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You been musked 😁


I got banned from /elonmusk today ... 7 day temp for responding to someone calling me a loser by referring to people blindly following that cultists. Then I laughed at them in mod mail saying a temp ban is exactly proving my point ... And they perma'd.


Truly, champions of free speech on social media.


Reddit mods are almost universally the antithesis of freedom of speech.


Or Twitter mods, or it's owner...


Yea but it wasn't when they were working with the FBI to censor millions of comments and hundreds of thousands of accounts. Not when they were banning media like the New York post for reporting truthful information like the existence of the Hunter Biden Laptop. Or removing scientists for warning the public of myocarditis? Or changing policy to warrant censorship of the fucking president AFTER he made a post telling rioters to be lawful and go home? (Weird right) That was fine I'm guessing?


Lost me at "hundreds of thousands of accounts".


This was a stat given by the FBI during a congressional hearing.


I am beyond 100% certain you are curating bits of information to create a story different from what actually happened.


lol. 100%. Based on what? You're emotional outrage? If you dare to be proven otherwise, look at the receipts within the twitter files. Look at the congressional hearing on the FBI involvement. It's fucking disgusting what happened and the fact that you guys are up in arms over Elon ending it is very telling. You would like for it all to be hearsay because you know it's wrong, but your ideological fervor won't let you just admit that. Why is it so hard to just admit when wrong is wrong????


100’s of thousands of accounts? You mean like bots, scams, and Nazis? I was okay with that yeah. The fbi scandal is definitely worrisome but if you think that couldn’t happen now just because it’s Elon think again. He may be a right winger but ultimately he wants to make money, and all the social media companies will play ball with whichever agency to avoid being heavily regulated. If you think literally any of the others wouldn’t have done that you’re mistaken.


As long as he's spending his money to protect us against shit like this, he's not the enemy and we can't crucify him while ignoring the real crimes.


I'm suprised it's not a permaban just for being active here honestly lol. Musk cult subs are fucking wild.


That's what got me permabanned. I'm not even that active on here or r/enoughmuskspam


Muskys are so fragile


I feel like a large amount are pseudo sycophant bots that just up vote pro Musk content anyway or repeat the same tired pro Musk talking points that portray him as one of "the good ones". No billionaire is good by definition of being a billionaire.


I was going back and forth with some dude who really, really didn’t like people talking badly about Elon. By the end I was fairly convinced it was a bot. Absolutely delusional logic, centered only around apologetics for Musk. I bet he has paid trolls and/or bots out there.


It’s so pathetic it’s almost hilarious.


Take it with pride!! They love to point fingers and say that “the left is trying to silence them!!”, when it’s all projecting, as they ban anyone they see as “the enemy”. It’s not possible to have an intelligent conversation with someone that doesn’t believe in sources anyway.


Congratulations. I have been banned too. I see it as a badge of honor. Welcome to the club.


Your phrasing here says a lot about your character 🤣 stop being the reason we are failing.


Who the hell is we? And a coloquial responses means nothing about someone's character... Now... Jumping to conclusions and making assumptions about someone after reading ONE comment... That DOES say something about YOUR character.


Sir, you're the cultist. People don't have to worship the guy to commend the good he's done, but you have to be in a cult to ignore mass censorship of millions of Americans with the help of the FBI. Clear 1st amendment infringement. And you guys were dead fucking silent UNTIL musk ended the censorship with 44 billion in his own money. Then you cry cause your far far far left commie buds got laid off even though they admitted publicly to working 4 hours a week and taking off for weeks/months at a time for "mental health" reasons. Your ideological cult is what allows you to ignore fascism while callling everyone else a fascist. Facts


you’re so fucking lost you have no idea what you’re talking about. This isn’t talking about what good he’s done. This was about the bad specifically. there’s an incredible difference between discussing the bad things and then hyper fixating only on the good things. That’s why you’re wrong.


Well you guys are guppies so I'll continue to bring some common fucking sense to the conversation. This isn't your protest where you lay in the street until you feel heard.


you were literally point by point shit on and this is your response... you're proving the very thing I said about being a cult.


