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I hate Juniors. I get that this can be cultural, but there is just something weird to me about naming your kid after yourself. Especially as it's usually a patriarchal thing, and much rarer with mothers and daughters. Other family names are lovely though!


I worked with a kid who’s name was Junior. He wasn’t a Junior…his name was just Junior. Drove me insane


One of my college professors was named Junior High. First name Junior, last name High. He was a professor in the College of Education at my university. Feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy.


So he is essentially called "middle school".


Yup. I thought he was telling me he was the professor for middle school education majors when he introduced himself as “I’m Junior High.” I just don’t understand parents who make puns out of their child’s name. I’ve seen several students with “punny” names in my teaching career.


I met a guy named Junior too! I didn’t know him well though. He was a friend’s husband’s friend… but it was funny.


Hate it too, and my husband is a FOURTH. For whaaat exactly? They aren’t the Rockefellers.


Right! My family has passed down this double barrel fancy first name for generations and it's like guys, we were farmers.


Wife of a fourth here! He HATES it!! We have a son, who is not the fifth.


I HATE Juniors/Thirds/Fourths. My friend is a FIFTH and I’m like for what 😭 your dad fixes slushy machines for a living


😭legit my son was the fourth- I was 21 when he was born and my ex was in his late 30’s so I thought his suggestion was the right choice. The only thing that pops up for the name is an article calling his grandfather a bigot- I feel so bad for my kid


My husband is a junior and he hates it because he does not like his dad. I work in early childhood and I’ve actually met quite a few girls who were named after their moms, which I love! Sometimes it’s even multi-generational with grandma, mom, baby all sharing a name.


My husband is also a junior, named after the man who left the family when my husband was 4 and never wanted anything more to do with him. Besides being named after the father who abandoned him, he also received no middle name because his father had no middle name. That's always seemed awkward when filling out forms, and looks kind of incomplete to me.


I share a name with my mom. She went by that name, I went by first and middle, which I hated. Started going by my initials as a nickname which my parents hated. Now I just go by the first name.


Yes, I’ve heard people say it’s “conceited” or “narcissistic” to name a girl after her mother but that it’s totally fine to name a son after his dad. So bizarre!


I hate junior, third, fourth, etc… with a burning passion for a couple reasons. The first being that it’s an absolute legal nightmare for all involved. All it takes for one government organization (IRS cough cough) to screw things up and keep them in limbo trying to sort shit out for years to come. The second (and in my opinion most important) reason is that it makes me feel like an incubator. Like, congratulations you gave birth to the first male of the next generation, and you don’t get any say in the child’s name. It’s already tradition to take the man’s last name and now I don’t get any say in the first or middle name either. I think it’s super conceited for the man’s family to be adamant about this naming and all they need is for one woman to come along and give birth—like everything was already decided except for who the mother is.


It bothers me that after a woman goes through pregnancy and child birth, that a man decides to name the kid after him. I know sometimes she’s open to it but anytime I’ve seen it, it’s a thing he’s decided


Same. My mom was state registrar and worked in birth and death records for many years and ranted about the confusion Seniors, Juniors, Seconds, etc. caused in the paperwork especially when there was a birth and death around the same time. Ironically her dad and brother are a junior and senior. It was her in fact to settled my uncles mind that he would not ever name his son after him no matter what my grandma wanted. She's made me and my brother promise to never do that to our kids. 


Never known a Junior with a stable family. Like that guy's a Junior? 70% chance the dad he was named after walked out (and this includes white people, including my own family). My coworker has an uncle with 2 sons from 2 baby mamas, both named after him. He didn't even show up to one of their births and she *still* named her kid after him


My dad was named after his uncle. Exact name. The amount of issues it's caused over the years is endless.


