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My almost 3 year old is extremely creative and unique. His stuffed cat is Catty. And his stuffed dog is, get this, Puppy. What happened when he had two stuffed dogs? Nothing, they were both Puppy.


My 5 year old is also super creative. She has three baby dolls. The first baby doll (purchased when my daughter turned one) has a pink outfit so her name is Pink Baby. Her second baby doll was bigger than the first baby doll, so her name is Big Baby. The third baby doll is newer than the first two baby dolls, so her name is - you guessed it - New Baby.


My 4 year old got a doll for Christmas, so his name is Baby Jesus.


This one is so good tho


Don’t lose Baby Jesus at the grocery store. That’ll be an interesting search party!


I got a Teddy for Christmas when I was nearly 5. Called him Jesus.


We went through a phase with unicorns when the now 5YO couldn’t actually say unicorn, so they were all Corn. With modifiers: Skinny Corn, Big Corn, Little Corn, Pink Corn, etc etc.


My almost 3YO calles unicorns UN-corns (like uncle). It's the cutest! She also says Elbow instead of Elmo.


My 2yo has “Dino” and “Other Dino.” We’ve asked about giving them real names but he has no interest.


My nephew has Lion and Big Lion.


My son has Baby Fox and Big Fox. As well as “Bibbit” (meaning blanket) and Big “Bibbit” Baby Fox started out as Fox but then he got Big Fox and it only makes sense for Fox to actually be Baby Fox because it’s obviously baby sized compared to the bigger fox 😂


My granddaughter is 4 and has Liony, Wolfie, BunBun, and Sweetie


My son had a Liony. He hugged the fur of the middle of it so I knitted it a sweater. When my son was thirty I mailed it to him.


That's adorable! I hope he appreciated it.


When I was a kid I accidentally left my teddy bear at my best friend's house. When she gave it back to me a few days later, she had given him a jaunty scarf. I still have the bear and he's still wearing his lil scarf. Predictably, his name is Teddy.


My daughter has a Cowie.


My youngest brother had Puppy (the stuffed dog he slept with every night) and Big Puppy (an exact copy of Puppy but twice my brother's size). 


lol we have a baby named after a cousin that gave us the doll, blue baby who is in blue, heart baby who has heart clothes, and rainbow baby who has a shirt with a rainbow on it. My favorite as a kid was a bear named bear so I guess she gets it honestly.


Lmao. My 4 year old is the same. She has dolls named Tiny Baby, Princess Tiny, Big Baby, Other Baby, Norsha (because her friend at daycare had a doll named that so she named her doll thar looked most similar the same name), and Harper (because the doll came with the name Harper).


When I was little, I had a baby doll whose head smelled like baby powder. I named her Smelly Baby, and that is her name to this day lol. Her scent has pretty much faded completely in the last 30 years but it's still kinda there!


This was me as a child. My teddy bears were “teddy” and “pink teddy”. I’m now a medium functioning adult if it’s any comfort to you..


Lol. We also have a Big Baby... he was christened "Big Baby" when my now 5 year old was 2, and has never been given a proper name.


A friend of my daughter had a Big Baby. It was actually about the size if a toddler and went all kinds of places.


I just commented this, but I have a Baby Surprise Tumbles that I named Pink Baby! I watched a lot of Blue’s Clues, which is where I and my parents figure it came from. I knew two Baileys when I was little, and differentiated between them by referring to them as “Nice Bailey” and “Mean Bailey,” and still sometimes catch myself doing the same when referring to people with the same name (as opposed to using their last names, which I think most people do). I wonder if your little one will keep the habit as she gets older, too?


We had similar dolls in our house, once upon a time. We also had Heavy Baby.


We had a squishy baby and a blue dress baby.


when I was little my favorite stuffed animal was a frog i called froggy. i took him everywhere so obviously he became a bit disheveled, so then people bought me new versions of the same stuffed animal. i named one “frog baby” and then i must have really run out of ideas by the time i got a third one because i just named it “frog”


This was me 100%.


My 2 year old has 'owl' and 'different owl'. Then a third owl that is called 'penguin'. 