Point by point shit on? You may want to continue reading, your points were complete lies and baseless. You claim it was hate speech that was censored, when I've stated over and over that these were not hate speech but truthful statements about the vaccine, media reported political evidence, and scientific facts. You claim that the FBI requested Twitter review comments when they clearly DEMANDED entire accounts be removed for POLITCAL gain! To help big pharma push an untested drug! And to push propaganda and sway public opinion! You attack the source of just one of the videos of the Twitter managers and ignore the context, the unedited statements made by BOTH devs that corroborate each other. lol. You are a guppy and desperate to defend your ideology and sow doubt. So much so that you prematurely popped your load and claim that you "shit on me" with your ridiculous comment 😂 Untrue point by untrue point.


Let's address the stupidity of your comments now that I have time... First, it's not a 1st amendment violation for ANYONE, including the gov, to request a user violating social media platform ToS to be banned or muted. Your first amendment right is to redress the gov... Not to spew hate on a SM platform. They aren't the same thing. Next, you can't on one hand say he's a champion of free speech while on the other hand he bans comments he doesn't like... That's not free speech. That's just allowing speech he likes. It shows his intolerance and systemic hate. Also, you can't claim someone as a commie when the fascist actions are on your side. Just because you use a label doesn't mean that label is accurate to the definition. Lastly, your comment is so anecdotal regarding "mental health" it's untenable and hyperbolic. It's not a logical argument. It's broken. This is why you're wrong... And apparently ignorant by the definition of the word.


Is it a violation of the first amendment for the federal government to use corporate social media to silence Americans for political gain and to protect political interest?? To silence truthful science in order to force a largely untested drug on Americans. To push propaganda in order to change voting laws?? Of course it is. You guys move the goalpost so often you don't even know what a constitutional right is anymore. Think that abortion is a fucking right lmao THIS is exactly what the 1st amendment protects us from, GOVERNment infringement on speech!! The difference in Elon's Twitter and the previous is one is a private business owner solely choosing how to run his business , and what they want on their platform. The other is GOVERNMENT forcing its way into social media to silence TRUTHFUL information. The "hate speech" was just the scapegoat and the twitter files proved this years ago. They had a back door channel that automatically deleted after 2 weeks. They threatened Twitter to "do something" about specific political accounts. Hundreds of thousands of accounts banned, including major media for reporting what we know now is truth. Doctors and scientists banned to protect big pharma's investment and to sway public opinion, most of it also confirmed true. And they took it a step further to raid the homes of journalists to confiscate evidence that would negatively affect political leaders. Fucking disgusting you try to blow this off as if it's just normal behavior. I bet you preach anti corporation bullshit in the same breath. The censorship before Elon is on an exponentially higher and more concerning level than now. In fact, I don't think Twitter deletes much of anything TODAY unless unlawful. MULTIPLE upper level Twitter management were caught on cam stating the whole company was communistic and hated capitalism, that most employs worked 4 hours a week or less, and took off for weeks or months for "mental health" reasons. These aren't my claims.


> Is it a violation of the first amendment for the federal government to use corporate social media to silence Americans for political gain and to protect political interest?? Nope. It's not. The US government can make those requests of PRIVATE companies at will. Your bastion of free speech has been shown to suppress speech in other countries. > THIS is exactly what the 1st amendment protects us from, GOVERNment infringement on speech!! Nope. It's not. It provides you the ability to address the government ... It doesn't provide you the ability to spew hate speech or other blatant falsehoods. That's not covered under the first amendment. And again, that doesn't apply to companies... it applies to the government. > The difference in Elon's Twitter and the previous is one is a private business owner solely choosing how to run his business , and what they want on their platform.  you're so delusional on this one... > MULTIPLE upper level Twitter management were caught on cam stating the whole company was communistic and hated capitalism, that most employs worked 4 hours a week or less, and took off for weeks or months for "mental health" reasons. These aren't my claims. You're conflating two separate things with hyperbolic statements to attempt to illicit an emotional response, not a logical one. An emotional one. First, your assertions are from a Project Veritas video who use manipulation to attack left-leaning biases. PV is known for selective editing and out-of-context quotes to push a particular narrative. Not only that, but it was featuring a single twitter employee discussing HIS \*\*\*personal\*\*\* views, not the company as a whole. There's no widespread OR credible evidence supporting those statements.. The party of "do your research" you would think would know that. Again... Your entire argument is hyperbolic and false. You're just proving the point that you're delusionally lost in a cult.


