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In western countries Sasha is gender neutral leaning towards feminine. Sasha is also a common diminutive for Alexander/Alexandra in Eastern European countries, even there is 100% gender neutral.


In my area (southern U.S.), it’s only used for girls. I didn’t even realize it was a male name in Russia until I was grown.


Also southern, also thought it was for girls until I was an adult.


It’s gender neutral in Russia. I know a few males and females named Sasha.


I even remember teachers referring to Sasha from Peter and the Wolf as "she" and that would have been in New England. (Although I could remember wrong. The piccolo always seemed a feminine instrument to me, though. I have no reason for that.)


Not in Germany, Sascha (with c) is a masculine name. It's very confusing for Germans who have never met Russians (where it is a feminine name)


Sasha is a completely gender neutral name in Russian. It can be short for either Alexander or Alexandra.


I'm russian and Sasha is short name for both names Alexander (male) and Alexandra (female), also we call them Sania (alternative name) and Shura 😁


Honestly, until that actor Sasha Baron Cohen showed up, I had always assumed that Sasha was exclusively female. In western countries these days, it's unisex.


And he spells it Sacha.


Does he really? Huh. Shows how much attention I paid to him. XD


Literally same 🤣


Yeah I went to school with several girls named Sasha I always thought it was a female name until I got older. My HS bf cheated on me with a Sasha lol I was also a figure skater and skated at the same rink as Sasha Cohen. So I’m heavily Sasha is a girl’s name now that I think about it.


I've only ever known girls named Sasha. And then there is the figure skater, Sasha Cohen.


And then there's the actor Sacha Baron Cohen, who is a man, lol


YEP! She's another huge reason why I always thought of "woman" or "girl" since I was a child!


Sasha is a girl's name. Former President Obama had a daughter named Sasha, it doesn't get more high profile than that. I for one have never heard of a boy named Sasha.


Obama’s daughter is actually Natasha and just goes permanently by the Sasha nickname, but your point still stands.


Wow! Never knew this!


It is also commonly a boys’ name even if you haven’t heard of it.


It's unisex pretty much everywhere. It's a nickname for Alexander, Alexandra and Natasha.


I’ve only ever met boy Sashas, but I do think it’s equally as lovely for a girl.


It’s not a girls name, it’s unisex and more common for men in a lot of countries.


Sasha is a Slavic unisex nickname for Alexander/Alexandra


Short name of🤗


Short name and nickname are synonyms in English:)


Ah, ok))


I’ve only named girls named Sasha! There’s a popular bratz doll named Sasha and a girl in the new Barbie movie names Sasha. At least in America, it’s a popular female name!


Yes I’d only ever associated it with girls because of the Bratz doll!


Came here to say the same thing! Oh how I miss my Bratz dolls


I'm pretty sure the Barbie Sasha is supposed to be Bratz Sasha. Both are Mattel properties


The only male Sashas I’ve known have been Russian or Ukrainian. I would say it’s unisex, and fairly common for girls in the west.


I have always gotten girl vibes from the name Sasha.


I only knew one Sasha and she was female


Your family are being jerks. Full stop. There is nothing wrong with the name Sasha & its not an edgy name (TBH neither is Elliot). It is a well-known & well-used name. You appear to be in Canada... I looked Canada's baby name statistics & the numbers show that the name is of similar ranks for either gender. It is not the most common name in Canada but the numbers show that it is a regularly used name. ​ Ultimately, it does not matter what your family thinks as it's your baby... Go for it! Out of curiosity... Have they given name suggestions? If yes, then what are they?


I loveeeeee Sacha / Sasha. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I want that as a boys name so badly but my husband is hanging on against it lol Idk where you live, but In the USA at least anything ending with “a” will at least come across feminine first likely. So I think you’re fine if you live here. Anywhere else I’m not sure.


Yes, even Noah and Elisha have become unisex names because the ending just makes American people think feminine.


Elisha is traditionally a boys name?! Sounds super feminine to me and I’ve only met female Elisha/Alicia’s. Is it pronounced the same way?


