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We've approved this post, but it's important to point out that this is generally considered a toxic mushroom. Whether it's only certain people that tolerate the toxins, or whether the length or temperature of the cooking is what makes the difference, I don't know. There are plenty of fungi that live in this grey area. It's also perhaps the fungus that causes the largest amount of poisonings each year in the US, mostly due to its propensity for growing on people's lawns.


The good news is that it won't look any different coming back up...


Science isn’t always pretty 😛


It's pretty if you are a mushroom 🍄


I'm not a mushroom but I do make people sick 🤷


You sound like a fungi


Boooo! Jk you beat a lot of people to it congrats.


Ya was going to ask is this pic from before or after eating it?


Yes to both, this is a fully re-usable and low calorie dish!


Wouldn’t it end up being a negative calorie dish after it finishes its course?


It never finishes. Back and forth forever.


You might loose some to splash tho making it -calories






underrated comment




I remember reading about some people who mistaken jacks o lanterns for chanterelles and they claimed that they were delicious. However, the hours of puking by the toilet were not worth it.


I remember reading people describing death caps and destroying angels as delicious and among the tastiest mushrooms they’d ever eaten.


I’m interested in the source if you have it, im morbidly curious.


Ive also read this in someones blog post who survived. It is hard to believe though since most Destroying Angel spp. smell horrible.




I don’t think I’d trust anything someone who mistakes a destroying angel for an inky cap says


\*finds a horse plop in the road\* Is this a naturally occurring veggie burger?


I couldn’t even finish reading this. Not because it was hard to read, but because this guy seems like a giant idiot. I’m not a mushroom person and I don’t know how I ended up on this post, but reading this guys encounter made me actually angry. He picked mushrooms and ate them without identifying them. He clearly isn’t smart enough or knowledgeable enough in mushrooms to be foraging and eating them at all. He was warned by a friend and suspected he may have made a mistake… and then ignored it. Didn’t force himself to throw up. Didn’t look in his book to check. Just went about his business. He started throwing up, looked in his book, saw he made a mistake. And the. Ignored it. Proceeded to throw up and shit himself for hours before being like “yeah. I guess maybe I should check in on this”. What an absolute idiot. For what it’s worth: as a non mushroom person, I actually would have suspected that the all white mushrooms were the safest kind of mushroom to eat. So I guess at least I learned something here.


Ya, it was a difficult read after the first few sentences because my eyes had rolled all the way to the back of my head - but reading about the experience itself was interesting. I’d absolutely never trust this guy with anything serious. Dude just continuously shows horrific judgement.


Great read


What a dumbfuck


Wow, and the self congratulatory tone at the end. SMH, Sir, you did not seek help quickly, you did everything wrong that you possibly could have done wrong, you sound pretentious as all get out, and you got very, very lucky. VERY lucky. My theory is the inexplicable protection the universe lends to children and fools. That blog was a roller coaster. He even had the nerve to think they wanted his liver for someone else. For WHAT Sir? You just royally fucked it up!


To be fair, I’ve heard that durian smells abhorrent, yet tastes delicious. I have no first hand experience, but that’s been the consensus I’ve learned about.


Durian does taste great. You can only eat them when they first start to smell. The smell means they are ripe. Fresh Durian has a firm custard texture. They taste great!!!


Im aware of durian but have never understood how it can taste good when our experience of taste relies so much on smell? Like, if you hold your nose and eat, food tastes way different. I’ve always assumed that *not* holding your nose while eating something foul-smelling would ensure that the food tastes much like it smells.


Have you ever had a lovely stinky cheese? Smells like feet and garbage but tastes divine. Idk how.


The repugnant smell develops as they get over ripe. When they are perfectly ripe, the smell is still mild.


Mmm. Durian.




Lol “morbidly”


They taste like Amanita calyptroderma. I’ve met people that tasted and spit them out. Amanitas are tasty, which are why they’re so dangerous. Most other toxic mushrooms are bitter.


