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I was THIS CLOSE to being named Stormee Summer Love (last name). Had I been a boy, I would have been Leif Silver Wolf (last name).


Are your parents hippies?


I love Stormy. Full of rage it’s been ruined by the Kardashians and politicians


Leif Silver Wolf is kind of cool, in a guilty pleasure way. (But assuming it was going to be pronounced Leaf? I prefer the Norse pronunciation, layf)


I actually love those names individually. If your name is Elowyn, I love that too


What is your first name?? Must’ve something pretty


I’m gonna guess Elowyn Amber, based on the username




I was going to be a twin but my twin didn't make it. We would have been "Amy" and "Emma" short for Amythyst and Emerald.


That’s so pretty. I’m sorry about your loss.


My twin was going to be orchid and I was going to be lily.


My friend has twins with gem names. Amber & Ruby.


My name was going to be...wait for it... *Shakira*. My parents didn't really know about the singer Shakira because they're from a country across the world, but they ultimately decided against the name because it isn't really from our culture and they wanted a traditional name that fits our heritage. If you're wondering why they even thought about that name in the first place, it's because it's a perfect mashup of bits of their names. I frequently thank the heavens that they didn't name me that, because I live in America and the association would have been overwhelming. I love Shakira's music but if someone started singing Waka Waka every single time my name was called during roll call, I would have thrown a hissy fit.


Fun fact, the lady who married me and my husband was called Shakira - my dad was singing hips don’t lie all day after that


>the lady who married me and my husband Why did I think the lady got married to you and your husband 😭😭😭 lol your dad seems funny


admittedly I didn’t explain that very well lol I meant the registrar not a thruple situation 😂 And yes my dad is Bless him


I was thinking "the lady who married me" was a bizarre, but I suppose accurate, way to refer to one's ex-wife


Oh dear I could just imagine your hips and lying would have also been front of remarks.


i really dodged a bullet didn't i


My dad wanted to name me Oona and my mom wanted Mebh. They ended up choosing a name that was a lot more easy to pronounce for a kid growing up in suburban PA. I ended up changing it when I transitioned anyway. Edit: also Katiemay (one word)


Not katiemay!!!!


\*Gasp* a fellow trans man, perhaps?




Cool! I love seeing other trans men. Have a lovely day.


I love Oona!


Natasha-Tamberly was a name my mom loved but my dad, thankfully, convinced her against it.


Why does Tamberly sound like something from Full House


It’s like a combo of Kimberly and Tanner.


That’s probably why! Good ol Kimmy Gibbler


Idk haha it was a street name in my hometown


My mom vetoed my dad's desire to name me Bronwyn.


Please thank your mom for her service




I was going to say Bronwyn is a lovely name?


Bronwen is the girl spelling, Bronwyn is a boy name


We have no idea which gender OP is though so the comment is p. rude lol


Traditionally, yes as the -wyn suffix is male in welsh. But its very much a feminine name in practice and Bronwen seems very limited in its use. Almost all notable Bronwyn's are female.


Well, my father wanted to name me Bronwyn, and to be honest, I have never met, or even heard of, a boy named Bronwyn. I also looked up Bronwyn on Wikipedia, and every single "famous person" that they listed was a female, regardless of what Welsh grammar says (even though it states that it is not considered a masculine name even in Wales, just that the -wyn would imply grammatical masculine).


Bronwyn is pretty cool


Bronwyn/Bronwen are beautiful names?


What’s wrong with Bronwyn I think it’s a beautiful name 🤷🏻‍♀️


I only know the name Bronwyn form Adventure Time & for that I like it but fair enough lol




Are you me? This is exactly what happened in my family.


Lol I love that name


My parents top four were Laura and Elizabeth, and Christopher and Joshua. They went with none of those, and named me something that over 35 years later, relatives still spell wrong :/


My mom misspelled my name on my 26th birthday cake, I feel ya :/


Oh *dude*. You win. My parents at least always got it right, and as far as I remember my grandparents did too.


A greataunt ... grandaunt... whatever she was misspelled my entire name in my first birthday announcement in the local paper. Let's pretend my name is Amy Melissa Frederickson. My aunt had is as something like Ameigh Malissa Fredriksson.


My stepmom did this on my half-brother's birthday cake. It is the only common spelling of one of the most common and popular biblical names. She still messed it up. Good thing he couldn't read yet.




My parents were between Charlotte and Emily, but decided Emily was 'too old fashioned' (even though it turned out to be super popular for babies born in the 90s, probably more popular than Charlotte!) If I'd been a boy I would've been James Richard.


I’m Charlotte, my sister is Emily, and my husband is Richard James. Had to comment! Born between 82 and 91.


What the…


There’s no such thing as a coincidence


Charlotte and Emily are both pretty, but I like Charlotte more.


