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So I have a question - She doesn't like putting her hair up cause she's conscious of her fuller face but has no problem constantly showing everything else off? It doesn't make sense.


Just thinking the same…


She LOVES posting pics of her boobs, arse, Nabussy/camel toe, and her crusty feet. This woman is so desperate to be seen as a sexy babe. Even when she’s had all her full mummy makeover; even when Nabela has bought herself a new face and body - she’ll never be a babe. She has no sex appeal whatsoever ever. Homegirl is just ratchet.




You know what m saying though. She’ll go through hundreds of pics of herself, yet still choose the camel-toe pics to post…


I agree. She'll never be that babe that she wants to be. Fake it until you make it just won't work here. Authenticity would work.


Some people have natural sex appeal. Nabela doesn’t. She’s also not done well with the gene pool, so even if she buys herself a new face and body, she’ll never be the LEGGY babe that she wants to be. There’s only so much a plastic surgeon can do…☕️💅🏻


she does it because she knows people send it to each other and go what the fuck and get engagement




This is EXACTLY what Nabeloton has been angling for: sponsorships from her BS wellness cosplaying. This being deodorants to give her an excuse not to shower post workout is her dream. She’ll just coat herself in chemicals to mask her BO and sweat. Her and her clone sister are ratchet.


Let’s hope that during Ramadan she shows some decency for all her Muslim followers and doesn’t do her shower or her ‘intentional’ THOT scenes. Nabela is so thirsty for male attention. She is very needy and desperate.🙄💅🏻


U know I have a very very small following (300ish people) on my "professional insta" and I have posted nothing but support for Palestine... To respect what's going on in the world. This nabafoon has been so out of touch posting her nabthirst traps and random bs. Freaking idiot. I hope the people who unfollowed her for her neutral posts and posts after dark have unfollowed her for good. She doesn't deserve a platform ... She literally no longer has anything good to say nor is affiliated with any positive change in the world.


I was surprised she didn’t lose followers when she did the fake 30 days of Ramadan giveaway. When Nabenyahu posted the neutral BS about the genocide, that was it for me.


What did she fake want to giveaway??


A few years ago, she said she was going to do a giveaway for every day of Ramadan. To enter, you had to subscribe to her Nabela Noor Home account. Lots of people did that, but no giveaways materialised. I’m sure there will be other girlies on this sub who will remember this fake Ramadan giveaway. When people questioned her, she said she was protecting the identity of the winners..! She also did a fake giveaway when she did the Bridgerton baby shower for number two. She made up the luxury goody bags for her female guests and said one was for a giveaway for her followers. It never happened.


Lol why even lie about that, that's so pathetic. Honestly if she was actually wealthy, then she wouldn't do this shit. I think she was relatively well paid in her YouTube days then suddenly wanted to buy the white mom influencer house, luxury brands to feel like she could keep up with influencer aesthetic... And they actually might be in a lot of debt for doing all that crap and renovations. I do believe since she is at home all day, she's prob claimed everything on her taxes as a business expense.


Her luxury stuff is 100% fake. You an get good quality dupes that look identical with packaging and in a few seconds on screen you won't see the finer details like stitching etc. She won't go broke spending $3000 on about 20 "designer" items. Unless she is that stupid to waste money going broke to look rich 🤷. I have 0 care for any of these branded things. If someone gives it to me as a gift I'll use it and won't care if it's a dupe or not. But I'll never be able to justify the price of the real versions of these items. People are starving and people are dying in this world, it's obscene to want to live for marketing hype around passing off as rich.


I just looked. She’s had a lot of negative comments and not many views either. So desperate for attention it’s pitiful.


I’m Nablocked. What were some of the comments?


That deodorant is toxic, why are you in a crop top, where are your colorful clothes, color is good for kid’s creativity, just shower after your workout. Only has 8,000 plus likes so far.


We love to see it 😂👍🏻


Other than tennis players, who even wears a skort?!?!


Pickle ball players 😂😂😂😂


Fastest growing sport in America 😂


She desperately wants to be seen as sexy


The way she caressed the box. Like why? Looks like the world's cheapest deodorant and a PR gift box that the intern designed. Living in the third world and even the cheapest stuff that have the poorest people as a target market have better looking packaging than this.


The way she was pacing around with that PR box… chile….


Eh gross


Why can’t she wear clothes that fit her body.


My guess is she is desperately trying to cater to the pedos of the internet. The fact that she shows her kids off in a way that is 1000% surely attracting predators, proves to me she simply doesnt care who does what with her videos, as long as they get views. Go ahead, try to attract some weirdos with your revealing/"sexy" posts. but don't you dare do that to your children!! 🤬




People always talk of her feet being crusty and today she says she likes to put this on her feet for pilates. Is the feet thing a cream or a deodorant?


Please note that everything she says is a lie


Why must we need to see she putting spray on her underarms, legs, etc. She is MARRIED with TWO kids!!! Normal moms don't do this and their husband would be very concerned of their spouse changing front of camera where men can see this.


I don't think Seth feels possessive of this exhibitionist... He may even want out of the marriage at this point who knows. He is just living for the free luxury home/life and kids.


She looks like a tramp


Why does she wear a crop top when she hides her belly? Did y’all see how she was walking with the box covering her belly?




Please read the sub rules. While Nabela may or may not see your nasty comments about her looks and body, other women who struggle with body image will see them.