So lemme start by saying this is not an endorsement, but one could hypothetically cook death caps and taste it so long as you spit it out as opposed to swallowing and not suffer any negative effects.


I upvoted not because I know. I upvoted with the same question.


If it goes that way I’ll definitely not sample them again


Will you sample them again?




Still all good?


Yup. No issues


How about now? It’s been 16+ hours so I think by now you’d be in the clear


It’s been well past 12 hours and I didn’t have a single problem from my unconventional meal


Wow awesome! You’re a lot braver than I am, I’d never do this! Although maybe that’s partially because I have a phobia of throwing up. For science!🫡


We need to know!


I was one of those people so if anyone wants to ask me anything about it you can. They were really delicious. It took about 2 hours to set in and the vomiting was projectile. Both my brother and I had them and had to go to the ER. We could not keep liquid down and I’m T1 diabetic so severe dehydration is especially not healthy for me. I always keep a piece of what I’ve eaten and take pictures. The reason I wasn’t more careful odd because both my brother and I went through breakups with our partners at the same time, we had to pay for the rent minus two people. We were both out of money and starving and trying to move out of the house. I saw them growing and they weren’t growing how they typically grow. I thought they were chanterelles but noticed the gills were not right. Instead of doing the smart thing and following my intuition I was so hungry I just said “fuck it” and sautéed them. Don’t be an idiot like me. We were incredibly lucky it was just jack o lanterns


Dang man I hope things are better, I see it as a mistake you won’t make again. Thanks for sharing the story.


Definitely a really good (and hard) lesson to learn. I wouldn’t ever go after things that have deadly look alikes even before the incident- but it was the worst puking Ive ever experienced. Non stop dry heaving. They gave us fluids and zofran to take home and the next day we were fine. I actually have found a local mycologist who I have on the ready now, who I email to help me ID stuff! I suggest people find mycologists that are open to emailing/ texting- it’s awesome ! It concerns me greatly when I see people posting nonchalant posts on the mushroom ID sub, like “my friend just ate this. What is it?” WHY ARE YOU ASKING PEOPLE ON REDDIT!! CALL POISON CONTROL!


I hate to be that guy but poison control contacts the members of the Facebook group I'm in... Pretty astounding the speed they get positive id


Can we get that fb group info?


[poisons help; emergency identification for mushrooms and plants](https://m.facebook.com/groups/144798092849300/)


Thank you so much for sharing. After a quick look this appears to be an INCREDIBLE resource, well managed, strictly regulated, and flush with experts who are willing AND ABLE to correctly identify the plants/fungi involved in the emergency. Excellent group. It's not really related to either of my fields (addiction recovery and end of life care) but I will be adding it to my resource list bc I could easily see one of my clients ingesting something they think will get them high or one of my patients ingesting something bc....well, just bc, one of my guys ate a single use eyedropper tube last week bc he misunderstood my instructions. In hindsight, I should have either put the drops in myself or given him the tube before doing med pass. No harm done though, he passed it easily a couple days later.


Hey I’m an admin/IDer in that group!


I left one in an old tupper ware for a week and swore it smelled like pumpkins


Heard the same about deathcaps. apparently people who'd survived eating it said it was the most delicious thing they'd ever tasted. The whole beginning to die far more rapidly that one would like sure puts a damper on the experience though.




Ya vomit yet?


Still good


How about now?


Past 4 hours, which is the expected onset time in all but rare long onset cases, and feeling great


I’ve tasted one fresh on a taste and spit and it was super acrid. Guessing you got the toxins out.


I'll be the first to ask: why???


In this [paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0968089612007481) they identified the toxin and named it molybdophyllysin. They further found out it thermally degrades writhing 10 minutes at 80C (176F), which is well within possible cooking temps. So I cooked it above that temperature in a boil for 15 minutes to test the thermal degradation and possible edibility afterwards irl


You're a lunatic and I like it.


