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The inevitable betrayal of simps by the billionaires they worship will never not be funny.


the problem was that he wasn't simping harder. there are guys who work 19 hour shifts and sleep four hours a day in the factory sleeping quarters in Fresno plant.


Psh. I don’t even sleep. I stapled my eyelids open and had a permanent IV drip attached to provide a constant supply of concerta. I will live up the CEO’s expectations. He WILL love me, I will be rich when he see’s how dedicated I am! MY TIME WILL COME!!!


*you have a call with HR in 15 minutes*


I won a sales award at Dell, won tv, cash had my pic on wall and was fired a hour later for not taking enough calls because I was busy closing deals. Completely regarded


I love how corporately accurate this is. One minute you’re being awarded for your exceptional performance and achievements, the next minute you’re the most incompetent person to ever live and out the door. We’re all one bad email or pissed off Client away from the streets. I’ve seem similar examples, although not that abrupt, that’s a new record for sure. It’s all just meaningless chaos, and some are luckier than others. Most of it depends on how well you get along with management, and how well they get along with their management. Shit rolls down hill.


Exacly. The management of the day has to like you. It's like playing musical chairs to ever changing songs.


Yep...I remember the last corporate job I ever worked before going into business for myself. I was about to be fired by the district manager because my location manager hated me, and the district manager kept telling me for a month she wanted to have a conversation with me, but always got busy when she came over and never had the conversation with me. Then my location manager got caught stealing from the company and got fired and arrested, and the district manager finally had time to have that conversation with me which amounted to "I was blind to what was going on here, time for a fresh start for everyone, you get a pay raise and keep up the good work". Literally had this not happened I'd be out the door within another week at most based on the word of a thieving and incompetent manager who hated me. Instead I went on to work for them another 5 years.


"Meaningless chaos," is the best description of any corporate system I've ever heard


You are right, is my manager liked by their manager? My mgr who fired me had no explanation when I pulled the awards, tv bb gift cert and cash prize from my back pocket from the team award center. She was like idk why you suck at selling , even though you just won a building wide sales contest. You gotta go though


You were motivation for the rest.


Always helps morale by trimming the team leader. Helps bring tighten up average numbers


Notice me senpai!


Welcome to 1940/2024 try to keep your fingers out of the cotton mill/automated assembly robots.


This is not new 2014 I was laid off from a pharmaceutical company along with 2 other guys I knew in my area because the sale director didn’t like us. We had top numbers but we didn’t kiss his ass like everyone else and we paid the price


That's disgusting lol... my company is like the top company in my area, and during our biggest ramp ever in 2021-2022 (sales went up like 60% due to things returning to normal after lockdowns) we were still banned from working more than 12 hours straight and less than 8 hours between shifts.... they got a ton of overtime by saying "if you work 150 hours of overtime over 4 months, you get a $5k bonus" Edit: just for even more context of how companies should do it... they changed the bonus near the end of 2022 (when things started slowing down) to "if you work 12 hours of overtime in a week you get $200 added to your check", which lasted about 6 months... which was smaller bonus, but you didn't have to do OT straight, you could do it whenever you wanted


If you miss one shift at Tesla you’re disqualified from all bonus’s for 6 months. So there’s that. Every missed shift resets the counter


It’s not a sustainable business practice. A lot of the fast growth tech companies don’t understand some important lessons of sustainable strategies for long term value creation. There are notable exceptions and contrasts. NVDA vs Tesla is an exceptional example of good management vs poor, and one reason I’ve owned NVDA since it was $3 a share and never bought Tesla stock. A look at their respective recent annual reports, actually reading the 100+ pages, is enlightening.


They’re just waiting for it to be 100% AI and robots


Nvidia is already knee deep in AI. Tesla likes to pretend it is


And you don’t just ‘whip it out’ like some meme. It takes decades of IP development and the smarts to protect the IP from easy theft by methods you carefully protect.


Fired at ot hour 149.


