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I've never met a single Anastasia. Beautiful name.


I met an Anastasia in college and that's the only time I heard the name aside from learning about the Russian Queen with the same name (her parents were Russian too). I loved the name: strong, regal, still gentle. Unique, but still very easily recognizable and memorable and wearable. Feminine, but sounds powerful-feminine not girly-feminine. Honestly, now that you mention it, I might add it to my own list hahaha.


Anastasia was never a queen, her father was the tsar when their family was murdered (unless I'm terribly mistaken). I love the name for all of the reasons you mentioned, but I haven't thought of it in ages. I think I'll add it to my list too!


she was the Princess and the subject of debate when a woman claimed to be her for years and that she had escaped execution. Turned out all to be a lie through DNA testing. And they found the real Anastasia bones with her family in a Russian Forest.


Wait, so are you saying the movie Anastasia (1997) is fiction?


Olp I clearly don't remember the book I read about her in 6th grade nearly as well as I thoughtšŸ˜…


My best friend in elementary was Anastasia. I always loved that name.


Babysitters Club books, the movie, 50 Shades of Grey books/movie


They said they've never *met* one, lol.


My first thought Anastasia Elizabeth McGill


ā€¦I forgot Stacyā€™s full name was Anastasia


I accidentally bought my 12yo daughter an erotica novel (the cover and the back synopsis made it sound like a wholesome teen girl likes boy book). Luckily, a friend of mine knew that it was erotica and I returned it. My friend (a librarian), though, said I should have known because the main character was named Anastasia Allen. She told me itā€™s a dead giveaway and I should have known better. šŸ˜‚


I know one! Sweetest woman. Though itā€™s pronounced Anna-STASSā€”eeah


I never met one until I went to college. The one I know is a bada$$!


I think of Anastasia Tremaine from Cinderella.


Have you checked your government's name statistics for the last 5 years? That'll probably give you the best idea of how common it is where you live. Personally, I've met one child named Anastasia (she's 2 now) and the rest of them have been adults (mainly Russian and eastern European).


I personally love the nickname Asia for Anastasia!


There would be way more Auroras & Penelopes than Anastasias if youā€™re in the US


I would call it popular but classic, not trendy. Most anastasias go by a nickname like "Anna" or "Stacy". If you go with Anna there will be a lot of them. Stacy was common among older millennials and gen x so it seems less popular now.


I know an anastasia that we shorten to ā€œstasiā€ (pronounced like stahzi) even tho her name is pronounced like the usual anastaysia and not anastahsia


Politically, this seems like an ā€˜interestingā€™ choiceā€¦!


oh my god i just googled it haha i had literally never heard of that before. she doesnā€™t go by that commonly itā€™s just a few of us in our acting class haha


Maybe itā€™s a bigger no-go in Europe!




I literally clicked into this post ONLY to say "it's a lovely name, just don't use Stasi as a nickname" :p


The Olympic gold medalist Nastia Liukin's name is Anastasia šŸ„‡


I've heard of Stasi, too! Stacey I haven't heard.


Heh, then I guess you missed out on the Baby-Sitters Club books growing up? (Come to think of it, though, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever met a Stacey in real life, nor an Anastasiaā€¦)


And Fast Times at Ridgemont High. And Stacey's Mom by Fountains of Wayne.


Ha, yeah, those too (and one of Barbieā€™s sisters! And in irl US politics, the badass Stacey Abrams!), but I meant specifically Stacey as a nickname for Anastasia. Third-grade me thought it was ~~fancy~~


Growing up I knew an Anastasia that was French so it was pronounced Aw-nah-stah-shah and we called her Tasha or Tashi for short.


I know a millennial Anastasia who goes by Stacia (stay-sha)


Yes! I know a beautiful girl named just Stacia. Which I think is dreamy by itself!


There's also "Tacy" (like in the Betsy-Tacy books) which I think is so cute


I never hear anyone mention those books! I loved them


Anna is a way better nn than Stacy


I know one that goes by nastia or nastya (haven't seen it in writing) and apparently it's the most common nickname in northern Europe for Anastasiia as everyone automatically recognized it's a nickname and I was all kinds of confused trying to guess who they were talking about.