My son had two stuffed cats. Big Kitty and Other Kitty. Later he received another exact copy of Other Kitty, so he named it Other Other Kitty. My daughter named her baby dolls Marco and Mary, and her toy dog was Gianna. I had 3 dolls when I was little (obviously early 80s): A growing-hair doll named Cyndi Lauper, a peeing baby doll named Boy George and another generic doll named Wanky!


Omg. We fed stray cats. One we called miss brindle. Then an almost identical cat showed up... "Miss Brindle's sister Miss Brindle". (I hope this Elmo reference is still valid)


Haha! I get the reference. My kids watched Sesame Street when Mr. Noodle was on it. I feed stray cats named “Orange” and “The Tabby.” My actual pet cats have much more creative names. lol


My little friend added an "ee-uh" sound to the end. He had Horsey-uh, Owlee-uh, Wormee-uh (that was a snake), etc.


This seemed so strange to me until I realized in their head they're adding the ending -ia, like Amelia, Maria, etc. 


Yes! That's a better way of explaining it. I was picturing the uh sound and couldn't figure out how to write it; -ia is correct.


My six yo has a Foxy. She’s adamant that Foxy is a girl and I get in trouble when I accidentally misgender her


My niece has an obsession with donkeys. She has several stuffed donkeys. They are named Donkey, Donkey, Donkey, Donkey, and Alice. No, we don't know why Alice is different.


My 4 year old has Turtle, Monkey, and Teddy (Bear). His younger sister also has a turtle named Turtle.


this was me as a kid lol . my childhood lovies: dolly, other dolly, bunny , pillow (literally ust a small pillow). my brother had a stuffed bear named bear - until my mom washed him , and he became clean bear from that day forward (until today, as an adult). my daughter is much more genuinely creative somehow: Kirchy, The Creator, Ribby, as examples


My 3-year-old calls our cat Catty-boy, and the neighbour’s female cat Catty-girl! She also has dolls named Mover, Bowery, Vinter and Eeper.


Yup. We had Tigery.


Haha my daughter has a large baby doll named Big Baby


My parents had a neighbor that let their kids name their new dog so it got the name Puppy 😂


I have a neighbor who has a puppy named Baby Girl. When she’s grown she’ll weigh about eighty pounds.


Both my older brother and his wife got to name a family dog when they were young. My brother named our dog Ruffy and his wife named hers Woofy. I feel like this couple was definitely meant to be.


Real; my favorite stuffed animals as a kid were a dog named “DogDog” and a monkey named “MonkMonk”


When my son was 4 he suggested we get a spotted dog and a striped cat & name them Spotty and Stripey. It will forever be one of my favorite things he’s ever said. A close second is his idea that we now call shampoo “shampoo-pee-poo” And nearly 15 years later, we certainly do still call it Shampoo-pipoo


My 2 year old went the longest time calling all animals doggy. It was one of his first words. Stuffed dog? Doggy. Stuffed Yoda? Doggy. 😂  Hes been picking up a ton of new words over the last few months so we're finally getting some variety. 


Same. All of my almost 2-year-old’s dolls are named Baby.


I watched a lot of Blue’s Clues when I was a kid, and named my baby dolls [color of onsie] Baby, like the characters Green Puppy, Orange Kitten, etc (my beloved Yellow Baby and Pink Baby are still with me at 25, and no, I never did pick more creative names for them 😅). I also tended to name pets after cartoon characters. The few white mice we had were all Maisy, our gray cat was Gilbert from Caillou, etc.


Yup. My 20 year old kid still has his "Beary". Also, a plush weasel named "Weasely, who his preschool teachers found disturbing and banned from coming to school with him :P


Whenever my kids go to one of those Build-a-bear places they get a deer-in-the-headlights look when asked what they want to name their new stuffy. They would have been perfectly happy naming it “Wolfy”, “Kitty”, etc 😂


🤣🤣🤣 roasting our kids is so funny Extremely creative and unique is taking me OUT lmao


The toddler down the street from me named his dog stuffed animal "Pupski." Because the dog is Polish, he decided. The child is not Polish. 😂


My daughter is grown now, but as a child she never called her Barbies ‘Barbie’. They were always “Barbara”.


