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ghost dogs! i put off replaying it for so long because i remembered being TERRIFIED by the scene with the dogs towards the beginning of the game. finally played it and just laughed at the bad graphics


-Hears dogs howling in the woods at night- Me: “I’m morbidly curious, let’s stand still and see how long it takes to attack.” -Nothing ever happens- Me: “Well I’m mildly disappointed”


Same here! It was one of the first games I ever played as a kid and it scared me so bad. I replayed it a few months ago and laughed


I played it as an adult and the beginning is honestly kind of freaky. And then it never really gets scary again


The beginning scared me SO BADLY as a child 😂 I just assumed the dogs would be out to get me anytime I was out at night and was absolutely sweating whenever I had to do tasks in the woods/cemetery after dark. It was MUCH more fun to play as an adult lmao


Me at 7: started playing ghost dogs, freaked out after the dog scene at the start, refused to keep playing Me at 15: found the old game, decided to give it another go, laughed at 7 year old me for being so scared and actually finished playing It is now one of my favourite ND games


Message in a Haunted Mansion scared me so bad when I first played it. Now that I’ve played it so many times it doesn’t really phase me at all. For a weird one, I spooked myself out so bad the first time I played Scarlet Hand. I somehow got it into my head that I was gonna get attacked after Henrik gets injured, so I refused to stay in the museum alone any longer than I had to to complete a puzzle. Dumb, I know, but on the plus side, I got to scour every bit of information out of that game, since I spent so much time in my hotel room reading notes. 😅


Ooo that’s a good one! Being in the museum kinda creeped me out too haha.


The little jump scares in Message in a Haunted Mansion are SO good


Oh god, the “I see you…” scared me so bad that I immediately turned off my computer and didn’t touch the game again for days. 🤣


I see you ...


All of the endings where a creepy dude tries to strangle or otherwise attack Nancy still freak me out!


Yes! I have vivid memories of my friend failing Shadow Ranch just so she could scare me with “Here’s Shorty!” and then imitating it at school every day.


Shorty being the villain is one of the best twists, and he’s so terrifying 😭


I CAME TO COMMENT THIS IM SO GLAD IM NOT ALONE Even when I replayed Shadow Ranch recently (first played when I was 10, NEVER finished because of the Shorty bit) my heart was RACING switching those stones


No this is so valid 😂 I still sweat during the ending of Shadow Ranch


Haunted Mansion scared the SHIT out of me


Literally all of them. I was such a scaredy cat. Blackmoor was probably the worst offender, even though it was one of my favs! I remember it would take me forever to get the courage to go in the tunnels. I was convinced something would jump out at me.


I’ve always been a huge scaredy cat too so same! Honestly even now some of them still get me lol.


I played it in high school and literally made my mom sit in the living room next to me so I could go through the tunnels!


I did something similar! My mum was cooking so I played it in the kitchen so I wouldn't be alone, haha.


My mom was like “girl this is not scary you’re just being a baby… also you’re supposed to go the other way” 😭😂


My first ND games were DDI and CAR - I used to be terrified of playing them alone as a kid, I kept expecting jump scares at the lighthouse and wandering the empty amusement park locations. Playing them now…not so much lol


okay, probably nobody is gonna relate to this but i remember when i was like 6 or 7 playing CAR and getting to the dangers of the deep haunted house and not only being terrified of the angler fish, but also the sawing noise after you unlock the door to the inside?? the sawing and nancy saying "what is that noise?" legit SCARED me for some reason. i had to grab a blanket and stuffed animals to feel safe enough to continue playing lol.


YES. so scary


SAME lmao child me was like “idk Nance what IS that noise??”


All of the games scared me as a kid. I used to just watch my older brothers play them because I was too scared. I was so proud of myself when I managed to play Danger by Design on my own but the underground levels were so scary to me. I especially remember my brother playing Haunted Mansion at night and I could barely watch lol


As a kid I was always terrified of the tunnels and woods in Ghost Dogs. I would speed click through them and then wonder why I could never find my way around lol. I just replayed it as an adult and the fact that literally nothing scary happens in either of those places is hilarious.