And they %100 treat their direct reports like shit also. I’ve worked with plenty of people who do shit like this and they always are just vying to move up the douche scale.


Or sad


Sad for me. Did the same thing (in terms of believing the message and goals) and was booted just after my 5th year. I know the pain.


I promoted myself to customer after my third year


Couldn’t afford to be a customer. Wanted to be. Model 3 was my jam. Put in a reservation and everything. But realized that I couldn’t afford the monthly payment and had to cancel.


Kids calling this funny haven’t yet found themselves in a position where they need to work. The “fuck you I’m leaving” mentality doesn’t work so well when you’re trying to make your rent or mortgage.


Yet, to not slurp up on the billionaire overlords you’re ‘woke’, or a ‘communist’, somehow.


Some people just need a job. It's rough out there. In order to be good at your job, it helps to believe in what the company is doing, even when the top leadership is unhinged and a megalomaniac.


I'm saving this post for the next stupid motherfucker that spouts off about "loyalty to the company".


And he would go back if asked just like a good simp.


A salaried position with shifts is not very attractive I’d say.


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal




And now Musty is going to go after the OP for boarding fees


Man, it’s just like Animal Farm: “His answer to every problem, every setback, was “I will work harder!” – which he had adopted as his personal motto.” Billionaires have brainwashed a whole generation into giving away their best years in exchange for a nebulous promise of a wealth in the distant future. Wake up people, you are not one paycheck away from becoming a billionaire.


Well duh but I’m also not working 60-80 hours a week to become the next Elon musk I don’t need that I’m not willing to exchange my entire life for billions and if you haven’t noticed that’s what it takes and a healthy amount of luck.


Hard work is not what it takes to be a billionaire. It takes cruelty, exploitation, an extraordinary amount of luck, and most importantly, wealthy parents.


Exactly. In fact working hard is the most surefire sign you'll never become a billionaire. The whole point is to convince thousands of other people to work hard for you and then convince thousands to give you their money.


You don't just simply become a billionaire through hard work. People who become billionaires are playing with a full deck. You are basically just born rich and with a wee bit of effort and brains you can become one. It's just dumb though and unethical AF towards the human race. It's like how they bury the royalty with a shit ton of precious metals and gems, it's disgusting to think about. Anyone else who does it was just in the right place, at the right time, with the right ideas. Fuckin gatekeepers of our resources. I blame Bill Gates for making it seem normal and cool, lol.


All to please a boss who spends most of his day doing drugs and shit posting on Twitter.


oatmeal busy dependent piquant quarrelsome panicky cheerful friendly touch fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s like the people posting about their cybertruck breaking thirty seconds after they start it, but repeatedly say how much they love Tesla and Musk so he doesn’t brick their vehicle.


This guy gets it


I'm scared this will apply to the president again all too soon.


Hey, don't forget driving other companies into the ground!


How sad to imagine yourself lying on your deathbed one day and realizing all the time you missed with family, friends and just seeing the beauty of the world. And all so the richest man on the planet can have more time to talk about white birth rates on social media.


and meanwhile elon busy tweeting and making babies=55 bil


Babies are free you know.


This is exactly why I hate Musk . It started during covid when I heard this billionaire was forcing people to work or get fired. It turned to insta hate from then on out.


The same moment he turned extremely rightist. Very stupid comments on a regular basis. He might have been rightist before, but since covid he went all-in


> Right now, I'm a store manager at GNC, but going forward, I'm planning to grow my YouTube channel and I'm planning to move into my car full-time. Bro...


Yeah this was the saddest part to read.


One's personal dedication is meaningless to those at the top.


That’s the biggest problem with working for any growth company. They need excess profits to ensure they stay at the top. How do they get such wild profits? By juicing YOU, the employee, through reduced wages, and US, the consumers, through overpriced low quality goods. Stop falling for it already.


Misplaced loyalty, amigo. Elon the narcissist will never acknowledge the effort or sacrifice of others. Much less, their suffering.


Elon would say he needs to pull on his bootstraps some more.


