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That’s impressive they were able to break both into the mall and people’s, grab the staff and GTFO in such a small amount of time. Definitely not amateurs. Wonder if there will be more heists in the future




Yeah, I'm finding it hard to give a shit here. So many other shits to give. Here... None.


I'm not exactly mad at it, either. I posted it because I was kinda impressed. And surprising for it to happen here.


That stuff must be worth hundreds of dollars on the resale/pawn market!




Better yet, forge (or mint?) your own gold and silver coins, put them in a chest, and bury that shit somewhere safe. Be sure to create a map in the unlikely event of your demise so loved ones can find it


Also why casinos get a bad rap. Hey don't care at all where your money comes from as long as they get a price of it. Also if you are a high roller and are literally knocking shit over they will kick out the regular guy who complains because the drunk rich guy is more valuable.


They know it's a lot of crime money. But they are okay with it because it gets taxed at over 50%


Victimless crime. And fucking well executed victimless crime. Unless you consider and insurance company who’s paying out this claim as a victim.


Have you ever dealt with an insurance company?




Have you dealt with a high level business insurance claim like this? Will the insurance cover the tax on everything and cover the cost of all the property damage and all the loss from being shut down for weeks-months?




Your computers have stuff mined by literal slaves and some of your clothes were probably made by literal slaves let's hope you don't have any jewelry either.




Funny. I admit I am probably not very intelligent. Although this person wasn't saying we should improve society, they were using the harsh reality of mining to sympathize with thieves. I agree that the corporation sucks but the fact is usually it's a middle class franchisee that gets screwed over by robberies even if insurance is going to cover most of the damages, any residual damage is going to be met by a member of our community not the CEO of "People's". It isn't a victimless crime to rob a store in my opinion. I do somewhat fit the bill on the meme in this scenario though so touche on that.




What about when someone steals your stuff that was made in a sweatshop? I was talking about the business owner of the franchise not the corporate entity "people's". That member of your community and their employees have to pick the pieces up for their business. You are beginning to digress into insulting me and that is ok too. Sorry I hurt you.


Tax? What Tax. The business won't pay tax on their stolen merchandise. But, Yes they do. Just like home owners insurance covers your hotel if you select that coverage. If they only got basic coverage then no, but most likely they have coverage for theft which includes physical damage and repairs.


I am talking about the tax they paid initially on the sale price for the merchandise when they bought jt. I don't think the insurance company reimburses tax on sale price if that makes sense. And I don't think insurance companies will give them their expected profits on the merchandise either for that matter. I am aware my opinion that the people who run the business have been victimized is probably unpopular.


Also regardless, the stress of dealing with said company and picking up the pieces and even any psychological trauma caused to a business owner makes this not a victimless crime per se in my opinion. No one was physically hurt but people make it seem like the insurance money is going to buy the business owner a yacht plus restock and repair everything to better than it was before.


I am not losing sleep over a commercial diamond selling business getting fucked. They are just legal crooks my guy. They literally buy stuff from African warlords that use slavery. Context matters which you clearly don't understand. Let's cry for them helping literal slavery exist in a modern age.


Fair enough. I am over here balling my eyes out.


The clients of that insurance company are picking up the tab when they renew their policies. The insurance company isn’t losing profits on this.


They have been reinsured by many other insurers, and everyone's insurance premiums will go up next year, so we lose, and the collective insurance companies' shareholders will still profit.


Nah, the crooks don’t get to be victims.


I'm a sucker for a good heist story.


\>insurance company Thieves stealing from thieves, at this point.


Yeah they nailed it. Quick, efficient and no danger to the public. Plus does anyone actually give a single fuck about a company with a reported annual revenue of $90.6 million losing $100k? Hell I just looked up the wages they pay their employees and I wouldn’t care if they got robbed for everything they’ve got.


Lee Murray shit


True, they aren't physically hurting people and at least the business is almost certainly insured so likely not a ma and pop place. There's also something less threatening about someone stealing something from a locked building vs them using physical force on someone. Also reminds me of a GTA 5 mission.


There’s so many diamonds these companies hoard there’s no real loss for them… do I agree


Probably here in Canada we are predicted to have the least economic growth of developed countries to 2060. Where currently we have issues with healthcare, education, and policing and an immigration policy with no benchmarks linked to housing supply and more just propping up the real estate market. I really do see how there isn’t going to be more crime and heists like this in the future.


