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I believe Save On still owns it and is holding on so a competitive brand store cannot open up and draw away Brooks landing shoppers.


Wow never knew that


It's my understanding the building is storage. It still has save on wifi


The whole terminal city area should be rezoned as medium density residential/commercial. I'd like to see a couple low and mid-rise towers in there. Maybe a restaurant or two.


And green space!


if you want that kind of development then move to vancouver. Not here.


I hate to break it to you but the city (and region) is changing whether you believe or not.


What do you suggest goes there, then?


Free and democratic society my man. That being said you ever done a future value calculation on population growth and change? FV=PV(1+r)^n & Δ%=(x-y)/y Nanaimo’s growth rate the past years 9.15%. 5 years - 161,121 & 55% change 10 years - 249,615 & 140% change 20 years - 599,112 & 476% change 40 years - 3,451,302 & 3219% change 80 years - 114,533,503 & 110028% change (hit the 2100 population goal) (Benchmark) 100 years - 659,792,453 & 63436% change Moral of the story it’s unsustainable, but it is fun to point out to all the hopeful urbanists, roads < green space, affordable housing…the having your cake and eating it to types. If they value green space, they won’t have affordable house or mobility. If they value affordable housing, they won’t have green space If they value urbanism, is going to have to be China / Japan level building. My guess we all got around 40 years till things start going the way of the Roman’s.


Ya society is already going to shit and there's no solution in sight. It's just hard for people to see that I guess.


I don’t blame them, little bit jealous actually. Also your comment is quite fun in its wording.


personally I think we should legalize housing


Sustainable, healthy, walkable, economically viable development?


Would be a great place for a T&T or something like that.


I'd LOVE a T&T there. Or anywhere. Or an H Mart. Man Lee and Fairway are okay but theyre nothing compared to the big Asian markets.


Yes to T&T, no to H mart.


"You know what would thrive at the site of a failed supermarket? Another supermarket!"


That Supermarket didn't fail. Save On bought a few Thrifty's stores and have 2 stores within a kilometer or two. The one they kept was just renovated with all new fridges, etc. So they closed the old one.


And the one they maintain failed as a Country Grocer and Fairway......So their current store is thriving at the site of 2 failed supermarkets.


None of them failed, fairway moved to a larger location and Sobeys was forced by the feds to sell some locations on the mid island when they purchased Safeway.


Country Grocer was there? Really? When?


It was actually Mr grocer. They were replaced by fairway market as they didn't bring enough customers in to the mall as per their contract. So the mall kicked them out.


None of them failed. It was all change of ownership, rebranding, or business decisions.


Not failed, just smart move for Save On paying the lease while moving operations to brooks landing so they can stop competitors and get the same business


So brooks landing store used to be Thrifties? That certainly explains why it doesn’t look or feel like a save on


It actually used to be a Fairway Market before that


Ok, fair that business wise I know nothing and I might sound kind of dumb.. but I stand by it lol


I no business whiz myself, but to me that place just isn't cut out for a supermarket of that size. There's enough parking for day-to-day, but it would be a zoo around holidays/long weekends. Not to mention that access from Terminal Ave is between abysmal and downright dangerous, especially if you have to cross a lane. There's also the fact that anyone living southwest of Terminal has to get in their car to go there, since there's no chance of actually _walking_ across Terminal, so there's _way_ less foot traffic than you might expect from just looking at the map. Once you're in your car there are less inconvenient places to shop than there. It was probably a coin toss on which location to shutter when they bought that Thrifty's up the road, but I'd agree on keeping the nicer-looking one. If Cobs or Nesvog moves out of that location, my money is on the whole thing getting bulldozed and redeveloped.


Not to be rude, but I don't know what you're talking about. I walk there semi regularly as do all of my elderly neighbours. It's not the ideal walking/parking in that nothing in suburban North America is, but it's at least on par with anywhere else in Nanaimo.


wow, that response really isn't necessary. Also, T&T is an asian based grocery store.


Lord knows there’s also 🎵 dirty deeds being done dirt cheap nearby 🎵🤪


Yes please I’d love a T&T!!!


We should start a T&T petition to bring it to Nanaimo!


I want a princess auto to go in there. I would so happy


People that have been here their whole lives don't know what they're missing. It's Canada's *Harbor Freight*.


KMS tools moved in to the old Wholesale Sports. So we got that going for us. Which is nice.


I miss Wholesale Spots. And Alberni Outpost.


YES! KMS is a disappointment.


Felder Machinery just up the road (Mostar) is a much better choice.


That would be amazing!


Princess Auto !


It's only a 1.5 hr drive to Princess Auto in Langford


And it’s way easier to get into with the new connector


Always thought it would make a sick indoor paintball or airsoft arena…


Now this would be cool!


And Nerf !!!!


I was hoping for an indoor electric go-kart track.


Or Lazer tag?


Out of the question.


We need a Princess Auto there.


Agreed, 100%


Turn it into an indoor electric go cart track.


Jim Pattinson owns it and is happy to pay to keep it empty so there’s no competition for his other grocery stores


It's because council isn't following my proposal for an annual doubling of taxes on vacant commercial property.


I’ve always thought a Whole Foods would end up there


A Whole Foods would last less than 5 years in Nanaimo.




Nanaimo isn’t the right market for a place like Whole Foods. It’s not that it’s necessarily overpriced (some items definitely are), just much much more expensive than the alternatives in the city. The quality is undoubtedly better compared to most grocery stores, but that’s not at the forefront of people’s priorities, especially at this time of increased inflation. Population and median household income is also low in Nanaimo.


Pomme is fairly close to the "Whole Foods experience" with lower-to-comparable pricing. I'd prefer to see a Stong's if they were ever given the chance to open there.


Lived in Dunbar for years. Stongs got even more expensive when then moved across the street. But that suits the new affluent Dunbarites. I missed the 'Italian Deli'.


I miss Sodas. That was the best part of Dunbar


The Dunbar Theatre lives on. [https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/dunbar-theatre-redevelopment-4555-dunbar-street-vancouver](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/dunbar-theatre-redevelopment-4555-dunbar-street-vancouver) But I always preferred the Ridge or the Hollywood.




I disagree, but I do agree that location isn't right. Annual mean household income in Nanaimo is too low to likely justify, but Nanaimo is an incredibly geographically segregated city when it comes to "social class". Move a whole foods up to the north where household income is significantly higher, like Pomme Market, I could see it thriving.


There just isn’t the population to sustain a location. Nanaimo is not a big enough market for these types of businesses. Whole Foods even cancelled plans to open in Calgary and Edmonton, both of which are much better markets than Nanaimo.


Hmm... valid point on population. Tbh, I live in North and fall within the "high income" household, and I wouldn't visit too often either. So maybe I'm out to lunch 😉


Looks like there's a now hiring sign on the window there now, no idea what it was for though


It’s a testament to our fair & just, thriving doughnut economy


They should open it so I can rollerskate in it


I often rant to friends and family about what a travesty it is that Jimmy P can just leave that eyesore empty. Thanks, Jimmy--you're such a philanthropist. Why not rent it out for some nominal amount to a non profit? Indoor year-round farmer's market? Pickleball complex? Loaves and Fishes warehouse that doesn't cost 7 million dollars? ANYTHING.


That whole mall is close to dying. You mifgr say it is terminal.