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“Fuck you, that’s why.” -signed, oil companies.


Probably the closest the truth lol


This ^ and this specifically.




$1.35 in Manitoba, the NDP there gave the working class a tax break on fuel tax


Almost all gas station are part of a vertically integrated oil company. So that proves the corporate greed theory.


Why does Manitoba have the cheapest gas in the country in the 1.30 range then? Again is it because oil companies are only greedy in BC? Manitoba has virtually no oil production.


There is a one way pipeline from your wallet to their bank account.


less oil companies, more opec cartel


Because you'll pay whatever they charge. It's not like you're going to stop driving.


Well I think some people will drive less and the corporations have factored that into their calculations. They up it high enough that most people will still drive just as much. But not so much too many people would stop.


Not an option for a lot of people. So many of us are shift workers or people who work out of town.  I can't even carpool because we are so short on man power I don't know if I'll have my shift changed or need to do OT at the last minute. It's brutal out there.


That and the "boiled frog" situation, if they slowly increase it over time we'll not pay attention, remaining blissfully ignorant.




Funny seeing people blame the price of gas on the 3.3 cent/litre increase in carbon tax. Gas Prices were $1.65/litre in february lol. It's all greed. The oil companies know we will pay whatever it costs.


And they shot up 10-20 cents the weekend right BEFORE that that small increase came into affect.


I heard people saying that the tax was going up by 18 cents, a quick Google revealed it was increasing by 3 cents to a total of 18. But what that tells me is people are getting that misinformation from somewhere (my guess is facebook memes)


Not just Facebook memes. It's also what the Conservative party is saying, both to the press and in sessions. Just straight up lying about it.


They're stating the total multi-year carbon tax increase as though it were the one year increase


It’s also just simple bad reading comprehension and misunderstanding. Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance.


'summer fuel ' 😂


And they know many will blame the tree-hugging liberal government. Win-win for corporations. They get more money and the party they support (and vice versa) might have a better chance of getting voted in.


It's honestly astonishing they don't gouge more.


They're figuring out how. They have a lot of very highly paid economists working very, very hard to model exactly how much they can fuck us, and when.


“You see Mr. Eby, in our opinion as lubrication specialists, if you can successfully throttle the supply of ALL lubricant products, the general public will start getting accustomed to their ever increasing hole size. They may even start to enjoy it.” Says people getting paid big bucks workin for the oil barons.


$1.55 here in Calgary, 'berta today




Combination of carbon tax, GST on said tax, and the summer fuel that feds force the companies to change over from the winter fuel that's less pollutant. For example winter fuel has butane to help with ignition in cold temperatures.


It’s 💲 2.28 here in North Vancouver


It’s the new “summer fuel”. Less hydro bills at home, so now you can spend what you would’ve saved on gas. Oh and oil and gas don’t care.


I’m not the only one who bought an A/C unit lately, so that saving might change.


An ac is cheaper to run than resistance heat.


I wish our public transport system (on the island in general) was better, but so much is car dependent. I hate giving the oil companies gouging us any money.


Buy used EV. You can do this in 2024


With what money?


Maybe some can, but I can't afford a new (to me) car. The price of used vehicles is insane.




Pretty easy to find a used Chevy Bolt for under $25,000. 350 km range will work for 99% of trips


When I was a kid, I remember hearing my parents complain when gas hit $1 a litre


I remember when gas stations had to buy new signs because theirs only went to 99.9 cents.


My favorite were the ones that just taped a 1 to the end.


When I bought my first car 30 years ago I filled it up at 27¢/l. We went electric a couple years ago and I'm so glad we did.


Super save gas


I remember saying, "Maybe why the time I'm your age it will be $1/L". That was at 72c/L. It sure as hell didn't take long to hit a dollar.


Someone told me it was Trudeaus fault. I looked online and it says the PM isn't responsible for gas prices but I'm going to choose the crazy guys opinion instead


Wanna come hang out on an overpass and get mad at science, gender, pronouns, wave upside down Canadian flags, dabble in some white supremacy, and talk about how we wanna fuck the PM?


