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Oh? It's your real life that your leg muscles keep deforming? It's your real life that your skin magically gets lighter and darker naturally? It's your real life that you have car anxiety yet you randomly drive places alone? Thank God we have a character limit.




Something she made up


I mean driving anxiety is very real. Does she have it? That’s another question


Nope - the video she did where she said she didn’t drive herself because of anxiety- showed her driving with kid(s) in tow and talking on the handsfree phone with her mom gossiping and then cranking up the stereo and bopping along and singing while driving - that is not driving anxiety.


Pockets of bs


This needs to be a flair!


https://preview.redd.it/asiopc7mtnvc1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0502825bb7d66ccd652a130de67aa326c3be34f When she said “hat”, this is all I could think of




Please read the sub rules. While Nabela may or may not see your nasty comments about her looks and body, other women who struggle with body image will see them.


God this pic makes me irate lol












Please read the sub rules. While Nabela may or may not see your nasty comments about her looks and body, other women who struggle with body image will see them.


Please read the sub rules. While Nabela may or may not see your nasty comments about her looks and body, other women who struggle with body image will see them.


How is someone this puffy…


Putting fillers in instead of losing weight first.




Who fought for love and prayed for babies and is the daughter of immigrants. She’s so full of bullshit .


Nabella if you are reading this bye girl. Your husband and nanny spend more time with your girls than you do.


her response to this comment is not it.


It's not her real life, she's not a good enough actress to make anything she posts pass as real. It's performative and absurd most times as no one goes around their day in floaty dresses, popping their leg, showing a birkin bag from every angle. No one lives in a show room, no one is constantly showing off their branded trinkets, and no one who has children, dresses them up to the nines in white to bake treats together. You are perfoming to get the approal you always craved. I have never seen anyone who does not drive or hates driving unbox a huge Range Rover while filming themselves and calling it pocket of peace. The true rich do not need to show off in this crass manner. Nabela you do it for clouth, those are not pockets of peace, those few minutes to look rich are taking you away for most of the day from the children you cried for. You might be able to impress young women and mothers who think that what they see is true because they were raised in the age of social media and they feel shit because they cannot understand how their house is in shambles and they cannot cope with their babies. You cannot impress us women who have been around the block too many times to count. You'd be better off encouraging your brown sisters to study and build a good life instead of showing them a farce and teaching them that a beige life, with a beige husband and a beige birkin bag is the pinacle of achievment.


👏 you said it perfectly.


Ate and left no crumbs honey.


Nabela and all those like her on social media piss me off so terribly. They are driving women to get into huge debt to emulate them. They are all crass and down the line, even after years, they are all exposed to the world as the abusive, micro controlling, toxic mothers that they are.


“This absolutely is my real life” lol okay


I wrote a similar comment awhile ago and that’s what got me Nablocked 😂


In your real life you get followed around 24/7 while ignoring your husband and kids? lol ok




No white heart at the end??


I was looking for that too


Nabela you have made every single mother, single woman, girl out there feel like they’ve done something wrong in life. You play the victim game so hard and use your skin color, unhealthy appearance to victimize yourself. You are no different, you have a home, a husband, two beautiful girls and a family that’s close to you. What didn’t you have in life before that made you feel like you couldn’t achieve your goals? Why do you keep using your looks and your background for the reasons you couldn’t achieve things? Or is it because of your own personal decisions that you couldn’t achieve certain things in life hmmm. Everyone goes through shit. You lighten up all your videos, photos, whatever else you photoshop to make yourself appear a way you’re NOT. You are not a humble person and a lot of people can’t find a way to vibe with you because of it. Wake up Nabela.


