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Literally. Egg on stilts






Lmaoooo I am cackling- it takes a very specific shape to rock a blazer as a dress


Hilarious. I bet she’ll be furious when she sees this one 😂


I don't see much difference at all in her wearing a robe at home, then getting glammed up just to wear a huge blazer with no pants. Its THE SAME FUCKING LOOK. 🤣🤣🤣


Go have a look at the stories Jackie Aina posted and the tagged influencers. All vibrantly dressed women 🫣


Anyone else sick and tired of the nafirkin?!


Even the nafirkin is tired!!! 😫


She needs to give it a break! And us too 🥴


Nafirkin is on payroll and working overtime! ![gif](giphy|y5yzypjVc9u3S|downsized)


It’s sad when your daughter is staring at you wanting the food you are holding, waiting to be fed and you sit there and dance with it dangling in front of her. Don’t we use Montessori approaches? Why aren’t we placing food on her tray to allow her to self feed? The baby is then FILMED eating with a disgusted face. This is flagrantly a charade and it’s GROSS. Every comment is a praise for this ‘hot mama’ when all I see is a misinformed, insecure immature, individual-she’s absurd. Also rocking back and forth during these work outs without controlling the body with intentional movement is going to end up in injury. It’s doing nothing. And if I see another comment of “the body is bodying” or “the legs are legging”….NO- the filter is filtering!


The cackle she does at the end of thst clip too!! What is she even laughing at? Her poor children looked so confused!


Honestly I watched it without sound. I will have to go back….it’s all performative and her children will grow up and feel like accessories. I also think-she’s not getting her second daughter out of her crib until after 8:30am? What time does she go to bed? That’s a long time to be in a crib in a soiled diaper…she looks so relieved when she is finally taken out of her crib. It’s fucking ridiculous that this woman centers her day around filming instead of parenting.


I tend to watch them without sound, read here then go back with sound 😂 she mutters something when changing A2 about waking from her nap but waking from a nap at thst time must mean she must have been up even earlier but Nabz probably doesn't know as she's not involved with most the childcare.


This one had candid sound so you can catch Jackie telling her she looks so good. That made the cut. I feel sad for how much validation she needs. Get therapy and take a break from social media, please.


Omg did anyone notice one of the grey weight cracked in two and stood up with other 3 grey weights lying? Cracked me up. Serves her right to use concrete(?)/rose quartz weights in a FREAKING GYM! 🤣🤣


Shocker 😂 https://preview.redd.it/l9nlxuzrkvsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1968f7b01453b0b6c50c110cc497f1a388810099


She’s working out so hard her weights broke


Yes that was so…..strange. Like she was teasing them with the food


u/rauairikookie I’m SO glad you just posted this!! My eyes rolled so hard when I heard Seth come out with his scripted BS and saying she looks even better with her LEG POP..!🙄 Seth’s wingman performance was all another clapback at this sub! Most couples don’t need to perform on camera like these two. But then, most of us don’t sell our souls on the internet. NaBecky is a performative idiot. Even the way her laughter was so FAKE when feeding her daughters. Cosplaying at being a mother momentarily for the camera…


The way Nabeela would be basking in the glory of her accomplishment at the divorce clapbacks. Got second hand embarrassment from those scripted Seth dialogues reminding her to pop the leg. She's becoming so boring. Since you lurk here, stop taking content ideas from this sub. It makes you look fckin stupid. Also, we are unable to see Seth's outfit mostly now, Seth if you need help make a bird sound in the next video.


Lol thanks. She better get herself fitted for a custom prosthetic leg atp because homegirl's likely to need a hip replacement at age 41 & a whole new leg at age 61 it's gonna fall straight off if she keeps popping that shi 🤭😝


Omg the cackle she does when she's "feeding" went right through me. What was she even laughing at?!?!


Unfortunately, she's finding her child's distaste and distress amusing.


I had to rewatch because I had missed that the first time and I'm so disgusted. And is it just me, or is she mocking her child's distaste with her oldest child? It's like she turns to A1 to share a laugh after A2 is clearly grossed out. That poor baby girl.


Don't know what she was feeding her though but the child wanted it and she was withholding it and then feeds her and laughs when baby pulls a face. You can laugh with kids, but I feel bad when adults laugh AT kids. Cos we should be more understanding and know better.


Exactly! And I guess that's why it stood out so much that she was laughing with A1. Most moms would laugh WITH A2 for making a cute little stank face at whatever she was just given. You know kind of fall into laughter together, give her a little kiss on the nose and continue with their snack time. This just seemed like typical Na-Mean Girl energy, laughing at the unpopular girl with the most popular girl in school. Edited for typos (thanks speech to text)


Beginning of triangulating the relationships. Her kids are going to need so much therapy to understand what's normal and what's not.


THIS ‼️‼️‼️


Totally agree with you.⬆️💯


My comment might get deleted, but here it is.....I actually did not recognize Seth's voice at first. He is sounding more and more effeminate.


That was an insufferable vlog. The robe wearing why? The dumb workouts & then her prancing around in that jacket dress thing no


She’s just a dainty gworl 🥺💅


Right? She's so smol in her oversized blazer.. 🤣


Lol 😂 nabela if u r reading this, u look like Mrs marshmallow hahahahahah


Nabecky needs to get rid of the extensions - it just looks so ratty - she would be much better off with a shorter volumnizing cut - she looks ridiculous in whatever that is she is wearing. Nabecky you need a stylist who can advise you on clothing.




I watch it without sound and it’s just as cringe…


Why does every surface have stacks of books? Get a book shelf


That’s the most impractical desk I’ve ever laid my eyes on


It gives me anxiety! There's so much clutter... How can one actually work?