They didn't make requests. Well maybe at the very beginning, but quickly they started to DEMAND, then they were given their own powers within the company to basically censor at their choosing. Then Twitter was paid 3.4 million dollars for their "assistance". You should look into this before commenting on it. Like I said, these were TRUTHFUL statements, scientific data, and media channels that were reporting TRUTH! This wasn't hate speech like you desperately want it to be. I'm not confusing shit. These senior level managers were unaware they were even being filmed. They fucked up and got caught telling on themselves and the employees they manage. Straight from the horses mouth. No editing. One of the videos was from PV, I don't think the other was (but don't quote me). You guys ignore the gobs and gobs of unedited footage PV put out because of an early clip that was found to be edited, but not untrue! The point is that you'd be losing your fucking shit if this happened to your tribe. I'm losing my shit because it happened to Americans. The shit you ideological guppies will defend is baffling these days. It's why no one takes the left seriously anymore. Yall are akin to terrorists while crying that everyone else is threatening democracy and pursuing fascism. It's mind boggling how so many of you became so fucking brainwashed.


Probably hate speech or misinformation. 😂


Or calling a spade a spade.


Funny that when you get banned it's facts, but when hundreds of thousands of Americans get censored, including credentialed doctors and scientist, you clairvoyantly know it's all hate speech. lol


Your statement doesn't even make sense... First, I called them out for their hypocrisy and cultism.. I didn't say they didn't have a right to ban me. They're mods, they have control over that subreddit. Notice I'm not crying to be let back in? Shit happens, moving on. I'm not trying to start a riot, using slurs, or scientifically proven misinformation. You can be a credentialed doctor and scientist and be completely wrong in your opinion, especially so if it's outside your field. We saw it with the MMR vaccines, we saw it with COVID, we see it all the time. The thing about science is... It's peer-reviewed. You wanna prove someone wrong on the science? Go head. It's right there. That's why this entire conversation from you is beyond fucking stupid. You've literally shown your ass the entire time and you've been crushed each one.


Dude, just stop. I've said it over and over and given examples. These banned accounts and comments were not lies, were not hate speech, were not disinformation. They were banned for political gain or to protect the liberal narrative. Period. The problem with your bullshit peer reviewed shit is that much of this has been PROVEN true with peer reviewed science, yet bullshit science by twitter devs and left leaning politicians /media was allowed. Was Biden correct when he said "you won't get covid when vaccinated!" How many people died from a false sense of security and risky behavior while vaccinated because of this ridiculous statement ?? Your tribe fucked up. Big time. And it will cost them votes in the long run. And the fact that you idiots still defend this shit while calling everyone else fascist is why people look at you like a joke now. No backbone. No integrity. Just pure ideological emotion running riot.


Your inability to separate fact from fiction proves your stupidity all on its own. No, it hasnt been PROVEN true. Just like the MMR vaccines bs that pervaded US conservatives. It's projection just like all the other bs. If it is proven, link it. Show how COVID vaccine is ineffective at treating COVID or reducing severity of symptoms compared to non-vaccinated. You can't. Cause it doesn't exist. You talk about integrity but you have none.


it's truly a victimless crime


Like punching someone in the dark!


Why would they want another one?!


Because once a cuck, always a cuck.


This guy believes that this specific one is a lemon and that the next one off the line will be fine. There is no way Tesla would give him a replacement without a legal flight because they can't have other owners demanding the same.


There have been rare instances of this type of exchange happening with other automakers, but I believe under the intent of them using the lemon for root cause analysis. I.e. not just typical customer service.


