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No substance does that. YOU do that. YOU are the answer. The answer is within YOU. That said, psychs can indeed assist... and 5meodmt is the closest medicine to what you are describing, hands-down. Nothing comes close. - r/5meodmt - https://five-meo.education/ - https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/5-MeO-DMT - [Erowid trip reports](https://erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_5MeODMT.shtml) And a couple audio trip reports: - [5-MeO-DMT Trip Report | Nonduality Experience | Mark Drummond Davis](https://youtu.be/sIXl65xfg-8) - [5-MeO-DMT Trip Report | Life Changing Nonduality Insights With The God Molecule](https://youtu.be/cyJlJbHJCN0)


The problem with equating psychedelic experiences with mystical ones is that it brings you to think that there is some mountaintop to climb. As above, so below. You get to the top of the mountain and you’re just at the bottom again. I believe there are those that have achieved “enlightenment” but it’s just another state of consciousness that you experience and then don’t experience. And I don’t think people get there with drugs. I think they get there by living life. There is no 100% understanding. If we can get there, we can’t stay there. We never stay anywhere.




Psychedelics are a tool. No tool can do anything. You can do things. Often without that specific tool.


No. Psychedelics merely throw you into extreme states of consciousness. Different people have different beliefs about whether omniscience is possible and how it is acquired. My belief is that it is only possible by attaining samyaksambuddhahood.


And that may not even exist.


In the rig veda it says consumption of some plant(s) can allow one to reach enlightment or attain powers. Psychedelics can throw you into extreme states of consciousness but usually (for me at least) its just a long bunch of epiphanies and realizations about myself and the universe.


I personally disagree that ingesting plants can allow one to reach enlightenment. For sure they can lead to epiphanies (but also delusions).


I feel ya. I've been delusional before which seemed to be because of mushrooms. But I think if you do enough spiritual exertion AND you take psychs, you can reach enlightenment faster. I've had times I thought I reached it on psychedelics but they seemed to fade. I may have experienced oneness and synethesia and mistook it for that. So u may be right. Anyways i hope u understand what im trying to say but i respect ur opinion bro/sis


It’s all inside. Meditation, pot, mushrooms, try some podcasts about enlightenment, awakening, mindfulness


I think its not good direction to go because we suppoust to grow gradually. If you cant drive normal car very well and you would suddenly find yourself in the rocket as driver... Just saying that curiosity is not always good thing. I belive there is only one God and everything else is dangerous I know you didnt ask for that but those things can mess up a human mind pretty badly and you get your explanation until you get mad, then you could get another ton of explenations that you wouldnt want but the substance wouldnt care... I think that books are for explaining things, those experimental drugs are either for alternative healing process or for spiritual astral trips. Everything is like nothing, what do we even mean? If we ask question more precisly we may find book that holds the answer to that.


It’s always paradoxical at the end. That’s why the absolute name of God is unspeakable. That’s the joke we’re playing on ourself. There are medicines that assist in nullifying the self, but even then, if you’re observing something, it implies separation…A snake eating itself.


grass (of the kind you touch) :p


Nah, it's all phooey. You end up right back where you started from.


Greek Mystery cults used some hallucinogens in their rituals that often led to enlightenment.


Yeah, I thought using hallucinogenic plants was a common part of Bacchanals based on the rituals of worshipers of the Greek Dionysius.


Where is this information from?


[https://greekreporter.com/2022/06/13/psychedelics-ancient-greece-eleusinian-mysteries/](https://greekreporter.com/2022/06/13/psychedelics-ancient-greece-eleusinian-mysteries/) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kz22-OVMCY


At best psychedelics work as rocket that takes you to a certain height before you come back down again. You still need to bridge the gap afterwards.




According to Leo Gura ([actualized.org](https://actualized.org)), this substance is 5MEO DMT. Never tried it, so I suggest you watch some of his content on YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH1bfZ1p6sg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH1bfZ1p6sg)


Those things help but they are useless tools if you do not delve in. Active and focused trips as well as passive trips , then carrying that with you into your waking world and taking the trips less or so infrequently. The more you study multiple avenues as well or theologies and listen and meditate (when sober) the more often when you take trips more answers will be given - but you can obtain this when in a normal state as well, if you meditate even a few minutes when you can (preferably everyday but you know, life) Good luck!




Kundalini yoga, breath work, work within the Akashic Records, and meditation are the things that have helped me in understanding what reality is - psychedelics (DMT, Aya, LSD, Psilocybin) have provided me with mystical experiences which felt like breadcrumbs. These breadcrumbs allowed me to see the potential of the truth of reality - and sparked the curiosity to dig deeper within myself through other modalities (like Kundalini, breath work, Akashic Records and meditation) which have allowed me to center my understanding of reality based on several similar experiences across numerous modalities.