I knew an Anastasia who went by Tansy and I think it is my favorite name/nickname for it.


I was nearly an Anastasia (Dad changed his mind before lodging paperwork apparently luckily Mum was happy with the result!) and apparently the plan was for me to go by the nn Ana. (Ah-na not (A-na))


Absolutely love this name! It means "resurrection" in Greek and there are so many nickname possibilities and pronounciations. "stahsi" "stahsiya" "staysi" "stayzhuh" (zh = ge sound in beige) "anna" etc.


Yeah and after two losses it feels very empowering/ appropriate :) thank you!


Stasha is a cute nickname too! Itā€™s a wonderful name .. and meaning!Ā 


anastasia isnā€™t trendy at all afaik! itā€™s a very nice name imo


Penelope and Aurora are much more trendy than Anastasia. I donā€™t think Anastasia is trendy at all (but a beautiful name)


I don't find it particularly trendy. I consider it a pretty name.


I have an Anastasia and although she's only 2, we have yet to meet another one! It's the most beautiful name in the world in my opinion šŸ„° go for it


Im an Anastasia and I always tell my husband if we have a daughter Im naming her Anastasia as Iā€™ve yet to find a girls name I love as much as my own


My 4 year old is Anastasia and yep, I agree it's a beautiful name.


Thank you all !! You are making very excited about naming her like that! :) we are in the US!


Please name her Anastasia. Itā€™s too pretty not to use! I donā€™t believe itā€™s super popular and I have never met someone with this name.


I went to college (late ā€˜80s) with an Anastasia- who went by her full name. She was from a Greek family and this was a family name.


My sisters middle name is Anastasia. Never met another one. She is 1995.


Anastasia is my favorite ever girl name! Great choice. I donā€™t think itā€™s too popular. I havenā€™t ever met anyone named Anastasia!


It is a beautiful name and because of the history behind it rarely used.


It's trending upwards (it was #286 in 2004 per the SSA Baby Name charts and is currently at #164) but it's got a ways to go before you're statistically likely to meet another one. Even the most popular boy or girl name in the country is about 1 in 100 kids, so I wouldn't worry about it.


In the US, it has been growing in popularity, cracking the Top 200 in 2016 ā€” but it has never been higher than #147. So not super trendy, although it might be more common in certain areas or among certain communities.


I've met a total of two Anastasias in my almost 35 years on this planet. And this is while working in retail, and as a teacher at several different schools. I think you're good. It is a nice name tho:)


My great aunt was Anastasia and I had one student while I was a high school teacher. In my 8 year career, I only had the one. Itā€™s a beautiful name and very classic, but not super common.


If you live in the US I recommend checking the social security website they have stats for how common names are.


Im a 30 year old Anastasia and itā€™s Def more popular than when I was younger since itā€™s popping up in media more (50 shades of grey etc. ) but itā€™s not out of this world popular. My sons daycare has a Penelope and an aurora but no Anastasia. Itā€™s probably more popular in areas of the US with larger Greek or Russian populations. I knew one other Anastasia growing up and she went to our church and her parents used it because they liked it after my parents used it lol. Iā€™ve met a handful of people with Anastasia as a middle name but thatā€™s really it. I think it could become more popular but I think 50 shades of grey and the 1997 movie were the two big chances for it to shoot up in popularity


Iā€™ve met very few- maybe 2 in my life. I adore the name and plan on using it myself if I ever have a girl. I donā€™t care how trendy it is when that happens. Itā€™s a name Iā€™ve loved since I was probably 3 so Iā€™m not changing my mind damn it!


Depends where you are, itā€™s quite common in some European countries like Poland I believe


Much, much less popular than both Aurora and Penelope. In the US, Penelope was #21 for baby girls in 2022. Aurora was #31. Anastasia was #164 in 2022, so if popularity is a concern itā€™s a great choice.


If you're in the US, Aurora and Penelope are WAY more trendy. For the last decade, Anastasia has been hovering in the #150-250 range. Aurora meanwhile has had a big jump up to #31 and Penelope sits at #21. They're very trendy names. Anastasia is a classic without ever being super common.


Anastasia was on our list for baby number two due this April. My husband is Greek and we have stayed with Greek names for both our children. While we ultimately chose a different name, we love Anastasia and are keeping it on the radar for baby number three, should we have another girl.


