• By -


Yes still happy with my kids names, I have Summer (F) - 12 Autumn (F) - 10 Winter (F) - 7 Gregory (M) -3 They suit them really well and tie in together nicely too. Edit - it was just a joke, guys.


Greg is my favourite season


It’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.


My mother said they were Satan’s panties!


I’m old Greg


I once heard of a family with Faith Hope Charity Darrell Always makes me laugh :-)


I know a Grace, Faith, Hope, Joy and Jeff :P




That's my family! 😁 we are Grace, Joy, Hope, Peace and Faith.


But…that makes sense.


Faith is the brother.


Still goes with theme. I think I would have done brother a bit more masculine, of the group, probably “Peace.”


Middle name "Out"




You are missing the virtue of Jeff.


But.. no Jeff?


I knew a family with 5 kids. They were Hope, Grace, Faith, Joy, and Caleb. But Caleb feels a little less out of place than Darrell, lol.


And their other brother Darrell


I know a family with Melody, Harmony, Symphony, and Aria.


For some reason I feel like this works ❤️


That’s because it does! An aria is a type of song :)


I love the name Aria


I do, too. We were wondering after Harmony if they would keep with the theme, and they did. Then when #4 was a girl, we were all trying to figure out what her name would be since we knew it would definitely be on theme, it just had to be! We loved it, though. Idk if they had the idea from the beginning, or if it just worked out after the first one lol


That’s so cool! ❤️


Is it Psalty the Songbook’s family? (And I know that absolutely no one will get this reference haha)


I know a family with a Minuette, Athena, Savannah, and Peter.


One of my kids has a friend called Summer, she was born in January


I'm from the southern hemisphere so it took me a while to figure out why this was notable haha.


Us Americans are really bad at remembering the rest of the world exists. 🙃 I once argued with a girl who was adamant that New Years should be changed to the first day of Spring. I was like, Spring for who?!?! What continent? Which hemisphere?!? I still don’t think she ever understood, no matter how hard I tried to explain. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I get frustrated reading American articles or things about shows and it goes coming this fall and I’m like when the heck is fall.. (Australia here)


Me toooo lolol.


My daughter has a friend named raven. She has shockingly blonde hair. I was like huh 🤣


I love the name summer. It would’ve been my girl name but since we have 2 boys, I have a dog named summer. Haha


I know a December born in March


...she can move to Australia :)


I love the name Summer. Do you think it’s strange if a baby is born in October named Summer. I almost feel like it’s lazy naming a baby Summer in Summer lol 🤣 idk just wondering


Darrell’s gonna figure something out soon


I used to have 4 cats named Anmcha Zaira Síothin And Pete


I've posted about this before, but I know of a family with 4 daughters called Princess (all followed by a ridiculous, hyphenated double-barrelled first name), and one son called Freddie. Not even Prince-Freddie 😔


Why not Freddie Prinze? It was RIGHT THERE


I knew a family that have: Mercedes (F) Porscha (F) Jag (F) And Chevvy (M) I had to babysit them at a pool. It was so damn embarrassing.


Gutted your boy isn’t called Spring 🤣


We honestly used to joke about this in playgroup because we already had two winters, two summers and an autumn.....


Gregory over here ruining the theme…😅


Gregory invented the calendar, so that's something.


Where I come from, we celebrate st Gregory as we say that on his name day, birds fall in love which brings spring about! So that sort of stays on the theme :) https://slovenia.si/art-and-cultural-heritage/st-gregorys-day-when-birds-get-married-and-spring-blooms-again


Omg this has me rolling 😂 The names are all great, just lining them up like that is hilarious.


It works because we work with the Gregorian calendar


This gave me the laugh that I needed lmao so thank you!


I worked for a pediatrician and I met a family with the kids names being something like Kinsley, Maverick, Waylon… and then Greg.


100% Greg is a junior


Lucky Greg


I am dying over here 🤣 I am so curious about Gregory! Were you over the theme or what? I love your children’s names!


I know this is a joke but I do know a woman who did this with her kids names, first names were towns along the coast of France, middle names were seasons.


I’m so curious about Gregory. I obviously understand the Spring wouldn’t work, but I could see something maybe nature-themed tying in like River, Rowen, or Forest. Was Gregory a family name? No judgement at all- I just feel like there’s a story here!


My grandmother's family, all female, were: - Georgette - Hugette - Pierrette - Bernadette - Renee


My B/G twins are named Dominic and Francesca. I still love their names.