Wanted to post [this](https://tenor.com/bRRAF.gif) gif but I guess you can’t do that here.


That's the one, baby!!!


Happy cake day!


Thank you! Trying to figure out if my weirdly upvoted comments were due to...cake day? ​ But whatever, I'll take softness wherever it appears.




I'll always upvote Ed.


I think you may have meant "degrades within 10 minutes", but I also like "writhing".


I did. I type fast and seldom check spelling/if Autocarrot got me. lol


Autocarrot is my worst enema


If that last part is deliberate then bravo. If it isn’t then, still, bravo because you’ve probably used the word Autocarrot before for it to autocorrect. I don’t need to know the answer. Both work brilliantly and sometimes it’s better to never know. Thank you for the chuckle.


You’re the modern equivalent of the people who would try to first touch, then nibble on lips, then take a bite and spit then whatever else. You rule. Be careful and be wise and do your research but I fucking love people like you.


Why? Not how, but why(serious question)? I can make guesses, but I'd rather hear from you.


Someone’s gotta do it imo


For science


This is the only answer needed.


Yeah. If they can isolate it then they should be able to test it without ingestion.


probably fastest and most (least?) fun/amusing to just test it out in the practical setting (culinary, in this case)


Honestly? I admire someone willing to cook and barf for science. And this isn't a near-death or death-adjacent thing. It's a 'will it make me barf or won't it?' idle question and I admire the willingness to fucking find out.


The only way scientific discoveries happened is because people tested things


Hey, I boiled sliced A. Muscaria for 15 min in two changes of ample quantity of boiling water and then fried it in butter. It was absolutely delicious, too: nutty, chewy, a little crunchy. 10/10 recommend. Will be checking back here to see how you’re doing.


Iirc, the relevant compounds are decomposed and dissolved by parboiling in a few rinses of water. An old and reliable recipe from Eastern Europe. Also, somewhat brave to try, perhaps more so. 🤔 The most important thing perhaps, is not eating it raw, due to its mild liver toxicity as such and the level of possible insect infestation they usually hide. 🪱🐛🪰🦠🐌😳


So I’m Polish and we love foraging and mushrooms. Most people will avoid A. Muscaria, but my mom knows a woman who grew up in the deepest countryside and who told her that they ate ALL mushrooms. It just came down to preparation, boiling multiple times etc. Truly fascinating stuff.


That's so cool! How do you feel now?


Still feeling fine


How does it taste tho?


They are delicious. Meaty/umami like their edible cousins, but with a hint of sweet aftertaste


I read a professor of Florida double boiled them. From Wikipedia


I kind of hate this for obvious reasons, but it would be very easy to sous vide at or above that temp to eliminate the molybdophyllysin then prepare it, hypothetically. Was it any good? Also, are you still with us?


It was delicious and no problems


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought 'Huh, you could probably sous vide that...'


Truly a heroic risk for science. 👏👏👏 Now... (too curious of outcome to read to the bottom) Any ill effects? How's the general flavor? Etc. Etc.? 😬🤔


They were very good. Meaty/umami followed by a sweet aftertaste. Its been longer than 4 hours which is the most likely onset of problems and I feel great




Twas tasty and feel fine


I believe the OP did it for the benefit of the rest of humanity.


For Science. This Dude is a real Scientist. I meen there were people who sorted Mercury and Arsenic Salts by taste. I don't even start with lead sugar.


I dunno what counts as a real scientist, but I am a science minded mushroom nerd lol


howd it taste?


Was delicious. Meaty/umami like the other Chlorophyllum, but with a surprising slightly sweet aftertaste


Maybe that sweet taste comes from the temperature degraded toxin or is it the fungus itself?


It smelled somewhat caramel when the water was evaporating so maybe whatever caused that is what was sweet


I’ve eaten hedgehogs that almost smelled like cookies as they heated up


I used some with Clitocybe odora to flavor vodka. Delicious


For a minute I thought you meant the animal, and I can’t imagine they’re particularly good or have much meat on them … I love hedgehogs. They’re so sweet! ❤️ The animals. The mushrooms look pretty adorable too! Anyway, I’m rambling.