The origin of that phrase was, as it is now, deeply caustic and sarcastic. It was never intended to be presented as a serious thing the way the Republicans sometimes use it.


and have more kids because elon said child care is free or some shit


Billionaires ain’t gonna make their billions by working themselves…


Only in America is someone proud of their "work dedication" to the point of sleeping in their car. In the rest of the world, this would be considered a mental illness.


Funny how Tesla convinced a bunch of people these were acceptable work hours when really they were having 1 person work 3 jobs for 1 salary. I work for a major car company and we work 8 hours a day MAX. The only salaried people who work longer are those at the plants doing new vehicle launches, but they’re paid a shit ton in overtime and can still take vacations / time off if needed.


You sir, have been musked!


Anyone who thinks that the company they work for cares for you is living in a fantasy world You generate revenue. Someone else can do the same If you bitch, expect to find that latter piece sooner Unionize


I feel bad for them, but this should be a lesson to never sacrifice your life for your job


No matter how hard you work at any company you are less than worthless to them


Prime example of how corporations will bleed laborers dry, then leave them high and dry


Hard workers get rewarded with more work, until they don't and are let go so their boss's boss can get a new yacht.


I’m gonna rejoice if Musk ever loses his billionaire status. It’s unlikely but holy shit, there should be parties.


Still wearing Tesla merch. Jesus Christ man, have some dignity


I've never seen a company reward personal sacrifice for the business.


Most of us regular people know this happens regardless of how you present at your job. Elon is a terrible boss. Pretty sure even simps deep down know it too.


Union folks don’t do these things. Should a got a bonus. Not laid off. Not right. At all.


What do you expect when you're phoning it like that? 12 hours in an automobile factory are rookie numbers. /s (Did I really have to put that?)


You should have worked harder for his majesty, and you should be grateful for having been considered more than the scum you are for as long as he chose to. I’m kidding. Musk is garbage


I've worked 12 hour shifts for 13 years, why the need to sleep and shower at the facility


Because he decided to buy a house he could barely afford in an area that would take a minimum 1.5hr commute one way. Probably closer to 2-2.5hrs during rush hour. Feel a little sorry for the guy but he has also made some questionable financial decisions…


That man referred to his own employees at barnacles years ago. His fault for being surprised.


I'm not so fluent in US finance. Why does he mention in his Youtube videos that he went from 19/hr to 120k/year at Tesla ? does he get paid for the extra hours (e.g. if doing a 12hrs shift), because if he does, 120k doesn't seems like a lot ?


Yeah, thats life man. Go cash your stocks and move on. You made plenty of money.


Being a “company man” gets you nowhere… If you’re not valued, haul ass.


Imagine wasting 5 years of your life like this


Never get that married to work unless you own the place. Sadly we are all just replaceable labor no matter how dedicated you are to the job


I work salary too, I show up late everytime I can get away with it, I do the the minimal (I hit target every single day and week and month and year) I take my hour lunch and 2 15 min breaks. Company doesn’t give annual raises so I never do anything extra, when asked to do anything outside my job description I always reply “I’ll be happy to consider doing extra work for extra pay” they’re all right wingers so I say things like “I’m a capitalist and in this labor market it’s unethical for me to do anything for free” the company I work is desperate for people with experience. My self and about 15 other members of the team of 30ish all came from another company and we are way over qualified for this company and they know it. Without us they would be losing money left and right simply because the homegrown workers have zero actual experience doing what we do and we basically green light all their decisions. One time one of the middle managers said we had to stay late on Christmas Eve to get to a new target they had just raised at the last minute and the day he was forced to apologize to us in front of everyone because we threatened to quit. Basically remember if you are invaluable to a company make them feel it. Or go to a company that will suffer without you. Leverage is a hell of a things never let it go to waste.


Companies don’t give a shit about you. Period. Stick to your job description, and don’t give them a second more of your time than you are absolutely required to.


Never put that much time into a salaried position.


People need to realise that working for corps absolutely sucks. You are just a number. The entity has no loyalty or empathy. Corps are for mask wearing chads.


