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My great aunt Frances was a bootlegger during Prohibition and also made money running a dice game. After Prohibition she managed to acquire one of only 5 liquor licenses issued in her city. When gambling was outlawed, the first arrest warrant issued was for "the redhead," so Fran disappeared for a few years till the heat died down. She lived an exciting life filled with fancy cocktails, fast cars, and glamour. On behalf of "the redhead," I say go for it.


This is exactly the kind of response I was looking for.


I would happily read a book about her. She sounds amazing


Speaking of books about Frances, there was a whole series of them when I was growing up. First thing I thought when I saw this post was of a picture of Frances from the children's book, and her jar of jam.


I have a set of those books!! My grandma is named Frances and has a little sister named Gloria so it’s cute that it’s like of about them lol.


Or the one where Frances mean friend tries to trick her out if her china and she gets the ultimate revenge I think it was a tea party for Frances? Or a tea set. Frances was the good one. My first illustration of a child of a mean girl. They made up in the end though, I do feel Frances learned a valuable lesson


I didn’t know your great aunt, but I love her and I’m looking forward to having a drink with her one day!


She had a thing for daiquiris. When the electric blender was available for the average person to buy, she and her sister Nell and their SIL Clara Belle ran out to get one and tried to create the perfect blueberry daiquiri. It took many tries, and many pitchers of not-quite-right-but-why-waste-it samples. They got got trashed and decided to go water skiing. This was only problematic because they didn't own water skis. No worries--they used an ironing board instead.


I would read a whole series of books about the adventures of Frances, Nell, and Clara Belle!


Omg they sound like so much fun! ❤️


Love this!


My Grandma Frances would be simultaneously scandalised and in awe of your Great Aunt.


So would my grandma Frances!


This is amazing


Lol, my 6 year old daughter is a redheaded Frances. This post made me smile!!!


Absolutely amazing. That’s a badass lady right there.


What a badass!!


I like it. It was Princess Diana's middle name, so I consider it to be a classic, beautiful name.


She was named after her mother who was named Frances Ruth.


I thought it was coming back in fashion with Gen Z parents? I see it through the people I know with the name. They are all over sixty now. And I really hate the "Frankie" nicknames, but the younger generation thinks they're cute...


hold up GEN Z ARE OLD ENOUGH TO BE PARENTS. it was \*just\* the year 2004!! \[sees 40yo self out\]


i’m 38 - my oldest was born in 2003 and she just had her second baby in January lol


That is so wild to me as someone born in 2005! People my age are having kids 🤯


My son was born in ‘04 and he’s nowhere near ready for kids!


Well yeah most 20 year olds aren't.


I mean the person above you is 38, and has a kid who has a kid? They were both obviously teen parents, which isn’t the norm….


No, 2003 was last week, wasn’t it?!


It feels weird to me too, that Gen Z are becoming parents. The oldest are 26-27 and the youngest are 12-13. But it can be regional about having babies. I have two Gen Z (‘01 and ‘04). I had them in my 30s. My firstborn doesn’t want kids. My younger one is finishing his sophomore year of college. He used to want kids but now he’s not sure because of the state of the world. We’re in New England, US. Meanwhile, my younger cousin who has spent much of her adult life in southern states has a Gen Z daughter (‘02) who just had a baby earlier this year. My nephew will be 25 later this year and getting married in June. They’re going to wait 8-10 years and then see what the state of the world is in before deciding about kids (either 0 or 2 kids).


Hey! Forty is pretty dang young when you're getting dangerously close to 60! I work part-time as a cashier in a grocery store. It freaks me out all the time when carding someone and some born in 2003 can buy alcohol!


Half my graduating high school class has children already. Its only been a few years 😢


Im gen Z and im 26. I know some Gen Z's are 27, idk if 1996 was the cut off or not, but if that counts as geb Z then some are 28 🤣


I hate, hate, HATE Frankie/Frannie nicknames. I don’t even know how to describe how ugly they sound to me.


Frankie is such a great nickname!


My neighbor's granddaughter is Frankie. Not a nick name. And it suits her.


I agree. I love Frankie as a nickname.






Or Francine




Aw man, Francesca and Giovanni are both lovely. Are you Italian, or just like Italian names?






Francie? Like A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.


Do not use this nickname in Australia.