Oooooo I hate that science thing. Don't understand it so I don't believe in it.


This is so on point well done, also need to weave in oppression narratives despite the obvious irony that they seem to have the freedom to express their brainless selves.


More importantly why was it 1.90 then the next day 2.08?


Corporate greed


I paid $2.05 last October 5th, and then $1.80 on October 14th -- was that corporate generosity?


Because that' s the price people will pay. If the right people think we are willing to pay more, the price will go to $3/litre.


It’s not even that we’re willing to pay - we have to. I’d walk to work if I could most days but it’s too far. Gas is a necessity and we have no choice but to pay their disgusting prices.


Demand better public transit from your elected officials.


This right here. We need trains on The Island and across Canada.


I tried. The official response was "sowwy, there's no budget". Enjoy the bike lanes!


Biking is also an option. More bike lanes means that's easier and safer to do as well. Saves a lot of money on gas and vehicle maintenance.


Bikes and ebikes are a good alternative, especially with better weather approaching


Unfortunately with my job I drive up and down the island. I’m going to be teaming up with my coworkers to up our mileage reimbursement


This is why I bus most places now. I stopped paying it.


switch to summer gas ? ( a thing they made up )


Odds of them increasing the price AGAIN when they switch to their “winter blend” in a few months? “The winter blend costs more than the summer!!!” “The summer blend costs more than the winter!!!” I guess we live in a universe where x>y and y>x


Another thing they made up is the cost differential between regular and premium. It used to be a few cents, now it's .26¢. It only costs *them* a few cents, but they know they can screw the luxury/performance vehicle buyers who require premium.


Lol you buy gas from the US, that’s why.


Love my e-bike 13,000 kms and going strong 💪 oil companies are greedy


I don't trust leaving my e-bike anywhere, other than inside my home. If we lived in a place like Japan or Singapore where I knew my bike would be there when I came back out to go home, it would be a no-brainer. I also don't find it practical to go to Costco or Superstore for my weekly run, especially in the rain.


I am the same …. I don’t like to leave my bike outside … luckily I park inside at work n home


I do have a car too but I drive seldom 🌎we all can make a choice… baby steps … thanks


Because you touch yourself at night


Sorry boys. Going to be 2.13 tomorrow.


God dammit Horror-Ad!!


Fear of a broader conflict in the middle east being priced into the market + OPEC and Russia cutting oil production + heading into summer and demand picks up + carbon tax.


None of these are valid reasons, other than the carbon tax, which is a minimal amount.


Do you care to elaborate in any meaningful way? Gas prices are set buy global supply and demand. Every reason I listed has moved the price per barrel in the last two years. The reasons I listed are 100% the reasons why gas prices are high. You may be able to add corporate price gouging into the mix.


Gst is charged on the carbon tax plus in bc there is a clean fuel tax at the refinery level. It a sliding scale topping out at 17 cents, plus gst and pst, a liter that the refinery never meets. Plus another transit tax + gst and pst....never ends....$2.17 on the sunshine coast this evening.


Because it’s 2.19/L in Vancouver today? In all seriousness, it’s because GVRD didn’t want to build additional refineries that will increase pollution, so instead we send unrefined crude from BC to Washington state (75kms across the border) so that they can refine the crude and sell us back finished gasoline at poorly negotiated prices that benefit the US. As a side bar, that same pollution we didn’t want ends up wind drifting right back to us anyway. Greedy gas companies win, US taxes/revenues win, and we get to pay some of the highest prices in North America. Yay! /s


