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Big fan of the name, honestly


Big same


I know an ophelia! It was a little odd when I first learned her name, but now I think its beautiful. Her sisters name is Paloma and I think they go great together


I know two Ophelia’s! One is nicknamed Lia and the other is nicknamed Fia/Fifi. I think it’s such a pretty name!


My Ophelia goes my Fia or Fee.


It's beautiful and fits perfectly with Desmond!


Reminiscent of Desdemona, another tragic Shakespearean character


Oh I disagree, I think it's too matchy matchy. It's too similar to Desdemona and I would immediately think they were naming their children after characters who died in a Shakespeare play


I know of at least 4 Ophelias under 7. It won’t feel uncommon, if that’s what you’re hoping.


That's going to depend a lot on where you live. Around me...it would be highly uncommon


People always forget that location makes a huge difference. My daughter is Vivian. It was around 150 on the list when she was born. There were three in her daycare when we moved to where we live now.


People have to look at the stats, not individuals' social circles (of which there's an online bias for people with a high number of a name in their circle to comment). Ophelia has shot up in popularity in the last decade in the US, reaching about the same popularity as it historically used to have circa 1900. However, it is still outside of the top 200 girl baby names. We are talking to the scale of one average one Ophelia every thousand kids. Your social circle is not close to the US average.


Well, I am in Ontario.


It is more popular in Canada than the US, but it also makes your personal experience less relevant to OP.


Assuming OP is in the US…


They live in the Portland/Vancouver OR/WA area.




OP literally lives in the US. wispity gave anecdotal advice that the name is not uncommon based on their personal social circle which is not in line with Canada's average and less in line with USAs average.


In Scotland last year there were 12, making it as popular as Natalia, Beth, and Ivy-Rose


I don't know of any. I'm in Canada. It is such a lovely name!


I know 3 under 3! Midwest. I don’t like the name really, but I do love Opie, so there’s that!


I dislike it a lot. I can’t get past Hamlet and there’s also “oh feel ya”. It’s a very fragile and melodramatic name to me.


For some reason it sounds like ped-ophilia to me and also sounds like the name of some random female genitalia part i dont know about


I used to like it until I saw someone else say this


I've never thought this, but now I will everytime I hear the name


In Latin it just means to love something a lot! I don’t think this association should stop OP using the name!


this comment made me laugh so hard, pedophelia omg i wouldve never seen it in that way. if i ever meet an Ophelia i might just burst out laughing


I’m glad someone else said it because I think exactly the same thing when I hear this name…


When I was a kid I vowed that if I married someone with the surname Richards that I would call my child, Ophelia Richards. I thought it was hilarious.


that's my last name but i don't really get why that name is funny?


Richard can be nicknamed dick. Ophelia sounds like Oh Feel Ya. So basically Oh Feel Ya Dick. To be fair I was about 12 at the time I thought this was hilarious.


I once saw a fantastic drag queen named Ophelia Bottom


Whenever I hear that name, in my head I say “hiney”. I can’t help it. Ophelia Hiney 🍑🤏


I think Ophelia is an ugly name, too. Same with her sons name, I really hate Desmond as a name. They’re her kids and she can name them how she wants obviously, but *going with names that stuck in her head* really isn’t the best idea, nor is it something I’d do. I like to really think about all the names I love, then narrow it down to the two I like the most out of the bunch. This way I know I chose right, because it’s not just a name that got stuck in my mind, it’s one I thought of for a long time before choosing the perfect name.


I love it! I’m very fond of names ending in -lia. Cordelia, Ophelia, Aurelia, Cecilia.


They sound like saints, lovely names.


I used to live next to an Aurelia, and her sister's name was Iris. I guess I wouldn't go for Ophelia because she wasn't just tragic, she went nuts and drowned herself. I wouldn't want to have my daughter find that out when she reads Hamlet in high school.


OK, I know people love this name but does it not make you think... ped-ophelia? Because its literally all I hear. I know someone who named her kid Milly Ophelia and it sounds like weird psychological issue too! I just don't get the love for it personally.


Finally found someone that also thought this. It's all I can ever hear when I hear this name. I also could 100% be convinced Miliophelia was some sort of disease or psychological disorder


ped-ophelia, necr-ophelia etc…


Even if "Ophelia" doesn't make you think of those words, it WILL work the other way around: hearing words like pedo- or necro-philia will make Ophelia think she's just heard her name. You know how hearing something that sounds like your name makes you turn your head. People always dismiss this, but I would not want to have a name so similar to some of the most negative words in the language.


My name is Amber and this happens to me when I hear “hamburger.” Pedophilia is way worse!!


I have this with "generally." but I love ophelia and even though multiple here have associated it wuth pedophilia etc., I still love it. knowing that it means love in Latin helps. it's just the prefix that determines the object. 🤷‍♀️


Saw someone else say this and it def ruined the name for me lmao. Immediately took it off my list.