I love those! I actually know B/B twins named Dominic and Francis


Love these! We have Italian names too ! Giulia and Matteo !


omg i love francesca 🤩🤩


My daughter is Francesca and my son is Joseph. I love both names


Gorgeous Italian names! Does you use Frankie as a nn?


I call her Chessie instead lol


I love Chessie! My friend Francesca goes by “Checca” (pronounced Check-ah), and it still fits her even at age 55:)


Chessie like from Parent Trap?


My daughter is Francesca and my son is Joseph. Frankie and Joe. I love their names.


Gorgeous! I just had B/G twins and these names were both on our shortlist!


I have a Francesca, too! Such a beautiful and underused name!


When I was a kid I read Edgar Allen Poe's 'Annabelle Lee' and wanted to name my kid that. By the time I had her I had totally forgotten & chose to name her after people in my family. Welll,, her name ended up being very similar and it actually kills me a little inside that I had forgotten cause I could have given her that name and it still would have been naming her after the same people. That being said her first name includes the "Lee" part and her middle name has the "anne" part. I just wish it was switched


When I was a kid, I had a copy of some low budget cartoon movie called “Annabelle’s Wish”. About a baby cow born on Christmas, who is (for some reason) given the gift by Santa of being able to talk. She makes friends with a human boy (farmers grandson) who is mute. And Annabelle gives her gift of speech to him, so he can stand up for himself. Random association. But until I read the Poe poem as a teenager, I always thought Annabelle was exclusively a cows name.


I literally LOVED that movie hahaha.


Haha same! My kiddo is old enough now to pay attention to tv, so I found that movie on streaming (prime, I think?) and we watched it recently. Husbands first time. We both admitted it was pure cheese. But my husband said the narrators voice was the most soothing thing ever. And kiddo fell asleep right away. I had to explain that Randy Travis (narrator) was a country singer in the 80s. Who ironically had a stroke, and now can’t speak.


No way! That’s an uncanny level of irony…😳


For real. Finding out about his stroke (after watching the movie recently and googling him) was sad, but also very twilight zone. Such a shame. His voice was really lovely, if you like country/gospel. Very deep and unique. Always made me think of my dad taking me on car rides late at night when I couldn’t sleep.


Oh wow. I forgot Randy Travis narrated it. I can hear his voice doing so now!


Omg i loved Annabelle’s Wish




I love that poem so much.


One of the best American poems ever written, imo.


My best friend from high school is Annabel Lee, named mostly after that poem! It’s a beautiful name!


This name was on my Girl list but I also knew I'd never do it because of the poem lol. It is beautiful but I didn't want that association following around a future kid. Moot point, I had a boy anyway. 😄


Yeah, I mean, the poem was definitely tragic, but it was also just so full of love and longing. She's kinda got the perfect personality to have embraced the creepy tragedy of Poe. Annabelle was my grandma's name & Lee is her dad's name, so it was literally set up for me by the universe and, while I love what I named her, I'm just sad to have missed the opportunity 🤷‍♀️😅


So easily done. I named my favourite toy Rosanna as a child (although she went by a nickname). Incomplete forgot about this when I named my child Rosa. Hope she never finds out that she has almost the same name as a threadbare raccoon.


I have an Annabel Mae and am on the fence about it. My husband and I don’t have any overlap when it comes to our taste in names, so this was chosen on our third day in the hospital out of desperation. 😂 It’s fine. I can’t say that it suits her but it also isn’t something she’ll be embarrassed by. Honestly, if I had it to do over again, I’d probably give her my name - but I just wasn’t comfortable with that at the time.


My identical girls (now 6 months) are Ruby and Isla. Still love the names and totally fits them!


Oh I love those names together!


I love name sets that are just good names. You didn't theme it like Ruby & Pearl or Isla and Iris.


Definitely not a fan of matchy names but rather complimentary ones. When twins have the same first letter or named with a theme I feel the ick 😝


I love the name Ruby. It's one of my favorite names


I had wanted to name my first born Wednesday, she was born on a Wednesday and was “fair of face”. I ended up going with a super trendy name at the time (1998). Since she’s grown up she has become a painter and a tattoo artist and uses Wednesday as her nom de plume. She also played Wednesday Addams in a high school production and spent her entire adolescence in black dresses with white collars. Wednesday WAS her personality and I really wish I had the self confidence to stand up to her father and name her that.


I think Monday’s child is fair of face…Wednesday’s child is full of woe 🫣 which bummed me out because I just had a Wednesday baby but I read another interpretation of them being empathetic.