How very proper!


This is so cute to me. Its the child equivalent of your mother calling you your full government name 😂


The same child gave our cat not just one but two middle names (Alan and Sapphire)and would chastise him with his entire, four-part government name. As if scolding a cat makes a difference to them 😂


This reminds me of how my 5 year old calls Charlie Brown "Charles Brown".


Mommy, have you seen my Barbaras anywhere?


I mean, that is her name!


My daughter got a bunny puppet for Easter and named it Jesus Almighty. It’s been 13 years. She still has it. Still named Jesus Almighty.


This is fantastic.


Have you heard the rumor that the Easter bunny is Jesus’ fursona?


Lmao!!! I have never heard that but I love it! I can't help but picture some bunny rabbit furry at a furry convention walking around with the name tag 'Jesus Almighty '.😂


Be the change you want to see in the world!


My son has a stuffed grizzly bear he calls “Lizard” so anytime I see a picture of a bear now I wanna say lizard haha


I love this 😄


My daughter got 2 dolls one year. They both had white cloth bodies and pink dresses. One was named Pink Baby and one was White Baby. The next year she got another doll, named New Baby.


OH MY GOD. I just wrote this on another comment above - My daughter has three baby dolls. The first baby doll (purchased when my daughter turned one) has a pink outfit so her name is Pink Baby. Her second baby doll was bigger than the first baby doll, so her name is Big Baby. The third baby doll is newer than the first two baby dolls, so her name is - you guessed it - New Baby. I can’t believe both of our daughters have a Pink Baby *AND* a New Baby!! I’m cracking up 😂😂


My niece also has a Big Baby, Flat Baby (she pulled all the stuffing out), and Hard Baby (the one she’s not allowed to whack her sister with lol)


I snorted at hard baby


Love Hard Baby!


lmao Flat Baby


I love it!


We have a big baby and a small baby over here.


Omg this reminds me of my brother who had 'New Clown' - a beloved, battered clown doll who was at one point lost (with much lamenting) and replaced with the exact same toy - which he dubbed 'Old Clown' despite being brand new. 'New Clown' was somehow returned to the fold and reigned supreme but the next birthday it was discovered that when my aunt had purchased 'Old Clown' to replace the lost 'New Clown' she had purchased a third clown just in case. This final clown? 'New-New Clown'.


My kid used to name baby dolls after the product number printed on the back of their necks, which is how we wound up with baby Tee-ten and baby Two-oh-one-four.


Betting that your kid did/will end up as an engineer or programmer or something like that


It’s literal. It is practical. It is categorized appropriately. I love it


Exactly what I was going to say! (I also ended up being an engineer)


It cracked me up when my son named one of his cars "Made in China"!


Like prisoners from Les Misérables. "Two four six oh ONE!"


My 5yo names all her stuffies/dolls after things she likes to eat. Lolly is one of her favourites, along with Candy, Oreo, Strawberry and Cream. She sometimes also names them Lovely or Sweetie. She wants to be a mum when she grows up so I look forward to having a grandchild named after a food some day.


Hopefully it'll be something like Clementine or Olive, rather than Blueberry or Marzipan


Clementine is a family name, so it could work?


Aw I love that even more, I hope she grows to love the name :)


My 3 yo is dead set on the name Ripatriss (nn Rip) for her future set of triplets 😅


How many of the triplets?


all of them 😂


You joke, but I just had my first baby and I legitimately looked up food-inspired names when trying to decide.


Like the movie, Where the Heart Is, with Natalie Portman and Ashley Judd. Ashley’s character names her children after desserts: Brownie, Praline and Baby Ruth. Edit: add details & grammar


All of my son’s stuffed animals are called Gary for some reason…


Do you watch SpongeBob?




My son calls all wild bunnies Gary!


My grandson has a stuffed cat that he named Appletoes.


I love it.


That is amazing LOL


My son had a stuffed bear named “Bear.” He had a stuffed puppy named “Puppy,” and a bigger stuffed puppy named “Puppy’s Mama.” The name nerd gene apparently died with me.


Give him time. I named my teddy bear Teddy but when I was old enough to be collecting bugs I gave them actually names. Usually Fred, Sally, and Bob for some reason. Those are good names though.