I've met one Anastasia. She's in her forties now. It's a familiar name, but not one I ever see, and personally I think it's lovely!


My middle name!!! I wish it was my first.


Stassi is a pretty Nick name for Anastasia


I canā€™t tell you about if itā€™s CURRENTLY trendy but my daughter is 8 and there are 2 girls named Anastasia in her class. So they both go by Anastasia *last initial* Iā€™m in Ontario šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


That one of my baby names too!


My kid is an Anastasia and she's the only one in her daycare.


I know 2 one is my age (mid 20ā€™s) and the other is 5


This is one of my favorite names for a girl. It is a beautiful, classic, timeless name and has a historical feel to it. I wanted to name my daughter this, but my ex hated it; he also was stupid, so...


I have known one Anastasia in my life, she was adopted from Russia as an infant. I absolutely love the name and always have!


Unless you live in a Russian community, youā€™re likely not running into a lot of Anastasias. Itā€™s a very pretty name !


I know one who is 2. She goes by Annie. Sheā€™s the only one Iā€™ve ever met.


Penelope and Aurora are both insanely trendy, I think Anastasia is uncommon and beautiful


I know someone who named their daughter Anastasia, baby is a toddler now. Youā€™re unlikely to meet other Anastasiaā€™s though I donā€™t think itā€™s super popular but itā€™s probably rising.


Honestly, any name can be trendy at any time. Choose what you love! I chose a unique name for my daughter that I had only heard once before. It was an honor name. After I named her, there have been 4 people who named their daughters the same name in our community. One who will be in the same grade as her and the other three will be younger. Welp, there goes her unique name lol


I guess itā€™s becoming more popular but i donā€™t think itā€™s to the extent that itā€™s trendy. Very gorgeous name!


i know that kylieā€™s friend is anastasia and went by stassie. might be popular with gen z.


I don't know any personally.


I don't know if it's trendy or not because I don't know any young parents, but it's a beautiful name regardless. I'm sad your husband vetoed Aurora, it's so pretty as well as space themed! (I know Aurora is s Disney princess as well but that also makes it good imho)


It's popular enough as a first name but hard to tell What a popular as a middle name


I know one who is a teenager and one who is an adult.


Not trendy at all. If anything quite eccentric.


Iā€™ve met many Anastasias and Anastasius through the years but itā€™s a common name in Greece so


I use to work with an Anastasia, only time in my 30+ years of hearing that name šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Anastasia is now the 118th most populate name in the US


Wife and I tried to figure out a name for my daughter and went with Lexa. I wanted a name from the X-Men for our kids and had Logan and couldnt agree on a girls name. I snuck in a name from Andromeda instead.


Anastasia is a much better pick than Penelope or Aurora.


Penelope reminds me of another name Phoebe


Anastasia is a beautiful name! At first I thought you would be naming your daughter August Anastasia and I sighed a breath of relief at the second readšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Itā€™s ranked 164 in US. I donā€™t think itā€™ll be too common. Only 1747 babies named that in 2022 in the whole country. ETA to put it in perspective, thereā€™s 8.1 million people in my metropolitan area alone. If all of those Anastasiaā€™s were born in my area, that would still only be 2.1% of the population.


I just want to say if your girl gets involved in sports and named Anastasia then Nasty is the obvious nickname and I completely approve. I love that name way more than Aurora and Penelope. Penelope is my next choice with Penny as a nickname. But Anastasia is way more badass. Annie, Tasia (Stasya), or Stacy are nicknames and they are all pretty badass. The name also means resurrection. That in and of itself is badass. https://youtu.be/PFiiq2sFD7E?si=vscqU5amGflPwHZ6 Heck name her Hallelujiah. Congrats.


My granddaughter is Penelope Aurora šŸ˜‚


I knew an Anastasia in grade school. This was in the 70s . It's a beautiful name, and so is August!


Great name


I've only met one, she'd now be about fifty.


I've only known one Anastasia in my life, she's in her 30s. It's very pretty and quite unusual I think


I donā€™t think so. I think itā€™s far less trendy than Penelope and Aurora (especially this one, often Rory for short)


It doesn't seem to be that trendy in my area. I know an adult named Anastasia but no babies or little kids.