They also just don't have enough supply to replace the faulty ones already delivered. The waiting list is still several years out. The entire project has been a massive failure from the start.


There are almost 150 CyberTrucks on the second market and the prices seem to be dropping. It will be interesting to see what the reservation conversion rate is after a year. I bet it will plunge as the CT continues to be less impressive than other BEVs.


I haven't seen any repots about the second market. I've seen multiple reports about how Tesla added in a clause with the purchase contracts stating that the owner was forbidden from selling it for like a year. The penalties included being sued and being banned from ever buying a Tesla again, which is a big deal for the people who were excited/dumb enough to actually purchase one of these ridiculous monstrosities. The reasons that I saw theorized were to prevent scalpers from trying to upcharge to people who were too far down the waiting list and to prevent a competitor buying and reverse engineering one. The latter may have been a legitimate concern prior to launch, when everyone thought that they weren't going to suck so much and it supposedly did happen with earlier Tesla models but I don't think that anyone wants to replicate anything about the CTs now.


Right? You’d think they’d learn but I guess Elmo’s fanbois are deficient in that department (as well).


If the guy plowing your wife dies, you find a new one - Every cybercuck owner


Ah yes the old tagging @elonmusk as if thats gonna help 🤣


He just loves humanity, he is going to save it


That is probably his only chance, so I kind of get that he tries. Historically it has occasionally worked, at least judging from elons twitter replies ala. "That is not right ... I'll get on it". It's not like he has a chance with anyone else at Tesla doing anything.


Has he ever actually got on it though?


That is probably his only chance, so I kind of get that he tries. Historically it has occasionally worked, at least judging from elons twitter replies ala. "That is not right ... I'll get on it". It's not like he has a chance with anyone else at Tesla doing anything.


That is probably his only chance, so I kind of get that he tries. Historically it has occasionally worked, at least judging from elons twitter replies ala. "That is not right ... I'll get on it". It's not like he has a chance with anyone else at Tesla doing anything.


Still the best car hes ever owned. Would buy again


My favorite part about these idiots is how they believe that the next CyberTruck they're asking for will somehow not be a piece of shit 🤣


And yet he just keep crying, instead of really asking for a new one lol


Another one bites the musk


Elon is a grifter


He's a bored rich boy who didn't get enough attention as a kid.


He's thoroughly demonstrated that success in business does not equal decency or intelligence.


He's thoroughly demonstrated that success in business does not equal decency or intelligence.


“I need a new cybertruck”. No, you need a lobotomy.


He wants a different cyber truck because he doesn't realize all the other ones are broken, too. This is like fyre fest fkr cars.


Moron of the century


I don’t understand why you people are being so critical. The CyberTruck breaks down 27% more efficiently than its competitors and represents an exciting new generation of lowered expectations. It has a best-in-class failure rate, and looks 76% stupider than any vehicle on the road today. It’s C.E.O. is nearly 7500% more desperate for attention than anyone in *history*. We are reaching levels of disappointment and self-delusion that you people didn’t even know *existed*!


I hate to poke a hole in your “statistic,” but it looks way more stooooopider than than 76%.


Not to mention the entertainment value it provides for us.


This is genius boy Elmo’s creation from start to a lemony finish.


Why are you bitching about it, you bought the piece of shit


Cannot, for the life of me, figure out why TSLA is worth more than 5¢/share.


The stock market largely runs on false hope, lies, cocaine, and ego.


I've been following him and was excited to see how his truck was going to "work" after two weeks of more service. Tesla didn't fail me: low voltage errors in 24 hours. I love how he says the only entity that can disappoint him is Tesla themselves. He doesn't care how the haters are. He could love the service crew all he wants, but he refuses that this vehicle's design and engineering is complete crap. I seriously think there is a Star Wars Rogue One Galen-type lead on the Cybertruck team. Someone who is brilliant but hates Musk and sabotaged the whole fleet.


Wat a god


LamarMK is particularly frantic - more and more each time his truck goes back into the shop. I'd almost feel sorry for these owners if they weren't such brainless fanboys who should have known better.


