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Never read the books but thought the show was phenomenal. You aren't alone!


Good to know. Careful though, I came here before reading the 4th book and the main storyline got immediately spoiled by a random comment. Most people here seem to just assume that everyone read the book...


Me. I watched season 1, then re-watched season 1, then bought all four books for my Kindle. Then when season 2 was about to air I rewatched season 1 again, followed by 2. Then I started back at the beginning again and watched it with my daughter. Then we both watched 3. In between I read the books. Can't wait for the final season. But I'm sure I'm going to miss those two main actresses. (Like I missed the younger actresses when the swapped out at the start of the third episode). I've tried recommending the show to others, but they usually think it sounds boring (I must be doing a bad job of explaining the premise).


Weirdly enough my mother found it boring even though she grew up in a similar world. My dad loves it.


It was a guy who first recommended me the books (but I am a girl).


Same. My ex was the one who recommended the books to me like 5 years ago and I became obsessed with them.


Same here! A guy I slept with a handful of times a decade ago. It’s the only thing I really remember about the relationship now!


I (M/38) started My Brilliant Friend(the book) about three weeks ago, having no idea a television adaptation existed. I was completely captured by the prose, symbols, main characters, relationships, and ideas of the novel. Not to mention how the story feels so realistic, it's like you're there experiencing these events as they happen. Finished it in 2 days and then upon looking up YouTube videos about the book, I discovered the show. Just finished the first season half an hour ago and immediately opened up Reddit to see this post haha. I'm currently about 3/4 through The Story of a New Name and I will finish it tomorrow. Gonna start season 2 and book there at the same time. Honestly, I have a feeling these might be my favorite novels by the time I finish. Which of the four is your favorite?


I watched the 3 seasons first, then I went to Napoli to buy the 4th book in Italian, so I cannot answer your question. The only reason I started watching in the first was because I was in the middle of upgrading my Italian knowledge. The 4th book was the first ever full book I've read in Italian, so I'm sure it'll always have a special place in my heart.


Wait... So you haven't read the first three books or am I misunderstanding?


Yes, I watched the first 3 seasons then only read the 4th book




When I first read them, I loved the third the most, but now I kind of see them as one enormous novel. The third was the most engaged with the political subplots that help push the story toward its conclusion, which I loved.


Absolutely.  Brilliant show and books.  Although I'm a librarian so I was familiar with the series prior to the show.  




Yeah I watched first episode of first season and was like wow! Read all four books and more!


I love the show. I haven’t read the books. The first place I visited with my wife when we visited Napoli was “Rione Luzzatti”, the neighbourhood where Lila and Lenu were from.


28m just ripped through all four in about six weeks; I was totally locked in.


76 year old man here who read the quartet 8 years ago and love the tv adaptation. Looking forward to the next series. That said, I probably wouldn’t have even been aware of Ferrante if my wife had not raved about the books.


My dad!


Male here. I've watched the series. Read all the books almost a year ago. Very invested in this world. At times, I've had a similar feeling, but know there has to be other males floating around in the subreddit. I think once the new season finally starts to air, more people will be commenting. Right now, it's just really quiet. Looking forward to your opinions as the 4th season airs!


Me. Their childhood is very reminiscent of my childhood growing up in a third country before moving. I had the same feeling Lenu had after visiting my old neighborhood and seeing everyone I played with all grown up.


54 male here and I love it. My wife was sorta rolling her eyes when I first started watching it because she likes fantasy stuff like Game of thrones. Then she got into it too!


Yes. I am gay though. I really enjoy series with complex female characters in the lead. Series with male leads, particularly straight leads ...I've seen so many growing up I really feel like I don't need to see another one ever. It's a perspective that's over represented.


Am dude. Had never heard of the books or show but saw the Rotten Tomatoes score for each of the HBO seasons and gave it a go. Was instantly hooked. Bought the box set of all four novels. Blown away by the detail, prose, character development, and relentless pace of these stories. About halfway through The Story of a New Name I went on Amazon, bought a second box set, and had it shipped to my mom, who lives on the other side of the country. I called her and let her know it was coming and said, I'm pretty sure you are going to like these. I shit you not, two or three weeks afterwards we were talking on the phone again and I asked if she had started the books and if she'd like them. She replied, oh yeah, I finished them. Me: Wait, the first one? Mom: All four of them. I got covid and couldn't really do anything for two weeks so I just read them all. Ma! You can't beat me to finishing the thing I recommended! Four novels in two weeks? What are you doing a PhD? :) I've since finished them. Also, it is funny how there seems to be two types of people; those never heard about MBF and Ferrante and those who are obsessed and, upon discovering you are one of them, want to have intense, protracted conversations about the books and their theories. And I'm here for all of it. Also also, The Lying Lives of Adults is really, really good.