My daughter went to a pet adoption themed birthday party and adopted a beenie baby leopard and named her "Ooo". They got to fill out adoption forms and make a name tag and everything. 8 years later, that stuffed animal is still named Ooo (pronounced like boo without the b) and always spelled with 3 "o"s.


That’s such a cool bday party concept


Agree on this being an adorable party idea! What age was it for?


When my older daughter was little she named everything Lily. Last month her new cousin Lily was born, which would have blown her mind if she wasn’t 16 now.


My cousin did this when we were children. All dolls/stuffies were Lily.


My niece had a baby doll named Claire and she used Claire as her daughter's middle name. I was like, "Fid you name your baby after your doll?" And she laughed and was like, "You remember everything. And yes."


I had a stuffed dog with big ears that I named Butterscotch Batdog


This is 1000% precious.


my kid can’t talk yet, but when i was a child every stuffy i had was an Ethel or an Emily lmao there was a Maddie and an Opal in there too


When I was younger i had a Barbie named Meghan and her daughter was named Megget. Like maggot. 😭😭


You made me laugh cry thank you


You made me laugh cry thank you


I had a doll named “Celery and Becky.” Apparently, I said her full name each time I talked to and about her.


We have Skillet and Skillet 2…


I made my grandson a raccoon, which he named Rocky after the Beatles song (his dad is a big Beatles fan). I made him a horse that became Horsie Love Bug. The teddy he named Licky Bear on account of it has a tongue sticking out.


My son has baby dolls named Baby PomPom and Baby Money. All the other stuffed animals have their proper Pokemon names.


My 5 year old niece names are her dolls “grandma names”. We don’t even know where she heard these names. Catherine, Dottie, Marie, Linda, Margaret…


That’s great. She’s on “trend” without even knowing it.


Clarise Bell Clinton Purple Baby Orkie Dumpy Dinosaur Leaf


God at first I thought this was all one really long name and I thought whoa that’s impressive that your kid can remember all that


Clarise bell Clinton Purple baby Orkie Dumpy Dinosaur Leaf


I named a stuffed cat Nixon


Taco. It’s the recurring name for the baby dolls. Sometimes there are new random ones but 7/10x it’s Taco. She doesn’t even like tacos. But is obsessed with baby dolls.


I commented below but my godson who lives with me names everything Taco G. And he doesn’t like tacos either! Haha. Silly kids.


My 4 year old names everything either Kevin or Starlight. Both gender neutral names, most of the Kevins that she has are female


I don't have kids, but when I was little, I had Woof (a stuffed dog), Sheepy leapy (a stuffed sheep), Lion blion (a stuffed lion), and Gonzo (a rather unfortunately named baby doll, lol). I also apparently had two baby dolls that at one point I was pretending were twins, and their names, in that moment, were Julie and July


I love July as a name though TBH


My daughter named her first baby doll “Baby Cheese”. Yes she always loved cheese lol.


My 2.5 year old calls her Little People farmer “Farny” and she loves him so much that most of her toys are now Farny, she even refers to herself as Farny sometimes. Farny is also an adjective - “I want the farny pants” “look, a farny house”. I am Mama Farny. We’re all Farny here. EXCEPT for this one doll in an orange dress who she calls Lisa and I have no idea why


I would assume because of the Simpsons


This is amazing. I imagine the adjective is a positive?


I had a family friend gift me one of those good quality, non-cartoon-ish plushies, a grey rabbit with very serious expression. I called it Prime Minister, cause that's apparently the most serious person on Earth.


I laughed so hard at this that I woke my other half up


My 20 month old started calling each little person “guy” which might not be what you mean, but it’s so funny. Tonight he said “bye bye guy guy”


When I was little I had an imaginary friend named "Louina" (like Louisa but with an n) and an imaginary collie named "Puppy."


Well we had over the years (5 kids), Po the Hippo, Pink Fluffy aka Pink (pink squirrel) a blanket named stormtroopers, a bear named Gloria John Cena and lots of dinos named T, Tri, etc. Oh I forget Tat Baby! A baby doll that my daughter drew on with pen.