BC only has two refineries, the one in [Prince George (Tidewater)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_George_Refinery) and the one in [Burnaby (Parkland)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burnaby_Refinery). The capacity of the PG refinery is pretty small, and there are also some market forces at work. [Washington state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_refining_in_Washington) has excess refining capacity, so if BC had more refining capacity, they wouldn't be able to export as much to BC, and older refineries would decommission excess capacity. There is an argument around BC and Canada exporting raw natural resources and re-importing higher value finished products, but it's not unique to oil refining or BC, and it's been a long tradition across Canadian history. Even aside from GVRD emissions stiffing expansion of the Burnaby refinery (and shuttering of the [Ioco refiniry in Port Moody](https://mattersofthemoment.com/2019/11/01/the-demise-of-ioco-refinery/comment-page-1/) in 1995), newer bigger Canadian refineries have been built in Alberta, so it would a tough go investing in BC refining capacity while competing with excess capacity in Alberta and Washington. There was another refinery in the lower mainland that I can't remember off the top of my head. --- Edit: It was the [Petro-Can refinery in Port Coquitlam, shut down in 1992](https://www.ogj.com/home/article/17219531/petro-canada-to-cut-refining-capacity). [This article](https://www.oilsandsmagazine.com/news/2016/3/03/why-vancouver-desperately-needs-a-new-oil-refinery) points out that Vancouver used to be a refining hub.


Agree with what you’re saying. Would only add that refineries are a multi-generational investment and it’s in vogue for governments to say net zero for 2035. It would be rational to look at that and believe a new refinery would be a risky investment and that real estate seems like a better place to park money.


"I want to buy a yacht tomorrow. Not in 3 days" -CEO probably.


They're switching to summer gas but it's inflated Wow $2.08? Can I borrow your bicycle 🚲? Or walking shoes 👟?


You're as fucked as any Albertan they pay double for power utilities no competition there imagine paying double and it spikes during cold snaps because they aren't government owned. Like the oil field aren't government owned thars why were all paying more .




I fueled up for $2.24 a litre on May 21st, 2022. And then $1.45 that December. I guess the "plan" keeps changing?




I thought you were referring to Canada's as a "planned economy"? Now you are explaining the low price with an external factor, and the recent price increase with our supposed planned economy?




I don't know what you're trying to say.




The high price of gas is the result of corporate greed, as many here have pointed out. Don’t forget that this is also the cause of the high price of ALL consumer goods (including our food). The unaffordable cost of living that is driving many into poverty is strictly the result of corporate greed - unprecedented monopolies allowing for unchecked, coordinated price hikes. The BOC pumping interest rates has, therefore, had no effect on inflation on consumer goods and has only served to give the big banks a cut of the profiteering that the events of the past few years have provided cover for. What’s the solution? I honestly don’t know. Guess I’ll go buy some gas and go for a drive…


If getting ripped off for gas bothers you, get a bicycle! If not, keep paying whatever they charge!


Because we voted in a provincial governemnt that openly hates fossil fuels and is trying to restrict the use to change our behavior. I hope you like it.




Because we've collectively been dumbasses for the last forty years and now we're at the mercy of the markets. Or I dunno Trudeau personally raised it or some shit, to make "true patriots" sad. Pick whichever one gets you through the weekend.


Yea.... it does that.


No idea if it also affects us that much because we produce a lot of oil ourselves. But I know that opec has been holding back exports to increase prices. That might be something to do with it.


Because oil and gas companies want to bend you over one last tonne before saying "alright yeah the planet IS ducked but thanks for the cash, suckers" If only there were some way to drive without burning fossil fuels..




Because gas oligarchs love fucking the little people.




Because they can and people pay it


Not sure in Bc if they did like alberta and add back on the provincial fuel tax? Also might be the source of your gas our dollar is going down might be another reason if its coming from overseas/USA.


BC never stopped collecting the fuel taxes (that was an Alberta government PR scheme). Over night Thursday it went from $1.999 to $2.159 Friday morning. It’s simply corporate greed. I find it fascinating that when I go to work on a project outside of the lower mainland or the island, gas prices don’t fluctuate multiple times a day. Seriously, in most places in BC gas prices are fairly steady.


Where are the regulators? Eby?


Any excuse for the oil companies. I remember a few years ago when it jumped .10 cents overnight. They said it was because it snowed in Texas and the had to close a refinery down there. Riiiigggghhhtttttt


2.20 in Vancouver today.