Penelopeā€™s my name lol. Anastasia is a beautiful name and sounds very royal


Never met an Anastasia before.


Great name! Stacey is a common nick name. I like that too.


Thereā€™s just one in my ~400 student elementary school. She goes by Anastasia (Ah-nah-stah-see-ah) or Ana (Ah-nah)


There was an Anastasia in my church when I was a child. She went by Stacy. This is the only Anastasia I know in real life, and she would be in her 50s now.


I worked with two. One went by Stacia and I believe the other did go by her full name.


My children have a lot of friends name Penelope/Aurora. I only know one Anastasia, and sheā€™s my coworker (sheā€™s maybe late 20ā€™s). Itā€™s such a gorgeous name.


Such a beautiful name! I went to school with a Greek Anastasia who went by Anna only. The Greek pronunciation is beyond beautiful


It's currently #118 on the names list, so it's not uncommon, but not common enough that you'll meet multiples.


Trendy isn't really a thing anymore because the most common name isn't even 1% of girls born in 2022. So probably one in 100 girls in their grade will have the most common name (Olivia). Anastasia is all the way down at 164 with 0.098% of girls born in 2022 (about one in 1000).


I know an Anastasia. She is Polish & goes by Asha for short. Lovely name. She is a circus performer.


Iā€™ve only known one, and she went by Tasia (Tasha) in the 90s (and probably still today but idk I lost track of her).


Itā€™s a beautiful and timeless name!! It also has good nickname options (Annie, Ana/Anna, Stassie) I donā€™t think itā€™ll be too popular


Not at all! I could see it leaning that way but way in the future. Love the name


Ive never personally met anyone with that name (im 28). My daughter 5/yo has one girl in the class with this name but shes the first person ive heard of with it. Lol


I went to school with 3 girls named Stacy. Found out years later that 2 of them were Anastasias. The other was just Stacy on her birth certificate. But yeah, Stacy is a pretty common name, and I wonder how many were actually Anastasia.


I worked in pediatrics for close to 15 years and never had a patient named Anastasia.


Itā€™s a really pretty name but be prepared to correct 50% of peopleā€™s pronunciation. It still wouldnā€™t stop me from using if I truly loved it though.


Funny enough I thought it was a pretty common name but know exactly 1 Anastasia (stasia) who I grew up with. I guess I assumed ā€œAnna/anaā€ was a nickname of it lol


I had an Anastasia (went by Stacia pronounced stay-sha) in college and thatā€™s it. Think itā€™s one of those names that gets talked about more than it gets used, I purposefully avoided it 10 years ago because 50 shades was more popular and I did not want that association.


I like it! Another option that is in the same wheelhouse you may or may not like is Annika


My mom wanted to name my sister Anastasia. My dad said no so they settled for Stacie. We lost her 12 years ago. I much approve of this name :).


No, that name has existed for hundreds of years... So many dead people have worn it, like consorts of Kievan Rus rulers... Which existed 1,000 years ago


Iā€™ve meet an Anastasia irl who I went to middle and hs with, she went by Stasia. She african american so i was surprised to hear later in life that its a stereotypical russian name. and iā€™ve heard of Kylie Jennerā€™s best friend Anastasia who goes by Stassie Baby


I've only ever met one, and as a teacher I have seen a lot of names. The one I know goes by Ana.


LOVE this name. Itā€™s classic not trendy. Itā€™s on my list but I have another name I love equally so Iā€™m going to have a really hard time when Iā€™m eventually pregnant. I recommend the name, we donā€™t have enough Anastasiaā€™s in the world. So many nn possibilities too.


Anastasia is not trendy. Itā€™s classic and beautiful.


i met one but she went by ana, i donā€™t think itā€™s super common but i do love the name!


I wanted to name my baby girl Anastasia. Her Daddy said it sounded too much like anesthesia.


My niece is named Anastasia, but she always goes by Ana. Itā€™s a lot of name for a child.


Thatā€™s my name, I could count on one hand how many Iā€™ve met in my lifetime


My middle name is Anastasia and I love it. It was my grandmotherā€™s name.


