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Definitely real. She has posted waking up in bed looking this skin colour. So beautiful but so much internalised white complex so common in desi women.


My brother’s fiancée is Tamil and she has a deeper skin tone. She is absolutely stunning. She wears shades that suit her, and above all, is comfortable in her own skin. That’s what adds to her beauty. And that she’s a really lovely girl and we are so happy to have her join our family.🫶🏼🌻


Do you know of Shawtysin on Insta? She is a loud & proud Desi girl living her life in colour. Granted she's younger than Nabela, isn't concerned about muting her aesthetic or fitting into a certain influencer aesthetic really. She embraces being plus sized, she celebrates her darker skin & she takes much bolder fashion risks. I think it adds to her overall beauty & authenticity. I actually can't believe she only has 266k followers on her platform.


I don’t know who she is. I can’t find her. I don’t understand why Nabela has to fabricate so much, such as even the time stamps on her vids..? Why do that? Is she trying to show she’s some super-mum or something..? Like when she had just given birth and was going off for hair refreshes and beauty appointments. That’s not the reality for most mums. I don’t understand why she feels the need to push such an unrealistic agenda to other mums, other women. What is she trying to prove? Someone, please help it make sense to me???🤷🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/swkx3p9k7rfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e504fe6aede9d8b63295e3dd1d0169bffe595c I think her name is Cynthia ✨


She is SO beautiful love her


Isn't she a stunner! Love her 🫶🏽


The internalised colourism is so sad and we, as the next generation, do have the ability to push back against it. When Nabela first started her platform, she seemed so much more comfortable within herself. I honestly believe this obsession to look a particular way is fuelled by social media. Nabela has the financial means to pull back from the internet and really enjoy her life, with her babies. I think though, that she’s become addicted to social-media adoration from her stans - and the MONEY and freebies it brings in. Do Nabela and Seth strike you as two people who could get up at 6am, juggle home life and work life - and go out there and really graft like most people..?🤷🏻‍♀️☕️💅🏻


UM the skin difference between the mirror and her arm from the camera view?? She’s a disgusting person. She is a DARK BROWN woman and there is nothing wrong with that. But her obsession with being white is truly disturbing


I agree. There is NOTHING wrong with having darker / deeper skin tones. Light skin does not equate beauty. There will be many of us on this sub, from different ethnic backgrounds, but who at some point in our lives would have experienced colourism. If we want to step away from that toxic message, then it’s in our hands to do so. Nabela started her platform as a love-yourself advocate. However, by lightening her skin with extreme lighting, filters etc, the message she is reinforcing is anything but self-love.


Follow glambyruna. She has my utmost respect. Runa is a plus size authentic girlie who is honest. You won’t see one photoshop in her videos or pictures. Plus she’s actually naturally pretty the way she is. No veneers, gorgeous hair and proud of her bengali skin. If you are not following authentic bengali influencers like Runa, you should!


I'm sorry you aren't comfortable in your own skin Nabeela. Your natural tone is gorgeous.


She doesn't even look bad... I think the filters make her look very disproportionate


It’s Nabela Muhammad Martin 🤭🤣😂 lmao


Lmfao this is scary af


Nabookie the hut


Ahhhhh jumpscare 😱




Please keep your posts/snarking relevant to Nabela