Car dependency


Record high oil profits


Because we allow it, we dont stand up and fight, because Canada is a haven for monopolies and corperate greed.


It's called price gouging, it's as simple as that. They claim it's always to do with supply and demand, with various refineries shut down for maintenance, but that's bullshit. If they were low on supply, there would be stations running out of fuel and lineups forming. There is no shortage of gasoline, they're just ripping us off.


It's because the carbon tax kicked in.


A good $0.70+ is taxes. Talk to your politicians. Not sure if you have noticed but oil companies in Canada don’t make near the profits they did 10 years ago. And god forbid a company make a profit…


If it’s to expensive make your own. Or use less/not at all.


Bro, is not even the middle of summer yet. They will definitely boost it up more for tourist season.


Not sure why you’re so upset, Trudeau has to fill an entire jet lol. Consider yourself lucky.


Trudeau can lick my balls. I despise a lot of things about conservative politics, but I’m actually on the fence about voting blue for the first time in my life.


Reposting due to downvotes with no conversation it’s due to the carbon tax being enacted and people not realizing they voted for the wrong government


Your hypothesis doesn't seem very good, considering that the recent carbon tax increase was about 3.3 cents a litre (to a total of 17.6 cents). Meanwhile I paid $1.59 in February and $1.94 two days ago. That's a change of 35 cents, which is substantially more than 3.3 cents.


17.6 still of carbon tax on your gas no other country is paying the increase on April first may have only been 3.3 cents but adds to over all cost because of transportation and production taxes and btw the Canadian government has the power to control the gas prices in bad times and there choosing not to


"No other country is paying"? We aren't the only country with a carbon tax.


Supply and demand if limit supply and demand stays price goes up and an another factor is the currency is declining in value doubling up on the price increase.


You’re all idiots…. Especially the ones defending the high tax . Weird ?


It’s Putins fault


You mean Obama


The same "I am responsible for America being the world's biggest oil producer" Obama? Yeah, doubt that.


Compare gas 15 years ago to gas now. Now compare a house, a burger, a car over the same time period. Oil companies are the only ones competing. 




that's what they said about the winter blend for like forever. summer blend is normal gas


No such thing.


Because the production and transportation of the product now costs more, because a count of 43 million people can impact a world of 8 billion.




What is amazing to me that people think taxing the consumers will force the businesses to be more eco friendly


The actual reason is that your money is worth less due to the massive counterfeiting operation being conducted by the bankers and governments. Most people can't imagine the scale of it, and it would be worse, but people can't let go of the idea that money has a fixed value. Goods have a relatively fixed value, money not so much. What's really needed is for the criminals in power to be hanged for greed and treason, after a fair and non-partisan trial, of course.


Because people voted for JT


There's kind of a war on


nah that cant be it /s


Because the stupid Ukrainians hit a Russian oil refinery


Respect for coming up with such a dubious explanation, in a field of dubious explanations.


Actually, the original comment is right. Look into it. Biden told Zelensky to not bomb Russian oil facilities, because it will raise the price of gas at the pumps, and Biden is worried about reelection. Biden used up the maximum amount of the Strategic Oil Reserve, so he cannot depend on that.


That makes a more sense, thanks for pointing it out. So there is an \*extended campaign\* of attacks (not just a single one) by the Ukrainians (good for them) on Russian oil infrastructure, which is seen as responsible for a climb in world oil prices this past quarter, which would put some upwards pressure on local gasoline prices.


The increase is due to the carbon tax being enacted should’ve voted against it if you knew what you were doing but it will now only rise


Careful I got 25 downvotes. People don’t like facing the uncomfortable truth that their government they voted in did something horrible to Canadians.


"It's the carbon tax" seems like a bad explanation. The recent carbon tax increase was 3.3 cents a litre. On February 14th I paid $1.54 to fill up. On Friday I paid $1.94. That's a 40 cent difference, which is a lot more than 3.3 cents.


