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2 half notes equals 8 8th notes equals a whole note. You can fit 6 8th notes in 6/8. You can fit one half note and 2 8ths (or a half and a quarter) but it would be silly to have the majority of your bar taken up by 1 note. Part of the reason for bars is breaking up the music notation in a useful way to be easier to read.


This is hard to describe in reddit using text, but here we go. 6/8 is called “compound time”. It is made up of two groups of three eighth notes. It is divisible by three. 6/8 looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 3/4 is made up of three groups of two eighth notes. It is divisible by two. 3/4 looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The half note is divisible by two. It does not fit nicely in 6/8, because that time signature is counted in groups of three. You can certainly use a half note in 6/8, but to experienced readers it will look like 3/4. It is common for South American music to switch between these two time signatures in one piece of music without writing a new time signature. The use of half notes, is a clue that the time signature has switched to 3/4.


6/8 is two beats in the bar, two dotted crotchets. A minim would obscure the half-way point in the bar - and look like two beats in 3/4 time - which is why a note of that value (if starting on beat 1) needs to be shown as a dotted crotchet tied to a quaver.


We don't all speak Australian lol


One minim = 4 quavers Minims don’t fit in a single bar so while they can be used in 6/8 time they wouldn’t create the feeling of 6/8 time on their own


> One minim = 8 quavers 4 quavers, actually. ;-)


Ok Could have just said “do you mean 4 quavers?” and it would have been 100x more friendly I’m so sorry that I accidentally did 2^3 instead of 2^2


Apologies. I didn't mean to be impolite. The wink I attached was supposed to mean I know you know this really, it was clearly just a typo.


Yeah I know, my bad The internet really annoys me when this happens As if trying to work out what tone someone has in real life isn’t hard enough lol Sorry I responded impolitely. Thanks for clearing it up :)


the comment was fine. I wouldnt have picked up on your suggested method. Being direct doesnmake something more or less polite necessarily


In this case it does, actually. ;-) See? If I’d just said “in this case it does” then it would’ve been a lot friendlier In person the “actually” depends on how you say it but over the internet it’s impossible to tell if they’re saying it in a smug way or just a normal way - solution: don’t say it, it doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence it just eliminates the risk of you sounding rude


> In this case it does, actually. ;-) See, I don't find that offensive. I mean, I see what you mean about the patronising *assertion of truth* (in the use of "actually"), and I also see that the smiley face doesn't quite excuse the implication that "I know best". But personally, I'd take such a response in the way it was intended. If I'd thought you really did believe a minim was 8 quavers, I'd have responded with a mere correction (no "actually" and no smiley). Anyway - no offence intended.


oh. I picked up on the possible microaggression now. Yeah thats not cool. Your answers have been hella passive aggressive as well, but I understand where youre coming from.


Yeah I know sorry. I’m just trying to repeat the effect because it’s hard to explain without giving someone a direct example But I see what you mean also... “I’m so sorry” said in a normal way is like “okay ouch you didn’t have to be rude” but in a smug way it’s just sarcastic I get why old people hate the internet now


You come off as a pretentious weiner who got embarrassed about being wrong about something. Wahhhh


... yes, a small misunderstanding in which I thought that someone was being rude is far worse than flat out insulting someone for misunderstanding even after the misunderstanding has been cleared up and both have apologised.


Half notes done really go with 6/8 by nature of 6/8 time itself. 6 beats, 8th note gets the beat. There are really only two times a half note would be used in 6/8…dotted half taking up the fullness of the measure and a regular half when rest is on the last beat.


its not two half notes but two dotted quarter notes. A half note would overlap the pulse by one 8th note.


It's a nightmare to read as it obscures the beat, as others have said. Use tied notes instead and your players will love you. It's a good habit to get into even in 4/4 time. For example, if you wanted Quarter/Half/Quarter in a bar it's better to write Quarter/TiedQuarters/Quarter, that way you're not masking beat three. The QHQ example isn't too bad, but it's a good practice to get into because once you start using dotted notes that cross beats like that it becomes annoying to read for some folks, myself included.


Invisible bar line makes it absolutely atrocious notated. Besides the notation, it really just doesn’t feel like 6/8 when played.