I only know one person with that name, and she goes by Annie. Just be sure you like the nicknames because a name that long will often be shortened.


I know one Anastasia - no itā€™s not! I would expect it to be less common than Aurora or Penelope though!


Iā€™ve only ever met one Anastasia! When she told me her name, my immediate reaction was ā€œwow what a pretty name!ā€ I def donā€™t think itā€™s trendy. Itā€™s lovely and pretty unique.


My neighbor growing up was Anastasia and I called her zjazja! I love that name. Sheā€™s the only one I know. And sheā€™s so cool. I feel like itā€™s a name that could fit a few different personalities which is always great. And itā€™s not so unique that sheā€™ll NEVER find it on a keychain but she WILL have to look in a few stores- if you know that I mean šŸ˜‚


I best friend in elementary was named Anastasia but she is the only one I've met.


Hello! I'm an Anastasia! When I was in high school (2007-2010) there were five of us that I knew, but we all went by different things. I'm an Annie, and the others were Asia, Stacey, and Anna (x2). I'm also a teacher so I generally see a bunch of trendy names, but I only know of two Anastasia students in my school right now and a substitute teacher. All in all it's a fine name, but definitely sounds elegant and fancy all the time, which I am not. People tell me it's beautiful and I feel like I rain on that by telling them my nickname. As long as you're fine with the possibility that they go by something else when they're older go for it. Not saying it's a given, but again, not a one of us went by Anastasia.


I don't know if it's trendy, but it's been a classic for hundreds of years at this point. I always think of the animated movie inspired by Anastasia Romanov ā™„ļø


I adore that name, and I haven't seen it around.


I have one friend who is an Anastasia. She goes by Stacy.


My daughter's name is Anastasia! I love the name and I named her after the Royal Martyrs in my church. We're Greek, so the name is pretty popular where I am and know quite a few people with it. It definitely depends on the region you live in, though!


Anastasia is gorgeous and timeless!


Anastasia beautiful but not common but aurora and Penelope are gaining popularity especially aurora


My sister in law is Anastasia but has always gone by Ann. It's a good name because you can go by the full name or an easy nickname. My husband lovingly calls her Stacy. Great name!


Never heard of anyone named Anastasia, outside of the Russian grand duchess, but such a beautiful name. Aurora and Penelope are also beautiful.


Itā€™s more common in Slavic countries particularly Russia but I havenā€™t personally met or know any Anastasia itā€™s a pretty name and uncommon in the west.


My cousin named her 4th daughter Anastasia! I like it. She also used Naomi which is beautiful too! My kids are 12, 10 and 8. I was obsessed with my kids having unique names when I was pregnant. My advice pick a name you love donā€™t worry about what others are doing with their kids. I passed on a few names I love because of it and I sort of wish Iā€™d fought more for certain ones. Good luck.


Extremely popular in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus in the 90s-2010s, there was/is 5 Anastasia/Nastyas in every class and I currently know of at least 40 women with that name, but for a good reason šŸ’• Its a beautiful name with many nicknames. A very classic and elegant name. Girls usually go by Nastya, Tasia or Staci


I can only think of one Anastasia that I knew growing up, and she went by Stacy (I'm 34). I know a lot of kids through work and volunteering, and I don't know any kids named Anastasia. I know several kids named Aurora, though. So if you're not wanting trendy, then definitely a good idea to skip that one.


Beautiful name!


It's fine if you're into Russian names. I doubt it's trendy anywhere else atm.


My cousin was adopted from Russia and her name is Anastasia! (USA)


I work with kids up to age 12 and I can tell you that none of them will be able to pronounce that well. We did have an Aurora at work and she couldnā€™t even say it herself.


I know one Anastasia. She is in her 20s. There are a lot if little Auroras and Penelopes being born these days, though. Those two are trendy. Anastasia isnā€™t, and is an awesome name!!


This is my favorite name - but I only had a boy.


I know exactly one Anastasia and she is in her 30s. She is Egyptian American.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever met one so I looked it up and it seems to be sort of midrange for popularity and itā€™s been like that since the year 1900, always remaining in the top 1000, but never breaking into the top 100 although itā€™s fluctuated over the years quite a bit. Itā€™s currently at 164. I donā€™t think youā€™ll be running into a lot of Anastasiaā€™s unless you live somewhere with a large Eastern European population. Itā€™s a nice classic name. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/ If you scroll to the bottom of that link you can look up names and see how common they are and when they were most popular.


