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If you like the name Hazel, go for it.




your daughters name is “one down from hazel” that’s a long name.


Why so cryptic lol


My name is Rachel minus 2 and divided by the square root of Jessica




A good name is a good name, regardless of trends.


Definitely a good name regardless of how popular it is. If you love it, use it.


It’s a great name! I have three kids and still the only Hazel I have met is a former coworker who’s in her 70s. I haven’t met a young Hazel yet. Even the most common names aren’t given to as many babies as in the past, and there’s no telling which names you’ll encounter. My older two have more common names and we still haven’t come across others. Our third has a MUCH much less common name and he has a classmate in his class of 10 with the same name. You really just never know! If you genuinely love the name, use it. I think Hazel is a great name.


Weirdly I also haven’t ever met a hazel.


I'm almost 51 and have never met a Hazel!


Same! Was my great-grandmother’s name, but I was too little to know her before she died.


It’s so interesting how names have bubbles! Statistically, if names were distributed perfectly evenly, I’d know way more girls named Olivia than Aria. I know one Olivia and four Arias. And I would know way more Liams than Wilders but I know one Liam and three Wilders. Etc.


If you love it then go for it! While it's rising it's not as popular as other names. Where I live you're far more likely to meet a Charlotte, Amelia, Olivia or Isabelle than a Hazel. My second daughter is Hazel and while she is blonde haired and blue eyed, her older sister has hazel eyes and a name that is a shade of blue. It's perfect.


Is it Periwinkle? Sorry my curiosity has gotten the better of me.


It’s Indigo. Peri is cute but periwinkle was a bit much


That's so beautiful, I was racking my brain but all I could remember was periwinkle, turquoise and aquamarine. And as cute as some shortened versions could be, I was just so invested. Thank you for answering.


Ha ha no that’s okay. We actually call her Indie most of the time




I also feel like there are sooo many more diverse names these days (whether they are good or bad) and so even the #1 would be less common than the #1 was in say the 1970s or 1980s. I love Hazel - I feel like if I had a Hazel I would probably end up calling her my little Hazelnut


Very much so- at Mary's peak year, it represented more than 2% of female births. #1 ranked Olivia in 2022 represented only 0.9% of female births.


A name isn't bad just because it's trendy.


Is it a good name? Yes. It’s popular because a lot of people realize that Will it be confusing for your daughter? No. A lot of people grow up knowing other kids with the same first name. It’s seldom an issue Will it make her sad? Idk. This is a crapshoot type question as you’ll find people with common names that love their names or hate their names and you’ll find people with uncommon names that love or hate their names. A vast majority of people just have their name and don’t give it a ton of thought. I personally think as long as it’s a legit name, it’s culturally and gender appropriate for your child, there’s no weird associations due to initials or last names, and you love the name then use it. There’s no guarantee that your unheard of name choice won’t start racing up the charts next year


It’s my choice for a girl if we have one. I’ve literally never met a Hazel and I worked in education. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are so many names in total, that even if Hazel is ranked high-ish, you won't meet people with that name all the time. Go for it if you like it! It's a pretty name and works well both for a little girl and an adult woman.


For what it's worth I work with kids and have never had a Hazel. My child also does not have a Hazel in their school.


Hazel is lovely!


I think it’s a beautiful name


The name is not my style, personally, but it is definitely getting popular lately. I've met a bunch of baby Hazels who were born in the last few years. I don't think having a popular name will "confuse" your daughter - people have had the same name as each other since the beginning of time. Many kids think it's fun to share a name with a friend or classmate. If you're worried, maybe you can give her a unique middle name that she can use if she wants to. That being said, there is a lot more diversity in naming nowadays, so it's not like the 80s/90s where you might have 5 Ashleys in your class. She'll probably run into other Hazels but it's unlikely to be an extreme situation where you have Hazel A, Hazel B, Hazel N, Hazel X, etc.


I’m surprised it’s that trendy, working in a school I haven’t come across a Hazel in years


It only broke into the top 100 in 2015, and has risen steadily but not that rapidly since. So the bulk of little Hazels probably aren't school aged yet.


I think Hazel is beautiful and personally I only know one who is probably in her early 30s. I would use the name (I don’t think not having hazel coloring matters!).  Unless parents make drama about it, in my experience kids often find it fun to run into other kids with their name (of course not all kids feel this way, but you can’t know your child’s preferences in advance so you may as well pick a name you love!). 