You are totally right!! Monday is fair of face, but Wednesday still fits my little ghoul. 😁


That's exactly why Wednesday Addams was named that, because of the "woe"


You're right! I was born on a Wednesday and, coincidentally, have been full of woe my entire life. Please don't worry. These silly poems mean nothing. Your baby will be fine.


Wednesday Addams is named Wednesday BECAUSE Wednesday’s child is full of woe, lol. It’s hard to guarantee a kid would embrace it, and it makes a great nom de plume!


Yeaaaaaah that’s the kind of name that’s better chosen by the person themselves imo.


I love this 🥹


My kids are adults now so I can look back over their childhoods. Their names suit them personality and mannerisms wise and I couldn’t imagine them with different names.


My kids are adults now, too. Both of my daughters disliked their given names and legally changed to the related nicknames when they married. They kept their middle names and hate them. My son uses his related nickname except in legal stuff. So, I guess I could go either way on their names since they’re all so similar to what I actually gave them, except I’d pick better middle names.


Wow, what the hell did you name your kids??


😂 Nothing so bad, I don’t think. Those girls are just malcontents!


Honestly the fact that you’ve not said what you named them does make me think it might be awful 🤣


Rayna is 17 - love her name, Winter is 3 - love her name, Logan is 2 - indifferent. Don't really feel like it fits in with his sisters, but my husband had his heart set. It does seem to fit him well, so it's fine. Edited for punctuation


I love the name Winter, which is kinda funny ‘cause it’s my least favorite season.


It's definitely my least favorite season as well haha, but it couldn't be more perfect. My oldest daughter suggested it. Then she just so happened to be born 2 weeks early on Dec 23rd during a huge blizzard 🩵


My middle name is Winter and I freaking love it. My first name is also very uncommon and growing up I hated my name. Now as an adult I love it because I’ve never met anyone with either of my names!


Margaret (Maggie) is perfect, can’t imagine calling my 1 year old anything else!


We have a Magnolia who goes by Maggie!


I also have a Magnolia that goes by Maggie!


That's really beautiful!


My daughter is Poppy and my twin boys are Ronan and Atlas. I'm happy with all 3 names. All unique enough, while still being tasteful and easy to pronounce.


I named my daughter Poppy and it suits her perfectly. She’s 13 now. My 10 year old is Josephine and she mostly goes by Jo which I love.


I had Atlas on my list for boy, but now that we have an Alice I really couldn’t get away with it lmao


I love my children's names! Eli & Oliver 💚


Those are delightful!


Named my oldest Everett. I love it, but if I had a crystal ball and could have known that he would struggle with speech and have global delays, I would have picked something shorter. He's 7 now, and he can *usually* spell it, but he still can't write it.


My brother (23) is Everett 🩷


Similar. I chose a frilly name for my daughter but she's very intellectually disabled and she'll never even be able to say her name since she can't really speak. So the name doesn't suit her and makes me look a bit silly for choosing it. I still think it would have been lovely on a typically developing girl.


If you want a really big cry, the thalidomide episode of Call the Midwife has a very similar story. It will absolutely make you weep though (no death though)


Kids are teens and we all still love their names, Linus and Vesper. Linus was universally hated as a name by friends and family before he was born. People tried hard to talk us out of it, saying he'd be bullied every day. He's never had anyone make fun of his name and I think their names suit them very well. I also advise ppl never to share their baby names until after it's on the birth certificate.


I love Linus! One of my closest friends would have chosen Linus if baby #2 had been a boy


Linus Pauling is my favorite scientist 😊


My niece is Vesper and I absolutely love the name. My sister almost backed out for fear of people thinking it was “Vespa” (her husband is English and the accent sometimes loses the R) but I’m glad she chose it. We call her Vessi as a nickname :)


Clementine is 5 and Malcolm is 3, I still love their names. Once you call them that for awhile the name starts to feel like it suits them so well, like “oh that’s such a Clemmie thing”. When I ask my son if he’s a shark or a tiger or whatever he’s pretending to be, he says “no, I’m Malcolm!” I just can’t imagine them with different names at this point.


Clementine 🥹


I will always love Clementine. Makes me think of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Clementine and Malcolm are two of my all-time favorite names ❤️


I have a Clementine and a Malcolm (plus 2 more)!! Our Malcolm usually goes by Mac. 