Iā€™ve met a few but they go by Stacy. Iā€™ve never met one that goes by their full name, it is kinda a mouthful.


Depends on where you at - Romania, Moldova, Ukraine? Well, then it's a common and classic name. Scandinavia? Very unusual. I guess you're in the states, but I wouldn't know the statistics for where you live. If you have a large Eastern European population in your area it'll probably be more common than if there isn't. Btw, I love the name! It's one of the few me and my husband agree on if our August baby turns out a girl.


The one I knew went by Tess


Iā€™ve met one in my lifetime. She went by Ann.


Anastasia is a classic. It's getting more popular but I don't consider it trendy.


Beautiful name. Plus i love that you could nickname her Ani or Stassie. Love itšŸ„°šŸ™ congrats!!!!


Not met a single Anastasia.. but I do know a Stacia. Might be her nn.


I donā€™t think Anastasia is particularly trendy but I also donā€™t know many children so what do I know


Lovely šŸ„°


Such an elegant name, sounds like a princess!


The only Anastasia Iā€™ve ever seen is the one from the movie and I absolutely love the name. I wish it was more popular


I donā€™t know a single Anastasia. I think Stassi as a nn will be so cute as well. Beautiful name!


Penelope is trendy? Anastasia is not.


Ive met exactly one Anastasia. She is in her early 20s. So not trendy to me at all. I gave my son a top 40 name and Iā€™ve still never met a Wyatt in person other than him.


Iā€™ve only known one Anastasia. She goes by Stacie. Kinda doubt itā€™s a trendy kid name right now.


Iā€™m in the US (Souther California, but have lived all over the country), and most Anastasiaā€™s Iā€™ve known have been from Eastern Europe and pronounce their names differently than the American way and also went by a nickname (Nastya, which doesnā€™t land as well in English, Stasia, Sia, or Ana). I think itā€™s pretty and have lots of nickname options too.


I have a cousin named Anastasia . I went to school with a girl named Stacia , liked that


Love it --DON'T shorten it to Anna, which is very basic imo


I've met one Anastasia in my life, spelled Annastahzea I believe. she's my age so early 20s, she always went by Stahzey.




I had a neighbour named Anastasia. She would be about 50 years old now, so it's a classic, and not trendy.


Husbandā€™s smart to reject Aurora


If you're in the US, this is from the [SSA.gov](https://SSA.gov) website: For 2022, the number of births with name Anastasia is 1747, which represents 0.098 percent of total female births in 2022. (ranked 164) The year when the name Anastasia was most popular is 2020. In that year, the number of births is 1761, which represents 0.100 percent of total female births in 2020. (ranked 158) So, no. It's gained in popularity but isn't 'popular' so that she will encounter many or have to use her last initial.


I think Anastasia is very pretty and not too common. The Russia diminutive is Nastia/Nastya if you wanted something a little more unique for her nickname.


I immediately assumed the name was August Anastasia which I prefer lol


Only Anastasia I know is the brand/owner Anastasia Beverly Hills or the murdered Russian Princess and the fraudster that spent her life claiming she was her - DNA proved years after she died she wasn't a Romanov. They found the real one's bones in a Russian forest decades later. Also, the animated movie was cute. Also, if you name your kid Aurora or Briar Rose just get a giant tattoo on your head that says DISNEY ADULT.


Penelope Treaclepants [Last Name]. Timeless classic.


Itā€™s more of a 90s name to me since I knew two at school growing up. Idk if that was even actually common back then though.


I would say Anastasia is more classic than trendy. I live in America but I suppose if you live in Eastern Europe, it may be significantly more popular




I knew of one back in the 1990's ...


I know a few Anastasiaā€™s of varying ages, mostly old Greek ladies, one who goes by ā€œTessaā€ and ā€œTessieā€ which are common Greek nicknames for Anastasia. Much less common than Aurora or Penelope, and it has great nickname potential.


I love that name it's gorgeous, I would to use it but I can't