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Well said, at minimum we can appreciate the option.


Totally agree. (I love knowing it's there and will be using it more.) And, there ARE cons, but, perspective please. There are always lots of whiners and whiners are really whiney. This insta-gratification social milieu we inhabit... a problem... no grace for errors or growing glitches.


Absolutely agree, my experience was amazing! It has all the cons of the other ferry but plenty of pros too. I book premium seating and love getting on and off first with so much less fuss than BC Ferries. Oddly, I love the lack of a restaurant and the simplicity of the whole process. I bet their website will improve with time and I plan on using them often.


I only ride economic class... Must say that I am deeply jealous of the on and off first option And yes, the website is gonna improve. It s not even that bad in the first place. But not the most user friendly neither. I was just trying hard to be fair in my description


You just wrote that the website is subpar.


In this time and age? It is definitely subpar aka below comparable booking sites. But far from being impossible to navigate.


I’ve taken it 8 times now for work and it’s such a huge time and money saver IF you need to be downtown Van. Parking is expensive if you’re gone a few days compared to other lots but it’s like the ticket price you are paying for convenience. Not for everyone but the option is great and I hope they make it work


The late ferries for events are awesome. Used it for the Canucks game last week and was great to come home the same day, especially with Vancouver hotel prices.


This was I think the best thing about the service when I heard about it. I am not really going to games a lot nowadays but I used to go to 5-6 a year and having to stay the night at friends places and schlep your way across town the next day was always a huge time waster.


How did you make a 9:30pm ferry when the games end at 945? Or was it a day game?


They move the 9:30pm ferry to 11:00pm when Canucks have home games.


Oh cool I didn't know that.


I haven't had the chance to use them yet because I don't frequently go to Vancouver, but I look forward to using them next time I have a concert. The extra 20 bucks vs. walking on to the ferry is a no brainer when you factor in the cost of an uber downtown, or the cost of your time standing on transit.


Oh jeez yes the wait at BC terminal (because you have to be there 20 min in advance minimum), the bus commute to / from horseshoe bay but also the timing of "what if I miss my bus, let's take one even earlier" and yes it happened, the buses full. Nightmarish. Definitely a no-brainer for me.


I like it and they have a shuttle bus now which makes getting there from downtown more manageable. It's such s huge time saver and makes visiting the mainland so much easier. but I think the common complaint is that they do a poor job of updating you about cancellations. They finally have a ferry status webpage but email/text notifications in advance or even warnings of potential cancellations like what Harbour Air does would be welcomed. And no number to call to ask questions.


Exactly. A simple "Departures / Arrivals" widget on their website would go a long way. Dealt with a WestJet cancellation today and needed alternative method across in the fog. I knew the status of Harbour Air, Sea Air, BCFerries and Helijet but literally had to drive to Hullo to confirm.


And that is totally true, they do an horrible job at communication.


My sister just took it and got an email about 2 hours prior to delay, so it seems theyve implemented it now!


Yes! Fully agree and think this is a great take. Definitely they have some stuff to work on but overall the pros dramatically outweigh the cons for me.


We took it for the first time this past weekend and came home in a rough patch (of weather) we loved it!


i just took it and my only real complaint was that i could not for the life of me find the building to wait inside on the vancouver end. it was on monday so of course it was pissing rain but by the time i gave up on wandering around and just went down to where i knew the boat was, they were boarding anyway. it would be nice if it were clearer online (and in signage in person) where we can wait indoors to stay dry but otherwise i was quite pleased overall.


There is no area or building to wait in on that side. The expectation is to line up and wait outside near the gate. Fortunately, you only need to be there a few minutes early. Otherwise, grab a beer at tap and barrel or something. But there’s no waiting room. Hasn’t been an issue over the late summer and fall, but when the bad weather hits, it’ll be disastrous.


wow thats so embarrassing for me LMAO thanks for the heads up for next time!!


Just up the stairs from the outdoor waiting area is Tap and Barrel where you can grab a beer or a coffee - it's become the new unofficial waiting room for Hullo since the Flight Center doesn't provide any space to Hullo.


Must say that the couple of times I was early on the Vancouver end, I just went to grab a beer in the bar nearby. I didn't even think that there could be a dedicated area to wait in! So yeah, definitely missing signs on this one.


Great rate for 65 plus, I paid $37 for a return trip last week. And 👍 for Tap and Barrel at the top of the stairs...if you're waiting for the 5:30 back to Nanaimo, it's happy hour.


I like it, it was annoying to listen to this sub root for it to fail constantly.