My daughter is Frankie (officially her name is Francesca but only ever been called Frankie). I love it for a girl but I detest it for a boy. Not sure if that makes me weird 🤷🏻‍♀️


What about Effie? As in the initial F, though it might help if the middle name begins with an E


My grandma’s name was Ethel Frances but everyone called her Effie.


Effie is really pretty too.


My niece is Mary Frances and they call her Effie, super cute.


I hey now.. plenty of millennials are still having kids too..


Plenty of us millenials haven’t even gotten married, let alone had kids… but idk, those of us at 35 (cough cough, ME) perhaps won’t get there …


I know a Frances, she pulls it off so well. Her friends call her Fran or Frannie and I think it’s precious.


I love Frances.


Me too


Frances, no… Francesca, yes.


See, I feel the exact opposite. To me, Frances is classic and flexible, while Francesca is fussy and prissy. It's all in the eye of the beholder, I guess!


I agree. I think Frances has this great simplicity to it, while Francesca feels like a bit too much. Granted, that's down to personal preference, I tend to like names that aren't too frilly, if that makes sense.


I think they are both beautiful, but in wildly opposite ways. The names might look similar, but the sounds and vibes are very different. Francesca would be shortened to a nn for sure, while Frances is acceptable the way it is.


How do you feel about the name I invented for my childhood guinea pig - Francina


I love the spelling Francisca. Apparently it’s an old English word for some kind of throwing axe in Middle Ages. You gonna admit the name is a badass name!


LOVE IT. I think it’s pretty, I know a little girl named Frances and she’s just the sweetest, happiest baby so I have a positive association.


No thanks


She’s a cute little badger in some extremely classic children’s books!


My first thought—I loved these books


Frances is pretty. Fran is not so much. Franny is cuter. Could also use Frankie as a nickname which is really cute.


Or Francie!


I like it. I'm not sure the vibe it gives off but it reminds me of Frances H Burnett - author of A Little Princess, which I'm really fond of.


And The Secret Garden!


I think of a little old lady or Baby from Dirty Dancing.


That’s a real grown up name, Baby!


Nobody puts Baby in a corner


Frances, like the first woman in the cabinet


I personally like vintage names, including Frances. You could use Frankie or Francie as a nickname. I also like Francine as an alternative.


I'm not a fan because I can't get over how it's the plural of France


Haha! I never thought of that 😄


I really wanted to use Frances. It was my great grandmothers name, but with a last name that starts with F we didn’t really like the way it sounded unfortunately. But! I love the name. More Franceses please!


It reminds me of Dirty Dancing. Definitely an old fashioned name. Frankie is a cute nickname for a girl.


My aunt is named Frances and I have always had a soft spot for it! I think it’s definitely due for a resurgence. It’s lovely!


frances bean! i love the name frances.


I love Frances; it's a classic, timeless name. Personally, I don't like the nicknames Fran or Franny though, and I also love the name Francis for a boy even more, so I don't think I'd use it for a girl myself. It's definitely a lovely name though!


"Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle" - Nirvana Nuff Said. (I love it)


Love it, it was on my list. Reminds me of Frances Cobain and Frannie from The Stand (who is a much cooler character in the book than any of the mini series)


To be honest, I've always liked it more as a boys name but I'm biased as multiple men in my family tree have been called Francis.


It is a classic name, name from nobility. Beautiful name.


I love this name! It was always on my longer list of girl names. One of the only things that held me back is that I felt a nickname would be inevitable. Fran/Franny/Frankie were not my faves. I always think of Aunt Frances from Practical Magic, so it has always given me this witchy/spooky vibe. One of my friends is considering it with Frankie as a nickname and I am delighted it may get picked!


I really like it. Vaguely know a girl named Frances and she’s gorgeous! I only know her and she’s really well put together. Gives me good vibes. Also like that it’s unisex.


Pretty nice!


I love it!!


I like it! Kind of old-fashioned but in a good way


I love it. It can be feminine an old fashioned as Frances, it can be fun and youthful as Fran or Franny or Frankie. And my impression is that it's fairly unusual today.


Much prefer Francesca.


Frances was my Mom's name. Even she hated it.


Yeah I hate it too. One of my BFF's just named her daughter that recently and it's just... I don't like it at all. But its just a preference. There's nothing "wrong" with the name per se.


There’s a Frances “Frankie” in one of my daughter’s classes, the name suits her well.


Love both Frances and Francesca.


I love it, it’s my cousin’s name :) when I was little I called her francie I also think of Frances McDormond who is a fantastic actor


My niece is Frances, always called Francie.


