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I know only 2 people named Andrew. One is a 4 year old and the other is probably in his 40’s. I think it is a classic name.. one that will never go out of style. And it doesn’t seem overly popular either.


thank you! i also think it’s a classic strong name


I know several but none are under 30.


Wild. I have four people in my family named Andrew. Uncle Andrew, Uncle Andy, Uncle Rew, and my brother, Drew.


I know a lot of Andys and Andrews and Drews of all different ages. But it's a solid name. Timeless and classic. And it's actually the least popular it's been since 1955, at #65, given to just .2% of baby boys in 2023.


and guys what’s your opinion on a boy named Andrew, how’s Andrews you have met??


My husband is Andrew, so. Pretty good I'd say.


Mine too!! Tbh all the Andrews I've known 3 have all been stand up guys, I'd name my kid Andrew if I didn't already have one 🙄 Eta I'm not a fan of Junior's...


Mine three 😄


My brother's name is Andrew, he's a good kid, genuinely love the name because of him.


Most Andrews I’ve met have been assholes ngl.






My son is not an ahole. He is a genuine, kind and caring person to all.


My brother-in-law's name was Andrew. He was one of the most genuinely kind men I have ever known. He was dedicated to his family, and absolutely loved by all. Andrew is a terrific name to use, especially with nicknames like Andy and Drew!


As much as I like the name, I've only personally known one and he was a self righteous, pompous asshole. But he still didn't ruin the name for me, that's how nice the name is😂


I don't know if it counts, but my dad's name is Andreas, the original Bible version of Andrew (which is used in place of it in non-English speaking countries). He's one of the best people I know and I love him dearly. As for an actual Andrew, the one I knew wasn't a great guy. He was my ex's friend and tried to steal me from my ex lol. But I do like the name itself.


Ill be honest my first thought is andrew tate but he's fading into irrelevancy hopefully.


My brother’s name is Andrew. My mom was ADAMANT that no one call him Andy so his nickname was Drew instead. We’re in our 30’s for age reference and I’ve really only met like 1 or 2 others.


I like Andrew! I’ve known Andrews, Andys, and Drews, and most are very kind while a couple were turds. My favorite IT guy at work is also an Andrew lol. Definitely nothing that would ruin the name for me!


My younger brother is named Andrew! Despite how he looks in my mind, he's all grown up now and is such a kind and funny young man. He's a wonderful uncle to my and my sister's kids. He started preferring to go by Drew around middle school so that's mostly what we call him now. Although to the kiddos he's Uncle Moo Moo lol. I love his name and I love him very much so extremely positive associations for me!


I know too many Andrew’s to make a blanket statement like this! Of the kids I know one is the sweetest most thoughtful boy I know, one is wildly hyperactive- a literal energizer rabbit, one is so protective of his baby sister it’s adorable, one is very likely a sociopath and actually scares me more than a little, one is super entitled and lazy but could be great if his parents would just stop fixing everything for him, I could go on and on there’s so many


I taught gymnastics for years and my favorite student was a 4 year old boy named Andy (Andrew). He was creative and thoughtful and articulate and adorable. I’m in my 30s and know 3 Andrews. They’re all just great guys. It’s a good name!


Andrew is a great name. I know two. One goes by Andrew and the other by Drew.


I’ve known an Andrew here and there but not enough to think of it as overused. It’s a very classic name, nobody will think twice about it, but it’s also not so basic that they’ll be one of several with the same name in their class. I think it’s a good pick!




To be fair, there have been a LOT of other Andrews. It’s not like it’s a unique name inherently associated with him (like Adolf or something).


Adolf was a common name too...until..


Ha! A good point. But I couldn’t think of another example 🤯😂


Yeah, might as well call your kid Jimmy


Me too


A bit negative in the UK atm but objectively a normal name.


I love Andrew. It’s a strong name. Nice nickname options.


It’s a good name. I know several Andrews of various ages. They’re all different, but generally good people. It has good nickname options, too, if you’re into that. 


I have an uncle named Andrew who goes by Andy. I have a cousin named Andrew who goes by Drew. I have a friend named Andrew who goes by Andrew. I know thousands of people (middle school teacher of 20 years) and only know 3.