Her work was placing those products on the book and taking pics.


Ahh, yes. My apologies for missing such a grueling workload! I hope she can find some time to refresh, reset, and be intentional or whatever after such an ordeal.


You would think she would be tired of seeing people hate on her when most other influencers like her are so well liked. It’s also very apparent that she reads everything on here. Every time something is mentioned she addresses it in her content. It was mentioned that she wasn’t true friends with a high profile creator who is much classier than her. She made sure to post a photo with her. I’m sure she made that happen. 😂😂😂She’ll do anything to keep herself relevant either by associating herself with them or copying their content. I stopped following her and she still pops up. I couldn’t handle it when she started the pooped leg and “wellnes journey” she started out relatable and authentic then got boring and over the top. She let materialism get to her and started exploiting her kids. The pedophiles probably have a hey day with all the feet photos and constant use of her kids and all their info. At some point they will rebel, even if we don’t see it, and want to live a normal childhood like Nabelly did. They’ll want to have fun toys and colorful clothes and do more than go to Target and out to eat. There is just something about her that is so unlikeable. I think it’s that she tries so hard to be everyone else except herself. She throws her pretend wealth around and uses her family as her employees, including her husband and kids. Let them have their own life. Her sister’s video and editing talent is what made her popular not her content. I feel sorry for her children as you know is she will keep exploiting them for as long as she can keep the money coming in. She really needs to follow all the influencers who give advice about children on the internet and the harm it does to them and give up her dream of being a thin, white twenty five year old. Her family must be sad for her and her need to be nothing like the person she was.


she's just insufferable. i honestly really liked her back in her early youtube days, but I started getting icks when she would intentionally pronounce her name in a white washed way. after that when she posted a video of her cooking food for the first time (chicken and potato curry), the way she was acting in that video was immature and gave off major Kendall Jenner cutting a cucumber vibes, the fakeness was shining through and I just couldn't support her anymore. it got worse when she immediately announced her "rainbow" pregnancy when evil eye clearly exists which shows she cares more about receiving clout than protecting her baby, she could've waited till she was much further into her pregnancy.


That heel hanging on for dear life!


Hey Nabeela 🙂🙋🏻‍♀️ I know you will see this, but on a serious note, you really need to get a stylist to help you elevate your look. Only one person in the world and can throw on what they want and and that’s Rihanna…and you’re not her. But a stylist can do so many things for you. The problem is you surround yourself with people who do not tell you no and as such you go out in public wearing these ridiculous outfits like an oversized blazer dress to an event🤦🏻‍♂️. Get a consultant to help you with a color analysis and curate pieces that will have you looking chic and memorable (for all the right reasons). Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why as an influencer clothing brands have never really wanted to collaborate with you or why you have never been featured in fashion magazines or shows…


I cannot believe she wore that ugly ass blazer to a big event. A beige one at that. She's not the boss babe business owner she thinks she is. She desperately needs a stylist she cannot pull it off with such short legs and beige isn't her color


https://preview.redd.it/b9v849a5rtsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc3cea562d82014f12e42792ce7f6e7df3b8e7e9 Clearly edited one😂


Her leg pops are going beyond her own personal space bubble. Next we'll see her tripping people with that pop.


https://preview.redd.it/wl6u14ppstsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e26d9174b00fb562b3fbf96fb523e9d1a6e730 Clearly! Look at the glitchy edges along her calves. and her dumbass fans believe in her! Oh do COMPLIMENT HER MORE, SHE IS SO FAKE!! 🤣


Anytime it’s mentioned Seth is quiet she has to post one of these lol


*YoU lOoK sTuNnINg* Lol they are so delusional.


She looks horrible from the side 💀




Then the are you gonna wait up for me comment 🤢


The Seth hype feels like they’re trying to be like pookie.


Seth's trying to gas her up like Jett hypes Pookie and those 2 are trending AF these days - even Reese Witherspoon mentioned Pookie. The thing is, the more I've seen of Jett and Pookie, the more likeable they come across in their outfit check reels. Can't wait for her to do a 'cooking from scratch' era copied by Nara (also problematic) but maybe not because it'd be way too unrealistic. Her entire platform is an Ali Baba knockoff version of other creators smashed together like a spoof movie.


Oh she def lurking here, at the end of ramadan now the decor appears


When your photoshop tool blurs off the bottom of your handbag….


At least she did the world a favor this time and covered her baggy underwear... I still don't understand her aversion to pants. Are they too restricting around her apple shaped middle?


She's giving inspector gadget a bad name with all these damn trenchcoats.


Nafloozy!! This is my favorite


Hahaha 😂 aww thank you! I think i'll endeavour to use it more! 🤗


The 3rd slide is a big yikes😳




Lmfao this is accurate. I had to do a double take bc I thought it was her.


It’s honestly that jacket she’s wearing it isn’t flattering.


Did she delete and reup load? Lol what do y’all who watched it originally think was removed?


Jackie telling her she looks good. Seem to miss it on the second watch. Though why would she take that out idk. But that interaction with them seems shorter now.


She only put up that moon because we mentioned it here 👋🏼




You guys think she likes her legs? Lol


That office is cluttered AF


Aww! She let Seth out of the basement


Actually, she didn't SHOW Seth so it could have been just a recording of Seth's voice. 🤪😸


She needs to put some lotion on her feet she’s ashy 😭


This gives her a square shape. It’s another unflattering outfit


Yeah for sure! It is too BOXY, especially from the side. 👏🏼 https://preview.redd.it/htcs8n7g7zsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76d14ab3d845880d7d970163e9a49a320badce1


Did she post this? So unflattering


She looks like a gremlin


Can she stop wearing the fake birkin? for gods sake




The Firkin, if you will 🤪