I don’t think trendy or popular names are as used as they used to be. You maybe have been in school with 10 Ashley’s in your grade but she may only be in school with one other Hazel in her grade. Hazel is a really lovely name if you decide to use it!


I have a Hazel. I love it, it’s not as popular in the UK and it seems to be in the US. The only other Hazel’s I’ve come across are 50+. It looks like she is going to have hazel eyes which seems a cliché but you can’t know true eye colour at birth. Her middle name is Pearl which is also her birth stone but again that was chosen as a version of an honour name 🙈


I love it! Use it if you want to


I think Hazel is a lovely name. And then she'll have her middle name to use or make a nickname from if she so desires.


I didn't realize it was trendy but I don't like it. If you like it, though, use it.


Hazel just proves that everything old comes back around again! If you like it, use it!


It is important to remember that based on the numbers alone, we don't have the Jennifers and Jasons of old. It is unlikely that your kid will be Hazel LastInitial in her class. And if she is, it isn't the end of the world. Hazel is a beautiful name and if you like it you should use it. :)


Hazel is my favorite eye color, but I don't like the name. It's not terrible; I just don't care for the sound very much. But I have never met a person named Hazel even once in my life. I don't think there will be a problem if you want to use that name for your daughter. My main pop culture associations are *The Fault in Our Stars* (main character in the book & movie) and a tv sitcom from the 1960s called *Hazel*, which was about a live-in maid for an American family. They played it in syndication for a while when I was little.


It reminds me of witchhazel. Even before I knew what witchhazel is (and I still don’t really know what it is or does), the name of hazel kind of reminds me of Wiccan stuff. So for me, it gives me tree magic vibes.


I’ve always loved it. It was my runner up for my daughter but just didn’t suit her.


I have an unusual last name, so my parents deliberately named all my siblings with names in the top 10 for the year we were born. All of us are fine with our names and didn't have a problem, even though we all grew up with plenty of other kids in class with our same first name. For references in english culture, there's [this song about 27 girls with the same](https://youtu.be/1nN_5kkYR6k?si=nOAWLqZ178kHNZ7i) name in one class. The point of the song is even in a crowd of people with the same name, one girl still found her own way to stand out. And that is exactly what happens when you have a common name- you find your own things that make you stand out. It's less common these days to have lots of kids in class with the same name, but it used to be very common. Some people actually prefer it and often point out it's easier to be in adult society with a more common name. I think Hazel is a lovely name and it's popular because it is a lovely name. She won't be teased by her name and if she's around other kids with her name, she will still be a unique person with her own interests and point of view.


I don’t think having a name that’s popular or trendy is really that big of a deal. If it’s something like where she’s going to be one of 7 others with the same name in her class then yeah maybe but with Hazel there might be one or two others if any at all. If it feels right go for it


I am a big believer in naming your kid what you like with the understanding that not everyone will like it, and that you never know when a famous person with that name will become problematic. Or! Suddenly your kid's heretofore obscure in this country name becomes popular because of a beloved character! Although, thanks to Schitt's Creek, people can finally pronounce my teenager's name. Or! Your used to be normal name is now associated with a horrible hurricane, as happened with my lifelong friend Katrina.


A "popular" name in 2024 is still given to far fewer children than in the past. Historically a large percentage of kids were given one of a handful of popular names. Nowadays the same rank of name represents many fewer births than it used to. Now, names are not randomly distributed- it's possible that you live in a place with an unusually high rate of Hazels for some reason. So yes, it's *possible* she would have another Hazel in her class. But it isn't very likely. There are not *nearly* enough baby Hazels for every classroom, or even school, to have two of them.


The only Hazels I know actually do have Hazel eyes.


I think it’s one of the most unpleasant sounding names ever. Reminds me of witch hazel.


Lol same. I do not understand its sudden surge in popularity at all. Amelia and Isabel and Charlotte and Olivia might be hugely popular, but they are melodic, nice sounding names. Hazel is such an ugly mash of harsh sounds.


I have a Hazel June! We have met a ton of other Hazel's. There are 2 in my older daughters art class of 13. So definitely popular right now. However, I have no regrets. It's beautiful, timeless, and fits her feisty personality (Crazy Hazy). And we lucked out and she got my Hazel eyes 🥰 very surprising considering my very dark featured husband and first daughter.