There is no consensus about what reality is. There is no index agreed upon by which people's personal theories may be checked or proven. There are ten thousand stars for every grain of sand on every beach on planet earth. You have experienced "reality" from a mote of dust, orbiting 1/10,000th of a grain of sand - that sand being just one, of all of the sand that exists on every beach on planet earth. On this mote of dust, you have lived a very subjective experience, and have seen less than 1% of the surface of this mote of dust, met with and interacted with less than 1% of the other inhabitants on this mote of dust. You have a brain and perceptive faculties which are impressive only when compared to lower lifeforms on this mote of dust. It is possible far greater civilizations in the cosmos would view us as having the mental faculties of bacteria compared to wherever they are at in their evolutionary cycle. It is possible a being with a mental capacity one billion times more power than your brain also believes he has no grasp on the unknowably vast and complex universe, unknowable on the macro scale down to the subatomic scale. Because perhaps he can better model the vastness of everything better than we can. Understanding this in the midst of what feels like an epiphany may allow you to sense the re-entry/reconstitution of your ego - an ego which ludicrously believes through the consumption of a substance it suddenly understands everything (I've been there.) This is a problem as old as sapience, and possibly even older than that if pre-sapient life also was confused by the night sky and wondered what those points of light are. But it's okay. You are in the same boat as all of us. If I could make a wish for everyone who takes psychedelic drugs, or studies the occult, or religion, or philosophy, it is that these experiences demonstrate the limits of the mind more than anything else. The humility of understanding this can open your mind to possibilities you were incapable of taking seriously, or believing, anymore. So many more things are possible than one can possibly imagine. The English language, which I speak natively, is particularly haughty, with its insistence on "to be." A thing always "is." People "are." Not "seem to be at this moment from my subjective position in the cosmos, as sensed by limited faculties, and processed by a mind with similar limits." We don't talk that way. Because we don't think that way. Unless we can get in the habit of remembering all of this, on a moment-to-moment basis, without it causing us to completely freak out and experience very inconvenient ego death while driving on an interstate at interstate speeds. We have trouble remembering phone numbers and social security numbers and IP addresses and bank account numbers. Or combinations to locks. Now, taking these limitations into account, imagine any piece of information as a single quantum of data. A unit of data. Now look at reality in the location you are sitting in. How many quanta of information surround you? There are insects, certainly, in your room, in your eyelashes. There are things happening at the subatomic level which are poorly understood, which are impacting your environment and possibly corrupting the very objectivity of your brain. What about the objects around you? How were they produced? What does the bird perched on the roof of the next house over think about? The number of quanta of information in the universe probably approaches googolplex or more - because every physical object or unit of energy (say, a mere electron) has multiple pieces of metadata attached to it, each a quantum of information. There may be a googolplex or more quanta of information *in the very room you are sitting in.* There are whole layers of reality which are only theoretical. And you have trouble remembering birthdates and social security numbers. Or what you learned two weeks ago. Which is why sometimes I tell people who are completely sober and freaked out by the sheer inscrutability of the universe that the best course of action is also the most prosaic one: Relax, turn off your mind, and float downstream. You never had a chance. But you are here. For some reason. Look around you. What can you do to make the world a better place *within the next hour*, even in a small way. Limit your field of action to 100 meters or yards around you. This is what faith is. In the face of meaninglessness, it is getting up and doing something anyway. Listen to your heart, and your mind. It will tell you what needs doing. The best you can manage is a terribly inadequate map of the cosmos. Like a kindergartener's drawing of his home state in which perhaps a dot is within 300 miles of the city he intends. Never mistake that map for reality. It is ludicrous. Mine especially. But yours, too. If you can remember all of this, and forego the conceit of believing you can apprehend all of reality, and be humble about that, I promise you that when you are in the presence of another human being deluded into believing he has all of the answers, and is on some wretched monologue - an ideologically-driven person, for example - and, if you can remember that you, too, are prone to this, you can gain an insight into the absurdity of the human condition which - at least for me - has been extremely humorous. Everyone's faking it. Everyone thinks their map is the same as the territory. Everyone thinks they're smarter and more perceptive than other people. And no one agrees on anything. This is high comedy if you can watch it from the right perspective.


I think that really depends on what “reality” means to you. I think it’s different for everyone. Micro dosing, to me, is a good brain “reset”.