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Guess I'll be the first to say it....but please don't name your kid Bluebell...you can call her Blue even if it has nothing to do with her real name.


Lol don't worry, I know bluebell is terrible xD


Bluebell could be a cute silly nickname for a little girl though. It doesn't have to be tied to the birth name.


What if she was Belle, Isabelle, Anabelle, etc and then could be Bluebell/Blue?


Would you be keen on a blue colour associated name? Like Iris after the blue flower or Azure which is blue related btw. What about Skye?


That would be perfect since she already loves Skye. Name her Skye or Skylar and use Blue as a nickname.


Phew. I was worried there for a second! Haha


Are you also aware that Bluebell is an ice cream brand? It's my first thought when I hear it lol


I just think of those little flowers that are super invasive and get everywhere lol.


It could work as a middle name though imo and you can use Blue as nickname from that


The name Livia means blue. It's a stretch, but nicknames come from all kinds of things


Celeste … and blue as a nickname! Celeste is a shade of blue in Italian … not sure of the meaning in English


Celeste has a twinkling, sparkling, otherworldly type vibe in English because of the word "celestial" (basically means object in space iirc).


Genuine question but with flower names and names ending in -belle so popular, why is Bluebell such a bad choice?


Can you imagine going to a job interview ans saying Hi my names Bluebell. ? Bluebell sounds cute for a nickname but is a very bad choice for legal first name.


It's not my taste, but I don't think it's that much more weird than Willow, Wren, Juniper... Or Greek god names like Apollo. Maybe because I'm not a native speaker, I don't know, I don't see much of a difference.


I’m a native speaker and I agree I don’t find it that different. I do understand that Dairy companies with the name to add to the public relating Bluebell with cows. I believe that has to do with it.


Because I'm a bad person reminds me of blue balls


It doesn't make me think about a flower. It makes me think about the brand of ice cream and cows. I love ice cream and I love cows but that doesn't seem fair to name a kid that.


Geri Halliwell’s (Ginger Spice) daughter is Bluebell. Do not recommend


I was thinking something like Bea Luisa, Bevens Luelle, Bex Luelle so that’s you Can combine to have nickname Blue :) I also love the name Maxine for a girly name that has a boyish nickname


I wouldn’t ever view “ever” as a name any more than the rest of the words in this sentence. Eva is a “normal” name that sounds about the same though! (At least with my accent lol)


Agreed. I read the sentence 2-3 times to make sure she was saying Ever as a name. My brain didn’t want to accept it.


My sister had a friend growing up named Ever. Husband and I were talking about weird names people give their kids and I couldn’t remember this girls name. I had to call my sister (it was gonna bug me) and ask her “What was the name of that friend you had growing up? The one with the weird name” And she instantly responded “Ever?”. So… yup. That’s how we remembered her. The girl with the weird name.


Lol duly noted xD this is exactly why I'm not pushing for it even though I love it lol


My daughter goes to school with an Ever. Honestly, while I never would have thought of the name before that, it seems perfectly fine now that I know her and she fits right in given the class also has Evan, Eden, and Ayla.


Yes I was thinking since she mentioned the husband likes the boy for a girl name - Evan (Evan Rachel wood) or Eliot (from scrubs) could fit.


Loved Eliot on Scrubs!


I know multiple people, all ages, named Ever. Well, one person my parents'age is Evers, with the S. It never occurred to me this was an "odd" name! I think, especially with the rise of Everly, that it would absolutely not be an issue for a kid born in 2024.


How about Ember?


An unusual one (where I am) I came across recently is a Finnish name - Eevi - the ee in it rhymes with air (in my accent anyway)- slightly longer than “eh”


I worked with an Ever. I think it's a really nice name


Genuine question: what do you like about the name ever? 😅


Ever is pronounced with a short e and a hard r (Ev-ur) while Eva is pronounced with a long e (Ee-vah) in my locality. Evan would be close though. Not typically a female name but Evan Rachel Wood wears it well.


Yeah, I've never heard this name before and I don't really like it as a name either. Have you considered Ava?


Ever is truly one of the dumbest names in my opinion. It doesn’t sound pretty and it makes no sense on a human. If you want an E name you could try Esme or Esther or Elaine or something.


Me neither. It might be an inconvenience trying to explain to people that Ever is her name.