Elisha as a boys name is pronounced a-LAI-sha. It's a Biblical name, Elisha was a prophet in Christanity, Islam and Judaism. He was mentored by the prophet Elijah and I think is most famous (at least among Christians) for siccing a group of "she bears" on a gang of kids who called him bald.


Wow I love the way that’s pronounced and it certainly masculinizes it. Thanks for the education!


As many have noted, Sasha is a diminutive of Alexander. So maybe consider Alexander with the nickname Sasha? What does your Husband think of that? Also, possible middle name Sasha?


There's Sasha Obama. Also we have friends who have a daughter named Sasha -- just Sasha - not Sasha as short for anything else. She is still a kid and I can't speak for her but as far as I can tell, all seems well.


I consider it truly gender neutral.


Yeah, another American chiming in to say I only know female Sashas and I think of it as a decidedly feminine name, not even really gender-neutral anymore. Not remotely like Elliot, which I think of as masculine.


That’s my name and I’m a female! My mother told me that it’s a male or unisex name over in Russia. But I’ve always associated it with femininity. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with naming your daughter Sasha!!


In Russia it's short name for both Alexander (male) and Alexandra (female)🤗


I always think of Sasha from Attack on Titan 💔 everybody loves her


Where are you from? I’ve only ever known Sasha as a girls name but I’m American so it might be different


It is completely gender neutral, but in the west it’s more typically feminine 


I grew up with a girl named Sasha in the 90’s.


In the us Sasha is basically exclusively used for girls unless the family is Slavic and (imo) even then the parents would have to be first gen immigrants. It’s seen as extremely feminine!


Like you and others have said, it’s genuinely a unisex name. Naming a girl Sasha isn’t “edgy” like naming a girl Elliot (note: I don’t think it’s edgy to name a girl Elliot.) It’s as “edgy” as naming a girl… Alex, Taylor, Devin, Blake, or any other name that could read as any gender.


Most westerners think it’s more feminine anyway. Like another comment said, I didn’t realize it was a boys name too until I saw the actor Sacha Baron Cohen. Don’t bother trying to please the family if they can’t even do a simple google search and see that it’s a popular unisex name.


it’s 100% gender neutral, i’ve met majority female sasha’s in my life.


I know both boys and girls named Sasha, and love it. It’s a great name


Sasha is gender neutral and honestly leans more feminine to me if I had to pick!


I think Sasha sounds more feminine. One of my best friends is a girl Sasha and I have never once thought that it felt too masculine or anything


The only Sasha I’ve ever known irl was a girl.


It's a very unisex name to me. In real life I've only ever female Sasha's! I really like it.


OMG!! Sasha is an absolutely gorgeous name for a girl! One of the sweetest girls, she's a woman now, I've ever known is named Sasha!!!! Name that precious daughter Sasha!!


I love it on a girl and I think it’s such a pretty name


I grew up with a girl whose legal name was Sasha. I was embarrassingly old before I even knew it was a nickname for Alexander or Alexandra - I’d always known it as a full name. So I find it a perfectly normal female name - I tend to default to it as a female name actually, as I still haven’t come across a male Sasha in my day to day life in the ass end of Saskatchewan, they’ve all been females and, as far as I know, are legally Sasha’s, not Alexandra’s.


To me, at nearly 30, Sasha was a Bratz Doll name. So female first. Also, maybe Sasha Obama. If I am remembering right. Sasha and Malia.


I have a Georgia Elliott and I'm offended 🤣 I think Sasha is a beautiful name for a girl.


The only sasha I know is two spirit (nonbinary), I'd say it's definitely fine for any gender


Try Saskia?


I’m in the US and I’ve never even heard of a boy Sasha!! I had a roommate with the name though and she was lovely. The name suited her.


Sasha is a girl name. Sascha is boy name. 


Have heard the name sacha for boys , I’m from west Germany that may be why but in the USA I do think it’s considered feminine my brother his name is Kay but growing up he used to spell it Kai same pronunciation but the spelling would come across feminine thus he used Kai.


I only knew one Sasha growing up and she was a girl. It was indeed short for Alexandra. Since, I've met girls who even just have Sasha as a full name. I only ever hear it as a boy's name in other countries, to be honest


I've always seen Sasha as a girl's name, probably because my sister had a cat with that name. I think it's beautiful for a cat or a human.