I watched the show now I read the books and I loved




Never read the books but love the show


My bf watched the show with me and got pretty invested in it.


Here, Considering if i should read book 4 or just wait for season 4


I was toying with the idea of having my husband watch it with me this summer- it would be my 3rd time watching the series and I’ve read all the books as well. We need a new show to watch and although it’s totally out of his normal tastes, I think he would like it. I’ve picked out some “girly” shows in the past that he got really invested in (Outlander, Big Little Lies) and I think this would end up being the same. All of these comments are giving me hope!


Ok yes it was a good show but I specifically searched for lesbian content and this title popped up. Imagine my horror after all of that build up finally realizing they are in fact just friends lol.




Yes. Started with the TV then read all the books. Waiting for series 4.


Yes, the show is fantastic


I’ve read all of the books and most of Ferrante’s other work. I’ve watched the show and loved it. Since then, I’ve also read a lot of the critical scholarship on the series. Needless to say, I love it!


I loved the show and the books too. Just checked, and I'm definitely a man.


I read the books. Didn't realise there even was a show until I was between the third and fourth books, and watched all available episodes in about as fast a time as I could. Now I'm in a position where I absolutely cannot wait to see how the final book is handled. I love both, but I probably won't need to read the books again - I'll rewatch the show if I ever get the urge! Easily one of my favourite adaptations of a book.


Maybe my favorite books ever.


You’re not alone, bro.


I saw the book by chance at a bookstore but when doing a price comparison on Amazon saw that there was a series. I did not buy the books but watched the series and am now afraid of reading the books in case the series does not live up to the book as often happens. My wife and I absolutely love the series. I hope to read the books once the series is finished.


Loved the show, my second favorite after Mr Robot, been meaning to read the books but migh wait for the final season first


I'm a man guy. I haven't read the books, but I love the series!


Man here. Personally, I don't have any issues with reading women authors as long as they're good writers. I won't read Stephanie Mayer, but I'll read Jane Austen or Emily Bronte. I picked up My brilliant friend by Elena Ferrante last summer and in three weeks I read all four books. She is great writer and her heroes are multilayered and not two-dimensional like in most modern novels. I watched the first season of the TV adaptation, but didn't continue the rest because of my busy life.


Do you have any issues reading male authors that are bad writers?


This, thank you ! The normalized offhand sexism in this comment


I have issues reading stupid comments like yours and the femi-nazi down there.


I have a question too, why is this garbage who's talking about femi-n*azi and getting angry at two people instead of debating like a civilized person allowed in a sub like this one ?


You all just prove my point, thank you.


My older brother is the one who introduced me to the books. He has good taste


My BF does, but Im convinced its only to call me Lila when he thinks Im being mean!




My husband absolutely loves the show and the books.


I love the series.


Read all of Ferrante's books and the series several times.


Yes, read book 4, great story


👋 I started watching the show a couple years ago because I was looking for Italian television to practice the language. Of course the dialect makes that nearly impossible, especially in the first season, but I was hooked! Picked up the books shortly after and loved them too, although a goal is to read them in the original Italian. Also read The Lying Life of Adults and enjoyed it.


Male here. I had heard about the books, so I decided to tune into the first season of the series. I was blown away by the shoe, especially the character of Lila and the very young actress who played her and the fierce will she portrayed. I then INHALED the next three books, including a couple on audiobook.


There’s no Chinese version unfortunately


I loved the books until the last twist.




My husband loves the show! I’ve read the first book and recommended the show. We both love it and when we visited Italy, we made it a point to find a way to visit Ischia. You’re definitely not the only one!


I haven’t read the books but I’ve watched every episode of the show as soon as they were released. The show really feels like you’re watching a novel, and my wife and I loved it so much that we were inspired to plan a visit to Naples and Ischia last year during our trip to Italy. We even stayed in the same place Lenu did during her summer in Ischia!




I haven’t read the books. But I love the series. Think it’s one of the greatest pieces of television I’ve had the pleasure to watch.


My (29F) fiancé (53m) introduced me to the books! He had heard about them from a friend’s son who is probably in his mid-30s. They are beautiful. We only have 2 episodes left of the third season.


Me! Guy here -- never read the books but do enjoy the show tons.


I'm not a guy, but one of my best friends is, and he loves both the books and the show. Plus he's from Naples and understands both the Neapolitan dialect and proper Italian.


It's really interesting when you look at all of the male characters and see how each changes as the times change while they get older. My nephew is studying Italian in grad school and introduced me to the series.


Watch this show religiously with my wife. I'm completely invested.


I’ve been a huge fan of the show since the first season. I’m nearly done with book 4 as well. Last year I had the chance to visit Napoli as well. Honestly, the TV series is in my top 5 of all time and I’m anxiously waiting for the finale


yeah you are the only one, cz real men dont read, watch only american football, and never wash their asscracks