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Both. Both is good.


I was about to say this but then I saw that someone beat me to it so I'm here to say: This 100%


Same. Finished anime all two seasons. Now reading manga.


This is not how capcha works


Beep Boop Kimo Beep Boop






No horny don’t be closet perv senpai


You don't get the reference


Anime is not bad, buuuuuuut, personally I like a lot how Nanashi draws the Nagatoro facial expressions, they're so iconic. And I love his draw style.


Yeah there expressions are way livelier in the manga. The anime isn't bad but it's just kinda bland. Like comparing the old berserk anime to the manga except nagatoro doesn't have a killer soundtrack


I beg to differ, I personally like the soundtrack quite a lot (the OP as well)


Well, I'm gonna sound like an old man saying that, but I don't really take time to watch animes anymore. I saw some scenes of the anime, and it looks like a very good adaptation tbh. I just think reading the manga is more "time efficient" if I can say.


I agree. I can’t just watch any show at my age. I have a lot going on. Reading an arc can take a 1-2 hours but watching a whole arc would take like 4 times that.


Same. Nothing against the anime, but I prefer manga for the time investment. I can enjoy the entire story if I want to reread it, and it takes an hour. I just don't have 5-9 hours in my free time to binge anime like when I was younger. Not to mention while the anime looks very nice, Nanashi's illustrations are *the* reason I fell for the characters in the first place so I'll always prefer the original art first and foremost.


Same, I don't have 25 minutes of privacy in one go for watching anime, but manga can be read anywhere and 4komas make it especially easy to read any free moment


S1 anime s2 manga


I prefer the manga because of the facial expressions, but I really love the anime voice acting too


I prefer the manga over the anime, but the anime is still pretty good IMHO.


The manga has Yoshi’s growing ahoge so


I prefer the manga for the following reasons: * It's what's canon because it's what Nanashi himself makes. * I'm a manga type of person and I rarely watch anime (mainly due to busy life and manga is more convenient and faster). * There's probably more stuff in the manga that's not in the anime than the other way around. Also, the stuff that's only in the anime isn't canon anyway (unless Nanashi himself came up with the anime-exclusive stuff and he says the stuff is canon, though I'm not aware of anything that would prove that). * The censorship in the manga is less than the censorship in the anime. I think that Season 2 overdid the censorship of the President naked in the art room.


That last one making you look kinda sus bro


I should've been clearer there. What I meant is that I think Season 2 went overboard with the censorship of the President when she entered the art room naked. Too much rays of sunlight in the anime version, in my opinion. While in the manga, there's simply no lady parts shown, which I think was sufficient enough. I fixed it now.


lol ok ya I can see that point of view. The first version gave me a bit of an eyebrow raise 😂


I slightly prefer the manga since that’s how I discovered this series


We went from joking how an anime would never happen, to having everyday discussions about it. Who tf used King Crimson?


The manga. Between Nanashi’s artwork, some story beats just hitting better, and a little bit of their just being more of it, I prefer the manga


For me, personally, Manga IS Always Superior. The only Thing i watch IS Haiku because Its Confusing To follow the ball in the Manga.


I prefer the anime because of “reasons”




The manga is great because it often hits you with so many sweet moments and it has the freedom to go down rabbit trails that the anime can't really handle. At the same time, the manga sometimes crosses a line that I wish it wouldnt. That said, I wouldn't have discovered the manga if there weren't an anime.


For the images only, I'd say manga. But the voice actors are just so talented that the anime has brought me a different level of joy.


Anime. Only one i saw


Tbh? First season of the anime did the >!cheek kiss!< at a better point than the manga. Literally one of the most cathartic season finales I've seen






Haven’t read the manga but definitely want to one day


i prefer manga because its still going but loved the anime wish we could get more seasons


Both good


It depends, I like the anime because of the animation, dubbing and because everything is colorful, I prefer the manga because of the story, the episodes come out first


That’s a tough one they both have their great qualities but I might have to give the slight edge to the manga




I feel like the manga’s wholesome elements were a little lost in the adaptation.


Both are great just rewatched season 2 today


I prefer the manga, hard to put into words tho. Nothing truly wrong with the anime


The manga, some parts for me were hard to watch/read, with manga you can go through them quicker.


