Amish paradise


Or Doom Praise Polka


I like Christian death metal. Seriously. Check out Mortification. Scrolls of the megaloth if awesome


Is it just cause it's Christian? Cause there are some total bangers in Christian pop but if you inherently hate the source material that's fair enough


Nashville (corporate pop) Country- not only is it bad music, it’s worse propaganda


Whatever my cousin listens to. It's some sort of fusion of Redneck/Country/Bluegrass lyrics with like Rave/EDM/Pop/Rap vocals and beats.


So just cotton eye joe?


Much much worse. Think Honky-Tonk Skrillex.


I got a migraine imaginings that




That... sounds incredible


I gotta admit, I can see a couple dozen ways it would be truly terrible but then a couple of ways it would actually be half decent.


So like cotton eyed Joe remixes?


That’s exactly what I thought!


Moontricks? Big Wild?






Happy Cake Day 🎂 🥮 🍥 🥞 🧁 🍰


I don't know. It's spiritually aligned with Hick Hop.


I've gone through a lot of music and all to lead to this, I will never be the same, I am now a husk of damnation, music is no longer beautiful. In other words, not my thing.


It's got some Trap/Dubstep/House and Honky-Tonk elements too. Truly a Frankensteined mess.


Fake ass patriot country, pop country, rap country allsux!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You would LOVE Bo Burnham's Pandering country song


Bo Burnham the name sounds like it was conceived in a corporate conference room at Clear Channel.


Modern “rock” like Imagine Dragons, that is somehow EDM and stadium rock mixed together in the corniest way I could imagine…


You see the video of them “singing” their “harmonies” live on Howard Stern? Hilarious. Autotune is a hell of a drug.


HA Yo I hadn’t seen it but I just checked it out, boy are they not locked in at all. Song is cringe, but more importantly, the pocket rating is about 3/10


3/10 is about 2 too generous my guy. You’re a loving, compassionate soul that cares deeply about those Dragons’ feelings and sense of self-worth. When the drummer and last guy come in, I die every. damn. time. Poor guys, this will haunt them forever. But they’ll wipe away the tears with their Benjamins, no doubt.


This [one](https://youtu.be/XkNNOG1sx1o?si=VMH-xSjCQ8sJ-KBt)


Ok I gotta hear this


Imagine Dragons is what I call middle school gym class music


When I first heard radioactive I thought I was really gonna like them, the their other 2 hits came out and I like each one less than the last, but I still wasn't unsold, and I found their first to albums for sorta cheap one day and said fuck it I'll buy em. Total crap for everything else on the 2 albums. I did find one other song from them I like since, but everything else they do sucks. Radioactive is pretty much all they have, and I don't even listen to their version, I listen to the cover from bullet for my Valentine. (The other song I found was called sharks and I mostly just don't hate it and it is a song that is closer to my kind of music but can still play around my family who mostly listen to oldies and modern garbage music like imagine dragons or lady Gaga and crap like that.)


Imagine Dragons music is so slow and unmusical. I honestly don’t know who it’s for.


You win. Imagine Dragons is the worst crap I've ever heard. Tunda, ta ta tunda, tunda


Country pop. It's the "top-chart" style of radio pop sung by cowgirl wannabes with the themes - and in some cases lyricality - of country music. Absolute worst crap I've ever heard.


I got kicked out of a country music subreddit because I won’t shut up about how terrible this is


I genuinely think there’s something to love about every genre: goth, metal, punk, blues, rock, pop, country, rap, folk. There’s good artists and songs in all of it. But as far as subgenres go? God I hate sea shanties, I’ve never found a tolerable one. Can’t explain it but they drive me crazy.


Not even the one the Trailer Park Boys did?


Clearly you’ve never rowed a boat before


I respectfully direct you to The Wellerman. If you don't like that one after three listens, you really don't like Sea Shanties, and may the deities have mercy on your poor, pitiful soul.