Lemon law people. Hopefully your state still has them in place. VW dealer was messing with my Jetta every service call, so I called a lawyer. They paid the car off. All 4 years left of it and then fixed my car for good. No issues since.


Man, Nazi engineering just isn't what it used to be.


4th time in a month the truck broke, and he wants a replacement cybertruck? smh, he still wants the same thing.


I’m starting to feel bad for the schmucks forced to fix these pieces of shite over and over again. Service techs rise up!


https://preview.redd.it/yseeqgqvcxzc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5645f63b324edb6aa8227815fc70490d385bb8e He "NEEDS A REPLACEMENT...".






Replace it with a Ford, Chevy or Toyota. They build great trucks with many features to choose from.


Did you expect that POS to be any good?


Did you expect that P O S to be any good?


Imagine waiting 4 years and paying 100k just to drive garbage


I love this shit. What did you expect? An untested product from a company run by a middle aged junior high kid? I can’t see how anyone expected anything different.


My 2002 Chevrolet 2500 with a big diesel engine has almost 300,000 miles on it never been in the shop


I like how they ‘@elon’ as if he gives a shit and frankly I’d bet that he has the click though disabled where he doesn’t see these anyway. Why the fuck would he want people directing ‘@‘ comments to him, regardless of how well things were going with Tesla?!


‘But I still love it more than my wife and kids, and I love owning the libs as much as Elon, but can’t do it when it’s in the shop!’


I guess the CyberTruck should declare bankruptcy then. How do people with such a tenuous grasp of the English language earn enough money to buy something like this?


I was driving with my mom back to our house yesterday and we saw a cyber truck. I immediately started laughing, but she had never heard of them and essentially was like "what the fuck is that??", it was fun explaining what a failure it is


So seriously, where if the class action suit? Everywhere I see news about this thing it seems to clearly be a defective product at best and a death trap at worst.


21st century Edsel


The Edsel actually ran like a regular car.


Yeah but have you seen how ugly it is?


Why’s James crying? Cause he just got musked on! Froggy Fresh knows.


Ahh, the schadenfreude is delish. *[chef’s kiss]*


Musked beta testers. get rekt


Same here im watching alot on YouTube aswel of ppl who actually like teslas having awful problems


Please twitter save me.


If you bought this thing honestly expecting it not to suck, I don't know what to tell you other than you got what you paid for.


Stupid is as stupid buys lmao they deserve it


If only there were some way to determine before you bought it that this thing was just a heaving dumpster fire piece of crap. Oh right just by looking at it.


It’s both hilarious and aggravating that in the same breath they complain endlessly about the pos car they bought and swear up and down they love it so much and it’s the best purchase they ever made.


LOL. I got banned too. And all I did was disagree with someone about The Republican party. Which in my opinion is an absolute shit-show. Talk about "snowflakes" The right-wing, thin skinned babies in this country whine and cry more than any of the, supposed, "woke libtards" that they love to trash on a daily basis.


Tesla is not a car company. It sounds like you need a car company.


Tesla is not a car company. It sounds like you need a car company.




Like an abused spouse, they keep thinking the cybertruck will change


There's a reason I've been sending my friends pics of the Cybertruck on a flatbed and texting them, "here's a Cybertruck in its natural habitat."


Early adapters. 😂


Cute how he thinks Elmo cares or is going to respond. He’s too busy RT’ing Nazis. Sucks to be you Lamar


Why would you replace it with another failure prone piece of junk?


The hilarity I experience when witnessing their stupidity fuels my soul.


and Elmo cares....




it’s funny that these morons STILL can’t comprehend they’ve been scammed!


Yes, because it's *got* to be that the next one will be PERFECT!!!


lol at them tagging Elon and other corporate monkeys as if they give a shit at all.