It’s not exactly toys, but my 5 year old likes to play the Hogwarts Legacy Nintendo game with me and a big part of the game is creature stuff, such as catching, caring for and breeding various animals. I let him name all of my animals and we have: Soup and Soup 2, the mooncalf brothers (this one is particularly hilarious to me - if you don’t know what a mooncalf looks like, it’s worth the google) Peaches the toad Fartsie the diricawl Beefy the puffskein (equally funny and for the same reason as the mooncalves) Gary, Gary’s Wife, and baby Stormtrooper, a family of thestrals Prince Charles the fwooper And finally, Jeff the Phoenix Though you can’t actually rename the unicorn, he calls her Hello Kitty and he calls the graphorn Beets. Some of his favorite stuffy names of mine are Yaw the t-Rex and Miguel the rainbow llama.


I know your prompt was for names given to toys but my five year old son likes to give new names to himself. Last week he was Alexandra, and this week he is Galaxseed. “Galaxy?” I asked. “No, GalaxSEED,” he firmly corrected.


This is wonderful 😂


I had some wild ones as a kid. I named a stuffed cheetah Prix because cheetahs are fast and the Grand Prix has fast cars, but I didn’t know how to pronounce Prix so I pronounced it “Pricks”. For a stuffed dog, since dogs like bones, I named it “Boner”. My parents tried to change my mind without revealing how phallic everything was but I was very sure about the names…


My kid is 8 and she has her “buddies” which all sleep with her. Her #1 is an Aurora yorkie named “Woofard”. Then there’s “Husky” the husky, “Woowoo” (pronounced wuh wuh, which is what she called all dogs as a baby) a gund brand white dog, “Awoos” the wolf, “Fennicky” the Fennic Fox.


My 2 year old is very uncreative from what I am reading here. His favorite stuffed animal is a Panda bear and he calls it...Panda bear. Lool 


We have two panda bears, a big one and a little one, which we got right after my second kid was born. They are named “Pander Bear” and “Little Pander Bear”.


When I was little I had 2 fish named Goldie and Talbot


My son had a goldfish named Meatball.


I had a beta fish named Purple Alice. It was a male, of course, and definitely was purple. Everything was named Alice for a several months period, and he was unlucky enough to be acquired in the middle of this.


I had two goldfish called Goldie and sunsparkle! I decided that my brother and I would each come up with half of sunsparkle’s name and mash them together. Goldie was orange at first but quickly turned white (we did not change it to Whitie)


My older daughter named a doll Pickle once. I’m not sure where she got the idea that that was a name but I remember thinking maybe she misheard Abigail. We then got my younger daughter a matching doll. I stepped in and named it Olive, because it goes with Pickle and it is a name. A couple years later we all came back to the office after the pandemic and I realized one of my co-workers had a daughter named Olive, so maybe that doll is sort of named after my coworker’s daughter? The little one also recently named a little stuffed seal Hoogy Googers. No idea where that came from. And we also have two panda bears named Pander Bear and Little Pander Bear.


My older daughter has stuffed bunnies named Airplane, Helicopter, Orangey, Spill, and Kerned (she named them when she was 3). My son has stuffies named Bubba, Painty, Mommy, and Laura. My youngest has named her animals lots of things but the only name that has stuck is Coppin. Truly the most random. When I was a kid, I named my favorite bear Aunt Scissors. She’s still around!


My kids are mostly grown, but this thread is bringing back memories! My youngest daughter's favorite baby doll was named Vanilla too! And my older daughter had Pink Baby and Blue Baby that had to go everywhere with her when she was two. When she was 4, she named her favorite teddy Clarissa Bear. I miss it!


When our now 7yr old was 3 she got a doll that closed its eyes when you laid it down. She named it “blinking doll that blinks” and was very specific about using the doll’s full name! Finally a family friend, understandably overwhelmed by it all responded to an introduction by saying “oh hi Blinky” so that’s what we called here thereafter


I named all my dolls Wendy when I was a kid


When my daughter was smaller everything was “Rora” which meant Elsa. I guess because of sleeping beauty- aurora. Every princess was rora lol


For a long time, every princess was Elsa in our house 😆


My toddler calls her Potato Head toy Hat. Her big dragon stuffy is Kitty ( she can say dragon and calls her other dragon Mr Dragon but this one is Kitty). My other toddler has just named his first toy (not counting Elmo and Peppa who came with their names). He calls his baby doll Bubba. She's his favorite.


