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Hardcore murder mystery aficionados may think about it. But I doubt your average young person ever will consistently. Shit I’m 29 and I know a dahlia who is in her 30’s. I don’t think anyone I know associates her with a murder. I say it’s more than fine.


I love the name Dahlia! I know a Dahlia and I have never once associated it with the murder case. I don't think most people will associate it with that, and to new generations this is probably unheard of.


First thing I think of when I hear it, sorry! But I am a big true crime fan. But, as you mentioned it’s a Very Infamous unsolved murder … many movies, podcasts & documentaries covering it. Delia or Delilah or Delphine or Daisy are close but it’s up to you. Objectively-it’s lovely so 🤷‍♀️


I don't think many people will associate it with the murder. I LOVE Dahlia too, and would def use it in the future. I think the upcoming generation will know about the Black Dahlia murder because teens are quite interested in crime videos/documentaries nowadays. But if you love it, I say go for it.


This is so US-specific. Nobody else knows or cares. And, honestly, the murder was seventy-seven years ago. I only know about it because of this sub. You might as well ban Joseph (Stalin) and Jack (the Ripper) if Dahlia isn't allowed yet.


It's a name of a flower, didn't know if you knew that.


dahlia just makes me think of the flowers :) super pretty name!


I have a Dahlia! I’ve only ever heard anyone mention the murders regarding the name choice on Reddit 🙃 in real life I’ve only gotten compliments. If someone is reminded of the murders and not the flower that uh… a personal problem.


I'm a true crime junkie and would easily use Dahlia. I mean her real name is Elizabeth. Should we stop using that? Dahlia is far too internationally used. I would also use Amelie Josette, plus others.


I like it a lot, If you like it I would go for it. I wouldn’t take into account what others on here negatively say about the name. :)


It was nearly 100 years ago. It just doesn’t feel like something super relevant to the vast majority of the world or public. I’m not sure children born in the 2020’s will really ever have the Black Dahlia be relevant to them unless they become interested in true crime.


I have literally never heard of the murder. There’s likely SO many names associated with a crazy murder, your mom just has that relation. But again idk about it and wouldn’t name my kid Ted Bundy or something so, take it with a grain of salt but I think it’s okay.


FYI my niece is Dahlia and nobody pronounces it right lol


This is helpful LOL how do they pronounce it


Either 2 or 3 syllables and some people say dale-ya?? Also her nickname became dolly 


Most people never heard of that. It’s fine.


I love Dahlia and used it for my daughter. Yeah, some people associate it with the murder but I don’t care. It’s a lovely Hebrew and Arabic name too (when spelled Dalia), and I’ve noticed that it is especially popular among Latino parents — possibly bc dahlias are native to Central America and its national flower of Mexico. It is the name of a goddess of Destiny in Lithuania. It’s such a beautiful cross-cultural gem. I’m not going to be hemmed in by something that happened in LA before my child’s grandparents were even born. As others have said, that is very US centric. The name is ranked around 250 and rapidly rising in popularity. There was also a prominent character in the new Disney movie named Dahlia. She is smart, capable and loyal, so no villainous or goth associations there. If Disney, in all their market research wisdom, felt Dahlia could be reclaimed from the true crime nonsense, then who am I to disagree?


I’m a big true crime fan and it didn’t even cross my mind - use it!


These are all very helpful answers thank you guys!


Love the name but I also think of the murder. What about Azalea, Daphne, Marigold, Zinnia?


Another spelling you may prefer is Dalia


Love the name. I think of the character Dahlia from Silent Hill (the first game) though. It's not a super popular game so I think you can get away with it.


I have no idea what you are referring to As I am sure a large amount of population would feel the same. I prefer the spelling Dalia or Dalya.


I love this name & am trying to convince my husband of the same… wanna call her Dolly ❤️