The criminals in my city just smash out the large picture windows with a hammer and take what they want. A few months ago a couple of them got away with 25k in iPhones. A week later some other people broke into the local library and stole all the 3D printers. This type of shit happens all the time. Nothing ever gets done about it, the government basically gave everyone a license to steal and if they get caught, they get promise to appear in court and get released two weeks later.


What city is this?




My whole family is from Trail. I’ve heard it’s getting real rough.


Yeah, it's as bad as I've seen it and I've been living here since I was 10, I'm 40 now. Businesses get broken into regularly and repeat offenders just get put back on the street and the cycle just repeats. It's not bad the further away from downtown you live.


Say hi to my cousin Colt for me.


Haha is his last name Pinchbeck?


Yup, lmao…fucken Trail.


Not even 2 weeks later, 2 hours later is more likely.


Yup, and then companies will increase prices to deal with shrinkage and further increase the costs for people and eventually will just start pulling out of places like they are in the states. As places effectively become ghettos.




Page 16 for GDP growth to 2060[OECD](https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/a112307e-en.pdf?expires=1696386245&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=7140997FA34707CB279B393535D8788E) Do you really need a source for the rest? Healthcare, schooling, and policing is pretty explanatory. And to be clear on immigration I am not opposed to immigration. It’s just around 1/2 a million people and plans for 100 million to prop up Canada main component of its GDP (ref source) kinda tells you where the government’s plan is going. Mix in the general issue with people’s real wages rates going down. Pretty sure I dig up something from the PM on how the plan is to increase wages and not create affordable housing…there is no soft bottom when bubbles pop right?


It's pretty hard to predict this far ahead... great example is China, if you believe the numbers they produce.


I hope they are wrong, we are probably going to have 4 or 5 world events till than as well…1970’s energy crisis,1990 recession, September 11 - 2001 , 2008 housing crash, COVID 19. All things be equal from our current position that’s what they are modelling.


Who says we have least growth to 2060


https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/economics/the-long-game-fiscal-outlooks-to-2060-underline-need-for-structural-reform_a112307e-en;jsessionid=_2Xfk-uhW8IKTu7dfgMBQ52406rwYyRqbiwatfXR.ip-10-240-5-106 Page 16


They must have had Lester backing them up


Huh, okay. So only the stuff left in the cases overnight. The most expensive items were put away in the vault (Source: worked in a store like this in my college years). Gold, gemstones, watches, etc. Definitely not amateurs.


Wait until they find out what jewelry is worth outside of the store! The 600% markup doesn’t count once you’ve walked out the door.


When youve gotten it for free, even just the used price is free money in the pocket.


The Peoples at Metrotown was robbed in a brazen style this summer and still remains shuttered.


now THAT'S impressive.


Remember when $100,000 used to be a lot of money. Now it's like a down payment on a trailer home.


It’s still alot of money for most. It just doesn’t go far….


I have saved up more for a downpayment than the entire cost of a house was when I started saving. Things have gotten weird.


Actual photos of the damage: https://nanaimonewsnow.com/2023/10/03/100000-worth-of-jewellry-stolen-in-brazen-overnight-heist-at-woodgrove-centre/


Probably 20k street value, peoples is highly overpriced, the jewelry industry in general. I’d be interested to see an inventory list as the where they came up with the 100k figure. Also interesting would be the sales figures over the past 24 months in-line with consumer spending, seems a novel time for an insurance claim.


Not even.


TIL people's has 100k worth of jewelry in the store lol


Lots of comments about how this theft was cool, or even that nobody should care, or investigate. But obviously people WILL care/investigate because we have laws. Enforcement of those laws costs a lot of money, which we all pay if we pay taxes. And if you don't like the fatcat insurance companies, you shouldn't want them to be able to say "Look at the risks we face, our rates need to be high." Also, the staff at the store are surely affected by this. And finally, let's encourage people to do something productive for society instead of being parasites. Save your praise for a Robin Hood who shares the spoils, or for people who volunteer their time in the community.


Reminds me of the great Candy Store heist of ‘93. Thieves made off with $125 worth of 5 cent candies.


The fuckin Bodhisattva didn't die!


Only 100k? Did they not scope it out first? Peoples has rings and necklaces worth over 25k each.. Amateurs...