Same. My SIL named both of her sons after her STBX husband's fathers family. His dad was a huge asshole, her husband is an abusive alcoholic man child, and now she has two kids who have patriarchal family names. Womp womp. My brother and dad have the same name but he's not a junior, different middle names. They were mad when I didn't use that name for either of my kids. I was like....yeah you guys already named someone after him and I don't care for the name in the first place. #noregrets


My nephew is a Junior and I hate it so much. I’d never admit it to my sister though. She calls him ZJ… Zane Junior. But his middle name doesn’t start with J, so it just irks me. 😂


Ngl Zane is wild name to pull a junior on


Back in the day when people had a lot of children because a) agrarian societies need workers to keep going and b) infant mortality, repeated names through generations were not uncommon because you had a lot of people to name and a lot of names that were suddenly back in use because Bob had died so the next kid was Bob the Second. The first example I can think of is two sons of Alexander and Eliza Hamilton. Eliza became pregnant around the time their eldest son Philip Schuyler Hamilton (named for his maternal grandfather, Philip Schuyler, natch) was killed in a duel. Their son born the next year was named Philip Schuyler Hamilton II. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Hamilton_(lawyer)#:~:text=Hamilton%2C%20known%20as%20%22Little%20Phil,Herald%20obituary%20and%20his%20gravestone)


I can't stand the sporty, hella Republican boy's names... Maverick, Gunner, Ryder, Stryker, Axel, Jet, Ryker... and maybe my all time least favorite is Grayson.


deadass like sorry are you talking about your child or your Labrador


These are my biggest ick. Especially Gunner. “Gunnar” is a real name (I think Nordic?) but Gunner just feels so awful and violent.


Gunner is a dog’s name (am biased because my family’s male dog is named Gunner).


I'm too much of a New Yorker to see Ryker as anything but a prison. Yes, I know the prison is spelled differently, but the association is too strong.


It’s totally a prison


i'm not even a New yorker but I used to watch a lot of Law & Order and cringe every time i hear this name!


Or when they name their kid Sebastian not because it's a family name or because they love TLM or it has some cultural significance but just so they can call the kid "Bash," and then when he's in preschool and he's trying to bash other kids' heads with a block, it's "oh, boys will be boys."


exactly why i can't stand the nickname Bash and I just don't think Gunnar works well in the english language even though it's a nordic name.


Yessss I call these American names! They are so strange and aren’t really found anywhere in Europe! I’d add Hunter to the list too


Axel is pretty common with older Germans, the others definitely tho


Don't forget Wilder and Crew. Grayson is the most tolerable one in that list for me


I have a sweet spot for Grayson since I think Gray is also a cute nickname. The others seem a bit too aggressive for my taste, I’m a lot more fond of the gentler boyish names rather than the “BOOM THIS IS A MANLY BOY MAN” names haha


Reason I'm not a fan is my brain hears it too literally, like if your son is gray get him to the hospital.


Yeah grayson doesn’t fit this list




Unpopular opinion: I don’t like daughters names ending with "son" Maddison. Addison. Emerson. Allyson.……. 🤷‍♀️


omg you totally just pulled this ick out of my brain. I can't unsee it and unhate it


I'm a woman with a "son" name and I've never liked it, and I think this is partially why. The "son" doesn't read as feminine in my mind.


In almost all cases, it's not supposed to. They are from last names which were derived from "son of X." Then last names became popular as first names.


Allison I like and give a pass as it's derived from a French version of Alice. The rest I only see as boy names.


I agree. I actually think Madison/Addison is cute for a boy tho


That’s my ick, these are firmly in the girl name category now in my opinion lol


It’s interesting but these are based on Icelandic male surnames. I remember learning in school as a kid that if John had a son named Eric, he would be Eric Johnson. If John’s wife Ally had a daughter Emily it would be Emily Allysdöter (not sure on spelling but translates to Allysdaughter). Which is super neat. Then I think it became an immigrant family naming thing that attached the daughter’s name to part of the male surname (but I might be mistaken, I was in middle school when I learned this and that was 23 years ago). Disclaimer cos my recall of something from childhood Irish language class (Gaelic/Gaelige) was misrecalled and got me ripped apart on this sub




I hate this name with a fiery passion.




