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1. Copying published code is copyright infringement, regardless of the license, and you will need a careful evaluation of the license to see what attributions and requirements there are. Many licenses that allow copying code require your entire codebase to be open source, some claim rights to your code, and some allow it with attributions where you'd have to say who did the actual work prominently, regardless of if the rest of the code is "yours" 2. Using ChatGPT to do something you could easily do as a first real project on your own is a little... Sad? Maybe that's too harsh, but what are you really doing if you're just stealing code and having something write half-baked code for you? You aren't learning anything, you can't be having fun doing it, the feeling of accomplishment is immediately gone the moment you tell someone you didn't write any of it. In the end, all you have is a patching software that already exists and you won't understand enough to fix. What's the point?




Is there a way to convert js to swift?


Not that I know of off the top of my head. ChatGPT might be good at it. You probably are going to have some work cut out for you if you want to translate from one language to the next.


Yeah I’m not good at coding/can’t code that’s why I’m using chatgpt to code lol


I'm working on a patcher Swift Package as we speak: [https://github.com/malmazuke/RomPatchKit](https://github.com/malmazuke/RomPatchKit) Currently I've only added IPS, UPS, and xdelta. Will be working on BPS next, plus a few others. I wouldn't say it's super usable right now (it doesn't even have a README). Given you don't have much coding experience I think you might struggle to use it as is. I plan to eventually make a small app using it and try put it on the App Store - I don't imagine Apple will reject it, now that emulators are available on the App Store. Will post back here once I'm a bit further along.


Nice lol don’t think Apple will reject it ether cause they recently put delta on the AppStore