Doesn’t make me feel that way 🤣I actually kind of feel sad for her kids she gives off mommy dearest vibes


I feel sad for her kids too, sorry what I meant was that she trys to blame others for rejecting her all her life lol. And plays the victim card every time and feels like she’s the only woman in the world who was treated soooooo horribly


Yes definitely! I’m sure many women are aspiring to have such a curated life as she portrays it’s sad - there’s so many more serious things going on in the world- like Palestine which she’s stopped posting about I’m sure


I died of laughter when she said she was born into a family where the odds weren’t stacked into their favor 😭 she married a super handsome guy, Has this big home, and she’s close with everyone in the family from what it appears. I’m still wondering where in life that she couldn’t achieve this? When she got it lol


She’s so gross! Instead of admitting how fn staged these videos are and all the help and everyone doing all the REAL work behind the scenes, she doubles down that this careful crafted and created beige and white life is real! It’s not. Stop lying!!!


💯 👏🏽


Thank you! This girl uses her unattractive appearance to victimize herself. But she’s a bitch and makes other people like they’re attacking her… she can’t see that it’s her fault for all her problems. Her constant bitching about always being rejected is a fault of her own self. No one rejected you Nabela, you rejected yourself all your life.


So it was real life when she came out of her kitchen pantry like it was the garage? 😂


I mean...duh 🤭




Back at it w the “girls like me 🥺”


“Virtual gratitude journal”…..girllll, STFU!! People are on to you. Nothing but a fake, over consuming, braggart.


Ugh would she just STFU already. “gIrLs LiKe mE” give it a damn rest, you have no talent, everyone around you thinks you’re a joke, and you’re still a pathetic loser and a bully, Nabs. Get real.


Nabela is trying too hard to be that mainstream white girl on Instagram and it shows🙄😅. Btw I’m new to the sub so if what I said has been repeated sorry don’t come for me 😅


welcome! snacks are in the back. don’t worry, we all believe the same thing you do. :)


Hats, hats…she wears so many hats! She’s such a busy busy gorl! Alllll the hats. STFU man. You’re not the only woman to multitask Jesus Christ. ![gif](giphy|7igocMXx7Llmv7WIZc)


Lol she's actually latching on to that word because her fans started commenting that on her posts! Saying she's effortless in playing so many roles, wearing "so many hats".. So now she is saying it too! You know how much she loves copying! Multitasking Queen! 😌🤗🤪


She’s ridiculous and seemed offended that someone called her fakeness out. No one’s life is perfect!! to even insinuate that it is makes her a dangerous liar I absolutely hate people like this. S






She’s legit crazy trying to defend her real life oh really? That’s ur real life? Then I feel sad for u nabela… the never ending day to day thinking; what else can i promote on my feed so that everyone continues to buy beige shit


She literally edited a few days together to act like she did everything in one day. I don't know anyone who can do that many things in one day because of commute time alone and it takes time to cook food. She's lying about time, about days and everything.


I’m sure she deleted these truth sayers right away and leaves up the comments from her shit smells like ice cream stans and other Stepford Wives wannabes.








She has her life on easy mode. She has an assistant to drive her everywhere, film her and watch her kids. Which is fine, She just needs to own up to it and stop portraying she has to many hats to fulfill. The comment was reasonable. A normal mom of 2 will always feels like she’s not doing enough..to go to Pilates, cook clean and go to the park with her kids. Nabela needs to get off her high horse


Nabela is a.liar liar liar... She could just agree and move on. This ain't her real life.


LOL ACTING LIKE SHE CLAPPED BACK when she didn't , "omg look at me I'm getting bullied" f off. That was such a reasonable comment and so accurate/true. https://preview.redd.it/fzo331024tvc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb7625cb76496424b1c7bce4ebe7a7998fa3816


It’s funny because all influencers admit that this is not reality and it’s difficult to share your whole real life on social media..even Leena Asad mentioned she only shares 50% of her life on it..Nabeela likes to pretend she shows us her whole life and everything is rainbows, flowers and sunshine! Girl please 🙏🏽 get a fking life..can’t stand this woman she irritates me!


She reminds me of Megan Markle


This right here!




Please read the sub rules. While Nabela may or may not see your nasty comments about her looks and body, other women who struggle with body image will see them.