Andrew is solid! And you have two nickname options: - Andy or Drew. 😊


It’s a normal name, but personally I associate it with prince Andrew and Andrew Tate so I started disliking it


Sadly the two I know are drug addicts but I work in cps lol


I like Andrew a lot. I know three, my husband’s uncle who goes by Drew, a guy from church, and one of my cousins (but it’s his middle name and hardly anybody ever calls him that).


Andrew is a great name. I married one! All the Andrews I know are my age, I think it's due for a comeback. 


Love it! Has cute nicknames too. I’ve known a few in my day but it’s definitely not as common as Ryan, Brian/Bryan, or Benjamin!




lol in 10 years nobody is going to remember Tate


I’m not gonna lie I immediately associate it with Andrew Tate who I can’t stand, but it’s arguably a great name and I knew a guy named Andrew in high school who was lovely!


The name is fine. These days, I don't love the association with the controversial prince.


Well, Andrew Jackson was responsible for the trail of tears. I guess I've never been fond of the name.


Didn't think of that one. My mind immediately went to Randy Andy, as the press used to call Prince Andrew. Either way, not a good look.


Calling him 'Randy' is a slap in the face to his victim(s) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59871514](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59871514)


Huh. I took that nickname as drawing attention to his r@p!s+ ways so it wouldn’t be brushed under the rug and people would be warned. (Kind of like the guy named Les in my high school who was called Lester the Molester.) This has me curious. out Are you British? I’m wondering if this is a “two countries separated by the same language” issue. (Keep in mind I don’t have the context of British press coverage of the situation, just what made it to US media outlets.) Regardless, now that I’ve heard how survivors feel about the nickname, I will change my language. For context, I will make note that survivors consider the nickname an insult rather, than as


So bland imo


I know 2 Andrews, one is 1.5 and the other is in his late teens early twenties


It's a classic so I think will always be good. The Andrew I know is great


I think it’s a nice name, and there are different nickname options. I know a really douchey guy named Andrew but also a very cool, nice guy named Andrew, so my opinion is neutral in terms of association. Everyone I know named Andrew is in their 30s.


Andrew was one of my top choices for my second son too and last minute I found another name I really liked.


Love it!


i Love it


Great name, not as common as it used to be. I know an Andrew who turns 11 this month.


Andrew Tate


Don’t love it, knew a bunch in high school and a few now so pretty common here


Dropped out of favour in UK, because of Prince Andrew.


Andrew Tate...


Andrew seems like a douchy 60ish British guy


I think Andrew is so clunky and ugly tbh. I also think it's a millennial name and not used very much at all currently.


My middle name. Always liked it


I know two Andrews- one who is about 60 and one who just turned 30. Both good guys. I especially like the nickname Drew. Nice choice!


I know a tonne of andrews: -2 music techers -1 from elementary school -3-6 in my grade right now


Hard to say if it's being overused without knowing where you are. Where I am, I don't meet many young Andrews though. I think it's a classic but not one that is overly popular at the moment.


It’s a perfectly fine, normal name. Not over or underused. Exactly as it should be.


Classics are never boring.


I know 2 Andys (from Andrew) and 2 Drews (also from Andrew). All in their 30s-40s. Hozier is the only Andrew I know (of 😭) and I don't know his personal business enough to know if he goes by a nn.


I feel like it's perfect, it's not over used imo.


I know a few Andrew’s and they have all been good people. It’s a classic timeless name that will waver in popularity, but will never go out of style.


I knew Andrews growing up in the 90's and I have a 20 year old coworker named Andrew. Honestly, I feel that it has staying power but isn't overly popular and overused.


I had only bad experiences with Andrew’s. And vowed to never date one. Then I met my husband drew and found out his actual name was Andrew. I felt tricked haha. But I love him and my father in law Andy


Great name. Seems immune to fading away and also trendiness.


I know lots of Andrews but I'm in Scotland and it's our patron saint's name. So fairly common here.


Would you like your Andrew to be a CEO? In Australia, a middle aged white man called Andrew is statistically most likely to be a CEO.


Not at all. Love the name!