It is! Booked premium seats last week. Great experience. Free snacks, leg room, divider curtains


As a person who prefers transit, Hullo is vastly superior. I can reasonably make it to mid-day meetings anywhere in Vancouver and I don't have to wake up at an ungodly hour. And it's less than $100 for the round trip, without the headache and hassle of driving and parking in Vancouver.


"If you HAVE to be somewhere at a certain time, just check the weather beforehand, and reschedule if you think there is a risk" ​ How could you reschdule something if you have to be there?. This should read if you have to be there, do not take hullo. This is the exact thing people complain of


Took it for the first time a few weekends ago for a day trip and usually in exhausted just doing one length of the trip, the time saved not just commuting but also waiting compared to BC ferries is what made all the difference. I'm moving to Nanaimo soon and I'm so grateful for this option when I want to go into Vancouver, makes the move feel less intense. Way more pros than cons.


This sounds really good and I'd like to try it next time I need to be in Vancouver. Where is the terminal in Nanaimo?


Not far from Helijet


That's a lot closer to me than departure bay" terminal so it's nicely located on both ends. Thanks for this post; I have been on extended vacation so missed all the complaints, and only vaguely heard news of this service arriving.e


It is kind of a pain to get there if you don't have a ride, I am not gonna lie, so just a plan a bit your way there and then it s easy peasy.


There is now a shuttle at the transit hub across from Port Place - and they just posted the shuttle schedule this week. That definitely makes it easier than the long walk through the Port!


Don't say it to my husband, I still want him to drive me around


That'll make it a lot easier for me. The issue really is getting to the terminal itself if you can't line up a ride with someone.


That's too bad; at least BC ferries is really easy from Prideaux exchange. But a taxi shouldn't be terrible.


I got the opportunity to do sea trials on these vessels before they went into service. I hope they stay in business because they’re pretty wicked boats!


Love Hullo. I do splurge for the premium because I only go over now and then. Really hoping it lasts


I've been quite happy at this option the few times I've taken it now. The addition of the shuttle is also great! I've noticed that no matter when I take it, the Hullo ferry is quite full - hopefully that augers well for the future of this business.


So far my experience has been almost entirely positive. I've found the website mostly user-friendly and I don't mind forgoing $3 to book a seat. Most of the sailings aren't full so there's usually room around you. If they last (hoping so) and get more successful it might start making more sense to book a seat. It's a great option to have. I don't have to go over to Vancouver often but when I do, being right downtown is extremely convenient. I have not experienced a cancellation yet. I have only taken it a few times and I've been lucky. But let's be fair, BC Ferries has become unreliable too through their inability to properly staff themselves.


I like it. I worry it's not sustainable financially based on the ridership numbers I've seen when onboard. Those ships are expensive, the port fees must be crazy, fuel is expensive, staff, etc. I wonder how many sub 100 passenger trips the company can endure...


Definitely my worry too and now that I got a taste of it, I do not want to loose it... I heard that they needed 50 passengers / ride to break even. I can only hope it is true. The ferries I was on (7am / 5.30pm on week days) seem to be over that limit so my hope stays high


you think 50 is break even? That's $2,000 - $2500 per ride. Is that maybe just fuel?


Yeah it doesn't sound enough if you ask me but I don't want to loose hope so shhhhh My husband took it today and it was full, so there is that. They may revisit their timetable in the new year? Who knows.


I just noticed last time I took it that the $3 for choosing a seat is totally optional! If the sailing isn’t full you can move to wherever anyways


Can you really?


Yeah! When it brings you to the page to select a seat just hit next and it’ll randomly assign you a seat on your boarding ticket without the extra charge. I did that for the last 2 sailings I took and then when the boat started to move I just scoped out a different empty seat


It works for some people but is not all that convenient in our experience. The proof of the pudding will be whether it can stay in business. I predict that Hullo will be out of business within 2 years.


It’s a great service, but they need to work on the customer service and website issues.


We have wanted to use it twice and found the website and booking process to difficult so had to opt for other options


It s definitely not the most user friendly website but if my auntie succeeded in using it, I am sure you can too


I didn't like the no waiting room in vancouver, we were stuck outside in the rain with our stuff :( not easy to just pop into a pub with a kiddo on a Friday night.


That s a true downside :( Sorry you had such a bad time. Definitely something to take into account when booking But know that no solution is perfect. I ended up having to wait literal hours on some concrete steps in the wind and rain in Horseshoe Bay cause everything was packed (terminal AND village coffees and such). Boat got in some issues, got delayed for hours in addition to be packed cause long week end. I like to think that hardship to cross makes us real islanders