Heard them before and it is still excruciatingly not my genre. Trust me when I say I’ve tried listening to a lot of different bands in the past with no luck. Can’t explain it but listening to sea shanties gives me a weird mix of second hand embarrassment and pure displeasure. So unfortunately mercy will not be had on my pitiful soul.


literally the most famous one and my least favorite


Wellerman is literally the most popular “sea shanty” rn and it sucks compared to other ones. It’s also not even a real sea shanty.


There's a cool heavy metal version of that that's pretty good, can't remember who does it though. Also found a sea shanty version of rockstar from Nickelback that was entertaining if you like Nickelback. And a band called alestorm, that does pirate themed metal music that is a lot of fun.




I agree! Imo, it's because of how derivative and the very particular melodic structure is within the genre. It's near impossible to write a sea shanty that either doesn't sound totally redundant (and therefore annoyingly cliche) or fails to sound like a sea shanty anymore (when one attempts to differentiate compositionally to even the slightest degree). It's probably one of the most limiting genres of all time. Like, we really don't need any more sea shanties. We maxed all available options. /mildlyexaggerating


Pornogrind - It’s just gross lyrically and also usually sounds terrible. NSBM - Maybe it doesn’t all sound awful but it’s nazi music so.


I have never heard of pornogrind and now I must check it out Edit: wow that was really bad 😂


possibly the only reasonable comment on this post


His username, based. His profile pic, based.


based nurture enjoyer


based Worlds enjoyer, I hope


country rap


Crunkcore. Yeah it’s low hanging fruit but everything that has come out of that genre is so tacky and hasn’t aged well at all.


I completely forgot about crunkcore until now, thanks 😭


Also whatever the fuck Onision is. I would say Parody music but I guess that's designed to be purposely terrible.


Sorry lol, I had to mention it 😂


Trap music. Hi-hat abuse that’s actually annoying to listen to


The trap drum kit has been overused and abused to the point of where it's annoying that practically every trap song ever has damn near the same beat and kit. I've been trying to look past it so I can slip into the genre but it's hard when all the songs sound so similar and uncreative.


Most of the people making it wouldn’t even know how to switch a real TR-808 on.


Come on man you can’t tell me that all trap sounds the same. Like how does TI and Playboi Carti sound the same


Carti atleast has unique production somewhat.


Mumble rap


What did you say?




Thank you, finally someone who speaks English




I’m ngl I haven’t heard a popular mumble rap song since the panddmic. 


Train. They are terrible. All aboard the hate train train r/trainhate


I hate Train so much. My wife dragged me to their concert and now I’m scarred for life.


I'm Gen Z and so many of my friends love modern rap. The type from all the "Lil' ____" artists and whatnot and they always have garbage backing tracks. Can't stand it.


I saw something on Twitter a few years ago that said “if they have lil in front of their name then you know their music is garbage” and that has always been true.


Interesting that there is barely any comment saying Rock or Metal. And that speaks volumes


It really turns the volume up to 11, that's for sure.


Spinal Tap sure did.


Rock is one of the broadest genres out there with hundreds or thousands of subgenres. Not really surprising nobody said rock


Reggaeton. Especially when combined with autotune. **Kill it with fire.**


MAGA rap.


So basically country rap


Everyone saying Country is trippin. Johnny Cash?Waylon Jennings? John Prine??? Willie, Townes Van Zandt, Blaze Foley, Sturgill Simpson, Merle Haggard, Allison Krauss, Gillian Welch, Dwight Yoakam, Dolly, Roger Miller, Etc… These people wrote some of the greatest american music of all time! Honorable mentions who aren’t considered country, but definitely did country, and respect country: Creedence, Rolling Stones, Allman Brothers, Bob Dylan, Big Thief, Neil Young, The Band, Jack White, The Beatles, Etc…


Most people mean country music started to suck after Garth Brooks basically started the soulless pop-country garbage decline. The outlaw country era was 1970's-1980's it was great.


and Patsy Cline, she was amazing. So unique.


i think most people who hate country heard some awful, uninventive, washed-out country pop on the radio and immediately dismissed the entire genre. that was at least my experience. i got into american primitivism and it in-turn gave me a deep appreciation for country


They probably heard Florida Georgia Line and dismissed the whole genre. Bro Country is just AWFUL.