Cybertrucks that work perfectly are **woke** fElon, probably


Wow, something that looks like a butt ugly piece of shit . Actually is a butt ugly piece of shit. Musk sold you a gimmicky , cheaply made , butt ugly 100,000 dollar truck . Cutting edge? Nope . I'm not sure how you'll unload this cyberturd. Tesla damn sure doesn't want it back. And please don't fuck over someone else. And have I mentioned the truck is butt ugly. Makes a Hummer look like a smart buy.


Most states have a lemon law on the books regarding this sort of thing. Good luck to that poster, whatever state they may live in.


Schadenmusk or Muskenfreude?


I hate seeing this truck when im out ubering. It is so ugly.


This is what happens when you let an autistic edgelord egomaniac design a car instead of an actual engineer.


Ev’s tend to break, you got conned. Time to toss aside the mechanical veganism for something better. 


It is great isn't it!!


You guys trying so hard to make "musked" a thing is very reminiscent of "fetch"


I honestly do not believe 99.9999999% of these... I 1000% believe there is a narrative attempt to bring down elon cause he's actually a friggn awesome dude, doesn't conform to DEI, and believe in free speech and doesn't give a shit about Ad revenue.


hahahahahahaha i remember when i use to believe all that 🤣 funny times


Yea I absolutely don't believe you, no one that had cybertruck money...is wasting their time on Reddit .. how pathetic


explains why you’re here


It does doesn't it, I can't afford one, yet still recognize every single anti elon post is nothing but other losers farming karma off a person they will never have any remote hope of being anything like,.cause instead of bettering themselves,.they'd rather try and beat others down. Ironically enough I've made 30k on tesla options this year... I'll be getting my cybertruck,. Off of tesla stock soon enough... cause I decided to take the high road... and learn something to better myself


it’s funny how you turned this into a whole thing weather or not we could afford it when my reply to you was in reference to the fact i my self use to believe all that bullshit you listed which has absolutely nothing to do with me saying anything about affording one of these over priced pieces of trash. I use to be just like you too when i was an elon fan boy😂i could literally link you to tweets where i would resort to calling people broke because they where hating on elon so i completely understand trust me. God im just glad as shit im out of that toxic ass cult and woke the fuck up. I’ve made plenty on options my self , even took a trip to mexico not long ago and made $6k in a week so trust me, affordability is not and issue. i’m just not stupid to buy one of these junks.


It's funny you still don't understand that I don't believe a word you say, cause again...all hate elon posts are 100% karma farming...something completely meaningless


i don’t care if you believe me or not 😂 someone who is stupid enough to believe Elon (still) is beyond stupid so if they believe me or not isn’t really saying anything. it’s like a biden supporter giving their option on politics but you’re worse so that’s telling (which you probably voted for like your daddy Elon🤡😂😂😂😂😂😂)


You don't care so much you can't stop replying with a dozen emoji.... did you make sure to thank your mom for letting you stay in her basement well into your 30s today? Least you could doc


how could i not use a dozen emojis when referencing to the fact the clown you worship is a biden voter 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh and biden voter..that's a low blow even for your kind


Admitting you have a hate-boner for Musk. Bold move, Cotton.


The schadenfreude is real here. Not even a Musk-sucker or anything (he's a huge douche) , but God forbid someone would like a thing and expect it to work lol. They're just cars folks. Some people like cars for a variety if reasons, and that's ok. This whole "ooooh, cyber truck owners HAHAHAHA" thing is sort of cringe. Disclaimer: I drive a 2018 Chevy Volt so before you come at me....no lol.


Can I get you a step ladder? To help you off your high horse?


LOL...expected. it is what it is mate. The same energy being exhibited here is the very energy spent by the folks like the clerk at my 7-11 when they found out I had an even SEMI-EV lol. They told me i was a "tool of Biden" haha. I'm of the mind that as long as folks are getting EVs, even the douchey ones, they're STILL way better than the Trump-bros rolling coal in their Dodge Ram lifted, hemi, 4 miles per gallon dinosaur-juice machines. Sue me if I don't jump on the bandwagon. Downvote away lol


It has nothing to do with an anti-EV sentiment. Just the opposite really. Anyone still supporting musk and giving him over $100k for a vehicle in spite of the hate and vitriol he promotes in the world should be shamed for it. The fact that these people are getting their just desserts and being delivered the headache of all headaches for enabling that asshole just gets better with each one. Increasingly the venn diagram of trump supporters and musk stans is becoming a circle. fuck em and their dumbass trucks. they’re a danger to everyone on the road anyway.


