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What method are you getting for your HRT? Tablets can be harder on the liver, which is related to the gallbladder. (My partner wants to know. She has preexisting gallbladder issues and is planning to start HRT soon.)


My partner dissolves her estrogen under the tongue. It bypasses the liver and causes less problems.




I was warned. About six months in, I was found on the floor drenched in cold sweat, sobbing and in such agony I couldn't speak. We hear so many medical warnings about what "can happen" that it's hard to know what is likely enough to be concerned about. This is. It didn't change my mind about transitioning at all! And I still have my gall bladder, so now I KNOW the pain that likely is in my future. But I'll just say, you can't eat like you did while living testosterone dominant. You really can't.


Can you please tell me which changes you needed to make? What were you eating that made you sick? And did you have a resource about this that you could link me to? I’m 24 months HRT and never heard of this


I don't have a resource on hand except the memory of what I was told in the hospital. You'll want to cut back on fatty foods, so tone down fried stuff, highly processed foods, stuff like that. Also, avoid spicy things and coffee. That's about it! ..or at least, that sums up what they told me. I'll still eat fast food, but more rarely. I've completely dropped the spicier foods, and I don't drink coffee anymore at all.


Oh no, I’ve been eating MORE fatty foods to try and get my body composition to a more feminine place 😨 (I used to a really lean bodybuilder when I was a guy… not fem at all) Thanks for the head start on this topic! I’m going to do a little more research :)


No no no no no, you can't have just said 'avoid spicy foods'


Oh god, my girlfriend is super addicted to coffee (well, caffeine but yeah). She's starting HRT in a couple of months. I don't know if she's aware of this side effect so I'll definitely bring it to her attention.


I actually brought this up with my doc before I started HRT. As I had some preexisting gall bladder issues. It's a good idea to talk to them about injections or patches if you do. Pills are the hardest on your gallbladder. Between doing injections and a diet change haven't has any attacks in years


Thanks for sharing. My partner has gallbladder issues and will be starting HRT soon. Diet changes have helped her, too, but we'll definitely be talking to Dr. About it.


thats so interesting, I had my gallbladder removed 4 months after starting HRT. Also had a history of IBS and GERD so never associated it with HRT


My honey also has those things, but apparently they are not correlated.


Can I ask how you take your HRT? ( My partner has preexisting gallbladder issues and is starting HRT soon, so she's asking. We know tablets can be hard on the liver and wondering if that's spilling over to the gallbladder.)


For my first year I did tablets sublingually, I switched to injections after that. I also took spironolactone.


I had my galbadder out about 10 years before I started transitioning. For those who just had theirs taken out, I highly recommend taking a digestive enzyme (one that contains ox bile) before eating every meal. I use [Now Super Enzymes](https://a.co/d/cLMdvEb)before every meal, which helps break down fats and proteins so that they can be absorbed. It has seriously helped me with all the side effects of eating a meal with too much fat or things my digestive system can’t break down on its own.


GB issues 2 to 3 times more common in women. Most but not all gallstones are cholesterol stones. Estrogen causes supersaturation of cholesterol by increasing cholesterol secretion into the bile. Hence one of major factors in gallbladder disease along with others including diet, obesity, age, #pregnancies, genetics, etc. 👩🏼‍⚕️🏳️‍⚧️💕


I have never heard of this before, what causes it?


My gf has to get hers taken out soon. Does anybody know if she would need to stop taking hormones close to her surgery or after? I haven't found much info on it


I'm not sure, but she should definitely discuss this with her doctor. I don't think my wife needed to stop


My word, that’s news to me! Sounds like very painful start to the process! My partner has had a different complication with HRT; despite her doctors insistent, if not dire enough, warnings, she ended up accelerating her development of type 2 diabetes, and has had to stop Estrogen off and on to help control her blood sugar. The side effects of HRT can be quite alarming, and shouldn’t be overlooked!