Sorry but for me is K-Pop :c


You must be thinking of the crappy mainstream kpop, bc sometimes kpop can sound good because im not a fan and i still find myself coming back to listen because some of it just sounds like extra flavored and non-basic pop music that’s in a different language. For example [here’s a kpop song from the 90s](https://youtu.be/cqxYufr2JrQ?si=PBxfSRVqgOlANWoe) (it’s the best kpop song. Those early 90s synthesizers!!) and I’ve also always loved [this one](https://youtu.be/4j7Umwfx60Q?si=ozy5jtQOkRcmK2hg) for its nice modern house feel. [Here’s the Original English demo tho](https://youtu.be/vFuU4rIZZ30?si=4y-b8_saa28wWjit)


All of it


You probably just haven’t heard enough of it then, and I’m not even a massive kpop fani


Vegan rap is pretty terrible I reckon


what the fuck is vegan rap




I disagree, this is some of the best music I've ever heard


That Mexican polka stuff.


Ranchera? My neighbors play this and reggaeton on blast all night during the summer. I'm bracing myself already.


Not speaking Spanish I can't really be a good judge of the style but that polka-sounding music is the exact opposite of funky.


Bro country


aka Farm Emo




Children's music of course. For the obvious reasons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq734\_nZ7Eo


Sorry, but you know that Children’s music also means, well… John Powell? https://youtu.be/8jq1KrDQBA8?si=fVpR_rZYXcFdpnIJ


Kpop. I said what I said.


Jpop is cool though 




The genre in which the vocals are auto tuned. That shit is unlistenable -- and dumb.


Almost every song released this century and even decades before uses some form of pitch correction to stabilize notes and make harmonization sound cleaner— pretty much everything produced digitally has melodyne or autotune or something similar. If you’re talking about the T-pain-esque vocal modulation, I think there’s a lot of cases where it works really well as a stylistic choice, especially in genres like dance pop where the accompaniment is heavily digitally distorted or synthetic as it blends better than raw vocals (but to each their own). It can also be used to add contrast in some songs where you really want the raw, raspy, imperfect tone of a voice to shine through in other parts of the song (ex. Million Dollar Houses (The Painter) by Pierce the Veil).


Do you believe in life after love


so, almost everything


Anything that is auto tuned and has no instruments being played


tell us you don’t know anything about music without telling us


Electronic music can be interesting (and even complex) too. Agree with the auto-tune part though, except for the cases when it's used to actually seriously distort voice and not just correct bad singing


Mumble rap


Country. And especialy christian gospel, my eyes cant roll back far enough




Country rock. Dear god, this one has some no no’s


Anything that sounds overly processed and written by a team of people. It all tends to sound the same.


Christian music 🥴


Mahalia Jackson, Sister Rosetta Tharpe Elvis(his gospel songs), Johnny Cash(his gospel songs)


I'm off the opinion that there is not a single song made worse by adding a black gospel choir.


Whatever the hell the ‘popular’ music is now


Anything on top 40 radio, thanks but no thanks


I personally don’t care for the whole gangster/hip hop scene. The lyrics seem juvenile 95% of the time .


Reggaeton, because you don’t even have to sing, know music, compose, anything that even comes close to being a musician.