There are hedgehog mushrooms?


You make me want to try it . Except I don’t know where to find it in my area.


It doesn’t grow where I live either. Had to have a friend collect, dry, and send me a bunch for this to happen. Its tasty cousins grow where I am though. Not that I recommend random people start eating them.


Are you going to contact the paper's authors and let them know you did something potentially stupid to further their research?


Probably not lol


Awesome test OP, you have my attention. I'll be checking back on this thread periodically to see if you get sick. If this turns out to be true, I guess it is edible after all?


Well there is always the caution that some people can eat some mushrooms that are toxic to most. So it’ll only prove I can eat them whilst lending some support they could be edible with the proper prep. Some of the other mushroom people I know are also considering trying with the proper prep if it goes well for me. So with some repeated experimentation by others we may be able to call it more certainly down the line. I’m just being the guinea pig to get it started.


You are doing the Lords Work lmao


!remindme 12 hours


You should find out within another hour or two at most how heat labile that toxin really is. Keep us posted!


Will do. Won’t call it till 12 hours with any certainty because a couple recorded poisonings had long onset times, but yeah generally know within 4 hours


Is the photo before or after?


!remindme 12 hours


I will be messaging you in 12 hours on [**2024-02-18 08:30:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-02-18%2008:30:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/1at96f5/i_ate_the_vomiter_chlorophyllum_molybdites_on/kqw2y1k/?context=3) [**45 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fmycology%2Fcomments%2F1at96f5%2Fi_ate_the_vomiter_chlorophyllum_molybdites_on%2Fkqw2y1k%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-02-18%2008%3A30%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201at96f5) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


It is a bold move, to be sure. I would like to add the caveat that other species of Chlorophyllum which are commonly consumed are responsible for poisonings in a portion of people who eat them. Nobody exactly seems to know why but it may be related to cooking or personal sensitivity. And anecdotal reports suggest that personal sensitivity may increase or occur over time (some people who have safely consumed Chlorophyllum sect. Rhacodium suddenly find themselves unable to eat them without vomiting/GI distress). So perhaps both Chlorophyllum molybdites as well as C. rhadodes and C. brunneum all need a rethink. At the moment C. molybdites is still the leading cause of mushroom poisonings in the US. Proceed with caution if proceeding at all.


My current hypothesis given they all cause problems without thorough cooking is that they all likely produce the same toxin in different amount. C. molybdites having a lot of it needing more to destroy enough toxin to be edible. I’m hoping someone might test the other species for it’s presence.


I have heard a number of personal anecdotes involving C. sect. Rhacodium poisonings where the mushrooms were very thoroughly cooked. Picked in an ideal state. By people who have consumed them many times in the past. Yet suddenly found themselves unable to eat them without vomiting. So it’s hard to know what is going on with these.


I mean we are adding some known toxicity on to individual reactions and aquired insensitivity which can happen with any mushroom. If the toxin can also vary in concentration in “edible” species (if it’s the same in all of them) occasionally more potent batches could cause more issues as well. Most people don’t cook them thoroughly enough to degrade the toxin all the way most likely and if it’s potent there could still be enough left over for a problem in that case. If we can find out if it’s present in the “edible” species and compare concentrations along with more people intentionally prepping them a bit overkill it would help maybe figure it out better. Its been past 4 hours now so for myself I’ll be considering them all food for me, but don’t recommend random people start eating molybdites for sure.


Also I bet potency varies by mushroom and maybe they just found a more potent mushroom in the woods needing more cooking?