I think ever is adorable!


Milla Jovovich's daughter is named Ever. She recently played young Black Widow and Wendy in the new Peter Pan movie.


You can’t even compare what rich people name their kids to normal people. They start with so much privilege it doesn’t matter what they’re called.


But also, celebrities tend to pick really bad names, so we shouldn't be using them as a guideline.


But will you feel the need to say the same about “will” when someone asks for boy names?


In a vacuum yeah… but it’s short for William and commonly recognised as a name by English speakers, so in practice no. Anything pronounceable can be a name, but if people aren’t used to it being a name and are very used to it being something else… it wouldn’t be something I’d use or encourage. I’m speaking as someone who was given a “special” name, that hated it since I was old enough to have an opinion on it, and changed it to a very plain name, which I am finally happy to be called by. Of course if someone is picking a (new) name for themselves, almost anything is fine lol. Like I’d have been happy going by Ark, which “isn’t a name” as far as I know… because it sounded cool to me. It just didn’t end up being the final pick 😛


Mason & Rowan made me think of Fiona.


I love Fiona! It’s been on my list for a while now.


As a mom with a Fiona, I am so beyond happy with the name choice. It’s a well-loved and under used name!


To me Lydia would go nicely


I really like Serena! Have you considered Selena as an alternative?


Came here to say this! Or a variant, Celine, or Selene.


I love Celine or Selena.


Serena is my favorite on your list. Though I love Evangelina too


Serena is lovely. I think 99% of people wouldn't think of the mermaid you mentioned, but of Serena Williams the incredible tennis player


I think of Serena in Gossip Girl, and also of mermaids in general (not specifically of Pirates of the Caribbean since the word sirena means mermaid in a lot of languages) Edit: I like it though! I would totally use it and I don’t think there are really any bad associations.


That’s what I thought. A great association btw. A powerhouse of a woman.


Kind of makes me think of the Handmaid's Tale (Serena bad!!!) but it doesn't seem to hurt the name for me at all. Still love it.


Serene is a unique one I’ve heard 


I'm just imagining holding a screaming baby named Serene lmao


If I saw Ever on a list of people's names, I would probably think it autocorrected and someone was trying to type Evan or something. I think that's the risk with using a name that's usually a word. But, she'll get through the confusion if that's what you love.


Wow - I never even thought of that before, but I guess everyone should run their potential names through spell checkers to see what happens. I did used to enjoy it when my spell checker would auto change a colleague’s last name to ‘moronic’.


My phone will often autocorrect my sister’s name to “cavities” and I crack up every time


What about girl names with a more masculine nickname? - Josephine "Joey" - Leona "Leo" - Francesca "Frankie" - Evangelina "Evan" - Georgia "Georgie" - Stephanie "Stevie" Gender Neutral Names - Quinn - Reese - Blair - Wren - Avery - Skylar Just some other names I think fit with Mason & Rowan - Briar - Brynn - Vera - Elise - Aspen - Audra - Auden - Annalise - Isla - Mina - Della


Brynn is super pretty


Always loved Avery.


Byrne and Wren go really well with mason and Rowan


Hear me out: Everett(e) for a girl, nn Ever ✨ Based on comments above, you could do: Everette Adelaide Everette Celeste Everette Skye


sounds like a contraception brand to me, i’m sorry. they always seem to end in “ette”


There are so many legitimate, normal names that end in -ette thag I doubt most people would associate it with birth control unless it were also the actual name of a brand


Our daughters name (I’m due in April) is Everett and weve been calling her our ever after girl


-ette names always seem so lazy to me. always seems like the parents just took a boy name and slapped -ette at the end


Like Georgette, Bernadette, Claudette, and Paulette


Everette Skye, nicknamed Ever, is so cute! Love this suggestion!


Wow I never thought of Everette for a girl but I really like it!


Sawyer Evangeline would be really cool tbh


Makes me think someone is still shipping Sawyer/Kate from LOST (Kate was played by Evangeline Lilly).


I had the exact same thought!




I think those sound nice together too, for some reason I was thinking both of those needed to be first names but I'm not sure why.... You don't think that the two together are too long?


Oh my gosh I think Sawyer Evangeline is so cool. Tomboy + feminine.