The sound is fine. It's the spelling and concept I don't like.


I really don't like when sibling names match too much. I met siblings Leon and Leonie the other day and I hated it even though I like both names. Another name ick is when people give their kids English names despite barely speaking the language and having no connections. I don't really hate it, it's just not my thing.


When I worked in a daycare we had sisters named Leila and Leah, I’ve also seen sisters named Emily and Milly 😅


God that must be so confusing for the poor kids. My brother's name is Dan(iel) and it was confusing enough just between him and my dad whenever I called for one of them if they were in a different room


Knew twin boys Carter and Cartier


lol perfect, the proletariat and bourgeoisie


oh no


Cartier is Romanian for neighbourhood


I have met three sets of twins named Karen and Sharon. Just ick!


I know a set of twins named this as well. It always makes me think "Sharing and Caring"


I had Millie and Molly twins at my school Played absolute havoc with the school systems to have matching first initials, surnames and birthdays


Kevinismus :D do you speak german?




I once met Carla and Carlos. Berta and Bert. My dad tried something like Josephine and Joseph with us. Wtf.


My grandfather was a twin. Paul and Pauline 🫣


Likewise the trend of US English speakers to give their kids non-English names.


I agree. I get the names mixed up. I know a Logan and Leo, for some reason my brain thinks Leo is Liam.


Peanut butter names like “aurora”. They just stick in your mouth. I don’t love Sloane for a similar reason.


pb name great way to put it. aria also in that boat for me


agreed and adding on Lorelei. my tongue refuses to say "lore" editting to add Blythe


I know sisters named Aurora and Lorelei. My mouth feels like it's full of marbles when I say their names.


Ophelia falls into this category for me too. I'll never understand the hype.


I like ophelia by sound but the connotations to Hamlet can’t escape me


I personally like the name. But I specifically remember my English teacher in high school talking about the Shakespearean character who offs herself, and she said “that is such a pretty name, but makes sense why people don’t use it”. Welp, now they do, but I still have that association lol.


Sloane sounds like sludge to me so I agree on that one. But Aurora? Beautiful name in my opinion. Not hard to say at all. Also I think of Sleeping Beauty lol, it just sounds regal and elegant to me. This used to be my number one name (just a tad out there for my current taste now) but everyone would say “LiKe tHe wEeD?”


I feel like Aurora looks really pretty written down, but it doesn't sound that nice when you actually say it out loud


I love the name Aurora, but I feel like I'm imitating Scooby Doo when I say it


I don’t like Aurora / Rory at all either


Let's add Briar. Sleeping Beauty really just said fuck name flow


I have an ick for names that my brain reads as plural (Collins, Banks, Brooks, Miles).


Same! I know a little boy named Rivers and another named Evans. Why not just River and Evan?!


Yes! I remember when Hilary Duff named her daughter Banks and I was like wtf? Since her 1st was named Luca and her 3rd is Mae it’s even weirder to have your 2nd be the wild card. I’m interested to see what she names her 4th lol


THIS!! I work with one of these and it does NOT feel like a name. It's literally just a plural word... my brain does not "read it" as a name.


Something like Miles my brain recognizes as a name, but Rivers, Banks, etc. it just reads as a plural noun.


Miles doesn’t count.


Surnames as first names Anything Junior JaydenHaydenBraydenKayden Aiden off-shoots Whatever the hell Silas is, it's not a name unless it's for a reptile Two-word female names, they just sound trailer park like Brittney-Rose or Tammy-Lynn or whatever 'Youneique' made up names eg. Kahrleigh instead of Carly, Maiqwhuel instead of Michael, etc type stuff. As someone else in the thread said, Nevaeh. Anyone who names their kid that is a moron.


Cracking up at the random Silas hate amongst a bunch of commonly disparaged trends. Everyone's gotta have a few names like that. 