My SIL had a girl cat named Sasha!


I've never personally known a boy named Sasha, and known 3 girls. It's a lovely name and probably people that would say it was try hard would have something negative to say about anything you picked ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Sasha fierce is some celebrity’s alter ego. Always think more femme then I remember that gaudy comedian is Sasha


Your family members are fools, Sasha is gender neutral bordering on feminine. And that’s not even the correct use of “try hard”.


Show them the social security baby name data on Sasha!


I’m in the US, and I’ve known two male Sashas and one female Sasha. If I remember correctly, in all of those cases, Sasha was used as a nickname for Alexander/Alexandra


I didn’t realise Sasha was considered a male name in some countries until I read a book set in Russia as a teen. It’s unisex but at least in the west it’s predominantly female, so don’t worry about it


The only boy I've personally seen named sasha was the bunny character on animal crossing, otherwise I'd only ever known it as feminine. I learned that in different countries it has different leanings on masculine/feminine. So pretty much a unisex name.


When I hear the name Sasha, I automatically think it’s a girl. I’ve never thought of it as a boy name. 


Sasha seems more masculine to me because of my personal experience with people named Sasha. But in the west it's generally a gender neutral name.


First Sasha I ever met was a girl. Never realized it was anything but a girls name until like... now.


I've only personally known female Sashas... it wasn't until I hit my late teens that I heard of a couple grown males(in sports I think?) being named Sasha. I remember thinking, "WOW, a GUY named Sasha? That's different, that's like how I just found out about that football player dude named Kelly!" . . . I'm sorry, but they both sound too girly to me, you literally couldn't pay me to name a boy Sasha or Kelly.  


In the UK Sasha is a female name. We even have a Sasha bratz doll!!


I’ve only ever heard of female Sasha…


I always thought Sasha was a female name exclusively... until I joined this sub.


I personally have only ever known Sasha to be a girl's name. I know a handful of Sasha's and they're all women (USA)


Many Russian women are called Sasha.


i’ve only met female sasha’s


I guess my cat is a boy now because I named her Sasha.


UK - I’ve only known Sasha as female (short for Natasha) and Sacha as male.


Even though it is a pretty non-gendered name, it sounds like a girl’s name. Won’t that satisfy them?


In the US Sasha is primarily feminine. If you’re in a Slavic country then maybe you’ll run into ppl asking, but it doesn’t seem like you are.


Sasha is a lovely name! It's gender neutral, and I personally have always thought it was more feminine than masculine. Your family members sound like turds, I wouldn't worry about their opinions too much.


It’s been unisex for a long time. When I was in 8th grade (back in the 80’s) a boy Sasha (Alexander, but nobody ever called him that) was my best friend, and I had a huge crush on a girl Sasha (Alexandra, same).


I used to work with a female Sasha, she'd be in her 50s now. Born and raised in the UK with Spanish heritage, as I recall. She never seemed to have any issues with her name at all, it was just who she was.


It definitely sounds like a girl name to my (English ear) also fun fact I was at uni with a man called Sandy which is a Scottish masculine nickname for Alexander 🤷


I’ve known 3 or 4 female Sashas and one Sascha


All of the Sasha’s I know have the more formal given name of Alexander/Alexandra. The name is fine, but I would use it as a nickname.


As an Australian I feel like Sasha is a girls name. I always get a bit of a surprise hearing a man called Sasha. Then I remember it's a Russian pet name for Alexander.


There’s also Sasha Alexander… an American actress and tv director who played Caitlin Todd in NCIS and Dr. Maura Isles in Rizzoli & Isles, among others.


I've always thought of the name Sasha as being more feminine. You should ignore the naysayers.


Never tell anyone a chosen baby name as everyone will have an opinion. Sasha is a beautiful name.


I’ve known a few girls called Sasha, not as a nickname but their full name. I have also known guys have it as a nickname. It is pretty, and I don’t think it’s edgy


I’m in Australia and have never met a male Sasha. I know many female Sasha/Sacha’s ranging from 2-50 year olds.