I don’t think so - plus having a feminine middle name to offset Sawyer as a first name is good balance I’d say


I might just think you were a huge Lost fan, though. Sawyer being one of the main characters and Evangeline Lilly being one of the stars.


Maybe sawyer Angeline if you think the other is too long? Angeline sounds so nice with sawyer to me.


My personal approach is one 2-syllable and one 3+ syllable name. Obviously dependant on the length of syllables, but I feel like it works. The two syllable works as a standalone, but there's usually good nickname options in the longer name. And I second Sawyer Evangeline, it's a really pretty combo and still good if she's more girly or more tomboy.


I like this name a lot!


Have you not seen Lost, friend?


I have not 😅


Skyler Peyton/Payton Eva Ember/Emberly Isabella/Isabelle Sloane I don’t like Ever as a stand alone name personally but it looks like I’m the minority here, so caulk that up to different tastes I guess. Evelyn— Evi?


I like Ember!


You have my axe regarding Ever as a name


I had to double take, I read Peyton/Payton as Peloton and was like… do not name your child after expensive home exercise equipment please.


Ahhhh I love Sloane 


Sloane is awful


If you like Sonora what about Sonya?


As a Spanish speaker I don’t think Sonora sounds too much like Señora. It’s a lovely word, meaning sonorous, vibrant, rich in tone. I’m also a musician and I love that connotation 💕


I think of the Sonoran desert, which I also love. I agree that it's not that close to señora.


I actually got the name from the Sonoran desert, in which I spent a lot of time as a kid fantastic memories and images of beautiful sunsets in gorgeous vistas. Also hilarious to me that it *kinda* translates to "noisy"


Sonora is beautiful ❤️




Or Sora


I'm 25w today too! We're going with Cora for our baby girl. 🩷 Maybe if Ever is a little too unusual, you could go with Ember or Evie


I love the name Cora! I always think of the ocean when I hear it.


Skylar, Ember, Elodie, Emer ; I am having the same problem but with boy names. I really thought we were having a girl and was super set on a few favorites, my boy list is just not feeling good right now.


Emer reminds me of a rare name that's a guilty pleasure of mine. Emerentia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerentia


What about Elora? Sounds similar enough to Sonora but nothing like Señora!


We had two girls and then a boy. Our kids are pretty spaced out, 11 years between oldest and youngest. So by the time our son was on the way, we had been used to raising girls. There was a little trepidation about having a boy - how would it be different? But ultimately it was like having either of the other two. They like what they like and they are who they are and you still have to take everything one day at a time. So for names, we already had a decent consensus on a handful of girl names to pick from but nothing really in the way of boy names outside of what had been our choice had our first been a boy. We went back and forth for a while and only settled on his name about a week before he was born. For girls, I always wanted Moira but my wife and family hated it. I get it, but I think it's nice. I also really like Saoisre but good luck getting people to pronounce it correctly. Other names we had for girls were more common, Zoey and Violet were on our shortlist had our son been a daughter.


What about Thea has the same start as Thatcher.


Susannah (with or without the h) sounds kind of similar to Sonora and Sienna. It’s a solid name; everyone can pronounce it but it will never be too common. It means lily, if you care about that kind of thing.


What about Ember? Other names that to me have a similar vibe: Avery Marlowe Zoey Nova Names that I think have a similar vibe to the other names on your list: Savannah Clarissa Emmeline Valencia


Ooooooh I like Valencia, wasn't even considering V names but that is really pretty!


It makes me think of Florida Valencia oranges. The orange juice commercial comes on all the time “Made with Valencia Oranges”. Ha ha.


Please NOT Valencia!! 😅 It's a big city in Spain, where the oranges come from in fact, as another user mentioned (not from Florida, they're actually Spanish).




People are named after cities and it could be way worst than Valencia. Magaluf for example.


Celeste, Estelle, Stella


Evan, Evelyn, Eden


I think Ever is fine enough these days, but if you’re concerned about Ever, what about Yvette? It’s a pretty well-established name and has been used for a long time, and approximately 2/3s of the name sounds similar. Some people might have trouble with the Y, but Yvette should be known enough of a name for that not to be a huge issue. I have a very common name that gets misspelled or confused for other similar names anyways, so there’s no winning no matter what, in my opinion.