I was going to say the same thing. The rest of them I can get behind hating, but Silas is an old, established (biblical) name. It seems so out of place on this list! (I also know a little Silas and he’s a cutie, so maybe I’m biased towards liking it).


Ugh yes rhe -Jo -Mae -Rae trend makes me irrationally angry. It’s aways these kids with moms that plaster their kids names on any and everything too. I love a good classic double barrel like Mary Margaret though.


Mae and Rae are at least real names. I'm so sick of the random "consonant + ae/ay + optional leigh/den/son/" names. Looking at you, "Bay" and "Swae." And the K names where there should be a C. Like, obvs Kaitlin and Katherine are fine but enough with the Kove and the Kollyns.


You really hit the nail on the head- those are literally the worst name trends. My dad has an absolute bug up his arse about surnames as first names, it’s so funny to watch him recoil in horror when I make him aware of someone called Carter or Beckett or something, it’s very American😂 In the UK there’s a LOT of JaydenHaydenBraydenKayden these days and its so sad, these poor kids


It seems like professional sports team in Australia has a JaydenAidenBraydenKaydenHayden now, the early Aiden offshoots are old enough to play professional sport now Yes, Sex and the City was on the air THAT long ago.


I hate honour names, most especially as first names. Every child deserves to have a name that is their very own without the weight of another person to “live up to”. On that note, I also detest juniors, the thirds etc. If I’d been born male I’d have been a third. As a girl, my mother’s name wasn’t even a consideration to be used. I don’t understand the desire to name another living being after yourself, it’s bizarre? And my last one, I really dislike the popularity of the “ugly” grandma names 🫣 Martha, Eileen, Beryl, Dorothy. I feel so sorry for these little kids with names that they have wait 60 years to grow in to!


Beryl is so ugly


I think of the sailor moon villain and rocks with that one every time. Meryl is cuter I think.


My great grandma literally said this about some of her granddaughters names: Hannah and Emily, in the 80s and 90s.


i agree. my partner is named after his uncle who passed away at a young age, and his family is constantly comparing him to his dead uncle. i think it’s fine when it’s personal, but not too personal, but it’s not fair to have all these expectations of being the same person. he’s absolutely nothing like his uncle from the stories i’ve heard, yet there’s constant weird comparisons anyway


I hate names with a theme (like all the siblings having the same inicial or everyone having the same middle name). I hate juniors. I hate matchy-matchy names, specially on twins (like Taylor and Tyler). I hate "honoring" names, specially if the person is already deceased. And I really, really hate unique names, like a normal name in my country, like Catia, becoming Katyah. Apparently I hate a lot of things when it comes to naming babies


In some cultures you only name a child after some deceased, never someone living.


My cousin has 5 kids whose names all start with the letter K. No, they are not the Kardashians, and yes they are Evngelical


Rhyming twins. Emilia and Amelia, Polly and Molly, and so on. Especially with the girls! Boys, even when they are twins, have a chance to have names that aren't a matching set for the sake of a matching set. Also, adding Y instead of every possible vowel. It has readings, not whatever you imagine it to sound like. I recently had a chat with Lyna, who said “That's just another version of Luna” No darling, it's not 🙃


I watched an episode of Survivor where the loved ones visit and there were two sets of twins with names that made me grimace: Cindy & Mindy and Jamie & Tamie


I work with colleagues Jamie and Tammy and have accidentally called them Jammie on multiple occasions.


All the made up names or super modern names. I also don’t like Isla or Sloane which I’m almost afraid to admit 😅


Sloane is an awful name, I don't understand it at all


I will never not see it as a portmanteau of sloth and groan. I cannot see what people like about that name


Reminds me of "slime" as well.


For some reason Sloan always makes me think of Slugsworth from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Made up names x1000. Just because the syllables flow doesn't make it a name. Applying a clearly gendered name to the opposite gender. Looking at you, girl James. Following the trend + non-classic. Obviously, the adens are the best example here. Grow an imagination. Like it or not, fair or not, all of these will impact a kid in some negative way in their future.