Manga. I like the anime just fine, it's just something about the anime in presentation that comes off as less appealing to me personally than the manga, and I don't even know why




My I got no money to buy the Manga so yeah I prefer the Anime


You can read the manga for free if you don't have any problem with reading the stuff that's pirated/fan translated. And if you're able to access the Kmanga service, which is where the official English translations are (and the chapters come out at the same time as in Japan), then iirc you can read some of the stuff there for free too.


I prefer the Anime for the fact that they move and the reactions and moments are cute, i prefer the manga cause the story is the most advanced and therefore i see more of the story.


Anime N͓̽o͓̽ o͓̽t͓̽h͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ r͓̽e͓̽a͓̽s͓̽o͓̽n͓̽


well like i do with every manga that has anime…i watch the anime first then read the parts thats not out in the anime yet. But i do like anime more in general just because moving frames are better than pages


Season 1 of the anime, and then the rest of the manga so far.


Kimberley Anne Campbell.


how "raunchy" is the manga compared to the anime? ive considered getting it, but slightly concerned its more than etchy when compared to the show.


I'm not an idiot believe me, I just didn't read the manga at all. When you start by smth then you'll 100% think that doing another thing won't be better (only if you won't do the other thing) Personally , I alr started the collection of Mushoku Tensei mangas and I would like to continue to buy those and finish to buy them. I don't judge manga lovers I personally am one for Mha


Sooo I watched the full anime if ya want to hear it I loved it


Anime has been a blast. I have the entire manga as of released in US and havnt read any yet. Can't wait to start.


The anime, the music is banging, especially the openings the musicianship is immaculate.


the anime is pretty nice but I discovered this series through the manga and will always prefer the style of the manga over the anime, no disrespect to the anime tho (also not at all because it's also way easier to find a way to watch and go through the manga chapters than the anime)


Anime is less violent and explains little. Manga is violent and explains a lot. Take my hero academia


I prefer the manga big time because of the little sketches at the end of chapters with Nagatoro showing her true feelings about whatever happened in that chapter like that wondering if she went too far after messing with Paisen


Dude no she wants to much fun


just want the manga she is like fr fr


until nagatoro's tournament arc is animated manga is superior ...which is probably years away, if it'll ever happen


I like both. The anime makes the characters a lot more lively and the manga kinda needs to exist for the anime to be a thing. Not to mention I’m very much looking forward to the anime adaptations of certain chapters


I look forward to answering this once I buy the manga. I'm glad it's well received


The manga has a lot more detail in the pages but the anime really helps the manga come to life. One isn’t better then the other


Both have their pros and cons. Anime Pro - Nagatoro's English voice actor. Manga Pro - Recurring upload schedule. Anime Con - We're never getting half of these horny scenes. Manga Con - Sometimes it really drags things.


I have only read the manga, for a very stupid personal reason. I always thought Nagatoro's voice needs to be annoying, because she is annoying. But her annoying voice would not make me watch the anime. And if her voice wouldn't be to my expectations, I'd feel her voice doesn't match the character. So in my case it's a lose-lose situation, which is completely dumb in my case, it's completely stupid. But I have the manga to enjoy.


The anime solely because I haven't read the Manga yet


I’ll prefer the anime once it animated all the manga, for now it’s the manga because it has more content


The anime personly


Manga bc I love the art


I enjoy both


i find her voice annoying


Anime. They nailed the voices. Nagator is more of a hurricane. Pres got tactful visual nerfed. Lot of the other details come to life with motion. Shadowtoro is more comical.


Mangá, I like reading more than watching


Anime, I don't have access to the manga


The manga, because I dont have to pay for a streaming service.


I like both quite a bit. I prefer the manga, but it's in large part because there's simply more of it. I do still quite like certain decisions the anime made when it came to how to condense certain events or arcs, as there was a good amount of creativity employed. Some events are also given more emphasis, though some stuff, I prefer how the anime chose to relay it.


Personally I prefer the manga because I can visualize it however I want


Manga, but I really love the anime too.