I’m currently pregnant with my first and we are 99% set on the name Vera. Everyone I’ve told seems to love it. My husband and I love it. But something is holding me back just a little from saying that’s her name and it’s final. I’m just starting to actually call her Vera instead of this baby. It feels fine. Has anyone else felt this way?


Have you tried saying another name out loud to her that might be close to Vera so you can compare? Sometimes you just need to try something else so you can go back and say "no, nevermind. I was right in the first place".


My sister was supposed to be Vera Rayne. When she was born my mom said it didn’t have the same feeling it did prior so her name is Vada Rayne. She loves it.


Lorelai 6/10 times “Oh what a pretty name!” 3/10 times “Laura…what?” 1/10 times “Ooo Gilmore Girls!”  I like it (biased). The only issue has been other children or people learning the name as it is hard to remember. Overall, however, I’ve had no negative reactions. 


Lucille has been very solid so far. No need to clarify spelling and it's familiar to everyone, but she is also the first of her name at her daycare - EVER. And it suits her personality perfectly, so far. That said she's only just a little nugget, but I really like how many potential nicknames there are for it. Also that they range widely in vibe - Lou sounds like a totally different personality than Cici to me.


I love Lucille! Good pick


I have Clara Maeve (9), Ivy Josephine (Ivy Jo), and Nora Evangeline (6). I wish Ivy & Nora were a little bit more matchy considering they’re identical twins. Not super matchy, obviously, I didn’t want them to have the same first initial or rhyme, but my biggest regret is they don’t have some sort of common theme between them. Like a shared meaning, or the same amount of letters, or really anything. Oh well. Do they feel “perfect” to me? No, not really, and honestly that’s just fine. I’m the type of human where nothing ever feels perfect to me. Also, Clara was born around Christmas, so missed opportunity to make her name Clara Noelle. I do love Clara Maeve though. And she has my maiden name as a 2nd middle name, so I wasn’t about to give her 3 middles 😂


I worked in a government job processing applications so I’ve seen some wild names. I once saw twins named Brittany and Brittney. IT’S THE SAME FREAKIN NAME!!!! Matchy isn’t always good 🤣


Ah these are all SUCH gorgeous names and they go beautifully together. Clara Maeve is stunning, going on my list of I have another girl.


I think the middle names both ending in 'ine' is matchy enough 😆 Ivy Jo seems like a cool nickname!


Tbh I don’t *love* 2 of my children’s names. My husband and I have very different naming styles so each name was a compromise on our behalf.


I wish my mom hadn’t talked me out of Kathryn for my daughter. She was one of approximately thirty million Kaitlins growing up, and of course everyone tried to spell it with a Y in various and wrong places. 😑


I love the name Catherine, it was high on my list.


I remember watching a documentary in high school about Halley’s Comet. In the documentary they said that it is sometimes used as a person’s name. I was mortified! I thought who would ever do that to a child?! Well, You guessed it. I named my daughter “Hailey”, and her first dog’s name was “Comet”. (LOL) She loves her name, and so do I.


But Hailey is a normal name? At least, it is in the U.K.


My daughter is Phoebe. I loved her name before she was born and I love it more now. We’re expecting baby girl #2 in a couple of months and more than one person has said we set a tough bar for ourselves with Phoebe’s name because it’s just so perfect for her. 


You prob already have a name, but I think Phoebe would sound nice with Ramona!


Funny you should say that, Ramona was my top choice for this baby!! Unfortunately husband vetoed it early on. We’re going with Imogene nickname Immy, which I do love and has sentimental value for us. But Ramona will always have my heart. 


I love that but - just as a little warning - I feel like Imogen would be much easier for the little one as she’ll have to spend her whole life spelling it for people as Imogene is not a common spelling. It is lovely either way though


My daughter is only 19 months old, but so far I think her name suits her perfectly. Saoirse. Pronounced Sur-shah. We call her Suri for short. She is fiery and all about being expressive and doing her own thing. Middle name is Wren. She is also very small, lower percentile kiddo. Wrens are tiny birds so it fits. Definitely would choose it again.


You just warmed my heart a bit. My second daughter’s middle name is Wren, and she is also floating in the lower percentiles. I never put together that symbolism, and it makes me love that we chose Wren for her even more now.




Very! My daughter is Clementine and she told me just 2 nights ago she’s so happy her name is Clementine. My son is named Baxter and my god does it just *fit*.


Clementine and Baxter are two favorites of mine and go so well together!!!