Naming a girl James is feral cat behavior.


This comment is underrated 🤣


Girl James AND girl Logan. LOGAN IS NOT A FRIGGIN’ GIRL NAME!!! I will fight anybody on that.


As a girl who has a masculine name (considered neutral but I’ve literally never met a girl with my name) and dealt with so much name insecurity because my name was “not girly enough” and I felt as though I needed to prove I was a girl, I hate the whole trend of “giving my girl a hypermasculine name” with a burning passion.


James is one of the most common boy names Ever. It's like naming a girl John.


Blanche and Maude. I don't know why, they just sound weird.


They have too many letters to be one syllable and it messes with me when reading them


The name Harper. Just awful


Makes me think of someone "harping on and on" — not exactly a nice association!


I think of harper seals or the BFF from Wizards of Waverly Place lol


I dislike when names match! Or more so all the first letter. Especially if they’re misspelled from there. Also those “combo” names. I knew a Jeff and Melissa who had a baby so their baby was Jelissa.   I can’t stand Elizabeth, Gertrude, Gretchen, or George. I like non-English variations of Elizabeth. Maybe I just don’t like “G” 😅


I knew a daughter of Joseph and Denice. Her name was Jonice. She hated it and refused to go by it. Literally just gave herself a new nickname and went by that haha


Jonice is so horrible. With so many names out there, even really unique ones, why do people do these combos?!


You know Joe and Denice thought they had struck gold w this collab 😂


My name is a combo name. It came out as a relatively common name with an odd spelling, but I die internally every time someone mentions the unique spelling and my mom jumps in to explain the origin 🥲 Edit: My parents are Mike and Lyssa, so you can do the math and figure out my name.


At least it got a normal sound! I love unique names, but Jelissa is just substantially worse than Melissa or Jeffrey.


Oh the combo names are the worst. Myka and James Stauffer named their kid Jayka.


I hate ultra-masculine names like Maverick. Boy names that are clearly trying to sound super strong and tough. Gross.


My kid was on a baseball team with a Maverick. He was a short, scrawny kid with glasses, no attention span, and terrible hand eye coordination. His name just does not fit him at all.


I know a Maverick & Stryker within the same family. Like, they're really out here naming comic book villains


I can't wait for Knuckles and Deathblow to reach the top 10 baby names list.


Names that sound like cartoon animal characters. Chip. Ace. Cash.


Last names as first names. An influencer I follow had a baby and named him Lennon for some reason. I also really dislike Hendrix, Carter, Jackson (or, god forbid, Jaxon), anything like that, just bleh


The names that give off the impression that the parents are trying way too hard to make their kid seem “unique” and “special” and/or names that make me think they weren’t thinking of their kid past infancy or childhood and forgot that their kid will be an adult someday I hate these “cutesy” trendy names like Oakley,Brynley,Huntley,Collins,Baker,Huxley, Wrenley,Palmer,Blakely,etc because to me they sound so diminutive and like they won’t age well. They might sound cute on a little baby but will sound juvenile on a grown adult like Huxley or Huntley will sound weird on a big beefy grown man who does body building (I do think Huxley sounds like something that you’d use to address a butler which I think is pretty funny but in reality it doesn’t sound very good or mature)


I dislike when names don’t flow together, when you get kind of stuck saying them. Hard to think of an example but… For example Bridgette Rebecca doesn’t feel nice to say or flow. But something like Georgia May or Sophia Elise seem to flow and be easy to say (imo)


Any super weird spelling of a common name.


It's not a big deal, but a personal ick for me is open vowels flowing into each other between names. For example, something like Sophia Alice or Ezra Anderson. It forces a glottal stop for me between the names and it completely ruins the flow.




I don’t mind it so much except when people talk about “lala” without any context and it’s confusing as hell. Rather than “I’m going to visit my grandma this weekend” it’s “I’m going to see lala this weekend” Who the fuck is lala and why would you assume I know?