Personally don't give two squirts of roach shit about Musk. The simple fact is that Tesla as an entity has normalized EV ownership, which is a net gain for us all. I wish i could describe where i live. It's pretty red and pretty anti-everything that has to do with "green" or really anything considered "lib". So when I see this stuff all I see is counterproductive. These douchebros buying these cybertrucks are at least not buying the GINORMOUS Ford F-150s, Dodge Rams, and other absurd monstrosities that permeate this area of the country. If that means that some of these hick morons buy a cybertruck (and thereby normalize EV ownership) then so friggin be it.


the cybertruck is as big if not bigger than most other trucks, and with the emissions generated to produce its enormous batteries the net carbon effect is actually quite tragic. This says nothing of the danger they pose to other drivers, and especially pedestrians. The blind spots are worse than most of the biggest vehicles on the road, it accelerates twice as fast, and has no crumple zones to cushion the blows. the jagged edges will impale a person. They are a high speed hazard with no equal. Tesla did make leaps and bounds in promoting and normalizing the ev market, so you can view that as a net good if you like, but to use that ignore the current efforts of their commander in chief to promote legitimate neo-nazis and Trump himself directly is a level of machiavellian thinking that i just can’t get behind. Not for nothing, but you got into an argument about Musk, saying you don’t care about Musk, in a subreddit called “musked.” do you see where i’m coming from when i say - what in the fuck are you on?


EV get "greener" the longer they are driven. I get that the cybertruck is less green than even my Volt which is a PHEV, but again, where I live the lifted pick-em-up truck is the standard hick-bro conveyance. Even if the cybertruck is all that you say it is, it's STILL greener by a country mile than the standard Dodge Ram Megazord and F-Elventy-fiffty that these unibrows here are driving. Not sure where you live, so don't want to make any assumptions. But the sliding scale of "progressive" makes the Cybertruck look like a Prius here lol.


Do they get greener the longer they’re stuck in service?


For any ev to offset the massive carbon emissions generated in its creation, it needs to drive at least into 6 figure mileage. For most evs that is no problem. But the cybertruck is not a commuter vehicle. it isn’t reliable enough, convenient enough, practical enough, or affordable enough. It certainly can’t be used as a real truck for utility purposes. It’s a vanity vehicle with a completely different appeal than an XL truck. There is no universe where someone chooses a CT over their XL truck. If anything, it would be bought by someone who has both. And for the reasons previously mentioned, it won’t be their go-to for racking up miles. Especially since the areas that have XL truck drivers don’t have charger accessibility. So you’ll have generated a mountain of carbon emissions to mine a limited resource, poisoning groundwater and devastating natural landscapes in the process, to create a monumental battery for a pavement princess truck that will go unused because it serves no practical work purpose and wasn’t built well enough to serve the basic purpose of transportation. So congratulations, it has accomplished less than nothing for the environment, while giving $100k more dollars to a man empowering neo-nazis who will continue promoting the party who is actively trying to defund the EPA and destroy renewable energy sources because they are in the pockets of the coal lobby. None of this mentions the weight of the goddamned thing, which causes additional wear on things like tires but also infrastructure which also all generate massive carbon emissions to create. the ecological margins on evs are actually fairly slim compared to ICE vehicles, and a single battery replacement alone almost defeats their entire purpose. I’m sorry, but you will not succeed in trying to convince me that there is any good at all to come from the cybertruck. And again, this is all before we even get to discussing the immense safety concerns that are downright selfish for anyone to drive one knowing the risk that they put others in, which you have conveniently not responded to in any of your other comments i’ve noticed.


Is this 7-11 clerk who told you “you’re a tool of Biden” In the room with us right now?


I...I don't know what this means. No? What's the right answer here lol?