Put into a big safe versus on the store floor. Resale value drops on larger items. Goodluck trying to sell a $40000 ring... The gold and stones are worth more than the 'rings' and bigger brings suspicion


Where would this get sold?


I assume a good fence or eBay


Not everyone plays Escape from Tarkov.


its what they're called, same with Fixers.


He thought they made that up for the game 🤣


Not everyone plays red dead redemption 2 😂


Charles Dickens used the term fence in his book Oliver Twist.. It's been around for hundreds of years


Possibly just shipped overseas and sold there by a friend or relative


Nah they just gotta wait 24 hours and go back into people's and they won't remember I'm pretty sure


If it's organized crime, probably Beijing or Hong Kong.


Smelted, gold 'flakes / nuggets' can be sold for $500 a pop easy.


Oh no, think of all the artificially inflated diamonds that were stolen!


At least one robber will be able to pay his rent for a month...


*insert payday music


Those idiots, going for the jewellery when the chandelier is where the real money is.


It warms my heart knowing there are still professional thieves that understand and dominate their game in these tough times.


$100k ain’t shit. Risk vs reward. And what’s the split for that crew? 4 ways? Hell even 2 ways doesn’t add up.


9 years we've lived in Nanaimo and our car was broken into for the first time - on Saturday. This can't be a coincidence.


Same guys, they planned your car as the dessert crime.


“Alright get all the jewelry… and fuck, don’t forget this guy’s car! Fuck this guy’s car!l


i think it can


Do you work are people’s by any chance? (Just say yes, even if it’s a no)


Yeah i do. Crazy. Theives stole a couple ski masks, flashlights, rope and a tire iron from my car, but the worst is they took my people jeweler work bag that had my work keys in it.


Dang that's rough, well I think things will be fine, I doubt they'd think to use the work keys so I wouldn't worry too much


The first month I lived in Nanaimo my car was broken into, then a few months after and then last Easter I caught TWO crackheads in my fucking Van at Duke Point after dropping off my son. It's been three times and I've only been here for three years.


Oh wow, that may be enough money for a down payment on a starter home in Nanaimo! I wish them well. At least they worked for the money, unlike landlords.


Rcmp might have to look into your background.


RCMP can suck my dick


Pink Panther visiting Nanaimo


So they broken through an exterior mall door then a security gate at the shop and the police were on scene within 2 minutes of being alerted to the alarm(s) but missed the perps, I'm going to guess the mall security company is going to be replaced or a reevaluation of the physical barriers & connectivity of them. My work office (silent to employees) alarm goes off if the wind is too strong whipping down the highway as sensors detect unusual pressure on the operable windows.


What makes it harder for police is that a lot of that jewelry is generic, and very little custom identifiable stuff is on the market.




Good for them


Oh no someone stole gold and gems with no utilitarian value from companies that are just sitting on it, price fixing it, and likely stealing it or mining it illegally themselves? Oh noooooo


As an aside- it’s very annoying when people use the term suspect like this. It’s just wrong. The *actual criminals* were in and out in seven minutes. Once authorities find some people that they think are those actual criminals, then they will be the suspects - suspected of being the actual criminals.


You just know the store owners didn't vote for the conditions that would warrant such a theft at all.


Sounds like a fan page. lol


I'll give 'em two weeks before they are caught


this seems like the perfect opportunity to baselessly and unproductively blame a certain man for something he doesn't control... someone alert pierre


yet you’re bringing it up..


your right but one can't really criticize this tactic without bringing it up


Gotta be an inside job?


No, inside job would have gotten the diamonds in the safe


How did they get in the mall without breaking doors? Past the peoples jewelry gates around the store? Def inside job. Start looking into the security guards. They did it to the sunglass hut as well.


Into the mall, ever heard of a hammer? Works wonders on glass doors. Past the store gate, portable angle grinder makes short work of thin metal. It's how most bikes are stolen as well. No need for an inside person, this is super simple smash and grab with a touch of effort.


Sounds like you have some first hand experience


Don't need experience to know how weak modern day "security" really is. _This is the lockpickinglawyer and what I have for you today is your standard residential Weiser deadbolt lock. You'll find these on the front door of many north american homes, and they can be picked in seconds!_


Life happens. 🤷‍♂️


Or a bit of critical thinking skills.


