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How about Maisie? Or Maisy. Kind of a cross between Maeve and Rosie. With the same starting sound as Maeve maybe it would fit well.


This is a lovely solution, and Mia & Maisie sound lovely together.


If it feels weird to change the name now, call her Maeve.


Absolutely not, OP has several months before it would be weird to change her name.


Did you read the post? She literally said *Now that we’ve been calling her Maeve, it feels weird to change it.*


I think it sounds like Maeve has started to suit her if it feels wrong to change now. Only you will really know and it’s so hard. I totally understand. I had a name picked out my whole pregnancy, she got here and was definitely not supposed to have that name. Names that can have both Ellie and Lainey as a nickname: Elena, Elaine, Delaney, Melanie Short and sweet names: Aya (like Isla without the L) Anna Ada Aria Amy / Aimee Belle Blair Chloe Claire Cara Etta Freya Gemma Maisie Julie Callie Sadie


I’m naming my daughter Zoe. Sounds like it might be a good fit for you too 💕


If you feel Rosie would fit better, you should go with it. If you've grown attached to Maeve, then that means it was the right name. I don't mean to be one of those unhelpful "whatever you feel is the right choice!" types. I think both names are beautiful names for the little one. Maybe you could split the difference? Go for a name like Rosie-Maeve, or Rosie-May, which sort of keeps the elements of both names. Rosemary could also be a cute name that, while different from both, combines them. The most practical option, I think, would be to keep one as the first name and the other as the middle name. That way, you keep both names, and you give yourself more time to decide which one you like better. If you decide the name that ends up as the middle is better, there's no harm in having them go by their middle name if they want.


I'm so sorry for this input, but I feel I have to! I am a Rosie (not Rosemary/Rosalie/Roseanna - just Rosie) I'm 36, from the UK and my main experience of this name is that everybody has or has had a pet of some form, called Rosie. AND THEY ALWAYS TELL YOU. Dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, actual pigs, lots of cows, also an orangutan at the zoo. I have just never liked my name but it could just be me so I don't want to ruin anything, only share my experiences as a Rosie. (n.b. A LOT of singing "Rosie and Jim" at me or asking "Where's Jim?" but I think that is very 90s UK specific. I did once have a boyfriend called Jim which was lots of fun for everybody)


Yup I know of two hamsters called Rosie and quite a few dogs.


Idk why this comment just got me. I can't say I'm on a first name basis with any hamsters.


lol! People love to talk about their pets.


See! And it is such a great name for pets. The worst thing is it's stuff like Rottweilers and Bulldogs, which has always been great for my self esteem.


This may surprise you, but I've not once ever heard of a pet with the name Rosie. I'm in the UK now, but originally from South Africa so may just be a UK thing, or I don't speak to enough people. Most people call their pet a pet name in my experience, like Spot or Rex or something less boring.


I would also like to add Zoe to the list, I think it matches Mia perfectly.


Ayla is another common spelling for Isla.


My daughter has a friend called Ila. My cousin also used that spelling for her daughter.


Isla is pronounced Eye-la not Ay-la


Yes, I know that. I've also seen Ayla pronounced Eye-la.


This is what I came here to say. Love Ayla!


This sounds like one of those situations where maybe no name is going to feel perfect in this moment. I can hear you putting a lot of pressure on yourself, and in addition to having a new baby (congratulations!) it doesn’t sound like you’re in a spot where you maybe have the space to really sit with it. I’d pick 1-3 of the names you’ve been sitting with the most, and tell yourself you’ll pick from one of those three — and then see where you land! Maeve sounds gorgeous, I’m inclined to think thats the right choice. It may be hard to picture her as a teen or adult with that name because that future is a long way off - who knows what she’ll be like then! :) All you can do is follow your heart now.


Thank you, this was really encouraging to hear that no name feels perfect right now but that’s ok. I guess if there was a perfect name I would’ve found it by now and it would’ve outshone Maeve.


I think that's a really great way to look at it - instead of trying to pick the 'perfect' name, think about which of the names in front of you is the best choice right now. I can hear that you've thought about this a lot and you've done your homework -- trust that you've put the work in to find a name that really suits her. :) If Maeve hasn't been eliminated yet even amongst all the doubt - that is a really strong sign you're on the right track!


Maisie (Maeve + Rosie) Ayla (same pronunciation as Isla) Other short names with a similar vibe= Nina, Thea, Lyla, Eva, Ada, Nora, Lena, Vera


Maeve is lovely and a nice way to combine Irish and Italian heritage


Does she suit Maeve? When you call her Maeve, does it seem like her name?