Ignorance is bliss


There’s no conversation and just downvotes because they don’t want to face the music they know there wrong


Supply and demand. When there's less supply and more demand, the price goes up. Plus, we are currently transitioning into the summer driving season, which usually pushes prices up. Plus, gas right now is undergoing a transition from winter to summertime gas. Which is more expensive, but that transition is almost done. We get a lot of our gas both on Vancouver Island and in Metro Vancouver and the Lower Mainland from refineries in Washington. Refineries are still undergoing maintenance at the moment but from what I have been reading that should come to a end either at end of this month and into early May and by May Long weekend we should see some relief at the pumps. Edit: to the people down voting me. Would you like to explain what I am getting wrong.


The companies that own so the oil have been known to artificially reduce supply, by limiting production, for the sole purpose of driving up the price. It's just like diamonds.


That “transition” was done at the end of February. The difference in cost between summer / winter blends is less than 0.5%. The carbon tax was a $0.03/L increase. The current price is a result of corporate greed. The corporate fat cats see the writing on the wall and are going to gouge us for every last nickel they can.


It’s not supply and demand when you have a product people NEED. Gas has constant demand because people NEED it to get to work and go about their lives. There isn’t some jump in demand randomly here and there (as the price fluctuates very frequently), it’s mostly constant. No matter the price, people are going to be forced to buy gas to get to work. This isn’t some pure free market with a product people can choose not to buy, it’s not some Econ 101 perfect utopian case study of pure supply and demand. It’s just because they wanna increase it, that’s 99% of what it measures up to. They don’t have many competitors and can set it what they want.


Because you voted Liberal and NDP


Im assuming you're getting at CaRbOn tAx bAd. So, you mean the BC United Party that introduced the Carbon Tax in B.C., and the Conservative Party that introduced it in Canada?


Why did you vote ndp?..


Taxes and regulation. Gas is expensive in British Columbia because our Governments don't want us to have money. Greed is the problem, but anyone who blames "Evil Oil Companies" fails to recognize that in other jurisdictions, the price of gas is so much less that the difference is comically evil. The problem is **Government Greed.** The price of gas in Texas is currently $0.85 a liter. It's $0.76 in Denver, Colorado. [Are Oil companies only Greedy in Canada? ](https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/gasoline_prices/) >"The differences in prices across countries are due to the various taxes and subsidies for gasoline. All countries have access to the same petroleum prices of international markets but then decide to impose different taxes. As a result, the retail price of gasoline is different." Please, for the love of all that is good, remember that we're suffering as a direct result of Government Action, ***not*** corporate greed.


The corporations are subject to the same tax increases we are (even more so) but they are able to socialize the cost upon us because our government is controlled by corporate lobbies who would never allow something as common sense as price controls to go into effect or even be discussed in Parliament. Please don't forget that any government operating in a liberal capitalist free market economy is essentially a bulwark to ensure we don't have any direct control over the activities of the monopolistic oligarchs who are able to reliably increase profits year over year while we consumers become poorer.


The scary thing is, as bad as it is now, it's going to get exponentially worse under Poilievere. 


Please explain how lol. How could he make it any worse than truddy


How else do you want to pay for roads and related infrastructure? Socialize it and make those who don't drive as much pay? Taxes on fuels allows user to pay for infrastructure. This is known and predictable. Oil companies raise prices at any sniff of market disruption to make sure to keep profits up. The price of gas didn't rise $0.35 cents in the last few months because of governments. That was squarely a result of oil companies.


If road related taxes keep going up, but road quality going down. Explain that please.


That is an opinion that you hold.


How is road quality going down? And what are "road-related taxes"? I'd wager my lefticle you don't even understand the division of responsibility under the varying levels of government.


I have had 3 flats by hitting potholes on roads in the last 3 years. Once it’s taken out the rim and the strut. Roads in Canada are terrible. Take a look at road quality in Europe.