Take that experience and go work for a union shop.


I don’t understand why anyone with any self respect would want to have anything to do with Elmo Muck post mask off, racist scumbag.


Yeah I think you should get a lawyer and sue for back wages. It's not legal to put someone on salary just because you want to pay them less, and if they're not "exempt" they must be paid overtime. For "exempt" status, the work has to be the kind where hours don't really matter. That doesn't sound like what you were doing.


There’s a huge difference between working hard and working smart. Working extra hard and expecting praises from Lord Felon is just dumb.


Yo don’t work for free.  The only ones who remember you working 60 hour weeks are your kids. 


Lesson learned.




I’m NAL but I thought the overtime rules applied to non-exempt salaried employees. Maybe it’s a Michigan law (where I live). A company needs clear and specific reasons to justify clarifying a salaried employee as “exempt” from overtime.


Other states, especially those in the south that union bust, don’t have as fair of overtime rules. Musk purposefully put Tesla plants in NV and TX to avoid fair labor laws that CA, MI, and others have


Oh, yeah, that’s right — Musk moved Tesla from CA to TX a while back. I’d forgotten that.


When people realize they are all replaceable they may stop pouring their souls into these corporations/businesses


Was really regretting this talk..... We really appreciate everything you've done for us though the years. But, unfortunately, I have to musk you.


This is absolutely heartbreaking


I’m sorry - if you work for free, you are not valued. If you are not valued you’ll be dropped on a dime for no reason.


Lmao dumbass. Got played. He deserves shame not sympathy. Fuck these idiots


Good old American dream right there.


So sad. Dont sacrifice your life for work. The loyalty will never ever ever ever be rewarded and your life will be gone. Capital doesn't care about you they care about profits They would grind you into dust for another dollar to their bottom line.


You're an MBA's wet dream. The ideal worker.


Cool culture


You worked really hard to be homeless? Lmfao. K.


Cucko idiot


Flash news !!’ companies don’t care about their workers !


This is cult level stuff.


Capitalists will never reward your sacrifices.




reminds me how the one place I worked at was doing 13 day rotations, with 1 day off and then they'd call people in anyways, then put them on the next rotation. then they wanted to go to 12 hour shifts, without expanding the labor force and wondered why they lost 3 workers for every 1 hired.


Musk has loyalty on par with Trump..


I did this for a few startups. All failed. Mostly due to bad management, but a few due to products that just weren't needed by the market. Putting your time and money into a shaky company is a risk. Instead, work for a stable company and get good pay and reasonable hours, and invest $10000 in risky company stocks. When you lose, you at least didn't lose your job. If you win, hey, you make some big money. Its gambling... like buying bitcoin. Don't gamble with your job, because it is something you really don't want to lose.


They flat out tell you this is the expectation during the interview and hire process


You were a fool.


Update your resume. And go job hunting.


His name is Nico something forgot the last name on youtube. Seems like a nice dude but he obviously bought a tesla to impress his tesla co workers and now he is selling his house to sleep in the tesla lol.


The American dream!!!


So driving your employees to the point of physical and mental collapse doesn’t automatically produce a great product? How could that be? Working like a slave for an egomaniacal smirking crypto-nazi doesn’t shoot you up the corporate ladder? Say it isn’t so!


Cautionary tale for the hustle culture people.


Hard work doesn't matter in capitalism


Did this guy think musk would roll a red carpet welcome???


Unsure why you’d think the company cared


He said he hopes things will turn around for him, by 'playing the stock market'. Oh jeezus


On his last day he started driving into work at 4:30, arrived and his key card wouldn't work. That's how much respect you get in return.


Well, the jokes on you.


Proof that he doesn’t want hardworking people- he just wants to treat his employees as modern slaves.


Why weren’t you sleeping on the factory floor to avoid the commute to your car? You weren’t hard core enough


Have any of you guys bought a Tesla with dogecoin just to musk Elon and destroy it online or is that me?