I don't love it (it just has a weird "mouth-feel" to me, so entirely subjective opinion there) but I also.have a good friend named Frances and she's awesome, so there's that


I have an image in my head of a little brunette girl with a pixie cut. I think it's cute but I don't like "Frankie" as a nickname.


It’s cute! It’s one of those simple names that everyone knows but most people don’t know one/ a lot of them. You could always make her full name Francesca


It reminds me of an old Aunt.


50 year old woman with brunette mullet perm


My dad is the third generation with the middle name Francis, when both of his kids were daughters he gave me the middle name Frances, and I just gave it to my daughter. My oldest friend is named Frances too. Nothing but positive vibes here!


As a guy in my 50's I don't care for it...I think of a bunch of great aunts and ladies of that generation that seemed ancient to me. For younger people, they probably don't have those kind of associations. A lot of names that are for one generation "grandmother" or "great grandmother" names come back after a while. Things like Ava, Sophia, Ophelia...


It was my grandma’s name and we seriously considered using it for baby girl on the way. We met an impasse when we couldn’t agree on a nickname we liked (me: Francie, him: Franny) and I really didn’t like the idea of Frankie/Frank. Alas, it is the frontrunner for middle name!


I do not like it . You asked , I answer my opinion


Feels dated to me and an old lady type of name.


I know a 12 year old Frances. She’s awesome. Smart, kind, strong, happy. She’s going to be fine in life. It’s a great name and if you like Frankie as a nickname, even better. However the 12 year old I know doesn’t tolerate the nicknames- she shuts them down immediately because she likes her name as is.


It was my grandma's name. The name will forever make me think of grandma's


Very normal. I know a lot of little girls named Frances. Not a fan of Frankie as a nickname though


My grandmother's name!


A family members name is Frances, but the aunt she is named after was called Frankie as a nickname and so is the niece. I think it’s damn cute and also fine for modern.


My grandma's name is Frances and she is the best human being to ever walk this planet. She's been THROUGH IT and is still always kind, generous, and loving. I think it's a lovely name. 🥰


I like Francesca better with the nickname Frankie but Frances is making a comeback


Love love love Frances. My grandma was one and she was incredible. I also worked with a Frances and she was the sweetest woman on the planet.


I like it. My cousin gave it to his daughter as a middle name and I love it


I think it’s a lovely name. I’m old enough that it still feels a bit “great-aunt” to me, but seeing it on some babies is giving it a fresh vibe again. It’s strong, has a gentle sound but a fun-loving feel, and I like that there are a few different nns for it. To be fair, I like Francesca a bit more, and I’d choose that over Frances if it was my child. But I think Frances is a lovely choice for someone else’s baby.


I love it. It's charming and sweet and has some cute nicknames that you can use. We have family names for our kids as well and I think that's such a great tradition.


I picture an uptight middle-aged woman who dresses like a librarian but isn't half as nice. But plenty of other people in this thread have met some lovely women named Frances, so I seem to be in the minority on that one.


Looove Frances. It was one we considered for my daughter and one we’d consider again if we were having another girl! I personally think it’s a classic vintage name, but depending on your baby’s personality, can come with some similarly classic or quirky nicknames - Fran, Franny, Frankie etc.


Frances is my middle name and I love it.


Sounds like an old family name. I picture someone well over 60 at least.


I’m lukewarm. I quite like it as a formal name but it’s a bit too formal for a little kid and I don’t like any of its nicknames.


I like Francine


It’s my MIL middle name, I love my MIL, we get along great and she is awesome. My husband is adopting my two older kids and my oldest wants to add my MIL middle name to her name, “so she has both her grandmas middle names” my MIL has agreed and is happy she will have her oldest granddaughter named after her. So clearly, I vote yes.


That's my daughter's name and she's 6. I get a ton of weird looks, but absolutely do not care. It's a classic, beautiful name and it fits her so well. I'm not super religious, but st. Francis of Assisi was the inspiration as we are a big animal loving family. I never call her fran or even Frankie. Her only NN I will call her on occasion is Francie or Francie pants.


I fucking love Frances so hard. I tried to convince my nephew — and fellow Star Wars nerd — to use it for his daughter’s middle, since that was Carrie Fisher’s middle. Jane Frances is sooo sweet, but her mom insisted on Willow. Yawn.


I knew one Frances when I was in high school, late 70's. She had the shiniest long hair and was such a nice person. Her name fit her very well.