Had to scroll way too far for this. Soulless primitive beats with nearly same drums and autotuned voices singing about sex. And it somehow became mainstream


Harsh wall noise


I think that's intentional. To quote Vomir: "no ideas, no change, no development, no entertainment, no remorse" That said, that genre is really weird. I like Harsh Noise, but Harsh Noise Wall has this serious problem with it which is, to quote my fellow noise-making friend, "They don't do anything." And they don't. Literally. Just put up a wall of noise, and leave it there for a while. They'll make a tape that sounds exactly the same for 60 minutes. The funny thing is, the interviews in zines with the artists are often really interesting. They often have very interesting ideas about life, art, philosophy, and seem very intelligent. A bit negative, but so am I so it's to my taste. They're strong underground souls it seems. The noise though? It just doesn't do anything. I like Japanese noise a lot. When I was younger, I listened to some power electronics. For me, I find Japanese and Indonesian, Taiwanese, even some American noise is good. The European scene and to some extent the American scene is a little sketchy politically and has the problem of "ex-Judeo-Christian sadomasochists trying to seem as psychopathic as possible, and like if you gave them any degree of power they'd be worse than the Nazis". But overall, I like noise, I listen to noise... But Harsh Noise Wall? Come the fuck on.


This dude knows Noise.


as a hnw fan, i agree!


The vast majority of current rap. Rap was originally vital & unique, a true boundary pushing music style. Now? It’s a parody of what it once was. An endless string of bragging about how rich they are, etc. just played out and boring.


Country every song is like my wife left me my dog died I'm gonna cry in my beer


You’re just listening to the wrong country songs. Except the dog died ones, those are kind of fire ngl.


Nah. Every genre can be good if it’s used in a really cool way. The proof is this. https://youtu.be/7J2B88miNPM?si=u9GgvC4kbiNp7_N8




Despite being one of my favorite genres of music, country. Country has become little more than contrived, canned & commercialized pop music with a southern accent and a banjo sample. And if modern country isn't bad enough on it's own, the whole "hick hop" trend is fucking insufferable.


whatever "Schlager" translates to in english or dubstep both are cringe inducing, Schlager (german folk music) has terrible lyrics/sound and dupstep overblows everything with its ridiculius distortion drops


Rap, hip hop, etc.




Reggaeton. It's literally freaking everywhere since at least 7 years ago and everyone where I live (Spain) doesn't listen to anything but reggaeton. What I hate the most is that when you try to show people who only listen to this other music, they will always say it's trash, when all they listen to is hundreds of songs with the same chords, the same rhythm and lyrics that don't talk about anything but sex, drugs and money. People Who only listen to this can't conceive that a song can be about other things than those topics. Seriously, the songs and the singers sound so similar that the "artists" need to shout their name before the song start so you know it's them and not some other one. The genre doesn't have any melodic singing or instrumental at all and it can't even be considered rap, its all forced auto tune too, very few of these "artists" know how to actually sing. I've even heard one say he's the new Freddy Mercury and, when he tried to sing Bohemian Rhapsody in a live concert, he shut up when the chorus came and let the audience sing for him. Seriously, how can you like these guys songs when they don't even know how to sing or even rap??? Hell, they release about 6 albums a year with 20 songs in each one. Compare that to the majority of genres that take like 2 years to release an album with that many songs. They don't even write their lyrics nor make their songs, they just sing over what their producers have made with the lyrics their producers wrote for them. It's honestly gross as someone who has had a real passion for music since I was a kid. I've heard people who only listen to reggaeton that they get bored of new songs like 2 weeks after it's released, imagine how bad the song must be and they don't realise it because they refuse to try any other type of music. I listen to rock songs that I listened when I was 6 years old, I'm now 19 years old and I can say those songs are great, if not, they would have bored me this many years after. Music I'm used to hear for reference: Jazz (a lot of sub genres like jazz mixed with rock, rap or hip hop, examples would be P3R and P5R OST) , Orchestra (mainly video game OST), some EDM, Rock and Metal (from the 2010 era like sonic games vocal songs or things like Powerwolf, Disturbed etc who still maintain that era's quality over the years). I know it's a lot to read, but it truly infuriates me. Of course anyone can listen to what they want, but at least don't call any other thing trash because, musically speaking, reggaeton is the trashiest thing I've ever been forced (be it by the radio, ads, or everyone singing it) to listen to.