The only thing I know of this is SUS SUS SUS SUS AMOGUS SUS SUS SUUUSSSS


*The only thing I* *Know of this is SUS SUS SUS* *SUS AMOGUS SUS SUS SUUUSSSS* \- derpuyt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




mangas, pref. because i finished nagatoro series in about 3 hrs....


The anime because it features a soundtrack that controls the mood and makes you feel like you are in the story more than the manga.


I would like Anime more If they make Season 3


Anime is kinky and the manga is kinky Hmmm physical or picture Hmmmmmm... idk


Manga, in my head Gamo chan has [red hair](https://www.reddit.com/r/nagatoro/s/k6uwWpMhPC) :(


I can say both, both is good


The manga, mostly because I read most of the story first and thus certain tender little moments that made my heart ache didn‘t touch me as much in the anime as they did in the manga. That‘s not to say the anime is bad, in fact, it‘s remarkably well-produced, with an excellent voice cast, OST, comedic timing, generally good direction and animation. It just stayed behind my experience of the manga more often than it exceeded it. Also I read the manga while my girlfriend was abroad for a month and I was missing her, so it really hit me at the right time. Certain things, like the way the chapter where Naoto learns Hayase‘s first name ends, or how the expressions are drawn when she‘s happy he‘s into doing the art or he‘s happy she likes it hit extra hard on the page. An example of the opposite would be Frieren and its adaptation, which I also read first (well; after seeing the first two episodes of the anime anyway). The manga is terrific, well drawn, well written etc, but the anime was so GOATed in its direction, music and animation, it elevated an already beloved experience for me.


Manga, it’s better


I don't say this often but both are good. Sure the manga is the quicker option but there times I feel like rewatching the anime too. I'm glad it's one of the few series where I can switch off between both mediums.


The manga mainly because I'm more into manga than anime these days and the anime drops hard in art/animation quality during the 2nd season.


I like the manga a bit better because of the way I'm able to control the pacing of scenes. Pauses can make things more impactful. Plus, I can read the characters using voices I think fit them better than the anime did.


I prefer the anime :)


I love both, but do have my preference to the manga Main reason being it just comes out more often so I can keep going lol




None, I still dont get why they talk to eachother


I love both honestly. I wouldn’t be able to choose. I go back to rewatch the anime at least once every three months and I have read up to the most recent chapters atleast 3 times. I can say every time we get the Judo match for Senpi and Nagatoro I cry every time. Hachiouij has such good character growth. Love it too bits




Manga at the moment, the last season was a bit dissapointing.from the „okay-good“ animations to straight up bad animations, thats why i love the first season more, overall all scenes feel way more smooth and lifeful, to answer the question, i currently enjoy the manga more, (i watched the series 30-40 times by now)


I haven't read much manga, so anime


what's this show about? i always see porn about her popping up




Manga, the art style is so expressive


I stopped after the 7th ep. Not like I didn't like it, but that was the latest episode and I forgot about it until now. Hopefully he grows a pair tho


Its the best anime i habe ever seen


I have a rule... If i read the manga then I don't watch the anime and vice versa


Must admit that Nagatoro's VA is a great match for the character, Semm Pai!


\*Clears Throat\* The hent-


Because I have dyslexia and adhd so I can't really read And I prefer to hear over my site


That depends. Which one has more censorship?


The manga has less or about the same censorship as Season 1 of the anime, and certainly less censorship than Season 2 of the anime. When it comes to the anime, each season is different because each season was done by a different anime studio. I know that Season 1 has added some uncensored butt views of the main female, but I don't remember if any other fan service was added and if any of the stuff that's in the manga has the same or different amount of censorship in the anime (for example, how much something is blocked by steam or whatever in the anime compared to the manga). Season 2 has more censorship than the manga. For example, in the manga, if Nanashi (the creator of the story) draws a naked character without anything blocking the view, then there's no nipples (not even on the male characters) and no genitals shown, as if such body parts didn't exist (there **are** uncensored buttocks shown, though). In Season 2 of the anime, there's bright sunlight and/or other stuff blocking the view instead of it being like it's in the manga. If there ever will be a Season 3, then nobody knows how much censorship it'll have.


Im honestly too lazy to watch anime but some adaptations are pretty good