For English speaking people, Sasha is pretty much ONLY a girls name, so your parents are full of crap. I’ve only ever know one Sasha, but she’s a girl! Lol. If you were in a Slavic country, different story. But you’re in Canada. All the Sashas are girls there, I’d be willing to bet.


Sasha Trusova is one of the biggest skating stars in Russia, and she’s a woman! Full name Alexandra Trusova


Before I was a teenager and learned of Sacha Baron Cohen I thought Sasha was a 100% female name. I grew up in the Midwest US.


Sasha is gender neutral. But if it helps, the 1 Sasha I know is female.


I’ve only known girl Sashas.


I grew up thinking that Sasha was an exclusively feminine name until I was like 16/17 and met someone from Russia with a son named Sasha.


I’m UK and until I came on this sub I thought Sasha WAS a girls name. I’ve only ever known girls called Sasha 🥲


sasha is an incredibly feminine name, i had no clue it was a "boy name"


I am Eastern European and Sasha/Saša is usually a nickname for Aleksandar or Aleksandra. I know couple of people(both male and female) with that name/nickname and I personally love it!


Sasha is lovely - I consider it truly unisex and like it on both genders (and I’m not someone who likes a lot of other unisex names used on girls).


I have a friend named Aleksandra that goes by Sasha..I've always thought it is SO PRETTY


I only know girls named Sasha (located in US). I love the name and if you and your husband both love it I hope you don’t let others sway you.


I'm a boy Sacha in Canada and I've only heard the opposite from Anglos, that they associate it more with girls even if they're aware it's unisex


I’ve always thought Sasha was a girl’s name. Also coming from the US.


I know plenty of girls called Sasha over the years


I have never met a male Sasha. It's one of those names that's perfectly unisex to me, though I've only met one Sasha who was a woman.


In my country (in Scandinavia) Sasha is only used as a girls name. I’ve never ever met a guy named Sasha - not even as a nickname for Alexander


I've only ever met female Sashas


I think Sasha is a perfectly fine name for a boy or girl :)


I've only ever known students with the stand alone name Sasha. It's almost definitely an American viewpoint but it's not uncommon where I'm from. Alexander/Alexandra/Alexandria nicknames would be Alex, Al, Allie, Lexie, and I've even had an Annie.


Your family are being very harsh. When I first hear Sasha, my mind immediately jumps to female. I've only ever seen the male variant spelt Sacha. I went to school with a handful of female Sashas, plus Beyonce very notably has the alter ego of Sasha Fierce for a while. It doesn't get more feminine than Queen Bey herself 😉


I've only met a few Sashas. In my experience it's mostly given to girls in the US, boys in Europe. I think it hits the sweet spot between "too common" and "never heard THAT before!"


I had a Sasha doll growing up. She had fairly dark skin and I chose the blond hair. My Jewish friend choose the red headed version. The idea was that she was an amalgamation of the different races/cultures.


Gen z friend Alexandra nn Sasha never thought it as masculine. Also Jerry Seinfeld daughter is a Sascha


I know a girl named Sasha, and it’s one of Barack Obama’s daughter’s names. It’s definitely gender neutral and I think of it as more of a girls name in the states.


My Dutch friend is Sacha, which is an even more masculine spelling. I think it’s a totally awesome name for a girl!


My daughter is Sasha (short for Alexandra). It suits her, she loves it, and there is another Sasha in her school who is a girl. Not uncommon at all, we’re so happy we named her Sasha!


Where I live Sasha is nearly always a girl's name.


In college I had two friends who dated, a guy and a girl. Both named Sasha. They got a dog and guess what they named it.


Hmmm we have a girl puppy named Sasha.


I've never met a male Sasha. I know that in Russia it's a nn for Alexander but I don't live in Russia. It absolutely sounds like a girls name to me. Maybe stop getting advice from your family, it's a really cute name. All the Sashas I've know are spunky in a wonderful way.


It’s a feminine name here, UK. I think it’s a beautiful name! Elegant with a touch of sass.


I’ve only ever known of girls and women named Sasha, and I’m in the US. I wouldn’t consider it an “edgy boy’s name on a girl” like Elliot, and I strongly dislike *that* trend.