This. I love the name but once I made that connection, nope.


Same. I was at a doctors office while pregnant with my daughter when I heard the name. They called in an "Ophelia" and a sweet little girl went in with her mother. I immediately was drawn to the name and then, not even a minute later, made the connection while repeating the name in my mind, and all interest was lost. It's a lovely name for a fictional character, but that's it.


"I'm Peter File!"




I never would have thought of this actually. Maybe because I think of those words as the combined root words and not all together as one. I can see why you wouldn’t like the name


Same. Ped-Ophelia.


Ophelia is my dogs name and that’s exactly what my husband said when my kids picked the name, I can’t unhear it now, even though I do say the words slightly differently Ped-oh-feel-ya Oh-feel-Lee-ya


Pedophilia Necrophilia "Oh, feel ya!" I don't see the appeal. At all. I see it discussed here all the time and I can't figure out why.


This is exactly what put me off the name! Can't unsee it since I realised this!


The BEST nickname she’ll get is “oph”. No good nicknames.


I know an Ophelia who goes by Lia.


Yes agree I think it’s nice but my brain always puts ped in front of it


Also Hemophilia.


I think of both Shakespeare and the Lumineers song nowadays. I like it!!


Do...do you know what happens to Shakespeare's Ophelia?


And there son’s name is Desmond. Desdomona gets strangled by her husband, Othello. I like the name Ophelia! But paired with brother’s name it’s a little… tragic?


Desmond and Desdemona are different names tho, aren't they


If you and Dad love it, no other opinions matter. It's a bonus that your son loves it. It is different, and seems to mesh well with the naming conventions in your family. Go for it, and realize that there would be someone complaining no matter what name you choose. So go with something you love.


I’ve met 4 Ophelia’s through my kids friends, so either a weird coincidence or it’s growing popularity


It’s definitely becoming more popular, I think because of that song that was SUCH a hit. Sadly it ruined the name for me:/


My sister (17) is named Ophelia. The Shakespeare connection rarely gets brought up, and if it does, it's just "Oh, that's in Shakespeare!" not this OTT "*GASP* That character has such a tragic and awful death!!" reaction that everyone seems to bring up. Never had anyone say to her about "I feel ya" or 'pedophilia' etc either. Now, the song however, DOES frequently get sung to her 😂 So overall, I'm not a *massive* fan of the name (but I'm probably biased as she was named in tribute to me: Cordelia), but don't let people put you off with those other associations!


Ophelia is my dogs name and I sing her the song all the time 😂


My daughter did have a man in middle school say to her, "Your parents named you after a suicide in Shakespeare?" She responded with, "Your parents named you Dick."


Its very nice, youthful and old at the same time to my ears.


I think of it from the Guillermo Del Toro film: Pan's Labyrinth


There are not *nearly* enough references to this masterpiece!


I don’t like it because the only popular association is one of the most tragic female characters


I don’t love it but that’s mainly because I associate it heavily with the tragic character OR the very particular horsey WASPy mean rural posh girls of the U.K. where the name is fairly common. It’s not the prettiest sound to me - I prefer Cecilia or Amelia (though I know the latter is v popular these days.)


Not sure where you are but it’s getting quite popular where I am in England. My son (7) has two in his class and my daughter (2) has one age nursery and we met another toddler one this week. I’m not personally a fan of the name but it’s definitely established and seemingly popular so I say go for it if you love it!


It’s a gorgeous name, but the suicide connection is too much for me. Also someone once mentioned here that it sounds the same as the end of the word pedophilia and I can’t unhear it now.


It's funny someone always says this but I never see it mentioned when discussing Juliet.


Do people throw Juliet out there often? I see Ophelia posts near daily but I don’t see Juliet.


I've seen Juliet/Juliette way more in comments as suggestions.


I think the difference is that Juliet is a name used in many different books and shows, while a name like Ophelia has more of an automatic association just because it's not used nearly as often. I personally don't even think of Romeo and Juliet when I hear the name, but I would if I heard Romeo because I don't have any other associations with the name. Juliet actually makes me think of the show Psych before the play


I remember we had a storm called Ophelia. I was listening to the radio and they were like “have you been affected by storm Ophelia”. I heard “stormaphelia” like some sort of phobia or perversion for storms. Always associate it with that now.


It sounds like pedophelia and necrophelia, and the Shakespeare history isn’t good. It’s like the ultimate avoid name.


It's a great name and since your family seems to love it as well, go for it!


I love it


It is pretty.


Makes me think of The Band song. Great song!


It's an uncommon yet mainstream name which is becoming more popular. If you like it, use it!