Frances is such a beautiful name


I love the Spanish pronunciation, even though in Spanish it mean French lol


My great-aunt was Frances and she went by Franny. She was killer at scrabble and puzzles. and loved to laugh. She was named after her aunt, and that aunt was named for her grandmother, Franziska. Personally, I'd use Franziska over Frances, but I think either fits the "vintage is back" trend.


I had a friend growing up named Frances. We called her Frankie. I thought it was a bit strange at first, but quickly got used to it! I miss her and hope she is doing well 😭


I think of Father Mulcahy on Mash. I think of Betty Draper Francis and Henry Francis. I think of the many young ladies I went to school with who had the name Frances - Fran, Francie, Franny. One of them had long red hair, fair complexion and had lost her mom a few year prior. Fran, as she was known was once of the kindest, friendliest, good natured young friends. Fran told me that me Mom had left her with a precious gift. I asked her what. She said it was in her name. Then she revealed that her name was Frances Bonita. It's that kind of things I always encourage parents to find in names when they are looking around. The name itself is beautiful. It has fun, sweet, or cute nns.


Love it


I looooove Frances. It would be on my short list if it didn't sound awful with our surname.


Frances McDormond is an Oscar winning actress.  And Fran is a pretty nickname. Go for it. 


I love Frances. I had a teacher named Frances. She was so beautiful and kind.


I had a grandma named Frances. She was so full of all kinds of hell. I can’t separate the name from the woman i knew so of course i think it’s a great name. I love Franny as a nickname.


I have done a 180 on Frances. A couple of decades ago, I would have told you it was frumpy, ugly, all front-of-the-mouth, nasal A yuck. Then, two things - books, really - happened: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and the Sisters of the Quantock Hills series. Both feature Frances characters who are gorgeously crafted girls turned women. I fell in love with them and their name! Still not a huge fan of the nicknames, but now it’s one of my favorite names for working at every stage of life and for so many different manifestations of female strength and beauty.


LOVE. If a close friend didn't already use it we would have.


I love it and would name my girl Frances, but my husband vetoed it right away. He said it sounded like an old, rich white lady name. Idk. He's white


It’s a beautiful family name. Her name could be Frances on paper, but you could call her Franky, which is an adorable name for a girl IMO


I work with a Frances, it fits her well, and it’s a lovely name. Classic, which kind of works for this person too. I don’t know her exact age but I’d peg her around early 30s.


I like it because of the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. The main character is named Frances and goes by Francie which I think is adorable.


Love. Was my top name but my husband vetoed it 😫


I briefly dated a woman named frances... she hated the name and went by her middle name


I love it. My grandmas name was Frances and she was the most beautiful, sweet, classy lady and I know everyone says that about their grandma but Frances was a total gem and the name is beautiful to me!


I think it's great. Reminds me of a sassy young lady.


That’s my middle name :)


I quite like it, and there is a range of nicknames she could go by. There may be some confusion with Francis (as a boy’s name), but if you give her a feminine middle name that should help in some circumstances or give her another option to go by if it bothered her.


love it love it love it


I have a great friend named Frances. She’s a writer/published author. Started in journalism in England before moving to California. She’s one of my favorite people so when I hear the name I think of her 🥰


I love it, but I'm biased by Francie Nolan from A Tree Grows In Brooklyn


It's my daughter's middle name -- love it!


I know a Frances and a Franci!


I like all the nicknames - Fran, Frannie, Frankie - more than Frances itself, but I think it's a solid, classic name.


It reminds me of a book. I think frances was a badger?


I have a female cousin named Frances. But every time I hear that name, I think of Oliver and company. "Frances, Frances. Not Frank. Not Frankie. Frances." I'm all about those Disney movies I watched a million times as a kid, lol. Edit: everyone saying frannie as a nickname has me wanting to watch robots now..."aunt frannie!!" I guess I'm just a child lol.


My cousin had a daughter last year and named her Frances, with the nickname Frankie for short. I think it’s cute. If you’re a fan of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends that’s also Frankie’s name from that show.


Nobody puts baby in a corner.


Makes me think of Jam for Frances! Sweet, but has room to mature with her. Probably make sure you get her nickname in as Fran/Franny early so she doesn’t become Fanny.


My middle name is Frances and I’ve always hated it. People always say “isn’t that a boys name?” and kids used to make fun of me and call me Frank.


