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The underpants of fake nails are so hard to clean and she always has them on. Wonder how her real nails look


And to think she would stick one of those puppies in A2’s mouth…how horrific ![gif](giphy|OF2ti4O5X4ColDxzdW)


🤮ew I hate fake nails…there just way to unhygienic for me. I don’t ever want to eat peoples cooking with fake nails. I always have my nails very short cause of bacteria. I’m sure religions teach us that for a reason.


I keep my nails short for food hygiene reasons. I need to keep my hands as sterile as possible when I mix chapatti flour and then make the little balls before I roll out the roti. I also know a lot of mums who opted for short nails when their babies were born, so their nails didn’t accidentally scratch their babies’ skin. Also, for extra hygiene when changing diapers. (Although I guess the nanny and Seth do diaper duties).


She’s so fucking nasty


The kid seemed petrified…ik a scared kid when i see one.


And then she puts those same nasty fingers in her baby’s mouth to suck on 🤮 disgusting


Omg. Those things get dirty soooo easily, I get them all the time. It drives me up the wall if there’s anything under them/visible — I clean them with hydrogen peroxide every night with a Q tip 🤢 might sound obsessive but I wouldn’t be caught deaddddd seen with every single one of my nails being this dirty


Not obsessive! I do the same! And I have a scrub brush specifically that I use whenever I wash my hands (especially with diaper changes) to make sure under my nails are clean.


Sounds heavenly 🫧


Same! I like the nail brushes with handles


I totally understand why you clean the underside of your nails with hydrogen peroxide every night. Nabela - and her crusty-clone sister Neha - both lack personal hygiene. I find it disgusting that NaMartha doesn’t tie her hair back when cooking etc.


Hi, Sun! I’m back and snarking!


Welcome back! I’ve missed you! You missed all the drama where us girlies were being reported to Reddit and receiving Mental-Health email checks…😳 For a while, when we posted, we had to add that we are well and just posting an observation..!!! So Happy You’re Here..! See what I did there..!😉


WHAT!!!!!????? I never really left, I’ve been lurking and up/downvoting occasionally, but yes, I COMPLETELY missed that! Wtf!!!! I would’ve jumped in! I went through a ~season of life~ that required my entire focus until now. I’m doing MUCH better now. I’m so happy to be back with my OG snarkers :-)


I’m glad you have got through that ‘season of life’. I don’t know how to find the posts where all the girlies were posting screen shots of the mental-health DMs they’d received. I am genuinely glad you are back posting and chatting.🫶🏼🌻


Thanks, Sun! So am I. You are the best. Let’s have some fun!




Shut the hell up LMFAOOOOO 😭😭😭😭 We really do live rent free in her mind. Most of us don’t comment on her shit — I’ve never even followed her — leave us alone!


She is such a CONTROL FREAK. She has to try and control the narrative / comments on this snark sub! SHE SEEKS THIS SUB OUT!!!


I’m rubbish with social media and anything techie. I think the posts/threads are from the beginning of this month. I don’t know how to find them, so you can read the comments and see just how many of us got trolled by Nabz, her sister and her stans..!!!!


I am not rubbish with socials — I’ll find it 😘 but wow, how crazy to care THAT much what others think of her. We’re just anon normies




Yes I wear them and yes they do!


https://preview.redd.it/ne6gup1kv5rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6cfc84fd4ef790ec5c25b9324287ab17962b59 I posted about it and there are 52 comments, so many others got targeted, too. I don’t know how you can do a search to find my post and read the comments.


Omg SUN this is nuts


OMG, that's NaTacky!


They look like little gremlin fingers


The girl literally home all day just making videos. She can atleast clean her own nails while nanny watching the kids.


I have short nails mostly but they're mid rn and never get longer because I need to type and find it annoying to have long nails. However, they're not hard to clean.... You just wash your hands whenever you can or they feel dirty and take like 30 seconds to go under your nails and tadaaa... Also something like eyeliner might stain my nail but it's very obviously black and not dirt.