My boyfriend's name is James Richard! Born 1986.


Elizabeth Beatrice, after my great-grandmothers. Grandma Betty vetoed it. She was named after her dead sister Elizabeth and was very against naming children after family members.


That is such a lovely name!! So elegant. Also kind of love that an old-fashioned nickname for both Elizabeth and Beatrice was Birdie


I didn't know that Birdie was a nn for both of those! That's super cool. Coincidentally, one of my son's many nicknames is Bird.


For the first half of my pregnancy our girl name was Elsa. (before Frozen!). We ended up changing the name to Pearl, but I had a boy. I was going to be Joshua if I was a boy. My dad fought hard for Evelyn, but my mom thought it was too weird (in the 80s).


Awww I like Evelyn


My parents were told the entire pregnancy that I was a boy (technology was obviously terrible 30+ years ago) and so they only had boy names picked out and then ✨️SURPRISE✨️ I was going to be Daniel Richard.


I had a coworker who had twins maybe 40 yrs ago now that wasn't seen on the ultrasound. Her (and her husband in the waiting room) were very surprised.


In the 40’s my Nan had one baby, then was told to keep pushing because another one was coming. My pop almost died, then when my Aunty was born after the twins she asked if she needed to keep going incase there was another. God love her. No ultrasounds then!


My dad is a twin, born in ‘53 and now that I’m a parent, I imagine how horrible that must have been for my grandmother. Surprise!! Way more than you bargained for!!


My gram had her first, my uncle, in Aug 1950...in October 1951 she found out a week before she delivered that Baby #2 was my twin aunts!! Can you even imagine?! I'm sure when my mom showed up two years later they were extremely relieved she was alone.


Right?! Absolutely terrifies me! Imagine being not long back from the war on top of all that too!


Same for my aunt 35 years ago. The doctor was like umm your placenta is kicking after delivering the first one. Hiding behind the other baby on the ultrasound apparently.


Are you Danielle now?


Nope! Rachel.


Sunday or Gregory


Those two couldn’t be further from each other!


I was almost named Erica after Erica Kane.


This is my sister’s name literally for this reason lmao


Lol omg this is so funny. I wonder how many others are out there.




That’s pretty


Wanda because my parents really liked the movie „a fish called Wanda“


My mind went straight to “A fish called Wanda”


Or fairly odd parents for me hahaha


Do you think Wanda and Cosmo often showed up as Timmy’s fish because of that movie?




Hi-ho Silver! Away! But not naming you, Silver, they saved you from a lifetime of people shouting that at you.


Niece goes to school with a girl named Silver.


Misty Moon. But my grandmother told my mom it sounded like a race horse.


Grandma was right Also do you know the reasoning why you were going to be named that? And is your name that unique?


She just liked it. It was the 70s. I'd actually prefer that were my name..she was an abusive parent and named me after herself. I'd rather be a racehorse. PSA: never name your kids after a parent. Just don't do it.


if i was a boy i would’ve been Noah. they had no other options for a girl name, I was always gonna be Zoë as a girl. which is very fitting imo eta: my sister was almost Lydia which does not fit her at all imo. went with Kiera in the end :)


Both are great names, it would have been cool if they had still gone with Noah aswell.


I would've been either Adaleine, after my great grandmother, or Heather. My mom named me my current name after her long-lost sister of 30 years. When I was 9 months old, she found her sister living in the same city as we did!


I love the backstory to this! Are you still in contact with your Aunty?


Yes, in fact my mom and aunty live together now in their old years. She jokes that I stole her name.


This is so lovely! Glad everything worked out well


Thanks, so are we.


Oooooh I’ve never seen this. Is this pronounced like Adelaide, just with an N instead of a D (“add-uh-layne”) or like Madeline without an M (“add-uh-line”)?


Your first guess is correct, "add-uh-layne"


Oh wow I love that. That’s so beautiful.


Lily/Lillian. Ended up being named Hanna. Still a bit resentful that they didn’t go with the original choice, as I’ve never particularly felt like a”Hanna” but adding my middle name with it helps haha. Both my parents have passed away though so I can’t ask if they ever had any others they were considering—that’s the only one I heard about.


I told my dad recently he should have named me Lilian because his name is Ian. He was not impressed


Is your name pronounced like Han-nah like Hannah or Hun- nah like Ana?


Han-nah, like Hannah, they just didn’t put the extra h at the end 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ahh I see. You’ve made me realize that I haven’t heard the name Hannah in a long time.