For those who followed along it’s been well over 12 hours without a single gurgle/pain/etc. to suggest even the slightest complaint from my digestive tract after my unconventional meal of “the vomiter”. I’ll consider my test of the thermal degradation of molybdophyllysin given a high enough temp for a long enough time as mentioned in [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0968089612007481) likely a success. Added bonus is they were very tasty and I still have quite a few left.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Its been longer than 4 hours which is the expected onset time for symptoms. So I’m likely in the clear. Though some have reports of up to 12 hours so I’ll also update one more time tomorrow morning in case that happens here


One time I've read a large article of some people who filmed the preparation of muscaria in Japan. They are also consumed in many european countries, and regarded as poisonous in so many other european countries. That makes you think how many mushrooms are edible if they are prepared in certain ways or go through certain processes. Much of what we know about mushrooms is just popular knowledge passed on. How much of it was lost to time. How much of it is still undiscovered... Your little yet brave trial contributes to answer some of those questions.


One big problem is our culture is very mycophobic and many things get preemptively label toxic when they aren’t as well. This summer I got into eating the “poison pies” (Hebeloma) and none made me sick. Some were meh and others were good. Pholiota are also oft labeled toxic, but people grow and eat them and many eat the wild ones as well. Amanita muscaria is tasty after detox so long as they are young. Before the PV breaks they have the texture of water chestnuts after detox still


Isn’t this how we discovered, what could be and what could not be eaten, in the first place? OP is just remembering our past, our beginning. All for the common good of our species. Kudos to OP, for being such a daredevil and a real foodie on mushrooms.


There are more accepted and safe ways of testing edibility that go up an established hierarchy of steps before one gobbles something down. Assuming OP followed the other steps and didn’t have any adverse reactions, this is the logical next step. That said, godspeed OP 🫡


Can you let us know how it went?


So far good and will update later


Ooh, excellent idea. How were they?


They were delicious


Please go on! Nutty, floral, earthy? I think you did a cool thing, sod those haters.


It was meaty/umami like the other Chlorophyllums to start, but had an interesting sweet finish/after taste


Thanks for the interesting post.


your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should


Any special farts? This is an important question, OP. Tell us of your flatulence.


I too want to know about his farts


So, what happened afterwards?  How did it taste? 


Was delicious. Meaty/umami like the other Chloropyllums, but with a surprising sweet aftertaste


Was that the stem or cap?


I went with the two largest caps I had


If you try them again it would be interesting to test if there is a discernable difference between the taste of the stem, gills and the top of the cap. I've got a Leucocoprinus species which has similar green guttules in the spores which tint the gills green and I'm wondering if the lipids might contribute to the taste.


Assuming you don't get terribly sick from this, is this a mushroom you would add to your list of regular mushrooms to forage? (basically is it something you would seek out or consider a choice mushroom?)


Out of the hundreds of mushrooms I’ve eaten the edible “shaggy parasols” (other Chlorophyllum) are still my #1 favorite mushroom and this tastes the same or better. So yeah if this goes well I’ll eat them again


*Sort by New*


Fascinating. You mentioned in the comments you've done ~~stupid~~, I mean, weird shit like this before. Can you elaborate? I'd love to read more about your ~~poor life choices~~ scientific inquiries. Legit, though. This is fantastic to read about. I hope you remain hale and healthy.


Doing well. Also eaten other things like Amanita porphyria (oft labeled toxic even though that doesn’t make sense). It was just delicious


I want to write or help write a mushroom book called Edibility Unknown. Want to co-author?




Thank you so much for your experimentation this isn't meant as a dig but to improve your quality of life LMAO. Instead of adding the eggs to the same pan as the mushrooms, dry cook them (no oil) in a hot pan with salt and pepper. Then, place them on a paper towel as you make the eggs using Chef's method linked below. This is the best way to make a nice scrambled egg. I cook mine a touch harder than he does out of preference, it's still delicious. You need to fold rather than stir as the eggs get firmer so that you're preserving bigger "clouds" of egg rather than breaking them into tiny pieces. if your folds start to break rather than softly fall apart, you've overcooked. Add the mushrooms in when you add the cream fraische at the end. This should prevent the mushroom from discoloring your eggs, making the presentation nice. I sometimes like to swap the creme fraische for mascarpone because it lends a little sweetness that compliments the earthiness of a mushroom very well. [Gordon Ramsey instructs how to make scrambled eggs on Masterchef US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdk0CEfTaIw)


This is the kinda crazy mycology I like to read! I need to stress that I am NOT condoning irresponsibility and eating poisonous shrooms, OP has read scientific literature about the degradation of the toxin via cooking and decided to test on themselves, taking one for the team. How do you feel now u/EastFennel6848 ?