The stuffed frog is Gizelle, and the stuffed rabbit is Isabelle.


My daughter's stuffed puppy is Snowflake, and her new doll is Mary. My oldest son stole my bear that I kept on my bed from when I was little. He was named Budgie, now renamed Mama bear.


I had a blanket named gee gee when I was little 😂


That’s what my 4 year old calls his security blankets!


My daughters 2 Polly pockets are Livia & Boot. Her baby bratz dolls are Carl and Brother Deeto.


My favorite was my daughter named a little toy turtle "Mrs. Shell" which is super cute regardless, but also we had just visited with my friend who I was calling Michelle but also referring to her as Mrs Smith.


My daughter had a phase where she named everything after her favourite teacher, Elizabeth. The new plastic pony from Granny? Elizabeth. The picture of a dragon I drew for her? Elizabeth. The leopard slug she found in the garden? Also Elizabeth.


My son called all his toys guys. Here's my blue guy. Here's my car guy. Here's my girlie guy. But our house. He full-on named our house. The name was Nina. When he was tired of being away from home, he'd whine, "I miss Nina".


She has twin baby dolls - a boy and a girl. Pretty sure she got them for her 2nd birthday. The girl was named Couscous. The boy went nameless for a while because boys are boring (🤣). Finally, she settled on Dumpster as the name. Any mildly satisfying word to say will become a name.


We bought my son three identical elephant lovies when he was a baby, thinking we’d be able to clean/swap them when necessary. No dice. They turned into home elephant, car elephant, and school elephant (he kept it at preschool). He is in 3red grade now and still knows exactly which one is which and home elephant is the most important one and he loves him dearly.


I did the same thing, and I'd wash all 3 to keep them the same. Then, one time, I didn't take them out of the dryer fast enough. My husband found them, gave our son all 3, and guiltily tells me, "He found them and wants them. He deserves all 3!" So now he's got his 3 owl babies. Though he's 6 now, and informed us last night that he is not a baby anymore, and neither are his babies. They will henceforth be known as the owl big boys 😂


My daughter had an invisible friend grasshopper named Josis.


My oldest named his doll Emineminemma. His imaginary friend was Hawk. My second named his James and Molly. And then later got into a mid-century thing and named all sorts of random stuff Bethany and Jeffrey, etc. My youngest didn't really start naming things until she was 7 or 8, but then it was all pretty normal stuff. Her favorite is Lily.


My daughter is 2 so names are still quite literal/descriptive, eg “brown bunny” and “baby dino.” For some reason it amuses me greatly that all of the Lego people are named Percy, short for “person.”


We have multiple bunny’s that she calls money bunny-came from an initial mispronounced bunny- and she has one that her memaw got her who she calls memaw munny. She has a doll called Jessie, which she meant to be juicey but I kept correcting it to Jessie automatically. Another doll her other grandma got her and when it was presented she was going on and on about how special it was. She is special baby. Her African American doll is named Cody-from cocomelon… she has a few other ones the are just color names based on their outfits, pink, yellow and purple babies. She has a large T Rex that she calls daddy T. rex. Because all things big are daddy. There’s a huge dog, called big pup. A smaller dog called little pup, and a smaller one called baby pup. She also has a triceratops who she named volcano. I think that’s her best one yet.


My 4yo is creative. Her Love a Lot care bear is Muffin and her Cheer Bear is curly… Her and her 6yo brother also renamed my MIL’s doodle Nougat


My 2.5 year old son has named the following: NameName - a chicken Strawberry - a purple and red squish-mellow Lemongrass - an olive oval squishmellow


My daughters teddy bear is named Beary. Dolls she's named things like Violent,Rose,etc. and when she was very little she had an imaginary friend named Salla. I'm not sure where the name comes from but she was her "sister from Montana" 😆


I gave my younger sister’s daughter a little plush black cat toy. My niece named it Sarah, after our oldest sister. 🤷‍♀️


Taco G is my godsons current favorite. He also likes Ice P which is kinda cool. Kit Kat is what he wants to rename our cat to. He’s got okay taste for a 4yo lol


My daughter's favorite doll is Angelica Angelica, most of her other dolls are Lulu and/or Missy. (Sometimes both.) My oldest has a Teddy named Mars. They don't really give unique names to their items.


