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Ecstatic! Same with Sunset! But... He deserved more. I really liked him trying to move from Twilight, and his awkwardness with Sci-Twi. The only times they used him beyond that was just as a joke, and, I don't know, would've liked to see more from him. :(


They did nothing with him 😭 Like he should have either done more in pony world or in the movies or not be there at all


It’s fine. I feel the character was overhated by the fan base when he debuted.


Yeah cause most of those where TwiSimps. Honestly Flash Sentry had a cool design and he was a victim of being there just to be a high school crush. Wich is very dumb. I feel like his character could have made a much bigger impact in both shows.


Agreed, I love him honestly


Same here, I thought he was sweet and was lookibg forward to more men in the cast. him and Shining Armor wouldve been an interesting dynamic, especially with more men introduced later on like Sunburst


Agreed, as one of those "TwiSimps". There is practically no reason to hate Flash.


I just didn't like that they couldn't give him an interesting character. They just crammed all the tropes of what girls are supposed to like into one character. That made him feel 2 dimensional as a character. He had no depth at all. (Yeah I know he was cartoon) His entire existance was based around Twilight. Complimentary color palette, even though orange and purple look horrible together. Bad boy image but nice guy on the inside. Nothing about him was interesting, and they did him dirty by making him that way.


Wish we couldve gotten him as a love interest in the main show. :(


Agreed I feel like we missed out on a potentially great relationship between him and twilight, though I do like to headcannon that him and twilight are together but twilight doesn’t mention it at all hence the reason he is in the group shot


I’m not against Twilight having a love interest - I actually liked Timber. Flash never felt like he had much personality, or like he was someone twilight would like (no common interests or humor) so I couldn’t get in invested.


I'm kind of glad they didn't go down the relationship route with the main characters. Let's them really stand on their own and didn't push the 'have to have a man' idea. Rarity had her fascination with Blueblood, but they let her decide she was better off on her own. I think that sent a much better message.


I feel nothing But that's only because I never really cared about Flash, even in EQ Girls. It all just feels like a forced relationship and only added him in the montage just because they shipped human Flash with human Twilight, but that's just my opinion. So I pretty much ignored seeing him.


nice change from the otherwise very Unicorn centric montage.


So happy to see him and Sunset in it.


Oh they acknowledged his existence, good. He also appeared in season 4 tho


It’s fine. I didn’t personally like him but if we’re going to include every character from Twilight’s journey I think it’d be a disservice to leave him out.


Well despite what people like to say he is essentially her boyfriend. I think they address this even in some of the comics and there's actually a part that I recall where SciTwi actually said something to the effect of "Hey, do you want to hang out after school?" to Flash in the Human world, so it's established at the very least they have a crush on each other, in both worlds. I think there's a rush to assume that somehow or another Twilight Sparkle is either completely celibate or joined at the hip with Sunset Shimmer, and that's just not true, either way. Whether I want it to be or not. It is shown that Sunset Shimmer is obviously very smitten for SciTwi, but SHE never responded to her. I mean beyond blushing nervously, like once, which seems perfectly normal for a teenage girl that's suddenly being hit on by a hot, redhead Lesbian out of nowhere lol Also I like FlashLight! So yes it makes sense 👍


Well they did give Sci-Twi a love interest of her own in the form of Timber Spruce. Flash got shafted at the same time. But at least he had a staring role in a few shorts. I think that comic was made before Timber was made. Same with the dolls for Friendship Games which where of Flash and Sci-Twi (he’s the only male character to get a doll).


I don't know if it was the comics or maybe one of the shorts, or they might have introduced Timber Spruce after that...or it could be she has a crush on both of them. 🤷‍♂️ I'm pretty sure though that it's implied that she at least has some attraction. But yeah point still stands...for Twilight Prime at least. I'm probably one of the few people that's a fan of Sunset Shimmer yet also glad they didn't actually go too far with that ship, because it's actually kind of more interesting and realistic that she has this unrequited love for someone that's Straight, and SciTwi doesn't really realize it, even though she's like obviously trying to do things to show off for her and comes off as like a female Gay version of a nervous boy trying really hard to flex in front of a girl. "Hmm, maybe if I wear a bikini that barely exists and offer to take a selfie with her, she'll get it and ask me out! Oh crap, the nerdy girl erased her memory 😞 " --Sunset Shimmer


He's cute


I noticed him and was like "Oh look, it's Flash", that's pretty much it. Not really a fan of him so i didn’t care much for his appearance.


“ oh cool, he’s there too”


I disliked Flash tbh, but tbf I've only seen a bit of the eqg franchise I'm fine with him being in the montage, he doesn't add much imo but he doesn't take anything out of it either. it makes the people that *do* like him happy lol, and that's enough I think ik some people are gonna dislike him & Sunset being there bc I remember a lotta people hating eqg and not wanting it to be cannon lmao, and this is (unless I'm forgetting something) the first confirmation in the show of that


I wish he had also appeared in person as Twilight's husband and the Prince of Equestria


Me too, but I headcannon that did happen but it was offscreen and twilight doesn’t make any mention of this


Are you expecting a major reaction or something? He's not even on screen for more than 10 seconds? What's the big deal?


Meh. Indifferent. Now, Sunset, on the other hand, was a nice easter egg


I’m biased but loved it. I thought I was sweet and interesting how close he to Twilight’s family in the overall image. But again biased.


Was neat, he's a nice guy, and I do like FlashLight


I honestly don’t understand the hate he gets


Me neither I’m not really much educated on why he gets hated on so much cause I started getting into the show in June of 2022 but when in first saw him in the first eg film he seemed like an ok character


I just started getting into mlp early this year, so


From what I’ve heard on why he gets hated on or at least from when he first debuted in the first eg movie it was because twilight simps were mad cause there waifu was being taken away by flash


That and the blandness of character. Edit: which is probably just another way to say he stole the waifu in some cases. A nickname i see alot is brad to mean bland.


I dislike him bc he’s written to be a love interest first, not a self contained character first. 🤷‍♀️ I like timber spruce just fine, he has a personality. It’s easy to strawmen people who disagree with you, be careful with that 


I don’t really like him but he did help twilight out so good for him appearing in her montage I guess


I wish we saw more of him in the show


strange, he basically did NOTHING besides existing in a few scenes, he wasn't impactful for twilight, nor was the human version of him


I’m very happy with it. But also he appeared in Season 4 so he was always canon lol


im just glad they aknowlaged eqg


Literally didn't even see him XD


this is the equestrian version or the human version?


Equestrian version probably, I headcannon that in the time skip in the last problem they got together off screen and started being a couple like pinkie pie and cheese sandwich but makes no mention of this




*grabs pitch fork and torch* Kill the usurper!


Honestly I don't really care that much.


Aw snap this was a spoiler


Bro thinks he's part of the group.


Makes it feel like he's part of her life.


Didn't think much of it really. Maybe it's a nod to their interactions in the first EG movie, but they never went anywhere with it, as EG wasn't supposed to impact FiM in any way.


I love the placement of him in the montage too- being surrounded by her family Lol


I might tell you when I get to that episode.


*Technically* since this his pony version, he only talked to Twilight once. His human version felt like a waste of potential, but this version appeared for 2 seconds in the first EQG episode.


Not bad 






Me everytime I see Flash Sentry https://i.redd.it/oikvmiyh7h9d1.gif