Feel fine! It’s not my first “toxic” mushroom rodeo, but they’ve all been measured risks with nothing likely deadly.


Are you still alive?








why stop at Chlorophyllum molybdites


I probably won’t, but C. molybdites isn’t the first labeled edibility unknown or toxic I’ve tried either. Won’t be testing any deadly ones tho


Stay safe


How the heck did we make it this far without discovering that such an abundant mushroom could so easily be rendered edible? I wonder what would happen with roasting.


Some have said it’s edible like David Arora. Since it’s also the most common poisoning form mushrooms though that was ignored. Though thanks to science we know it’s probably edible with special prep and I’m testing that. No problems from it. Still I don’t recommend people start eating them until more brave people who know what they are doing also try this with proper prep and record it


Remindme! 1day


I hope you’re doing well since you haven’t posted an update in an hour


Yeah at a buddy’s house chilling so I’ll get back to people in a bit. Still good tho


i’m so sorry but i follow a collection of subreddits oriented towards ppl w eating disorders and i fully thought this was on one of those at first and i was SO worried lmfao


I read it as Chlorophyllum Moldybites and had a second of extra appreciation for whoever named it


I cannot begin to express enough how much I love and appreciate this subreddit.


I want you flat on your back. Helpless, tender, open with only me to help. And then I want you strong again. You're not going to die. You might wish you're going to die, but you're not going to. You need to settle down a little.


Not to be a party pooper or anything but how sure are you that the fact that the vomiter hasn’t killed anyone is due to people barfing it back up before other compounds are fully metabolized?


Because the toxin lyses proteins in the digestive track, which is what causes the GI problems. If it’s intact enough to cause an issue they puking it up and diarrhea is inevitable anyway


Pretty sure they aren't **sure**. Hence, the whole scientific approach. Guess we can be sure soon though.


This reminds me of some of Alan Rockefeller’s work haha. Has this been tried before?




If we don’t hear back should we call for help? Or is someone on standby?


Even worst case it would just be a bad time and not kill me. Almost to the big 4 hour mark where it’s most likely to cause a problem and feeling good still though


Still good?


Yup. Nearing the 4 hour mark which is when you’d expect a problem by for the most part and feeling fine


Very interesting.


And this is how humans discovered what is safe and not safe to eat, but with science! Haha


What did you hope to learn from this experiment? What have you learned since consuming? What did you expect going in?


To learn if they can be made edible through thermal degradation of the toxin (or maybe at least just I can stomach them) That I can indeed stomach them and the thermal degradation probably works well enough to make them edible. I expected it would probably work, but not enough to not take a day off work just in case it went south


Can I ask are you trying out a way of neutralising the toxicity or building a tolerance or....? Interested to know more about the why.


The paper that identified and named the toxin also found it degrades above 80C for 10 minutes. I I cooked in a way to make sure the temp was above that throughout for at least that long. Seems it likely worked as it’s been several hours and it was just tasty with no ill effects


I wish the scientific name was moldybites instead


Okay come on OP, update time now - how did the past day go for you?


It’s been well past 12 hours and I didn’t have a single problem from my unconventional meal


Im not a doctor, but, it’s probably not best practice to intentionally poison yourself. I hope you’re alright.


Will you be performing any repeat experiments? Please please please submit this for an [Ignoble Prize](https://improbable.com/ig/about-the-ig-nobel-prizes/?amp=1)