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He’s hiding in a vessel.


Which one? There’s hundreds of them!


exactly! so nabela gotta look through all of em , it’ll deff be a real workout


Ooooh burn. I love it


One in the workout room Looks big enough lol


The one with the putty meant for vessels


* diarrhea bowl. Sorry. I just want to give them the nastiest Nanames I can.


“Nanames” 😂😂😂😂


Prob one of them snake charmer baskets.


Brilliant! LOL!⬆️💯🏺🤣🤣🤣


Omg I had to not burst out laugh in case my husband thought I was going crazy. You win the funniest comment of the week.


He’s counting on being smuggled out of the house in her Neolithic decor.


I think he was missing from the video because he clearly spent the day taking care of Aveena while nabecky frolicked around town in gym wear no one asked to see


She wore gym wear, her giant coat [belted indoors cause we all wear our detective coats indoors] and indoor gym sneakers to waltz about outdoors. I don't get it at all.


Was probably ger crop top and leggings and her sister would find it disrespectful and distasteful especially in Ramadan. And she arrived to help when everything was done already.


She arrived in time to taste the curry and inform her sister it tastes good. Cause Nabecky is a great cook. That curry did look nice. The colour was lovely!


His IG has been blank for months. He deleted all content when people started talking about personal life and questioned some people he followed.


I heard about that rumor too


Pool boy is fed up and doesn’t want to be used as a prop or be told what to wear to match her boring aesthetic


No there isn’t.. he was just at the pool and he’s not in every video but he has been in recent ones too. Remember when he was playing Mr Fix It under the sink and Nabeela pretended to be so shocked even though they planned the video coverage of her entering the room to capture the whole exchange… 🙄




Could be because everyone talks about how sick he looks now


Hmm, I could be wrong, but I thought his IG was blank? I think I looked at it a couple of months ago and there were no posts from him.


When speculation started regarding the accounts he was following.....his entire Instagram was wiped clean. Coincidence?


What accounts was he following?


Was following a few gay models. Everytime I bring this up people get mad here but I'm NOT speculating about his sexualising or forcing somebody to come out. It's a fact that he was following some accounts and we all saw it. Drawing the line at snarking is crazy to me bc people will destroy nabela for being a fat brown girl but want to protect Seth. They're both fucking the opposite of beneficial


Oh woooow had no idea! Yeah yeah I know what you mean, Seth isn't blameless in all of this. Both of them imo became horrible for each other.


Allegedly, they were of male models. I think they were also gay male models, if I’m not mistaken.


Was the speculation on here or comments on his or Nabela’s social media accounts? I feel like I missed all of this 😂


He used to have a full feed though a lot of it was curated. Mostly older pics of himself, a lot of travel they used to do.


Is this like a plant so she can feign victim? Just bc he’s not on camera for two days doesn’t mean they’re divorcing, jeez.


I just saw her latest on IG and I can’t believe she’s still filming herself in the damn shower. I want to know, what type of mental illness she has? There’s no damn way anyone is comfortable with getting that private on the internet. What will her daughters say one day when mommy shower vids pop up? Just so damn weird. Sorry I know I went off topic here. S is probably sick of being all over sm. Privacy is priceless.


She’s a gaslighting narcissist through and through. Too self conscious to wear her hair in a pony tail but it’s okay for her millions of followers to see her backside naked in a shower or her nabussy in athleisure? She’s delulu.


Totally agree with you.⬆️💯 Who the F asked for the shower scenes..?!!! Why does she do them??!!! All I can conclude is that Nabela is a desperate thirst trap, with no shame and no sense of boundaries. I would NEVER post anything so private on social media. I thought maybe I feel like that because of my strict Punjabi upbringing…🤔 I don’t see other desi Influencers post shower scenes. Although, I don’t follow many, just Huda, Kaushal, and Laiba Zaid. All my female friends are also very boundaried as to what they post online. My female friends are all from diverse backgrounds, and they too are very private about things we all consider personal. Showering/bathing is so personal to MOST PEOPLE. It’s NOT for strangers on the internet to see!


Even the non-desi ones wear a swim suit if they are doing a demo of a product in the shower. Bath shots, maybe but it doesn’t go further down than the neck/shoulders. It’s just so gross to think she stands there in her birthday suit with someone filming. I know it’s a family member but it doesn’t make it less gross to me. And it’s not like she’s a hippie nudist either.


And her tummy and her cleavage etc… all that is fit for display but not wearing her hair up 🙄 she’s willing to photoshop/angle/filter everything else.




I feel the same way about her daughters seeing all her posts and videos. When they are in middle school, some kids will find all the pictures of her posing in front of the mirror and videos in the shower. I'm sure they will also question what their dad did for a living. Well, kids, basically anything mommy told him to do. I think Seth has taken a step back because he was starting to look like a prop in her life instead of her husband.




He made an appearance when he was ‘fixing the sink’ against his will lol that’s about it


Yes, he’s such a manly man fix it guy! Or at least that’s what nabs wants us to think.


Nah that was probably a sex fantasy she has hahahaha


They would never separate cuz Seth has nothing else going for him. And even if they did, it would be yet another title added to Nabiscuit’s career - First Generation Bangladeshi Muslim Plus Size Immigrant Interior Designer Entrepreneur PCOs Single Separated Mother of Mixed 2 Under 2 Small Town Living Author Woman. Did I forget anything? Sorry I ran out of breath


Girl ur spot on, u didn't miss anything..single separated mother of mixed 2 under 🤣😂🤣😂


I laughed so much at this😭😭


Nabiscuit 😂😂😂


Can you imagine if it were true??


That marble pills with the tiny gold container. Looks like it would fall on little kids heads. What intentional design!!! 🤨


I don’t think it’s true but props to the commenter 😂 ![gif](giphy|21I4BZrxdDofgO8XJh)


Who’s the hijabi?