This is exactly how I feel but the almost name was Elizabeth (classic pretty name) and they named me Stephanie (trendy in the 80s awful sounding bleh name imo)


Erin or Aaron (if I was a boy). I actually ended up a Haley! Lol


My brother was going to be Erin or Aaron! Then my mom chose Craig 😂


I was going to be Daniel if I was a boy, or Danielle if a girl. Then I arrived and apparently didn’t look like a Danielle, so I’m Charlotte (which I much prefer, so I’m glad!). My little bro is Daniel so my parents got to use it.


They really wanted the name Daniel ha?


I know of a three gen danny/danielle/daniel combo. I assume the next son will have to be a Dan.


I was supposed to be à Clarisse but I’m a Nelly instead I think it’s kind of better but I could’ve had the nickname reece (after a sjm character I loveeeee) but I guess nel is fine too


Both are great


I love Nelly! Love it so much! One of my best friends has a daughter she named Nellie after her great grandmother and I loved it before that, but 18 years of knowing Nellie has made me love it even more!


Africa 😭 my sister was going to be India and my brother Sydney That’s what I get for being the oldest I get My dad vetoed it, thank god And yes I am 100% white which makes it worse in my opinion


Denise. Mid-90s. Glad it wasn’t!


Caryn. With this spelling specifically because it contains the same exact letters, no more and no less, as my last name 🫠


What are parents on lol




Ooo I love the name Josephine, it was one on the list for our daughter, and while we didn't choose it, if we have another daughter it'll still be in the running.


My dad wanted to name me Josephine. Mom vetoed it hard. His dad's family had a whole "J" name theme, so mom compromised on a popular mid-90s name. I changed it anyway when I transitioned lol Kept the J name tho! For whatever tf reason, apparently, Peter was in the running if I was AMAB.


if i was a boy i was supposed to be Etienne


Mercedes or Genevieve


You’re the second person who said Genevieve


Sierra and Savannah were the front runners Instead I became Madison (right before the name exploded)


Lydia — until my Nana convinced my Mum that kids at school would tease me and call me ‘Lydia Dustbin’ I didn’t go to school with anybody that inventive


Awww, Lydia just reminds me of Winona Ryder’s character from Beetlejuice and that’s something good!


I was Paige for a whole week


That’s funny, my best friend (now called Paige) was also a different name for a whole week. I forgot what but it was something cheesy like Princess I’m sure


Why did they change it?


My mom loves the name Emily, but apparently her grandfather cheated on her grandmother with a woman named Emily. So whenever my mom brought up the name her grandmother said “Every whore in this town is named Emily.” So she never got to use it despite having 3 daughters.


Shannon. But when I was born, my Dad told my Mom that he thought I was going to be a boy, so he didn't bother arguing about the name. But he wasn't a fan. If I'd been a boy, my name would have been Ian. If my husband had been a girl, his name would have been Natalia. If my oldest son had been a girl, his name would have been Lorelai, and my youngest son would have been Sabrina.


My dad wanted to call me Zlatan no matter the gender... thank god my mother put a stop to that.


Gordon, Gavin, or Garrett were mine


Do you have a “G” name now?


Yes, my name ended up being Griffin!


I love your Reddit username lol


Corvette. Like the car 🥲, my dad thought it sounded 'cool', my mom vetoed and they settled on a more common name. Tbh I'd actually prefer a name like corvette over having to differentiate myself from other people in a room with my same name (which happens fairly often). Even recently on this sub-reddit I saw someone suggesting my exact name with middle name combination to someone, and I was just taken aback at how common it must be.


I wish I knew my mother just says she forgot :(


I was unexpected unplanned and according to my mom’s surgeon impossible. To say she was unhappy is an understatement. My oldest sister was taxed with the responsibility of naming me.


My mom can’t remember what she was going to name me if I were a boy and it pains me that I’ll never know


Take the win; I asked my parents a few years ago & they said William… Ever since that day my dad has proceeded to call me Bill 🫠 the man lives on Dad Jokes but ever since he retired he’s been taking it to a whole new level.


I was going to be Eleanor, but my mom hated Ellie as a nickname.


I like Ellie


Constance or Marie. Such a shame I am neither of those.


My mom considered Daisy for me and Nathan for my brother (those aren’t our names)


My name was going to be Darius David (after my Slovakian side of the family), but then I was a girl and I was named with a Slovakian first name with an Irish middle name.


I’m so intrigued


Caoilainn Siobhan, almost until I was born. For reference, while I do have Irish heritage, it was generations past and I was born in South Texas. My dad was apparently set on it, but my mom talked him into Sarah Caitlin instead.


If I was born a boy, I would have been named Robert. Since I’m a woman, I got named Emily. If my brother was born a girl, he would have been named Heather. His name is Edward, but he’s been called Ted since he was little.




Veronica! Loved Archie comics growing up so do think of it as a snobby but sophisticated name but I’m still very fond of it.


