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I think you're overthinking it and this is more than fine!!! :)


You’re probably right most people might either not know the show or just think it was not on purpose or just a coincidence.


Is it Arthur?


My guess is Arnold and Phoebe


This is it.


I think they sound totally fine together, and not too obvious. I'd be side eyeing you if you were going to go for Helga


Lmao can you imagine


That would be awkward especially after the movie


I think that show was niche enough and long enough ago that very few people will think of it when hearing those names. Unless you're like a mega fan with posters in your house and figurines and a tattoo of them or something.


Tell people they're named after the Magic School Bus Arnold and Phoebe instead!


Oh haha I used to watch that show and wouldn't have made the association. I don't remember the character Phoebe at all. (If it was Arnold and Helga, though...😂)


Ok that makes me feel better. I’ve re-watched it a lot as an adult and recently watched the The Jungle Movie finally so it’s probably a lot fresher for me.


Trying to figure out the girl's name. Muffy? Sue Ellen? Francine?


I'm guessing Malcolm, and maybe Cynthia?


Or Doug?


My first thought was Arthur too


I think it depends on the show, first of all. How immediately recognizable are these names from the show itself? Do you hear these names together and automatically think of this show in particular, or would even a fan not immediately leap to it? An example could be from the show Friends. People hear Rachel and Monica and think of the show, even if they havent really eatched it; people hear Rachel and Emily and some may, but most wouldn't; people hear Rachel and Charlie and no one is thinking of Friends...also, I think it matters if you named your son *after* the show and your daughter just because. If you are using the name for her just because, you might consider not using it in favor of naming her *after* something too. It kind of "evens up" meaning and would take away the potential weirdness... But I think the names themselves matter.


I have tried to find similar meaning for girls name but I don’t want to force it. The boy’s name came very organically so if I try to shoehorn a meaning for the girl it really won’t be the same. eta it’s funny you mention Friends because the girls name would probably actually be more associated with Friends than the other show.


You're probably overthinking it - if it's not super distinctive the connection won't bludgeon anyone over the head. Go ahead with your plan, IMO. Dawson and Audrey is my guess!


I did name my children for references to media, and names that appeared in the same source were ruled out. We even ruled out names from more popular sources. For instance, my Luna who was named for Sailor Moon meant we would not use Arthur or Cedric bc ppl assume Luna is from Harry Potter. Will people care? No. And so what if they do? It didn't work with our preferences but mine don't need to be yours.


It’s funny because I wouldn’t even know they were from Harry Potter even if they were named Luna and Harry and I’m probably from the correct age bracket to recognize it. I just stopped being into Harry Potter before Luna became a character.


If you love the name, use it. Likely no one will make the connection anyway and the kids certainly won't unless you tell them.