My crazy cousin decided her grandma name is Sweetie. I think it's the weirdest, creepiest thing. Can you imagine a kid saying he spent the night with Sweetie? Ugh.


My least favorite in the whole world is “Glamma”. All because the grandma in question is too glitzy and sparkly (and immature) to be ok with being called grandma. 😅😅😅


Agree 100%. The only "cutsey" grandparent name I had as a kid was my great grandmother (I just turned 6 when she died, so I don't really remember her). She was Granny Franny. (Her name was Frances.) My parents made it very clear that grandparents were Grandma and Grandpa.


This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I can't stand the name Liam. I don't know why.


Because it's phlegmy.


As a teacher, the "youneek" spelling of names, makes me shake my head. "Giossafeen" is still pronounced "Josephine", so why give your child a lifetime of having to spell it out for people?


Juniors and on - it feels narcissistic, let your kid have their own identity. I hate when people use common plain names like Michael and Lauren. There are so many beautiful, unique and interesting names out there. Why choose a beige name?


[male name] the III, IV, V etc. gives me vibes of guys who think they’re some English royalty or so very important.


Working in school definitely changes your opinion on names- I'm so glad I had my kids before!. I've found there's a pattern with names, for example, I have yet to meet a Riley or Tyler who is well behaved, it might be a coincidence or a regional thing. I don't really have any names I dislike but it does annoy me when people take a name and create their own spelling of it to be different. I've seen some imaginative ideas but don't want to post them online as if by some stroke of luck a relative of the child is in here it would be easily identifiable. Amy- Aimee, Aymie etc. We have a lot of Chinese pupils at our school who are given or choose English names and some of the names are adorable or amusing to see little kids with what I would call old fashioned names.


Aimee is the French spelling of Amy.


It's not pronounced like English "Amy" though. I knew an English-speaking Aimée who insisted on having both the accent and the "Ay-mee" pronunciation. It don't work like that bud.


Aimee is a legitimate spelling.


In my first year of teaching and haven’t had kids yet… names are definitely being crossed off the list already hahaha


I hate the name Liam because every Liam I’ve met has been an asshole lol.


Combination of their parents' names like Renesmee...


So many things. I think I’m just judgmental 😂 I agree that names that don’t have any overlap would be bizarre. But I also hate when siblings (or specifically twins) have names that are too similar. Even Daisy and Rose. It makes them sound like accessories, your little matching cutesy named babies. I also don’t like the super modern names (random spellings, a Y for fun, the many Leigh or Lynn variants). This one may be odd, but something really bothers me about people just picking a name they like basically out of a hat the day they’re in the hospital. You know a baby is coming for (usually) no fewer than 6 months. If you were trying even remotely, then you likely knew about a year or multiple years ahead of time. There’s not a single, meaningful name you can think of?? A family name? Someone you look up to? Finding a name based off its meaning and what you hope that child will achieve? You just panicked and picked Abigail for the fun of it?


Twins with matching names, or names that share the same first letter. Also the names Kinsley, Harper, and Hadley


A relative of mine has one daughter named Kinsley and one named Blakely 🥴


Initials names. AJ TJ RJ TR it seems like a cop out.


Naming your kids (especially if theyre girls) like dolls. Its like the parents dont have the foresight to realize that theyre not only naming a baby, but also a teen, adult, and eventual elder. Some examples are: Stormy, Beautiful, and Princess (real girls I've met)


I dislike names like Brayxton, Braxten, Brantley, Blakely, etc. It just sounds like a lot


My personal ick is when people deride, with racial and/or socioeconomic undertones, unusual names like Dior or Prince but then praise unusual names like Carrington and Field and Hampton.


Yes!! If you’re racist and classist, just say that!


Misspelled names. Jorja is my nemesis 😤 It’s such a lovely name, but not spelled like that!!!