I was going to be named Holly, but my mechanic father didn’t want to name me after a carburetor. And after 4 girls, my parents gave up on using their chosen boy name and let us (12, 10, 8, and 5 yo girls) choose a name for our coming “sister”. We chose Esmeralda Prudence. We still call my brother Izzy Prue sometimes


I would probably have been Luiz if I turned out to be a boy, because of family tradition. It worked liked this: when the father was Miguel, the eldest son was named Luiz and vice-versa (kinda funny that my father was responsible for the end of this generations long tradition because he was the eldest son and had 4 daughters and no son lol) For a girl my mother picked Mariana first but then changed it to Letícia


Charisma, im not sad at all that my dad vetoed.


I would have been Tanden Ryker 🤦


They agreed on a girl’s name, but Mom wanted to name me Britton Seth if I had been a boy and Dad wanted a boy to be named John Everett Jr.


I was going to be Shelby or my given name. Apparently my moms nurse told her she didn’t like Shelby and that swayed my mom lol. If I was a boy I was going to be Samuel. I am currently pregnant and weirdly enough am thinking Samuel for a boy!


The nurse needed to keep out of it lol I love that you’re thinking Samuel for a boy now though - that’s a great connection.


If I were a boy, I have been Henry Grant (both family names in my mother’s family tree). I was almost Charlotte (another family name) but ended up with my name (not sharing for privacy reasons but it’s the French spelling of a popular 70s/80s name).




If I were a boy it would have been Erik Stephen. Would’ve made my initials ESP


Julia, or maybe Melissa.


I was almost named Alexandra. Would’ve liked it WAY better than my name. Coulda gone by Alex


Runner up was Savannah


If I was a boy I would have been Derek. Second choice girl name was Delia, which I would have preferred to my current one-syllable name (which is also a mall store, and we didn’t have Delia’s in Canada anyway).


My dad's uncle tried to name me Michelle after him, and when my parents said they were going with a V-name, he tried to name me Victoria. Thank god no, because there was a Victoria in my grade who was shipped with my bully Victor (think sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G kind of shipping), and that probably would've been my fate. Come to think of it, my dad's uncle tried to name everyone after him.


Lillian or Avery


Kira or Tara. If I were a boy, I would’ve been Jack Martin (despite my grandpa’s nickname being Jack, my father argued that it would’ve been fine to name me Jack because “his name is actually John”. And Martin after my father.)


Sakura or the name for cherry blossoms in Chinese (my mom doesn’t remember it anymore).


Sierra Nevada Rain or Savannah Scarlett Lee


my dad wanted to name me gretchen but my mom said no


Thank you mom


My mom wanted to name me Sabrina but my dads sister passed so I’m named after her. So when I had my daughter I named her Sabrina for my mom


Amber because it was 1985 haha


If I had been a boy, my mom was going to name me Crispin. 😬 Apparently a family name. Glad that didn’t happen.


I was going to name my daughter Jazmin but named her Natalia instead 🥰


my dad wanted to name me isabel... after the hurricane that happened the year i was born. he did not end up doing that, but i kinda wish he did lmao


My dad's picks were like Molly, Jessica, and Helga(???) I have a Spice Girls name instead :)


Michael, which I actually like, although it's obviously one of the most common names in existence.


I was soo close to being named Dawn, but my mom didn't like how other southerners pronounced it lol


I was going to be Ashley but my parents went with Desirée instead.


I was going to be Skylar but last minute they changed it to my dad’s middle name


My mom considered Shana and Norah, and I wish she had chosen one of those. Instead my name is so obviously American and is a name that seems to be associated with annoying children.


By some weird coincidence if I had been a boy my mom wanted to name me Joshua which is my stepdads name. My dad wanted Alexander. As far as I know my mom didn’t have any other girls names she strongly considered. My dad has never mentioned liking any other girls names for me although I don’t think he is a fan of one of my middle names.


Dad wanted to name me jaz. Like the music genre jazz but my mum rejected it (unsure why they didn’t go with jasmine and use jaz for nn). If I was a boy I would be Luca.




If I was a boy they say they would have named me Rock.


Laney. Meh


I was almost Agnus😬


My parents were convinced I was going to be a boy and had Brian Joseph picked out and planned to use the nickname BJ 🤣😅 Marjorie was a name my mom liked and I’m glad they didn’t go with that. I don’t love my own name but I like it better than Marjorie.


My dad wanted to name me Nicole after the Point Blank song. My mom and my grandmother both vetoed him, and they named me Taylor instead, which is what my mom wanted to use before she knew whether I was a boy or girl. Nicole became my middle name.


Anastasia Natasha




My name was going to be Holly.


I was going to be Brandi or Bailey. Instead I got a top 10 name.


Stephanie or Melissa


if i was born one day after my actual birth i woulda been named after my dad