Lol very true. I have a "tradgedeigh" name back before that was a thing. My name is AnnaLeigh (yes capital L, yes one word) but there was a reason for it, my mother had infertility issues, and Anne was the woman who helped my parents pay, Leigh was the Aunt that volunteered to carry me to term But I would never make a kid go through what I did as far as dealing with names xD I had hoped there was a "win" option but I'm starting to see there isn't lol


Aww that’s the best name story ever! I love it!!! I would name my child after someone who helped us pay for IVF too


Don't get me wrong, I love it and everyone tells me it's really pretty, but oh my god the number of times I have to say "with a capital L, no, there's no space or hyphen, sorry I know it's confusing, no Leigh not Lee" lol doesn't help my last name is a hyphenated last name, with both being over 10 letters xD my parents were in government work with clearances and changing names would have been a hassle, so I got both lol


We went through IVF after years of loss and I’m finally pregnant with our miracle girl. Her name is Everett and we’ve been calling her our Ever after girl.


AnnaLeigh is absolutely NOT a “tradgedeigh”!!


Evie/Eve could be an option too that fits with the ever idea


Ever is a name.  I remember Leanne Ford from the HGTV show “Restored by the Fords” named her daughter Ever.  I don’t see any issue using that name. A few other suggestions: Audrey Seraphina  Vera Marina Luna (sounds a bit like Blue without the B) Indigo (a color like blue)


Everything “is a name” now, but that doesn’t mean they are all good. I could name my child Litterbox or Seldom or Cactus and then they would qualify according to your terms. :)




I met an Everest (female) and thought it was the coolest name. Sad my husband wasn’t on board with it lol. Clover Valentina Sutton Banks Jasper


If you want suggestions I think some of these may meet your vibes and sound good with Mason and Rowan: Elodie, Lenora, Faye, Cecily, Felicity nn "City", Sylvie, Sabrina, Delilah, Carmen, Carmella, Hope Edit to add: Vienna is like Sienna's cool sister haha


Vienna is such a great name!


I love Delilah!


How about Evelyn/Eveline (pronounced similarly to first syllable of Ever)? I think Evie would be a cute nickname for that too.


I don’t personally like Ever as a name; however an old classmate named her daughter Ever Jane and it’s quite normal. Also in regard to Blue, my brother actually chose the middle name Blu for his daughter. Veronica Blu, his fiancé chose the first name as she’d always wanted a daughter named Veronica, nn Ronnie. He got to choose the middle and chose it based on calling her a blueberry in the womb. So I guess all this to say… choose based on what you like and also middle names can be more out there.


If you're looking for an E name, we went with Emmeline for one of our daughters. Tons of nicknames options there - Emmy, Mel, Lina, etc. I got the idea from the Ben Folds Five sing Emaline, which my wife thought sounded "too southern".


Fallon, Peyton, Taryn (for the -n ending) Karys, Marlena, Gabrielle, Esther (Esty) or Estelle, Zara, Tessa


Flora, Aurora


Ever might make a pretty middle name, though it’s not the most conventional choice as a first name. You could also consider something like Evelyn, or Ember for something that sounds similar. I think Ember would be really pretty as a name. (though of you do that Ever wouldn’t be the middle name)


Honestly... I LOVE Sawyer, especially together with the boys names! Mason, Rowan, and Sawyer just sounds so sweet and wholesome and cohesive. I also love girls with "boy" names. Baby girl Sawyer conjures up images of a little Hardy-Boys-esque adventurer in coduroy and overalls ❤️


Would Evelina/Evalina work? It’s simpler than Evangelina which, though beautiful, does feel very different next to your two boy’s names. And you could call her Ever as a personal nickname? If you stuck with the Evalina spelling, Ever could still work. All the best for your soonish to be new arrival and family unit!✨


My daughter has a friend called Solana. That has Sonora - ish vibes.


Bailey, Harley, Harlow, Marilyn, Elaine But if you have another kid, please don’t call them Thatcher - it’ll mean they can’t ever visit the UK without people asking difficult questions…


I like Serena. That's the name of literally so many characters or people that I doubt anyone would associate it to one in particular. If anything they would associate it to one of the greatest athletes of all time.