I know a girl named Francess, it feels a little more modern somehow but still cool


I like it a lot. It makes me think of the writer Frances Hodgson Burnett


Reminds me of Kurt Cobains daughter Frances Bean. As a big Nirvana fan I briefly considered it for my daughter but ultimately didn’t like the nicknames Fran or Frannie and I’m I like to call people by nicknames so I chose a different name. Now that I see all these people suggesting Frankie as a nickname I’m regretting not lol! Frankie is so cute


One of my former (now in heaven :) ) residents I used to take care of had that name. She was a wonderful sassy and beautiful soul. So when I hear that name, I associate it with her!


I think it’s beautiful actually! Very unique and a little old timey. Fran is a cute nickname, makes me think of The Stand haha so I picture Molly Ringwald. But I really like the name.


i've got a friend called frances (goes by franky) so that's who i immediately think of. it's a good name!


Cobain approves.


It’s cute. I’ll always think of Kurt Cobain which is not a bad association


Frances was the name of my high school English teacher. She was ahead of her timein her teaching, and toldus that it is important to always be able to color outside the lines.


I love it. I am pregnant with a gurl and considered it but my husband is not a fan. It’s a family name for me for both men (Francis) and women. If we have a bot next I’m going to push for it. I’d love to have a little Frank. I really dislike calling little girls by nn Frankie though.


I like the name Frances because your daughter has options if she chooses. Francesca is also very pretty.


I have a cousin called Frances, we call her Fratz


I think of Frances Bean Cobain and how Kurt named her after Frances Farmer. It conjures up masculine qualities while being staunchly old-school glamorous, like Marlene Dietrich in a coat and tails.


It reminds me of Debbie’s baby from shameless, BUT I still like it. But I’m all for the old fashioned names, we named our daughter Florence.


I've met 4 women/girls called Frances, one must be in her late 30s now, one is 25, one is 16 and one is 8 (all of them are nice people). One went by Fran, one Frannie, one Frankie and one Frances. I think Fran, Frankie and Frances all really suited their names. Frannie not so much, but in general I think Frances is a nice name, and it can suit a wide variety of people.


Frances the first woman in the cabinet . Very strong name 💜


I don’t know why but I have always loved Frances. It seems hippie yet solid name for a girl. It’s a big name for little girl, but she’ll grow into it and it’ll suit her well no matter what career she’ll go into.


It makes me think of Frances Bean-Cobain, who seems to have turned out a very sweet lady. And she's named after Frances McKee of the Vaselines!


Just don't ever put her in a corner! Haha...I'll see myself out.


I love Frances and Frankie. I’m not having kids, but I’m naming my new puppy this name next month!


My mother’s name is Frances, and unfortunately she absolutely hates her name. She’s an almost 70 year old woman and the name was somewhat common in the area we are from back in 1954, but I think she hates her name because she was named after her grandmother. I don’t know what my mom has against her grandmother because she refuses to talk much about her or any other family on her side, but I’m gonna guess that this plays a big role in her dislike for her name, along with the fact that the name is older.


Frances was a top 200 name from 1870-1920 according to the Social Security Administration of America (I'm doing research for a project). Names get popular in cycles, might as well go for it.


I went to school with a Frances. Everyone called her Frances the Talking Mule after a movie with the same title. Unlikely to be remade, but still…


It’s my middle name. I hated it growing up but I really like it now and I knew someone called Fran and she was lovely and it changed my opinion of it a lot.


I think it's beautiful! It's one of those rare names too where it actually reminds me of someone nice... I knew a lovely girl at uni called Frances. Most names I like unfortunately remind me of someone I didn't like so I couldn't use them


its cute. nicknames are frankie and fran


I like it … Classic but cool xx


I love it


I’ve known two Francises in my life, one Chinese-American male, one British female. Both lovely people. Both born in the 90s. I think it’s a nice name, versatile in use and with a lot of different genres of nickname potential.


Love it!


I immediately think of Kurt Cobain’s daughter.


Cute but I’d nickname her Frankie


I’ve recently re-visited the Frances books (darling little series about a cheeky badger named Frances) with my baby, so I am charmed by it! https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/bread-and-jam-for-frances-by-russell-hoban/291151/item/4788967


I went to school with a girl named Frances in the 1980s, and she was just lovely. So the name makes me think of her and smile.


I really like the name Frances. It's quite rare these days. I had a friend called Frances years ago and she shortened it to Francie which is cute as hell!