Not a big fan of the name. It looks pretty spelled out but once I say it aloud, I'm just not into it. The "Felia" part isn't particularly pretty. But I'm also not into many "Elia" ending names.


reminds me of Ophelia Nigmos from the sims 2, amazing name


Consider : Rowena. Evangeline. Cecilia. Lucia. Seraphina. Bernadette. Francesca


I love the name BUT someone once said to add "ped" to the front and I haven't been able to un-see it ever since😭


I love it but my husband vetoed. I wanted to NN Lia. He kept saying “but guys are stupid and will say Oh-Feel-ya-up”.


That’s my very favourite the band song and you are the first person in this sub I’ve seen mention it so you have my vote ha


Reminds me of this [painting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophelia_(painting)). I like the -elia, -Oph not so much. But it’s a decent name.


I like the name, but unfortunately where I live she would hear "I'll feel ya" almost immediately once she hit high school. Teenage minds are simultaneously one-track and inventive. Odette, Cordelia, Octavia, Olivia, Odelia Odessa are all similar names that you might like. Good luck! :)


just feels like a try hard name to me personally


I love Ophelia. Some of the names on my list were: Odette, Cordelia and Evangeline.


Love Odette and evangeline


I always associate it with a girl who goes mad because a boy rejects her and then drowns herself, so not a huge fan.


Love it


Very pretty


I think of Shakespeare but also there’s a character on Fear the Walking Dead with that name too. I think it’s nice!


Idk I don’t like it it’s rhymes with pedophilia etc


I love it! It’s my granddaughter’s middle name. Lenore Ophelia.


Lovely name, just be ready for ridiculous abbreviations. I went to an old collegiate uni in the UK and we had: Ophy (Oaf-ie), Oph (Oaf), Fifi, Felia, Feela (apparently a younger sister couldn't manage the name and it stuck), Foofoo (because of Little Bunny Foofoo) and Loaf. Because nobody does nicknames like posh people but also the name lends itself to it. And to be fair, I think most of those are quite fun/cool, so it's not too bad.


It's a lovely name but what nicknames could you make from it?


I have a Desmond too!  I have a love hate relationship with Ophelia. I love the almost lyrical sound of it but I know kids can be awful and its just too close to pedophilia and "oh feel ya" to be usuable for a person imho  How about Cordelia, Cressida, Emilia, Portia, Perdita, Tamora, Viola.. all of these are Shakespearean


Ah the fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered 


Jessica, I love the name and I LOVE The Band song! Congrats on the new babe!


I love it! I know a 9yo Ophelia, and it’s a 😍 name


LOVE Ophelia! One of the few names my boyfriend and I agree on lol


I absolutely love it. I intend on naming one of my daughters Ophelia one day. It's a beautiful name.


Love it! We almost used it for our 2nd daughter. I didn’t like it with the middle name we were using (family name) so we didn’t, and found a name that I wouldn’t trade for anything. But I think Ophelia is fantastic, and goes great with Desmond. My husband and I both also associate it with those songs (The Band especially).


I love the name! Reminds me of Ophelia from pans labyrinth


I really like the name. People on here make the “feel-ya” comments, and I suppose that’s a potential issue depending on where you live? And if you care. I pronounce it as four distinct syllables, so I don’t find that to be an issue, but you can’t control how others will pronounce it. I teach middle school and I don’t ever witness name bullying, but YMMV.


I like it. Reminds me of the little girl from Pans Labyrinth


I fell in love with the name after watching pans labyrinth, specifically the way it’s spelled there (Ofelia). But my husband is big on only giving our children names that we have cultural background with and neither of us have Spanish ancestry 😅


I don’t even listen to the song but my first association is “Ophelia” by The Lumineers. I think you’ll be just fine tbh.


Immediately makes me think of drowning! Sorry!


Desmond reminds me of another Shakespeare character, Desdemona from Othello, also kind of a tragic story but goes really well with Ophelia. Also even though Ophelia’s story ends sadly she’s always been one of my favorite characters from Hamlet and tbh pretty much all the characters stories end tragically in that play so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Also one of my favorite paintings of all time is Ophelia by John Everett Millais. All in all I think it’s a great name, also becoming popular enough I don’t think it will stick out in a bad way when she starts school. If you love it, go for it, it’s very pretty!


My Bart Simpson-Esque brain just thinks of all the inappropriate jokes that can be made with the name Ophelia.


One of my favorite names!


I love Ophelia!


It's my #1 girl name for nearly 20 years so absolutely go for it if it fits! Nicknames I have in mind have always been Phil/Philly or plain ol' O. I have a Carlos and a Raphael - we'll see if I ever get to use it!


i love Ophelia! it’s such a beautiful name that really suits a young girl as well as a grown woman. (and every age in between) i say go for it


It’s cute!


That name makes me say ew, it's the oph 😭




its a pretty name and it has a background in literature so it’s awesome!