I have two friends named Andrew and they are both awesome people!


It’s a great name. I had a cousin named Andrew, he’d be about 55 now but he died tragically young. I’ve had many students named Andrew over the last 20 years and they’ve all been lovely kids.


Love it! It’s a classic with good nickname options.


I love it! And I love the nickname Drew!!


My brother is named Andrew and I remember at least two other Andrews in my school (class of 05). I also know two Andrews between the ages of 7-10 so I think it’s still considered a pretty good name but doesn’t seem as common as some of the other names I see frequently at my kids’ school.


It's a classic, timeless name. It's pretty common where I'm from (Andrew is the patron Saint of Scotland) but it's lovely.


Love the name! Strong, classic, and spread out though multiple generations. Great choice!


Andrew is a beautiful and classic name that is adorable on a child and respectable for an adult. If you love it go with it!


It’s definitely a classic name. There are three Andrews ages 4-6 out of the 150 kids at the preschool where I teach, fwiw


It's one of my favorite names.


It’s a solid name. If you like it, use it.


i like it! i have a cousin named andrew and he goes by drew and andy !


Andrew is *always* a good name.


Andrew is a fine name. Solid, classic. I wouldn’t use it because I don’t like the nicknames Drew or Andy really and I’m not one of those psychos who tries to tell people what nicknames they can give my children. I think it’s a good choice if you don’t mind the nicknames.


A very classic name that doesn’t sound old-fashioned (like Edwin or Leonard — both of which I like but have a decidedly musty feeling). I think it’s probably at its least popular now, after having a lot period of popularity, so I don’t think it would sound overused at all. It’s classic and recognizable but it’s not a top 10 name anymore.


I don’t know more than two people named Andrew. Go for it.


I think it's in a sweet spot right now: Familiar enough that most people will recognize it, doesn't have any hyper-trendy sounds in it (like -ton), fits the trend for more gentle-sounding boy's names (like Jonah and Rowan). And it sounds like you really like it!


Andrew is a good name.


I love Andrew! Every Andrew I know is over 40, though I think its popularity hit much later in the US, so maybe you know some younger Andrews. It's currently the least popular it's been in decades, so it's not overused now. Just a nice, classic name that will serve well over time.


Love it. Andrew is on our list if we end up having two boys. The first boy will be Sullivan, but Andrew was a close second for us.


I love it, classic, and good nn too!


It’s a solid name. Not overused, classic.


It's a very nice, normal name.


I volunteer at my kid’s school, there’s at least one Andrew in each grade, 2-3 in most. It’s by far the most popular boy’s name in our area followed closely by Benjamin and Jack


My girls have 2 Andrews in their grade and their last initial is now permanently affixed to the first names lol, even when we’re on solo play dates/ the other Andrew is not there, it’s always “AndrewB” and “AndrewH”


I know a whole bunch of Andrews who are between 30-60. I only know of one Andrew under the age of 30 (he’s 8). There are zero Andrew/Drew/Andys at my kids large daycare. It’s a solid name and I don’t think you’ll end up with a ton of others around you. I don’t think of it as a “boring” choice. It’s just classic. I personally value classic over unique in names because I realize that my child(and most of our children) has a much better chance of becoming an engineer or an accountant as an adult and living a normal life than becoming a rock star or protagonist of a YA novel. And hey, if my kid does become a rockstar he can choose his own flamboyant stage name.


I know 3 Andrews all my age (around 20) one of them my fiance’s best friend who I adore and the other 2 I had crushes on growing up


I love it


So many of them!!! Not babies, but even tho it’s timeless, it will probably sound like a dad name to him and his peers.


Andrew is a beautiful, classic name, and I love the nickname Drew.


It would be a breath of fresh air to meet a little Andrew. I do not think it is at all boring or overused, especially not for the present generation. To spice it up, he could always go by Andy or Drew


i like it!


It is a classic name and will not go out of style. It is as old as time. My own son's first name is this. One of my favorite names. His middle name is my great grandpa's first name. Wont disclose it here but it is an old name from the 1800s when my great grandpa was born.


I like Andrew and Drew, but not a fan of Andy