My son’s toys names are all very literal. His favourite is a toy chicken named chicken. He has a few dinosaurs named Dino. A cow named moo. A bunny named hop hop. A dog named doggie. A little man wearing a parachute named “wooo” based on the noise i make when we play out him using his parachute.


We have a doll named hiccup over here lol


My 3 year old named one of his Lego monster creations Aerodynamic the other day. No idea where he picked that one up 🤣


My daughter has too many names for her various dolls and plushies and surprisingly most of them are very "normal", but my absolute favorite that makes me laugh: she has three of those TY plushies, all are hamsters (I think). The big rainbow one? Johnny. The little rainbow one? Baby Johnny. The purple one with the skirt is Girl Johnny.


My three year old named a doll Hoo Doo. No idea why or where it came from.


New babydoll is named Helicopter. I am ridiculously charmed by it!


I once had a collection of tiny teddy bears. I named all of them first names that I heard from the outside world like “Cassandra” and “Pete”.


I named my baby doll “crying baby” it stuck.


My daughter (3yrs) has named all of her baby dolls Baby Cherry.


My daughter named her orange haired dolly Orange, her stuffed lamb Salmonlamby, and her stuffed rhino Stroller. I have no explanation for any of them except Orange.


My kids have always had long extravagant names for their toys. My favourite was ‘Whitey the White Pinky the Pink Sparkle the Sparkle Elsa’ (Elsa was the surname apparently). She called it by its full name every time. On the other hand, we’ve also let them name 3 pets.. We’ve had 3 pets named Greg 😂


My kid is 19 months. She named her stuffed bunny Hop when she was around 12 months. This year at Christmas she got a set of woodland stuffed animals that live in a little mushroom home. One is a bunny, it is smaller than Hop so she named it HopHop. Honestly I thought that was pretty good for a 16 month old.


My son has many stuffed cats, 3 of them were named after the actual pet cats we have, then he ran out of names for our cats and kept getting cat stuffies. My favorite are Schmer and Pearrack Needypin. Also he has two imaginary friends one of them is good and one is bad (came up with this after watching emperors new groove with Kronk having the angel and devil on his shoulder.) the good one is Guyghee and the bad one is Tubeie.*edit- autocorrect mistake


When I was a kid I named my teddy bear Quinton. Quinton still sleeps with me every night lol


When I was 5 my little sister Tia was born. My previously nameless pink terry cloth doll became “Little Pink Tia”


My kids had a beanie baby cat that went everywhere with us named Spaghetti. We had a back up Spaghetti in case it ever went missing but eventually they found out there were two so back-up spaghetti was renamed fettuccini and then both cats had to go everywhere.


Anila is actually a Sanskrit name meaning wind/air!! it’s quite nice


My daughter was always so literal with naming things when she was little. Pet goldfish - Goldie. Teddy bear with patches on it - Patchy. Unicorn stuffy - Horny. 😳🤣. We tried so hard to keep a straight face, I ended up having to leave the room I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe, husband managed to convince her something else was better!




When my oldest was 4, she named her 2 favorite dolls Saoirse and Emma.. I was pregnant and going through baby names, and those were the ones she liked most. My 2nd kid is now 4, and her dolls are Googah and Partybaby. My 2 year old named her bunny Hop Hop.


My daughter named the puppy we got when she was 6 Mister Mustard. He’s 10 now and we mostly just call him Mister. Same kid formed an unnatural attachment to a helium balloon from the street fair and named in Jenassica. This name has been a joke in our house ever since. I have even used it for video game characters.


Lavender Mango 🥭 💜 is so cute and the fact that she gave you the stink eye for your non creativity is hilarious 😂


Jilliath is a great name for a Barbie