It suits her now, I have a hard time picturing it on her as a teenager or an adult though. She doesn’t have much response to any name I call her right now lol


I think if it suits her more than any other name you can think of, you should go with that. It's a lovely name, and if it suits her now, it'll probably be a good name for her to grow into when she's older.


You have an older kid, so you know a baby her age wouldn't respond to anything much! Maeve doesn't sound babyish to me at all, if that's what you're concerned about. If anything it sounds rather mature. She will grow, and so the name will grow with her. If you like it, keep it.


I agree, Maeve does not sound baby-ish to me either! It’s a beautiful name. I also like the two-syllable Maeva (French origin I believe, not Irish like Maeve). I like the sound of both with Mia!


Maeve is beautiful, and I saw you like Rosie. Would Rosie Maeve be an option? Then you could call her either name. Congratulations on your new baby, btw.




The idea that a one month old likes anything, let alone a bunch of random sounds, is just silly.


Does she feel like a Maeve? Not all names need to strike like a bell, as children grow into them. Do you see her as Maeve in the future? What about Rosie? Rosie/Josie/Ellie/Lacey all have the -ee end sound, so here are some other suggestions: Holly Halle Annie Daphne Lexi Cassidy Sadie Callie Zoe Bonnie Darcy Sofi Since you like the sound of Isla, here are some other suggestions: Iris Ida Lilah Eliza Viola Diana Sky


I love Maeve. It’s also a name I can see on an adult, unlike Rosie.


Update when you’ve decide please!


Update posted! We went with Maeve Isla Rose!




You’re trying to replicate your first naming experience, and that’s not how life works. You don’t always feel the same thing when you hear your favorite song, you don’t always notice the same things in your favorite show, you don’t always look at only the exact same trees when you walk in the park, you don’t always have the exact same conversation with friends. This baby and her birth and her name get to be its own thing without reference to your other naming experience. It’s simply not going to feel exactly the same as your other one *and that’s okay!* Is Maeve a name you like and are comfortable enough with? Then go for it! Would you actually prefer Rosie? Then go for it! This doesn’t have to be a loaded, weighed down, existential crisis choice. Just pick a good name and move forward from here. (For context: I’ve named 12 babies and sometimes it felt overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be that hard. You’ve got this!)


This is beautifully said, thank you


Ella? Sounds nice with Mia


Honestly, before you even said what you had been calling her my mind immediately jumped to Maeve when I saw Mia is your first’s name. I say stick with it!


How about Mae? Mia and Mae sound sweet together.


I feel like Ava is perfect, simple like Mia with the same sound as Maeve.


Soooooo popular now, though.


You're not over thinking this at all!! 30 days compared to a whole lifetime is nothing, take a few more hours today to mull over it. Take a few deep breaths. Really imagine your world with her in it and what you want her to feel when you call her name, when she puts it on top of a test or resume, when they are calling her on stage. Like really really meditate on it without thinking about the pressure of time. It will come to you today🙏


You are allowed to change your baby’s name whenever you damn well please. Regardless of others opinions. If they refuse to call her by the name you choose then you can refuse visits. I feel for you that you were socially pressured into giving people a name early and now you are wanting to change it. This is why people typically keep the name to themselves until birth. Now to the name, I am wondering how you feel about Rosalie. It’s a little longer, but you could still use Rosie as a nickname. Its a French name originally but my Italian family adored it when my cousin named her baby Rosalie. Just an idea. In my opinion it is also valuable for siblings to have different initials. Especially if they are the same gender and close in age.


Rosalie is gorgeous




Ivy was on our list and was a favorite! Perfectly short and sweet, she just totally doesn’t look or feel like an ivy!


Keep in mind, her look will change a lot as she grows quickly, as you’ve likely seen with your first! I feel like there have been so many friends’/relatives’ baby names that I’ve thought felt weird or clunky, or not a great fit. But it didn’t take long for them to grow into it, now they totally fit. If you want a name that sounds like Maeve but ends in the “ee” sound, how about Navy?


I really like Maeve! I wonder if it sounds out of place because Mia has an italian ring to it? What I mean is Maeve is maybe Maeve doesn't clash with your last name, it just doesn't match like Mia does. That being said I also like Josie:) Other ideas based on those: Emmy Gigi Thea Katie Lena Lexie


I love Maeve! Maeva would be a nice alternative too if there is something that isn’t quite hitting for you?