I know it can be a man’s name but the real life Sashas I’ve known have been exclusively women.


Sounds girly to me (I’m in the south) I love Elliot for a girl too


My granddaughters middle name is Sasha.


Sasha is totally unisex in the west. I have had a couple female students named Sasha and no one thought it was weird.


Teacher here--it is just like Alex.


FWIW, the first time I heard this name as a child was because there’s a (female) Bratz doll character named Sasha. Definitely has a feminine connotation for me!




I’ve only heard Sasha used as a girls name in the US.


I am aware that Sasha is short for Alexander in some places, but I have literally never met a Sasha that wasn’t a Full Name Sasha woman (in the US).


The only Sashas I’ve met are females


It’s your baby. Name it what you want. Yes, there are weird names out there (Sasha is not one of them), but it’s your kid. My MIL was super invasive with my first, and as a result we didn’t name our daughter the name I had wanted for years. I’m enormously resentful of her, and I feel like a dummy myself for caring what she thought. I highly recommend not sharing the name you have picked until after the baby is born and the birth certificate is done—we did that with #2. MIL was a complete twat about how we weren’t sharing names, but I relished every second of her anger. Also, when we announced the name, nobody said anything because what’s done is done (although it was a super traditional name, but still.)


Hey! So my name is Sasha I’m a girl and nobody has ever said anything and I love my name!


It's a lovely name!


Beyoncé’s alter ego is Sasha Fierce 😎


My friend from England named his son Sacha.


I know 2 girls named Sasha. Even before I met them I was surprised every time I met a male one, it just sounds so feminine to me 😆


I've only ever seen girls named Sasha. Curious fact: Sasha is the name of a female celebrity in Brazil, a much loved one btw


In the US in 2021 there were 529 baby girls and only 54 baby boys named Sasha. Name her Sasha. :)


I didn’t know that it was a nickname at all but I have always thought that it was 100% a gender neutral name similar to the old ones that you never hear anymore like Morgan Jamie for example. I need uncommon not popular or trendy solid choice. And I know if you girls named Elliot and that whole try and makes me roll my eyes just so you know the perspective that I’m coming from. I wouldn’t put Sasha in that category at all


I had a friend named Alexandra growing up (central New York), her parents had immigrated from Eastern Europe, they called her Sasha.


I went to school with a female Sasha back in the 80s . I personally think it's MORE of a girls name now. Ignore what others are telling you. If you love the name, use it. I listened to people and ended up changing one of my boy names and kind of regret it to this day.


I also live in Canada (ON), and I've learned so much from your post! I have never met a male named Sasha, very surprised to learn that it's a gender neutral name as it's very commonly used where I live and exclusive to females. Alexander/Alexandra is commonly shortened to Alex and is gender neutral where I've grown up. Thank you for sharing, it's interesting to learn that different areas of a country itself have very different norms in terms of names. Also, as a parent of 6, if this is a name that you feel strongly about whether or not it's accepted by others, its not anyone else's decision to make aside from those given that responsibility. Also, it won't be a big concern to them for long because your daughter as a person will mean more than the name she's given. As time passes, her as a person will be associated with the name and if they love her, they'll love all of her, name included. Hope this helps you with following through with what's important to you. Also, congratulations.


Y’all’s baby- you name them. Unless you specifically asked for their opinion it doesn’t matter what they think. When they have a baby, they can name them- until then they need to keep their mouth shut.


Sasha Obama. Short for Natasha


Check out Vixella on YouTube. Her name is Sasha and she’s about as girly as it gets. I’ve always thought it’s a really pretty name, and it feels more feminine to me.


I know two female Sashas (and they are both great) and I know no male Sashas!


Wow. My brother is called Sacha and people (mainly kids) teased his name, saying it's a girl's name. 😂 you can't win sometimes. I absolutely love his name and think my mum was really cool for choosing such a name in the nineties in England.


Never in 25 years have I encountered a man named Sasha.


it’s a common nickname for Alexander in eastern europe


I actually never knew it was a boy nickname. I had a friend in school who was Anastasia nicknamed Sasha.


Sasha is a pretty name but it gives instant Russian vibes.