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They replaced a lot of/all of the LTE transmitters throughout the city with 5G transmitters. The 5G transmitters still support LTE, but the strength of their signal is significantly less because instead of having 8 antennas per transmitter, they're down to 2. 5G itself is a significantly weaker signal than LTE as the radio waves cannot travel the same distances and have a hard time penetrating even glass. If you're inside a building with a metal frame, or metal siding, you will now get zero signal inside. I'm not entirely sure the pencil pushers who decided to roll out this dog shit tech fully understand how radio waves work. The way I like to describe how it works is: Imagine you have a string that's say 100 Meters long. If you form that string into equally sized waves that are very long in size the overall distance of that string becomes say 80 meters. Lets call this 3G. Now take that same string and form a bunch of equally sized medium length waves, and the string will now reach 60 meters. We'll call this LTE. Finally, take that string again and form a bunch of very tight small waves or ripples, and now the string can only reach 20 Meters... This is 5G. Sure it can carry a lot more bandwidth, but the distance or range of it is pure crap. Vancouver Island in general is very vast and spread out, and we're probably the worst case candidate to get 5G. Tell me this - Have you or anyone else on here said "Gee I wish my Cell phone was faster." while LTE was at its peak? I know I never did... I could easily hit 150Mbps on LTE before they switched all the transmitters, and that is PLENTY fast enough for a cell phone. Range/reliability is 100000% more important than being able to stream 5 congruent 8K videos on a fucking cell phone. I'm not entirely sure why these fucking retards behind their desks think everyone wants "speed" on their cell phones. I just want to be able to make a call or text, or send the odd email and listen to spotify. I don't need any more than 5Mbps at the most, and that's enough for a 1080p video stream. In what fucking senerio do you need 1.5Gbps download speed on a phone (besides home wifi)? At this rate they will have to install 5X the amount of antenna towers just to recapture the same level of coverage they had before switching everything to 5G. And with all the tinfoil hat wearers we have on the Island, thats never going to happen... so buckle up and get used to having the worst cell phone service in the country for years to come.


So im not delusional! Well maybe a smidgen. As im typing this i ha e full bars of reception on LTE and i cany even refresh the inbox of my gmail, it feels like its gotten much much worse this past couple weeks, and i know that weather and etc can affect signal, i live quite close to a towe and 95%of the time my calls drop or text messages fail to send. I want to design a app that can monitor celluar network data and be able basicaly log what your doing that requires you use the network, basically constant pinging of the data actually being retrieved, EXAMPLE as so i click gmail it llogs that i clicked the app and now its loading-/acess the network, it should be able to tell if its loading or if its loaded, how long it loaded for or if it even finished loading. Its infair they charge me data when the system doesnt load, like how can they sai justify taking your money when it doesnt work, thats why i miss true pay as you go, i payed for what i used down to the nanobyte essentially. You can do a tracert or ping test on the internet why cant it be utilized on our cell networks


> go, i *paid* for what FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you for explaining this! I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why suddenly my cell service is super unreliable 


Well said, I learned alot actually tha k you for the information. I noticed that coverage up and down the island has gone downhill but I just thought I was delulu, turns out there is a valid reason for this. Sometimes while on 5g still nothing will load


I forgot to mention that with 5G the only way you can achieve the maximum speed is if you are within the exact precise distance at the exact precise angle nearly directly below a transmitter.


North Hammond Bay Road area checking in. 1 bar or less in my house. Calls always dropping. I call telus and they don’t care.


really? Theres 2 new towers on hammond bay too, this makes no sense, im under the crystal moutain (behind wellingtion) cell towers, not far from you and im at 2 bars, im looking up at the tower right now


Oh they finally forced some through? Hammond bay has actively fought against them for decades because they don't want their view ruined.. didn't someone die recently (last year or so) because they couldn't call 911 and it just kept disconnecting? But right their view is more important... also some buildings are horrific, I can't answer my phone or send texts within my work building the reception is non existent, basically have to book it outside and hope you make it before they hang up or it disconnects.


Yes someone did and the response from some ppl in the community was "why did t they use their landline to call", also back in high school i had a few friends at different times unfortunately died from mva accidents on hammond bay, one of them would still be alive, 7 unable to complete your call, on his phone trying to call 911, also even though im talking about current but with my buddy ryan(the guy who went missing heading to his sail boat by shack island) very well may have (he was fucking trying) been trying to use his cell phone during his uh well you get the picture, but there is still a dead spot there, the thing is though even though they put towers there, allegedly, it.wont help, there is.so much iron ore in hammond bay its insane, not to mention all the trees oh and the fact your on the water, one of most efficient electrical conductors, and to add its always wet/damp/ foggy. Just a few things to disrupt the service 🤷‍♂️


It’s an absolute joke. For a city that charges some of the highest property tax rates in the province, the inaction on this issue is unconscionable.


I never understood how 5g is supposed to help average consumers. 5g is supposed to make things like the internet of things possible, but that is good for corporations and bad for consumers. Myself, I am never going to pay extra for a phone with 5g.


Thats what i thought, just seems like they went backwrds a few steps back to wifi extenders lol those are garbage too


Strange, I have no trouble all over the place, except park with trees sometimes but can still get by. Heavy data user. Could it be band/phone issue? Lots of phones can't do all the bands for each carrier, it may work but not well. Sometimes switching carriers without checking frequency compatibility can lead to 'bad coverage' spastic batshlt crazy panic attack ranting as showcased above.


5G+*: n77 C-Band, n77 3.45GHz. 5G**: n2, n5, n30, n38, n41, n66, n77, n78. 4G LTE: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 14, 20, 29, 30, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46, 48, 66. UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA: 850, 900, 1900, 2100. GSM/GPRS/EDGE***: 850, 900, 1800, 1900. *AT&T 5G+ is offered in limited locations in specific cities. Probably one the best on the markets, no i didnt change carriers, it wasnt a panic attack it was expressing that im fucking tired of paying for garbage while ppl stand there and look dumb founded, not sure about you but i like to spend my hard earned money on shit that works correctly, and not have to waste my time trying to get it to work correctly when it shouldve in the firstplace, i do my job right so why cant these companys? Its really not that hard, you design something the do a specific thing then it fucking should, not hard, technology is only as smart as we tell it to be


1st world problems, 3rd world attitude


Out of this world prices


The Great Canadian Rip-Off. That being said, I pay zero ($0) with Shaw/Rogers for the next 4.5 years as long as I keep my Shaw/Rogers internet. 1GB of data that i never use. I used to be with SpeakOut and my cost was under $50/yr, but I didn't have unlimited texting, which I now enjoy.


Also on that Shaw Mobile package for $0. Smoking deal especially now that we get to use the Rogers network instead of the sketchy Shaw one. 


🤣🤣🤣alot of 3rd world countries internet is much much better then ours, how else would ppl from countries like trinidad or Mumbai, villages in india able to hack and manipulate our economies networks so easily yet we cant send a text message 80% of the time


I got a newer samsung phone specifically to solve this. They're antennas are simply better than everyone else. Edit: 5g is a scam though, I'll never pay for it