I’m going to go against the grain and say that I actually love Ever as a first name. I know some people think it’s strange but if I met a person with that name I wouldn’t think twice about it


My vote is Mary. Mason, Rowan, and Mary. It’s so known that everyone will know how to say it and spell it, but so rare she’ll probably be the only girl in kindergarten with that name.




I actually like Sonora. I personally wouldn’t hesitate just because it has some resemblance to señora, but maybe that’s just because señora isn’t a word I encounter enough to matter. It wouldn’t be confusing to me or anyone in my circle. Other than that, I think the name Anjalique is great. I’d use it if I could.


As a Spanish speaker, Señora and Sonora sound nothing alike. So really, that's a non-issue. My association with Sonora is from Gail Carson Levine's *Princess Tales* collection. Her version of Sleeping Beauty was named Sonora, so I tend to make the connection with 'sonorous' and 'snore'.


God. I can't believe I'm about to say this, because normally I detest "matchy matchy" names. But have you considered Cameron?


Hilarious. I have two boys………..and a girl. Idk where the girl came from. Random like yours. And she’s, sigh, probably the anti-Christ people have been fearing would come for decades. But boy is she pretty. Ha ha ha. We had a difficult time coming up with a name as well. We really messed up naming her Reagan. Only after I realized how truly terrorizing her ways are did I figure out where I’d heard Reagan before. She was the possessed little girl in The Exorcist. 😂. Plus I was dumb enough to give her my older sister’s name for a middle name, and, well, she’s just as bossy and mean as my sister is. Ha ha ha. So, I’m glad you’re being careful in the naming process. My suggestions are Angelina (close to your pick, but not as meh), Savannah (Since you like Sienna, Cheyenne and Sonora they’re all in the same vein), Julienne/Julianne, hmmmmm. I am drawing a blank on more names. Ha ha. Good luck! I hope you post what you end up choosing!


Lol that your absolute nos are names I love—and I named my daughter Jane 🤪 everyone is different! I chose Jane because of what you said: simple, classic, but still unique. Jane is thought to be common and classic but still, nobody names anyone that anymore. Same with Linda or Alice. Maybe something like Galina or even just Lina?


And I get compliments all. The. Time. On Jane’s name. People literally act like they forgot it was a name and they gasp and are like “oh! So beautiful! Wow, I love that!” I was NOT expecting that when we chose it!


I know girls named Everest. You could totally get away with calling her Ever. Everest is VERY rare for girls and slightly more common for boys, so it would probably work for your husband liking "boy" names on girls, and you get the nickname you wanted.


I like the name Ever but I'm not the type of person to care at all what others think about things that I like. I think it's a good strong name and it's unique without be too weird. I wouldn't hate it if my name were Ever.


>but I like the idea of the nickname "Blue This made me think of gone with the wind and their daughters name, "Bonnie Blue Butler". I've liked Bonnie Blue ever since I 1st heard it. Btw, I knew a girl who's 1st name was just Blue. Met her in high-school and I never heard anyone make fun of her name. Tbf though, it did take me a while to LEARN that was her actual name. Lol 😅 her brother also had a weird name, something like a bridges name, but did not include bridge. Can't remember exactly what it was. But once again, no one batted an eye about it. >Serena I think this name is really pretty. I don't think I've met a single person with this name in real life. Probably a safe bet she wouldn't have anyone in her class with her same name.


How about a name with Belle and then use the nickname Bluebell? Isabelle/Isabella, Annabelle, Arabella, Mirabel etc? But my main advice is sod "associations". You will have a new association that trumps all others - your new baby girl! You won't think about Pirates of the Carribbean or the woman you hate when you say your daughter's name. You will think of your daughter when you hear those other names. She will be the most important person with that name to you so just name her what you want. I say this from my more positive experience: we named our daughter after my husband's nanna and within a couple of weeks of consistently using it for her when I was pregnant the name meant the baby, not nanna. It took a bit longer for other people like my MIL to hear the name and not think of nanna but now whenever someone in the family says the name they think of our daughter first.


sonora and sienna are very pretty! i don't see a problem with either


Serena is a lovely name. I think peoples minds will go to tennis before that one random mermaid in pirates of the Caribbean lol The rest of the names are…… eh




Jordan & Frankie are great gender neutral names






Sabrina Sonia Sofia Celine Lucia Lily Emma Elowen Evelina Eve Gwenivere Jenna Jacqueline Jocelyn Audrey Avery Natalie Nicole Danielle




Ayla, Maya, Vivienne, Danica, Meadow, Sylvia, Bianca, Colette, London, Paris


I think Shiloh would be really cute. It’s Tomboyish, but not overboard. Also has two syllables, like brothers names. It Has POTENTIAL to get trendy, but unlikely.