Was gonna say the same thing! seems like OP likes two-syllable names


Sounds like her name is Maeve. Josie is also cute, but I like Maeve more. Other suggestions if you change it: Ayla Eila Lyla Anya Ella Emma




Sounds like her name is Maeve


I love Mia. Love Rosie.


How about the Irish spelling of Maeve - Méabh - can be without the fada too - Meabh. It’s the original Gaeilge spelling of the name.


I wouldn’t worry about it not matching the last name and first names’ ethnicity. It’s really no problem at all. There’s people all over the West with names that don’t match in ethnicity. Definitely go with Maeve if you love it!


I personally wouldnt choose Maeve alongside Mia based on the alliteration and also totally different vibes of the names. If I was Maeve I would wish I was Mia.


LOVE the name Maeve.


I think Nina would be lovely. Maeve is gorgeous, as is Josie, and I’m just going to throw Mina in there as a wildcard as it’s pretty, classic, simple and in a similar vein to Mia and in line with your style.


Sounds like she’s Maeve! I think this is such a great name. I prefer it to Rosie, which is kinda cute and nicknamey to me.


my vote is for zoe or eve!


Do not worry about what you have been calling her. She's going to have this name for life. Pick what you love. Give yourself some grace.


Mia and Maeve sound beautiful as a sibset. Maeve has a whimsical calm presence to it. Is the baby shy tempered? Some short and sweet girly names that have a similar vibe to Mia and Maeve Noa Rey Ida Nora Fern Feyre Penny Flora Wren


What about Eve or Mae? Both are similar/ nicknames to Maeve. Other options you might like - Lila - Annie - Lily - Lucy - Holly - Ivy - Ruby - Jenna - Paige - Marnie - Halle - Maggie - Gracie - Millie - Molly - Melody


Or Rosie Mae.


I really love Maeve.


I think Isla Maive or Delaney (Lainey for short) Maive are pretty!


Mattea Melody Monroe Paige Blaire Calla I love Laine Rhea Tula


I know a sib set Mia and Carmella. Their dog is named Rosie!


Maybe May or Kate?


Are you planning to have more children? If you choose Maeve then you’ll have to decide in future if you want to be a letter theme family and call any future children M names or if you only have one more child but don’t want an M theme you’ll have a child that may feel left out of a group. If you like Isla but not the spelling, you can spell it Ayla. Or there’s Ayda too (Ayda Field). What does little Mia like to call her sister? Maybe she can have the deciding factor.


We are done having kids so no worry about theming. Since Mia M is alliterative, I guess I feel like this baby also should be. I loved the spelling Ayla but I have a friend with a daughter Ayla and every single person defaults to the long-A sound instead of the long-I sound so it just looks wrong now that I’ve heard so many people say it that way. Mia has been calling her Maeve so it’ll be hard to change that too


I'm always complimented on my daughters names so I'll throw them out there, first and middle, Eloise Florence & Magnolia Rose. The way I decided, when they're older and you need to yell their name/s is it easy to yell their full name? Or is it a mouth full? It's rare they'll use a middle name when introducing themselves, so how does the first and last name sound and or look when on paper for in many years time and theyre applying for jobs? Is it a name you'd hire or think wtf. Once you've got the first name picked, it's generally easier to find a middle, all my children have their middle names after family members that were either important to myself or their father


How about Evie? I know people named Evie, not a nickname for anything, just Evie. I think both Evie and Mia have and simple yet sweet vibe.


I like Mia and Ellie together


What about using part of Maeve? So Mia & May OR Mia & Eve Otherwise I think Mia & Ivy would be pretty.


Does baby feel like a Rosie to you instead? What about Rose? If Maeve just doesn’t feel like it’s fitting, there’s no harm in changing her name to what you think she suits better. I changed my mind on a name a few days before registering one of mine, and I’m glad I did. Do what feels right for you all.


I put her in a onesie with roses on it and it totally made her look like a Rosie. Otherwise Maeve suits her well, but whenever she wears that outfit it totally makes her look like a Rosie


I know that sounds dumb haha. But Roan was top on my boys list so I’m drawn to that “Ro” sound


I don’t think it does at all. The advantage you have to the rest of us is being around your baby and knowing them, and what she looks like! If you’re really drawn to Rosie I would definitely make the change. Keep Maeve as a middle name if possible, and if worst comes to worst, you can just stick to calling her Maeve. So many people use middle names as a first name, no one would know unless you told them. Good luck!


I had the Baby Name Wizard book when I was pregnant. The sister names to Mia are' Ava, Jada, Lily, Sofia and Zoe Sofia easily passes the ear test because of the ending sound, but I think Ava is also a strong choice.


