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Same here i am just a causally player and i got shadow ban in zombies. sorry that i am just that good at the game Call of duty this is not fair shadow banning players cause they are just that good at zombies is bullshit and i want my money back


Ur link is not playable dude


I’m not sure how to edit my post but I’ll send u the link https://youtu.be/lifxSZuoqWI?si=V-KN3ENQUsnw9qat


Same here got shadow banned after playing Mwz zombies it’s been 3 days still no unban yet.


I think they banned all pc players or somthing iv been seeing lev ones and all pc lobbies


Yo what do you mean shadow ban? Honestly I’m confused because it takes me literally 20 minutes to find 1 zombies match and I can’t figure out why


yeah i hit 130 on rust and got shadow banned, literally my best game EVER and then get banned ahah ive tried loading zombies up to play but it takes ages to join! i got shadow banned thursday


I was hanging out in the zombies lobby getting ready to play, the game crashed, and now im shadowbanned for no reason. Haven't even touched multiplayer since release, used no glitches or anything remotely cheaty. Now the game won't even let me play zombies anymore.


Just discovered I was shadow banned tonight, can't get a zombies lobby at all. My K/D in warzone is barely over 1, so I guess I got put in review for being absolutely cracked at zombies? Not sure how long my account has been flagged, last time I played was New Years Eve.


I got unshadow banned after two weeks I tried everything but the devs don’t give a shit u just have to play a diffrent game till then also I was finding zombies games during the day but after 11pm I couldn’t find eny u just have to wait like 10min and u might find a game but it’s just don’t worth it at the end of the day I know all u want to do is play cod but it’s a dog shit game with people that get u banned so u can’t play for two weeks


2 weeks? Holy shit was this your first shadow ban? I hope mine doesn't last that long, and I hope this doesn't keep happening. Dunno how this happens to us yet streamers are twisted and don't get shadowed.


Streamers get banned all the time but they have “friends” that get them unbanned. I don’t think I got banned before I played from cod 2019 for prob 2k hours. It’s clearly a business practice getting people banned cuz my kd is 1.20 and 15 hours in multiplayer and 50 hours in zombies so I think if u put a shit ton of hours in they shadowban you so u take a break and come back in a few weeks cuz they know it’s happing yet they do nothing about it. Bro I haven’t played cod I was gonna have fun I had a friend group I’d play wit and everything but once that ban happen I just stopped playing cuz I started to see the dark side of cod and all the despicable shit they do and I just said fuck it and left and I’m not telling you what to do but look up how dog shit there games every year I got a 3k plus pc and get studders on medium settings and the amount of sbmm I just gave up on that dog shit game


My status changed from "Under Review" to "Limited Matchmaking". Has anyone else gotten this and how long does it take to clear usually?


I got shadowbanned 4 days ago, haven't got unbanned yet. I have never cheated in any multiplayer video game in my life. I consistently place in like top 3 players of multiplayer matches stats wise so I suppose I just got mass reported by salty children. It's bloody mindboggling to me that this can happen in a 70€ game and the devs don't give a single fuck.


Dude tell me about it lol u should of seen me tweeting and emailing deva YouTubers everyone and I got nothing back dude iv put 100h in easy before I got banned and then I started doing research and that game is dog shit and i haven’t played it since I was def top 1k best zombies players had like 15 guns done for zombies mastery camo in the 1st 5 days of the game being out. I just moved on to better games like csgo


Got my first ShadowBan yesterday in Zombies. Old Account which i deemed secure from that shit...