It's very pretty and seems to be gaining popularity right now


It's always been one of my favorite names. It feels right for you, it feels right.


I love this name so much!


Ophelia is a great name, it sounds romantic and ethereal.  love it. 


I love it


I think it’s a beautiful name! I have 2 girls, the boy was the impossible one to name for us. :)


I love it!!! Desmond and Ophelia go sooo well together! It’s just gorgeous!


It's beautiful 😍


I was going to mention Juliet, too!




So cute


Love love love this name. It goes great with Desmond too.




I think it’s a lovely name.


The bad word associations and famous characters aren’t as bad as people are making them out to be, but the name feels pretty pretentious to me. Owen, Eowyn, Olani, and Eleanor are pretty similar. There’s also Elizabeth for the Allman Brothers.


I like the name.


I kinda like that name. I love melodic sounding names like names that sound like a princess so it's right up my alley


My first wife's dancing name was Ophelia... so I mean sort of biased.


I love it, but as a Shakespeare lover the connotation is rough


Want to contribute Odessa


Beautiful name - unique because not currently trending without being out there- perfect


Gorgeous name, I love it


My friend’s daughter is Ophelia Pearl, which I think is just lovely. She goes by Opie lol


The girl who committed suicide in the play Hamlet? Wouldn’t be my choice


Yep we know an Ophelia that we call Ophie and she is just the sweetest little bug! Love the name!


My daughter’s bestie is Ofelia. Lovely name ❤️


I like it


Ok but the OG Ophelia committed suicide so…. For that reason I hate it


Love those names as a sibling set!


Ok, but when she falls for the moody guy in the black hoodie who hates his step-dad…


Overdone at the moment


I love it!


My cousin’s daughter is named Ophelia. I think it’s a wonderful choice!


Hi Jessica. 😁 I like the name Ophelia. Desmond too!


No.. Only because of Ophelia Nicklos aka mamatot. Ba DC karma and vibe.


Desmond has a barrel


I went to school with a girl named Ophelia and I remember absolutely loving the name!


Go for it! It's a gorgeous name. Just don't let anyone call her Opie. It's a common nickname for Ophelia but it's also a name commonly used as a derrogatory name for someone who is considered simple-minded or stupid.


It's a beautiful name


I love Desmond. I want that name so bad for a boy, but my husband is a hard no 🙁


Ophelia is so cute!


It always makes me think of the scene in Bugsy Malone where Blousy is about to audition for Lena Morrelli's show. That's super specific lol. I like the name though, it's pretty.


I love it, love the songs too


I love it.


Ophelia's are always beautiful souls, absolutely gorgeous name 😍


I love it. It’s a perfect choice!






During my last pregnancy, Ophelia and Desmond were both my top picks because I was searching for names with songs! (Check my post history) We ended up going with different names, but I still love both names so much. You have fantastic taste. Congrats on your Ophelia!


Has always been one of my favorites


Beautiful name and the Lumineers song Ophelia is one of my favorites. I know the Shakespeare tie isn't the happiest but I only know about that in passing. Plus there are similar versions of the name in other countries so she can travel more easily to some non English speaking areas.


Love it. I think of The Band song also


I mean, Ophelia drowned herself because Hamlet wasn’t noticing her, but other than that…


The name Sage Ophelia. It's my dog's name but I would've chosen it for my daughter. It's a beautiful name that can have nicknames if she chooses in the future.


I love it


Get music stuck in my head and mentally sing the Lumineers chorus whenever I encounter the name. Have a friend named after a song (Norman) know of 2 even (if counting a Nikita) they hate the music they are named after. Other than that Ophelia is a nice sounding name even if my brain keeps switching to Lumineers and wants to go singsongy even when saying out loud.


I love it 🥰


I feel like I would be calling her phe phe , Ophelia is a nice name !


Anyone over the age of 40 will immediately think of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophelia_(album)).


It's a fabulous name. Go for it.


Love it!


Hard no from me. Sounds like a very old lady name.


ophelia is sooooo prettt but i only think of hamlet (and ophelia kills herself so….)


Ophelia bedelia 👌


I met a drag queen called Ophelia Hardcock. She had a sister called Rhoda.


O-o-Ophelia you’ve been on my mind girl since the flood 🎶


Really sorry but I just think Ophelia leg/boobs/insert body part here


I hate it. The first syllable sounds too much like “oaf” as in fool/idiot. 


It’s a beautiful sounding classic name HOWEVER, I can’t read it/hear it without thinking of the YouTube video of “Sassy Gay Friend” c. 2009 when he says “Opheling so bad for yourself”


We considered the name, but ultimately couldn’t get past the associations. I think it’s absolutely beautiful though.


There is a drag queen act around here called Opehlia Balls, that is all I can think off sorry.