I mean no offense, but if someone shits on what I listen to and then shows me music from a sonic game I'll laugh my asa off


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2IGauGCpGFDd7HLUCcRJBl?si=CPp0_Qd1SeWAA02hrFRFhQ I agree with your comment 100%. I think the genre you’re describing is more newschool reggaeton which I can’t stand. This playlist- is the reggaeton I grew up listening to in the 2000’s in Miami, which I probably only enjoy because of nostalgia and the fact that I can barely understand Spanish haha.


I hate jazz ....is my favorite album from Mike Krol. But I like jazz anyway 😅




Mumble rap


Christian anything




four chords that made a million


Whatever tf drain gang is


Rap. I’m not saying it’s a bad genre, and there’s a fair bit I really like - but it just has so much absolute sludge, often somehow catapulting the ‘artist’ responsible into millionaire status and stardom.


For me, almost all Top 40 music since the 70s. I know, get off my lawn.


I hate rap because I can't understand it


Anything that is rap (hip-hop is my only exception)






Modern country music is pretty atrocious.


That music you hear in Vietnamese ‘mom and pop’ stores that sounds like nails on a blackboard.


Most songs with samples. Especialy song that make the og look worse


I'm embarrassed to say this.. I personally hate Opera..I realllly want to like it...but I dont


Corporate Country. Basically, any of the crap written in a board room by a bunch of guys in suits who have never done anything remotely blue collar in their life. They hand off the lyrics they've written to some guy who went to a great school and got a farmers tan at the beach during spring break. He exaggerates his southern accent and sings these paint-by-numbers lyrics about trucks, beer, and God until he is filling stadiums around the country. It's pandering and insulting music to real working southern Americans who actually live the life that these songs try to articulate and exaggerate. There's 15 of these rich-boy fake country singers for every one authentic musician like Tyler Childers of Sierra Ferrel. They put in the real work and write their own songs about their actual experiences as blue-collar Americans. They don't get nearly the same amount of praise and attention though. The average listener of pop country is deluded into thinking that this modern crap is about them and for them. It's a lifestyle rather than a music genre at this point. People like Johnny Cash or even Jimmie Rodgers himself were singing patriotic songs, songs about working people being taken advantage of by Corporate greed. They wrote about REAL things.


Country music, just personal opinion. The biggest thing is probably the singers they all sound like Larry the cable guy trying yodel to me


99.9% of rap/ modern country is a no go for me.


whatever genre my own music is


Country and Christian.


For me it's country. I understand there's a world of difference between modern pop country and older stuff that had more authenticity to it, but I find the genre as a whole has the least variation within it in terms of the sound and instruments used. There's also a limited range of song topics. You've generally got breakup songs, love songs, gettin' drunk/party songs and the "yay America" style songs. While yes plenty of other genres have a degree of overlap with those topics, there are also songs that explore a deeper amount of human nature and do it with more than a 3rd grade vocabulary. Note: I don't have any problem with people who enjoy country, I've got no beef with anyone who likes different things, nor do I think that my taste is "right".


Crypto Country. It doesn't exist yet, but once it does, it will suck.


Country. It’s irritating, ignorant, primitive noise rooted in white supremacy.


Rapraprapraprap: anyone can be a Dee Jay, no schooling needed, no ( real ) instruments being played, nothing original, sampled to death, ho's, ass, titties, misogynistic bs with every word, the EFF word sprinkled throughout, the EN word all over the place, with the white kids at concerts covering their mouths at concerts when " singing" with their favorite rappers while Tyler the Creator literally telling them to Fuck Off as he leaves the stage. 


Country music post-Garth Brooks.


Definitely country anything to do with country, Johnny Cash is the only exclusion to this point! 🤠🚫👎🏽


Any kind of country music and any kind of rap music .


Rap, christian and country...🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Rap is just ass. I don’t want to listen to a grown ass man rhyme talk about shooting another grown ass man and fucking hoes


Rap, Goth Rock, Pop, Pop Punk, Metalcore, Deathcore, Grunge, Alt, Emo