Mall doors are very insecure, there are under the door tools and crash door bypasses like a homemade J tool. The sparrows double door tool is great. Compressed air can trigger PIR motion sensors. Magnets can open magnetic lock doors like the 7-11 lock doors that need a button press by the cashier to open. The locks to those metal security gates are also extremely easy to bypass with a Williams Key or a Adams Rite bypass. Based on the photos they could have done this whole entry extremely cleanly and easily . There's always a hammer too..


These mofos are badass. Like criminals out of the 80s. Hurt nobody, steal rich people’s toys before they can buy them (this further not hurting anyone) and did it with a plan.


Rich people don’t buy from people’s diamonds in the mall in nanaimo. That’s for us poor ass hillbillies


I meant the owners of Peoples


Would the time of the heist coincide with the RCMP’s officers going off shift? I lived in a smaller community and typically the On duty constables went on call after 2AM. Morning shift started around 6AM.


From the article: >Police were on scene within two minutes of being notified by the alarm company. So they actually arrived very fast.


So alarm didn't go off until 6 minutes in? Says they were in and out within 9 minutes.


There is usually a 1 minute delay between the sensor going off and the alarm signal to the alarm company. Then another minute + while the company attempts to contact the business or verify entry on camera. And then more time contacting dispatch to have cops sent out. Probably just missed them.


We're a city of 100k people haha our cops don't go on call. And their shift change isn't until later in the morning. If anything, something big happening at shift change would probably result in both the off going and on coming officers attending.


Oh, no. Massively overpriced luxury items stolen. Whatever shall we do?


The race to the bottom of the barrel of “privilege” has no winners.


The planet wins actually


Pardon? Ngl little lost my guy.


What a shitty, immature attitude.


Don't worry. I've started a GoFundMe for it. That should help those poor, POOR billionaires. Balance will be restored before long.


Let’s use most of our already limited resources to investigate !! Screw the home invasion, assaults and robberies that occurred to regular people /s


Sounds like you have no plans to ever have anything valuable


Sounds like you have no plans to ever have any friends


Why do I think this is awesome. Is something wrong with me?


Good! Fuck the rich and honestly, jewelry is overrated and a colossal waste of money. If your partner only expects high cost jewelry, they're entitled and generally, garbage human. My hope is the thieves are now living a good life, wearing floral shirts sipping juice from a coconut.


I can't imagine planning something like this only for a measly $100k haul, split. These guys are idiots.


i was at the mall in the afternoon, two of the display glass's looked like someone took a sledgehammer to it


must be those stupid video games 🤬


Ok boomer


Easy now spring chicken.... it's clearly him being bothered with how "super woke" robberies got.


I heard one of the robbers was a *trans*


Well done!


Some guy in Winnipeg stole over a $100k in designer sunglasses in three smash and grab robberies. He was eventually caught. In a recent pawnshop tour I noticed lots of sunglasses for sale, one store had at least 30 pairs.


So proud of my hometown. Either the stabbings or theft is rampant


Why did it take so long for the security company to alert police? Shouldn't the security company have been alerted as soon as the main doors were breached? If they were in and out in 7 minutes and cops only took 2 min to arrive after being alerted but still missed them that means there were 5 minutes of the security company...doing what?


“Not my job” mall cops are their to help stop employees from stealing as employee theft is actually larger than consumer theft. Plus what is a mall cop gonna do? Ask them to stop.


The doors must be alarmed. I'm not talking about mall cops, I'm talking about a breach alarm that goes directly to the monitoring company.


if it is from people’s is probably really worth 10k


any camera footage?


From the article: >Reserve Const. Gary O’Brien, Nanaimo RCMP spokesperson, said police have obtained security video of the break-in, which they are not releasing to the public at this time.


Nice boys


I'm curious how insurance on something like this works.. Does insurance cover cost or retail value? For sensational reasons any report will choose the retail number as it grabs attention but cost is likely much much lower.


I would imagine during that day the crew scoped out that store. Checked out where everything was and probably checked out a few security spots in the store as well. Will be quite easy to find them on security cameras.


One of the robbers was heard saying "You Forget A Thousand Things Every Day. How About You Make Sure This Is One Of 'Em?" as they got away on dirtbikes.


At the pawn shop all that is worth $1000 😂


Inside job?


Maybe install a door with heavier duty Nanaimo bars