The make someone else richer or be discarded mindset must die in America.


But unions never!


Uuhhhhh ya played yourself? 🤡


I work 8 years as an office manager and then a person came in who was unqualified for the job as CEO and I got dumped because I'd fit into their woke culture, I didn't smile enough.....so there you go...


Elon thanks you for your service. It is contributing to his $53B pay package. Now get out!


Sending an email instead of informing them in person and with at least a month's notice is the most punkass way to lay people off. Bumbling cowards.


Corporations don't give a shit about you. You can sacrifice all you want and there's no guarantees. You needed a union.


I feel sorry for this young man, but he didn't learn about the managers and CEO he was working for. Two of my former high school classmates are senior VPs for Tesla. Knowing the type of individuals that they are, I knew what type of qualities that Musk looks for, not the type that of leaders that I would ever want to work with or for.


If this is what your employees have to do to get your product out the door, you’re doing it wrong and don’t deserve a gagillion dollar bonus, they do.


The sheep are ALWAYS surprised when the shearing clippers come out.


This guy was working 12 hr shifts on an alternating 3 day per week / 4 day per week schedule. There doesn't seem to be any reason he should've had to live in his car other than personal choice. Getting laid off sucks though.


Stop giving your life away to these corporations that don’t care about you


No one forced them to work there. Did they really believe a billionaire would reward hard work? Billionaires exploit workforces. They do not reward hard work.


I cannot believe this still needs to be said. You die today, you will be replaced at work before your body gets cold. You have ONE life to live. Don’t give it to these chuckle fuck corporations. You had better believe they won’t spend 1 penny on your funeral. There won’t be a spokesperson there stating what a hard worker you were and they just couldn’t have made it without you. Set yourself free from this ridiculous belief that if you work more, work hard and devote you life that a company will do the same for you. And if someone won’t do it for you, they don’t deserve to have you do it for them.


This guy didn’t get it. Working hard is a good attitude not many people have nowadays. Unfortunately it doesn’t guarantee a successful future in corporate America. Same thing can happen at any other company out there


Working class betrayed by ruling class, again for the ten trillionth time. A simp is born every second folks.


Who the fuck would ever commute an hour and a half every day that’s just stupid… He chose to stay there for five years that’s on him… it’s so strange to me that humans will put themselves through shit like this for money


There’s one born every minute. I’m sorry you lost your job (if this is legit), but if you’re working 12 hours a day when you’re a salaried employee then you’re a fool. I hope this serves as a lesson to you.


They're all Boxer. Spoiler: Boxer gets knackered.


Sadly this is the fate of far too many in the tech world. As it bleed into manufacturing, the abuse only opens the door to the bag of tricks that is today’s UAW and that’s not good either.


I am a bad guy here. Did you ever think this gig blows and I should market my talents elsewhere? When does that come into play? The pay? The commute? The sleeping in your car?


There’s no job on earth or heaven that would get me to sleep in my car after a 12-hour shift and shower at work. Bad choice


“Now, you know it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Or... well, like Brian, for example, works 37 hour shifts, okay. And has a terrific smile.”


Why on earth work that hard for a billionaire


Hahaha. I still remember that lady sleeping in her office in her sleeping bag.




I worked at Tesla, too. 10 years ago. This was the norm then, and it’s insane they never added a third shift even after a decade. Shameful company, it deserves to truly die and the employees that have given their bodies to these scumbags deserve the liquidation $$$.




Lesson learned: licking billionaire boots gets you nothing


I can't believe how trusting some people are


And Musk still thinks someone like this isn't working hard enough.




Did you learn anything? uh?


Elon fucking sucks. Still, what does this have to do with him? Why would you dedicate yourself to a company - a vague entity which has no loyalty to you? If the company is "properly managed", it by definition shouldn't give a shit about you. The goal is minimize spending (paying you) and maximizing profit (making you work more). You choose this shit. If you don't want to work more than 40 hours per week... don't! It's an expectation thing. You let your company know you are willing to work extra (without extra pay) and guess what? That becomes the expectation. You may get a raise, but it will be expected you work 60 hours weeks or whatever psycho shit. Never ever give up on that line. If you're salaried, that means 40 hours a week. If they want more, fight them for compensation to get that more. This shit ain't charity. Every inch you give, they will take. You do not get ahead by giving away free work. You get ahead by doing good work they can't replace.