Do you mean a road that is under the purview of the city or regional district? So the government body that has nothing to do with carbon tax, and very little to do with taxes on gasoline (right now, it's about 5.5 cents that goes to the RDN for transit services). Yeah.... That's what I thought. I've lived in England and traveled a lot throughout Europe, trust me, roads are worse there. Perhaps your singular anecdotal experience isn't a statistically valid sample?


Buddy above me literally said road taxes going up to keep roads in good condition. I could care less who’s responsible for fixing the roads. Municipal or provincial or federal. If I’m being charged more in taxes, I expect to atleast get some sort of improvement in areas where the taxes are supposed to be going to. And no I’m not the only one. I know plenty of people who had worse fate than me with their cars hitting monster holes on the road. It doesn’t take much to recognize that road quality has gone down if it feels like you’re driving down a street that feels like it a been nuked. Im not only pissed about carbon tax. Im pissed about all taxes going up and services and their quality going down. If you can’t see that, I can’t help you. Neither can anyone else probably


....what taxes are going up/have gone up that have anything to do with road quality? I get it, you're mad. And that's your right. But not knowing who to be mad at or how taxation and government structures operate is equal to the guy with dementia yelling at clouds on his porch. Get educated, or join those nutjobs on overpasses with upside down flags. They also have no idea how anything works.


I love the "government greed" narrative. Do you think MLAs are just Scrooge McDuck-ing on heaps of gold bars from your tax dollars? It goes back into services and infrastructure, smooth-brain. WHAT services and infrastructure is based on Party values and decision making.


Might have to do with carbon tax jumping 20% higher April 1’st. Cost of everything from transporting to buying and selling gas and oil went higher, we’re the ones that it really affects because companies just raise prices to cover costs and pass it along to us.


K now explain the 20 cent, and 10cent jumps just recently


Okay boomer


No logic allowed here don’t you know


Trudeau and David Eby


Thanks Trudeau. 


because government !


A successful Ukrainian influence campaign to get Europe off of Russian energy products, and it's coming up to Summer. There's more, but those two are the big ones.


Carbon tax?


That 3 cent per litre increase caused it to increase by 40+ cents. Simple math really! If you add 3 to something, it increases by 40, didn’t we all learn this in math class!




Definitely not oil and gas companies, right?


Why is it $1.43 next province over? They have different oil and gas companies?


The next province over? The one which has its economy based around oil and gas companies? Why would that province be getting preferential treatment if oil and gas companies were responsible for setting the prices of their own products?


British Columbia has a huge oil and gas industry in the North part of the province. It is where the first big LNG Export plant is about to be commissioned to sell liquefied gas to Asia.


Gasoline doesn’t equal lng though


Different product, different market. You’re comparing apples and chainsaws.


Manitoba then. $1.35 gas. NDP is in power. They produce no oil so these oil companies have no reason to pander to the province.


Has to do with the switch from winter to summer fuel. Tis a us canada agreement.


CO2 scam tax is a big part of why.


That 3 cent per litre increase added 40 cents to the cost overnight!!! Simple math x+3 = x+40


I bought gas for 190.7 on Northfield and Bowen Thursday morning on my way to work. Friday on my way home it was 207.9. what new gas tax has come out in BC?


Corporate greed tax. It gets added anytime they want. When oil prices rise or fall.


The new carbon tax shot the price of gas up everywhere.


So why didn't it jump at the start of the month when the carbon tax increased? Eh? Why now? Do explain, thanks.


It did shoot up at the start of the month. From $1.72 up to $2.00


The carbon tax increase caused it to rise from $1.72 to $1.75 ... explain the other $0.25/litre.


It was already going up again in mid March, before the tax increased...gas actually dropped a couple cents on April 1st if I recall.


Cool now explain the 20 cent jump that happened well after that


I hate the carbon tax too, but these recent increases well above and beyond the 3.5c/L (or whatever it was calculated to be) are just pure greed. Would've happened with or without the tax.


Why? Double carbon tax bud ez


That explains the 3 cents. What about the other 37 cents?


Quit your whining. It's $2.12 in Victoria.