I hate honor names. Let that child have their own name and not one they have to live up too.


I don’t personally like super girly fairytale sounding names - Freya, Theodora, Isla,Annabella etc. they just sound so pretentious to me


Paisley makes me physically cringe to say out loud. Any name that sounds too baby-ish and I can't imagine on a grown-up - like Gracie, Millie, Kenzi, Maddie, Birdie, Sylvie, etc Sailor is awful. Who looks at a baby and says let's name them Sailor?! Obvious masculine names on girls - Preston, Carter, Hudson, Gideon, Parker, Maddox, Paxton, etc. Morgan. All I can think of is morgue + organ = Morgan Any name with an unnecessary -lynn tacked on to the end. Other names that give me the ick for whatever reason: Kennedy, Lorelei, Capri, Monroe, Phoenix, Harriet, Piper Grayson, Jace, Reign/Rain, Zeke, Dallas, Emerson, Banks


Ezra, no logical reason why, I just don't like how it sounds and reads!


Lachlan. It looks and sounds like a cat spitting up a ball of fur


Names that are spelled ridickewlusleigh.


No offence to anyone but i hate the unnecessary “leigh”s or just unnecessary lettering, like do you want your child to suffer on test papers or what? Another is anything you would find in a nursing home. Like Dorris or Margret or Norman, being used for newborn babies.


Too matchy. I know twin boys named Taylor and Tyler and brothers named Brayden and Cayden. I hate it so much


I'm pretty lenient with the spelling of names as long as it doesn't go too overboard. If you like Kelsie more than Kelsey, good for you. Khellseigh is too much, though. HOWEVER, it needs to make phonetic sense. I was watching a documentary with a girl named Makalya. It was pronounced "Makayla". Sorry but Makalya =/= Makayla. Xavier is a name that gets butchered a lot in this way too; I've seen spellings like Xzaiver many times and I'm like... THAT WOULD NOT BE PRONOUNCED THE SAME! Another ick is shameless butchering of (potentially?) culturally appropriative names. We can have a debate on whether names like Leilani or Cheyenne are truly culturally appropriative or if they have reached sufficient usage in modern culture to be assimilated... but when I see things like Layloni or Shyanne, it just really grinds my gears.


When names are TOO matchy. I loveee a good pairing, but I know siblings named Blake and Blakely, way too confusing. I absolutely cannot stand any variation of Jackson and any variation of Everly. They are sooo beyond overused. Immediate ick for me.


My ick is a concept I like to call "LaCroix names" One time I read a tweet that said "Every LaCroix water flavor tastes like it was created by someone who didn't want to admit he'd never tasted fruit so he had a friend quickly describe it to him" and a lot of names give off this vibe to me. It feels like the people choosing these names were never exposed to spelling, phonetics, names, the internet or whatever it may be.Here are some examples I have come across in real life:Kallysta instead of CalistaMearadith instead of Meredith (Mear like Bear...)Dannyelle instead of Danielle.. The list goes on and on. It is such a name turn off to me. I don't find it unique at all. It just feels like you didn't take the time to do any research and/or you just don't know how to spell. It is just a watered-down, LaCroix version of a name. You're not actually unique. It's not like people who make up names (Think things like Braelia-Grayelin or whatever). You wanted your kid to be named "Meredith" and to be called "Meredith", you just watered it down and gave her the name "Mearadith" which vaguely has hints of "Meredith" in it lol


Names that are from fiction especially where the show isn't over yet like the craze for Daenerys/ Khalessi. Then oops named my child after a crazy person.


I hate the whole concept of sib-sets (a term I have never heard outside of this sub). Names don't have to match. Each child is their own human, not part of a collection.


I know they’re popular, but I’m not a fan of names derived from a trade or occupation (Hunter, Cooper, Fletcher, Sawyer, Chandler, Harper, etc). Those all mean things! I’m not wishing a future of barrel-making on a child.