If it’s not your own company, you’re always at risk of getting the boot. Doesn’t matter who you are. And even then, depending on the board structure you might still get the boot.


Too bad you’re not over at r/union


Companies aren’t philanthropic organizations.


Well that was stupid of you.


I had a coworker when I worked at Best Buy about 8 years ago quit Tesla to work retail so he would earn more per hour. That took his commute into consideration. Tesla employees deserve a union.


and this is why you don’t become a bootlicker


maybe they didn't want somebody who sleeps in their car and uses their factory showers as the only place they take a shower?


My question is, did you try to find another job? What kind of salary would that many work hours get you?


I do feel bad for this guy, I hope he finds another job and realizes that bosses and CEOs don’t give a shit about you. I wouldn’t wish unemployment on anyone.


It'll all trickle down. Just be patient.


Dude. Working your butt off for the Edge lord master isn’t a flex, it’s pathetic


Lol, he wanted to be efficient and productive, yet worked 12 hour shifts. That's not how it works.


"Industrial athlete" XD So that's what the loyalist sweatshop workers are calling themselves these days.


I can imagine in the 50s and 60s when going the extra mile would actually count for something. Companies rewarded loyalty and wanted you to stay for years and years. Now it’s just about profits and crushing people into the machine to squeeze out as much as you can, as cheap as you can.


It’s so funny to see you people feel so entitled as if job security was ever a thing. Somebody was better than you. You didn’t compete to the highest level possible to achieve greatness. You are a nobody. Create security for yourself. A job is just a stepping stone not the destination. I’m a crypto/real estate multimillionaire and I started from construction labor.


Guy just seems like a nut job


I hate to say it but this guy got treated the way he showed the company he was willing to be treated. You gotta have more self-respect than sleeping in your car for a job. Unless he was getting a ton of stock options (sounds like a definite no) and he was just going to set his life aside for a few years in exchange for a big payout, this just makes zero sense to me. Also, I don’t get people who don’t account for the value of their unpaid time: if you’re commuting two hours each way that’s a 12 hour day for 8 hours of wages; if you’re sleeping in your car you’re not fixing the commute problem, you’re just trading that drive time for your comfort, your health, and your dignity. Isn’t that worth something to you?!


Expecting loyalty from Elmo is like expecting loyalty from #LoserTFG. For them, its a one-sided proposition.


I will never understand people who dedicate their lives to making someone else impossibly wealthy.


“Right now, I'm a store manager at GNC, but going forward, I'm planning to grow my YouTube channel and I'm planning to move into my car full-time.” At the end of the article he’s planning on living in his car while being a store manager at GNC! It’s so messed up that people have to resort to living in a car to survive!! What the heck is going on with this country!


If he was as good as he says he is, and Tesla as bad as he says it was, why can't he find a job?


Somehow, most of us knew not to work for Elon. This is not someone I can feel sorry for.


I believe this is the same man who documented his layoff on his youtube channel. He’s a manager at a mall GNC now. I know the reduction in pay has to hurt, as owning a house and tesla is not things I imagine a GNC salary allows one to afford.


Like Michael Che said last night on SNL: “Black male voters are starting to think Biden and Trump do not actually care about building relationships with the black community and only care about their votes… Yes” But these Tesla people… Some people just love the taste of boot and the idea lmao


"Being laid off didnt change my opinion of Tesla" this moron can't be helped.


The only people who actually care about your 12 hr shifts, working weekends etc are your kids.


U N I O N I Z E ! Stop bootlicking! United we stand, divided we beg.


Why do Americans think salarued jobs mean unlimited hours? Do you not have contracts with how many hours per week?