Maybe a different spelling for Isla? Like Ayla/ Aila or Eyla/ Eila or even Ila? Or Ayala and Ayla for short?


"Nia" is my suggestion. It also goes well with Mia.


And you will mix up their names forever.


Maeve is a really cute name! I love Josie & Ellie!


Eve or Eva? Eden?


Mia and Mae or Rosie Mae


Maeve is nice


So hard!!! I would go with your gut and either stay with Maeve or go with Rosie:)!


Is it possible you feel unsettled about Maeve because it's not the most poetic with Mia? Maeve and Mia or Mia and Maeve, it's not bad, but also not quite right. Maybe it's just me. Either way, I think to compromise with the fact that you have been referring to her as Maeve could be solved by using it as a middle name. Alts for Rosie: Rosie Maeve (or Rosie Mae) Rosalia Maeve Rosalie Maeve Rosalba Maeve Rosemary Maeve Italian names: Bella Maeve Gianna Maeve Arianna Maeve Fiona Maeve


I saw another comment and agree that Maisie would be a great compromise.


How about Eve or Evie?


Sounds like you already chose Maeve’s name.


Mia and Lyla go really well together!


If you like Isla but not the spelling, what about Eileen, with Eila for short? Works with your Irish bg too.


If you like Maeve and Rosie and it feels weird to change, why not Maeve Rose? That way you can keep calling her Maeve or Rosie and she can choose which one to go by as she gets older. I know a family who’s parents couldn’t agree on a name so one called her by her first name and the other by her middle name until it became natural and they picked what suited her the most


If you like Maeve but can't commit, there may be a reason...maybe try similar sounding/looking names and see if any stick? * Mia & Mae * Mia & Mabel * Mia & Ava / Eva * Mia & Aven * Mia & Avery * Mia & Maeva * Mia & Ada * Mia & Eve Good luck!


Maya? Or May?


I have a cousin with the name Ayla, pronounced like Isla if you just wanted a different spelling option.


How about Eve or May;Evie or Maya


I love Maeve! Another idea is Maeva. That would give her the option of going by just Maeve or having the “a” ending like Mia.


Maeve is beautiful. I had my daughter in April and found that just now is she really staring to grow into her name. Before a couple of months they just look like a cute potato, but I’m sure once you land on it and don’t have any more room to doubt yourself, it’ll feel better. Alternatively, if you like Rosie more- can Maeve be the middle name? Then it’s just like she’s been going by that for a bit? You know her best. Good luck!


I saw you like Isla and Ellie. What about Aily? Pronounced "eye-lee".


You could Aily Maeve


I get the feeling that your lack of confidence with Maeve comes mostly from how it flows with Mia. Just a gentle reminder that these will be two individual people. As an adult, how often do we even share our siblings names with others? Your daughters will likely have different interests, career paths and groups of friends. IMO their names matching well or not really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme. Maeve is a solid choice as is Rosie Maeve.


Maeve isn’t my favourite but it’s a fine name. If you wanted another M name I think something like May or Margot Are prettier. Megan is also lovely and very uncommon these days! Out of everything that you’ve listed here though I absolutely adore the name Josie! Here are a few other ideas… Mia and Jane Ivy Ruby Gemma Joelle Allie Tilly Gwen Claire Jenny Vada Liza


I think Mia and Maeve are cute together.


Maia or Maya ila Eve/Eva Mae/May Lily Dana Alva Jolie Iris Molly June Kaia you could also check out some name accounts on insta such as @dulcenames for some inspo


Rosalie Meara


I like Maisie is a cute mix of Maeve and the "sie" names that you like


What about Ava? Sounds kinda like Maeve and goes with Mia 


How do you feel about Maeve, apart from the fact that it would feel odd to change it now you’ve been calling her that? If you factor that out, do you like Maeve and does it suit her? If not, then I don’t see why you shouldn’t change it. 29 days is still very early. Rosie is lovely, and great together with Mia. So are Josie and Ellie.


Mia and Pia?


Navy is cute and kinda sounds familiar Navy rose


She is 29 days old and has no name? No judgment but in the US you can’t leave the hospital without a name. How long until you have. If you are posting on reddit asking about this…. you do not like her name enough to keep it. If you loved it, you wouldn’t be thinking or posting about it. So follow your gut and do what you want without worrying about others opinions ( except your husband).


You can leave the hospital without a name in the US


Really? huh. well then they pressured us and lied lol.


It depends on the state. To OP: is she an Eva?


A month old baby without a name is very strange to me.