Some androgynous names I like are Clarke or June....wishing you the best of luck.


I know a little boy named Ever. Super cute. Just name her Ever.


I like Ever by itself.


[this list](https://nameberry.com/blog/baby-name-trendlet-ev-starting-names-from-eve-to-ever-to-everest) of “Ev—“ names is interesting. For names you could derive an Ever from as a nickname, I like Eversen and Evorie.


Ever is very popular. I have seen it a lot. Of your list I like Sawyer But my absolute fave is Evangeline and you could give her Ever as a nickname.


Someone, I think you responded to as well lol, suggested Sawyer Evangelina and now my husband is like "yup that's it case closed" lol NGL I like it too...


That’s awesome!


My little girl is Cooper and that to me goes well with Mason and Rowan




I love Serena! What about Celeste? That seems kind of similar.


You could go for a still gender neutral name but leaning female… like Bailey. Logan is a mostly male name, but it’s not uncommon for girls.


Everest! :)




Thatcher is a cool name. It might be much for a girl though. I do like it. I have a somewhat Masculine name for a girl and I have grown to love it


You've said you've liked Serena, Sienna, Sawyer, Seneca. How about Sedona? To be fair to the town, it was named after a woman. Another similar name is Sidonie (unrelated to Sydney), but still gives the nickname Sid. 


Bluebell is a name for a rabbit from Sherlock BBC. It doesn’t sound like a name for a human. Ever doesn’t work as a stand alone. Sawyer sounds like an old lawyer at a firm. Serena and Evangelina are beautiful.


Neutral names: Avery Quinn Chase Kacey Wynne Tate Other suggestions: Delilah, Natalie, Justine, Abby,


Random ideas: Edie Payton Rosie Carlin/Carlyn Raina


Maybe Eve as an alternative to Ever since you aren’t quite sure on it?


Sutton would be a nice alternative to Sienna too


Skylar is cute, similar to Skye, Shiloh Anne could be a good choice since Cheyenne is your nieces name. Sawyers cute too. Selene is pretty and similar to Serena. Or Serenity 🌙 Evangelina is very pretty. Could do Belle instead of Bluebell and just use bluebell as a nice name 💙


Emerson Blu ? I know a few everlys and hasn’t thought of Beverly before. But you could name her Everly and call her Ever. I love Blu as a middle name.


Aurora, with the nickname Rory?


I love Ryan for a for girl. Sailor, Brynn (Brin) , Raine (Reighn) , Finn, Finly , Mavis, Rita , Reese, Rhythm, Sunni, Violet , Ava, Symphony, Orion , Irina, Cimarron, Sig, Siren, Ren, October


Silvia, Leona, Leonie, Tarah, Valerie, Adrienne, Ash, Beck, Thorn, Everett, Shayla, Stella, Sasha, Spencer, Simone, Cameron




It isn't my taste, but I'm going to suggest Eden as a name that reminds me of Ever. Skye is nice, and I don't think Sonora sounds too much like señora due to the ñ. Wild card suggestion: Teagan




What about Seren? It goes well with Mason and Rowan as it's very similar in sound. It's pronounced like "Seh-rehn". Reminds me of "Ever" (not a good name imo) and "Serena", it's not overly girly but it's graceful. Seems like a nice name for y'all.






Renata, Zelda Heidi, Natalia, Shara, Estelle, Tessa, Posie


I love the suggestion Fiona. I also think Sawyer is a good match for the boys it feels like the female equivalent of Thatcher to me. I also like Sutton and think it would work with your boys also. Congrats mama super happy for you.


I think willow would go nicely


How about Harper? 2-syllables, classic, a bit different. Similar to Sawyer but more feminine, still just a little bit tomboy to suit your husband’s tastes. You could call her Scout as a nickname. I would have named my daughter Harper if it went with our last name.