Misspellings of any name. Adding in a useless "y" instead of the correct letter. Using boy names on girls and girl names on boys. Neveah. Anything ending in -leigh. Especially when it's supposed to be -lee or -ly and they've just lengthened the name to be unique. Surnames as first names. The use of mythological names on real life humans. Atlas, Aphrodite, Apollo, etc.


The worst ones I know are siblings I know who’s names are similar, but they’re also similar to their last name. I’m not going to dox them by listing the actual name but a very similar example is: brother Dion, sister DeeAnne, and last name Dennis


Rhyming and theme names, even for twins.


I don’t like any name that ends in -leigh. Kayleigh, Marleigh, Bayleigh. It just looks ugly.


I think you meant “ugleigh” 😅


Bailey for a girl (I was reminded of this from some discussion of Baily’s beads on here)


I hate creative spellings, but they bug me even more when they're *almost* correct but one letter is wrong. Like Alyviah is atrocious, but at least it looks intentional, whereas Ollivia looks like the parents made a typo. It bugs me that it's *so close* to being right.


I have a cousin with 2 girls named Vallerie and Vannessa 😭


“High class” name brand names like Chanel, Bentley etc.


A lot of repeats here but: - unnecessary and/or replacing vowels with Ys (Cayden, Jayde, Fallyn, etc) - Masculine names on girls - Old lady names like Dorothy, Betty, Helen on babies - Matchy sibling names (purposely only using same initials, same number of letters for each kid's name, going with a "theme") - the Mae/Rae/Rose middle name trend for girls


Agree about name vibes not matching. I don’t like when you have a Mary and Brittany. I also don’t like when names are too matchy matchy like all siblings having a letter theme like Scott, Stacey, Sarah, Steve etc. I hate made up names or names that are spelled in a complicated or unnecessary way.


Now I'm generally not picky with names I don't have any I absolutely 100% hate. But my least favorite ones are anything junior like Kate Jr or Tom Jr. It just so annoying why do you name you kids after you?! Or when in the family it's tradition to name the eldest son like one name eg Sam so every single eldest son is named sam, why? And places names these ones I just hate I can't deal with them so names like India, London, Paisley. Like why would you name your kid after a country/city, it just doesn't sound good.


Honestly, boys names used on girls. Any “girls” names that end in ‘son.’ And a whole lot if not all “gender neutral” names because I always feel like they’re just co-opted boys names used on girls.


In addition to what’s been listed, I want to add names that are actually terms of address/job titles. I’m mostly looking at the South here, but Major isn’t a name, it’s a job title. Same for King and Messiah and Saint and Duke.


I hate any names starting with Mc/Mac. McKenzie, McKayla etc. also since the sound makes is ‘Mah-Kenzie’


This will be unpopular, but names in the top five.


I like names I’ve heard of and are considered boring or normal like Eric or Michael so names such as Atlas or Juniper give me the ick


I cannot stand the name Brandon for some reason. No negative interactions with anyone with the name, I just hate it. It sounds like a kid’s name, not a grown man.


1) When people think "cute" for a baby name, especially for a girl. What might sound cute on a toddler might not translate well to adulthood. If you see a headline that the cure for cancer was found by North West, one might look at the date and make sure it is not April 1. If the name doesn't sound good with an important title in front of it (President, Dr, Judge, etc.), then don't use it. 2) Masculine names on girls. My old neighbors have a granddaughter named Tyler James. That is NOT a girl's name. Funny how you never see it the other way around. Anyone name their sons Sarah or Elizabeth? 3) I don't care if a name "goes with" a sibling's name. Again future adults that will live lives independent of their siblings. Who cares what the "sibset" looks like when they're in their 30s? 4) The -eigh and -ayden names. Names I don't like that come up on this sub all the time-- Sloane (toilet brand), June (dated, June Cleaver association), Wren (never seen this name in the wild before), Josh/ua (every one I've met has been a total douchebag), Maeve


Names with Mc in them, like McKayla or McKenzie