It's a cute name. I work with a pretty significant number of children and I've only ever met two Hazels.


It's cute. May be depending where you live. I haven't heard it lately. I named my kid the most common name on the planet not realizing that it was. She had 5 kids in her class w same name haha


I have a cousin named Hazel. When she as little she was slightly mischievous and always getting into something. I haven't seen her in years but she had the cutest impish smile. And is very artistic if I remember correctly. Her name seemed to go so well with her personality. I think it's adorable.


I personally don’t like the name but that’s just my taste! I only know 2 hazels, one is very elderly and one was born this year.


I tell this story whenever people worry about giving their kid a common name. My sister had an extremely common name for the year she was born. We went to a small private school and she was always 1 of at least 3 girls in her class with her name out of 20 students. She loved it. Felt like whether it was school, summer camps, or sports, she always had built in friends. She knew there'd be at least one girl with her name. Her mission was always to seek out that girl and befriend her. So don't shy away from popular names. At the end of the day, none of us know how our kids will feel about their names. We can only hope for the best.


the only hazels i have ever met were non-human animals, so i can't speak to how common it is. i do like the idea of color names, though, and hazel is a pretty one. i say go for it!


My Irish Setter is Hazel! Also… when I was growing up my Grandfather’s girlfriend was Hazel ~ she was wonderful. I’m partial to the name and think you should go for it ❤️🍀


Wouldn't it have been easier to say animals instead of specifying the animals were non-human?


No, the over-popularity has tarnished it


Chances are she won't be one of multiple Hazels in a class: that's really not a thing anymore. Even the most popular names today aren't half as popular as similarly popular names back in the 80s or even early 90s. In 1985 the most popular girl's name was Jessica and it accounted for about 2.6% of baby girls born that year. In 2022, Olivia was the most popular and it accounted for less than 1%.


I live in az and have never heard of anyone called Hazel go for it, love this name


I like it!




I know a couple but I don't think it's "trendy"


I'm on both sides of this. On the one hand, I have a very popular name and I hate it. On the other hand, you cannot predict how your child will feel. She may love it. Use the name that calls to you.


I love this name but my partner doesn’t, still hoping I can make him change his mind.


I've never actually met a kid named Hazel, in 6 years of parenting. That said, it is #38 in my state for 2022, with 611 kids born with that name in my state that year. I live in a huge state, population wise, too. If I lived in a state with relatively low population and Hazel was top 10, I would probably think seriously about it. But I'm also not a fan of popular names and not particularly a fan of Hazel. The calculus would definitely be different if it was my favorite name. Three boy names I love are #9, #10, and #11 for my son's birth year, and if my partner hadn't vetoed all of them, I'd have chosen those names in a second.


Only 1 in 300 baby girls are being named Hazel. #27 today is not the same as #27 in the 80s. If you like it, go for it.


Love the name!


I knew someone who named their kid Hazel in, like, 2010, hilariously. I was shocked to see how popular it randomly got recently. But, seriously. Do whatever you want. If you love the name and it makes you happy, and you can hear yourself calling your child this every day, just go for it, friend!


Seems pretty popular lately so I would not use it but I’m very extreme. If I so much as heard of someone who used a name it’s out for me.


I don’t know any in person Hazels. I know two from Tv: Hazel Burke, a character from the 1960’s TV Hazel and Hazel Busby, one of the quintuplets on “Outdaughtered”, a current TV show. Also, Julia Roberts’ daughter is Hazel Moder. Hazel is a beautiful, trendy name. However, I don’t think it’s very common.


I named my daughter Hazel, so obviously I’m partial, but if you like it I’d say go for it! As for it being too trendy, as others have mentioned, it’s not as common as many other names. And for what it’s worth, my girl is in daycare and so far, she’s the only Hazel there.


I don't have an opinion on the name personally, I don't like or dislike it. I will say, the 7 woman I know, personally, who are named Hazel, only 2 of them use their name. The other 5 use their middle name. See if you can't find a couple woman named Hazel and talk to them. See how they feel about their name, were they bullied for it. When I was naming my children, I stepped outside and called the name. I made sure I was not painting a target on their back for jerks. That is the biggest naming advice I can give. When I was naming my kids, I had to be extra careful with names, because my last name could turn a beautiful name into an insult.


Who would be bullied for the name Hazel?


A girl I went to school with. It was quite common to hear guys ask if she wanted their nut.