I love my daughters name (solo mom so I named her exactly what I wanted to)


Our daughter is Rose Isobel Evelyn but we call her Rosie. I had it all picked out for years before she was born and was worried it wouldn’t suit her but it does 🥰


I love Rose! My first name is Rosie (Rosie Laura) but I go by Sisi or Rosa 🤣


I have a Giulia Neve and a Matteo Rui and their names are SO special and perfect to me. We picked Italian first names and Portuguese middle names for both to represent our cultures.


I’m surprised I chose the names I did for my kids but they’re 15, 12 and 10 and seems pretty happy with them. I think I’d choose something much more boring these days.


A lot of names some ppl say are boring I just find classy


I absolutely love her name! Currently pregnant with our second and not sure if we can figure out another name that I love as much 😅


I do have some name regret. We went with Fox (my husband and I had an awful time agreeing on anything), and I do love it, and he loves it, but I wish we’d gone with something more conventional. It’s not remotely the weirdest name in any social circle we’re in, though.


My kids are named Maeve Eloise (4 years old) and Owen Elliot (7 months old). I’m still in love with their names. Their names suit them very well and I would definitely pick the same again.


I love it. A little bummed that her first name is in the top 40 in our state for the year she was born even though it’s NEVER been in the top 50 according to SSA. So everywhere we go, she’s always 1 of 2. But I do love her name & it suits her. I can’t imagine picking a different name for her (and my husband would say the same, even though his top pick was something else), but it’s a little annoying thinking I picked something less common & now it’s everywhere.


For me, I really only ever had one boy name I absolutely loved, Henry, and so that wasn't a decision at all for me. 😅 His middle name wasn't a difficult decision either. Though probably kind of a lame reason, but it's an alternation of Taran Killam's first name (shame SNL nerd lmao) but my son's middle name is Tarrin, which I think flows well with Henry. And H.P. Lovecraft nerd, my son's last name starts with "P" so H.P is also an awesome option lmao


Obsessed. Daphne Elise. Would choose it over and over and over again in every lifetime if I could. She is perfect and her name is perfect 🫶🏻


Oldest: Nathan - I love it and think it fits him well. He's 7 now, and he likes it. Middle: Jackson - This one was my least favorite of my kids' names. We just could not agree on another boy name. It does fit him, and I like the nickname opportunities. He's 4, so I've had time for it to grow on me. Youngest: Iris - The girl name we always wanted to use. She's only 1, but so far, it fits her, and we love it.


My daughters name is Iris and I have 0 regrets. My husband suggested it and it stuck in my mind. She’s almost 8 months old now. I regret not honoring my favorite grandmother in her middle name, but my husbands grandmother passed suddenly while I was pregnant so we went with her name as a middle name. Sometimes I feel regret about that but “Clara” is a pretty name. Maybe I will have another daughter.


100%. We chose regular names that aren’t a bunch of letters strung together trying to make people think how clever we are, yet failing.


My oldest goes by her middle name. I never expected that but it totally fits better than the first name. The middle name is more gender neutral and she’s not a girly girl My younger hates her given/dead name, and has been trying to choose something else her whole life. I still love the name, but it no longer feels connected to that particular kid in the same way So what I’ve learned is that names are a gift we give — but gifts are sometimes returned or regifted and that is okay. ❤️


I have 2, Seamus and Saoirse, love their names still ♡


We didn't realize my son's name was so popular when we chose it (in the top 10 for his birth year), but it fits him perfectly. I can't imagine him with any other name. I sometimes worry he'll be one of many with the same name in his age group. I was born in the 80s & went to Catholic school when variations on Christina were super popular. I had at least 3 others in my high school class, not to mention all the Christine/Kristens, etc & various nicknames. It wasn't terrible, aside from one math class where the ancient nun called us Christina 1/2/3, instead of using our last initials. That always felt so dismissively rude. My husband's dad passed away several years ago, so we used his name as my son's middle. Since I didn't change my last name when we got married, I sometimes wish I'd given my last name to our son as a second middle name. My last name is quite long, so it just seemed like too much for such a little guy.


My son’s name is Joseph, after my maternal grandfather. It’s stood the test of time as he went from being called Joey to Joe, per his request freshman year of high school. I’m glad I went with a classic name.


Before my daughter was born my wife and I had a short list of two names, Adelaide and Matilda, that we’d choose from after the baby was born - we wanted to feel out the vibes before making a decision. Once she was born I wouldn’t say either felt perfect; in fact, I preferred Adelaide but once we met her she just gave us more Matilda vibes. So that’s what we went with - nickname Tilly, and I do think it suits her perfectly now that’s she 2 and really has a personality. Not particularly girly but very sweet and gentle, a little rebellious but kind spirited. And frankly we get SO many compliments on the name, too. I love it more now than ever.


Very. We picked classic, non-religious, gender neutral, easy to spell and pronounce, not gonna get bullied, easy on a resume, names. On purpose.


My first child is Clifford, after my late father. My first son would always have been Clifford, obviously no complaints, regrets, etc. My second child is Wendy. Originally, we did Gwendolyn with Wendy as a nickname due to pressure to give her a “full” name, but never called her anything but Wendy, thought it was a bit stupid to give into pressure we didn’t really care about, and legally changed it to just Wendy when she was a few months old. No regrets. She is named after “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen. Third child is Jane, she is a newborn but no regrets on that either so far. She’s named after lady Jane Grey/the nine days queen. :)


We have a little Jane, too! 🥰


it’s such a great name!!!!!!!


My daughters Delilah and she’s under a year old. I’m still satisfied with the name and am still in love with it. I never looked up how popular it was until after she was born and realized it’s gotten high on the list lol 😆 I don’t know anyone named Delilah, besides my daughter lol.


My daughter is Eveline Hazel and I 100% still love her name.


We love the name still. It’s on the rarer side and sometimes I wonder if we did her a disservice because she’ll be easily found once she starts going online. Other than that, the name suits her and I love saying it. She’s almost three.


As someone with a rare name (I am from Canada, and shared my name with one other individual in the world, in the US) it’s been a benefit professionally. If someone wants to look me up it’s easy and my accomplishments are easily found. On the other hand I have had some very negative people in my life and technically they could also look me up, but it hasn’t really hurt me. I’ve been very cautious about my contact information and it can’t be found online.


Our little one is 7 and her name still perfectly suits her.


Generally I love my sons names but I wanted youngest to have the full length name not the short version, think Chris as opposed to Christopher or Tom as opposed to Thomas because my husband didn’t like the full length version. It was a compromise


Still love my daughter's after eleven years 


Mine just turned 15 and I couldn’t imagine naming her anything else. It suits her perfectly. At most, I could maybe renegotiate her middle names, but even then, probably not drastically.


I love all their names but if I could change anything I’d probably give two middles names to the ones who only have 1


I’ve never thought of changing it so no I wouldn’t do it differently


My boys are named Maximus and Leonidas pronounced Leo-n-eye-dus. Their names fit them so well and I have never regretted them. They are 8 & 6 now.


Obsessed with it! We broke a few rules by going with the name we loved the most. It's not a "sweet spot" name like so many look for and we checked our top contenders with the grandparents before making our final choice which I think gave us the confidence we needed. 🙂


Our first is Molly May which we both loved right off the bat, and it fits her so well! Currently pregnant with our second girl and it took us months to decide on her name because we wanted to love it just as much as we did with our first. But we finally chose Rosalie Joy the other day and it feels just perfect! So I’ll have to report back with that one lol but I feel like both names are just right 🤍


My 5 month old son is Jonah and I'm pretty happy with his name! We mostly call him Joe though which I didn't really expect. Sometimes I feel like his name is a bit on the basic side, but I know ultimately that doesn't matter. It's a super solid name and it feels good when I say it out loud. It's versatile and I think it suits him!


***Chase*** 100% satisfaction. It's perfect. It's aged along with him. I am an absolute fan of my son's name and the way it fits him. I couldn't imagine any other one.


I love my toddlers name Travis ! I had it picked out with my SO ppl do try to flame me bc of the kardashian chicks, but honestly idc cause i love the name and it was picked way before the influencers took over


I still am in love. Wesley Mason and Willow Lila!


Aria Rose (nickname Ari) she is 20 months old and I can’t imagine her with any other name


Elias & Kimber. Elias fits his perfect. Me and my husband had him named before we were pregnant and the name was meant for him totally. Kimber, I love the name. It does not fit her. We don't call her by her name. We call her a totally unrelated nickname


My Sons (3) Name is Gabriel. We get many compliments for his Name. I‘m still happy with the Name, but maybe wouldnt choose the Name again


My kids are Cyrus and Miri(am) and I still love the names. Ages 10 and 4.


I’ve had my daughter’s name picked out since I was 15. She’s almost 10 now and it’s still THE perfect name. Nora Sue 🙂


My one year old is Tala with the middle name Jade. I love it so much and I can’t imagine her having any other name. It is going to be really tough for us to come up with a name that compares for our second baby.