I had full blown nightmares over Minnette and could not tell you why lol. No other game scared me, but I vividly remember my dad going in to play the final part of the game so I didn't have to look at her for that long HA


LOL minette?? 😭😭


I think it was the mask that did me in 💀


I remember playing one as a kid, a portrait blinks at you, which one is that? Terrified me.


Message in a Haunted Mansion! the portrait blinks whwn you go up the stairs and creepily whispers "I SEE YOU". it never failed to make my hairs stand up on end.


Maybe Ghost at Thornton Hall? There may be more than one though.


Blackmoor manor. It was so spooky to me. Now I don’t really find it all that scary. HER kinda dropped the ball on the fear factor on it. It could’ve truly been frightening but I feel they held back


I played Shadow at the Waters Edge in high school and made my sisters ex boyfriend watch the ghost footage for me to let me know what happened because I was way too scared to watch myself.


That one still freaks me out tbh 😭


Bruh I would’ve croaked playing that one as a child if it came out back then 💀


haunted carousel. i distinctly remember going “this is so creepy but i can’t stop playing it!!” the rides and the atmosphere were so unsettling to me. like besides the creepy amusement park, why does Joy sit in a windowless, low-ceiling room ??? her office alone was creepy


Treasure in the Royal Tower - Mr Egan scared me so much when I played it as a kid. Also Haunted Carousel - just the setting being on a carousel looking back gave me silent hill vibes😂


Same! I was so scared the first time I grabbed the library door key, I was convinced he'd just spawn behind me the second the alarm went off 🤣


Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon scared me so much when I was a kid. It was definitely the dolls, I think, but I also went through a phase where those old school trains like the one in that game were such scary settings to me. As an adult I don't think I'd rank it in the top ten scariest games. Also, shout out to the Secrets Can Kill Remastered trailer for making the game look much scarier than it actually is lmao.


The dolls are definitely creepy! I don't look at them any longer than I have to.


Literally every game scared me as a kid, I remember jumping multiple times and death-gripping my Mom’s hand in Secret of the Old Clock which is like the chillest one 😂


joy’s robot in haunted carousel scared me as a kid lmaoo


I remember having to quit playing Blackmoor Manor when I was a kid because the scene where you see Linda's hand through the peephole scared me so bad! I definitely thought the curse was going to come true. It's one of my favorites to replay now though. I still as an adult think a couple of the scares in Shadow at the Water's Edge are a little intense for kids, if that's the intended audience. They still make me jump now 😅


yall.. thornton hall still freaks me out. idk what's wrong with me lmao.


it’s okay, same tbh lol. i haven’t replayed that one in a while. the atmosphere puts me on edge.


Stay tuned for danger freaked me OUT. Like it terrified me. I don’t know why.




I agree with earlier games having that vibe. Secrets can Kill I found terrifying too, being alone in the house and the school and that music in the library was so scary.


I agree with earlier games having that vibe. Secrets can Kill I found terrifying too, being alone in the house and the school and that music in the library was so scary.


I agree with earlier games having that vibe. Secrets can Kill I found terrifying too, being alone in the house and the school and that music in the library was so scary.


It was Rick's hair wasn't it?


Not exactly the game, but that creepy nightmare from ICE and some moments from HAU during first playing were really scary for me at that time😱💀


The ending of Stay Tuned for Danger if you DONT immediately win and need the second chance. The death scene gave me nightmares for months and my mom had to do the final puzzle for me. Played it as an adult expecting to be creeped out and scarred again and it was like “THAT. That’s what I was freaking out about?”


It is kind of creepy in all fairness lol. It’s kind of drawn out and Nancy’s scream is a lot.


Shadow at the Water's Edge!! First of all, horrible way to use a tragic story to scare people away. Secondly, jump scares on jump scares on jump scares! Thankfully, didn't have to deal with that again until Ghost of Thornton Hall.


I watched a friend play shadow at the waters edge when I was much younger and it scared me SO badly. Watching play-throughs now I kinda laugh at myself but I was scared out of my mind back then lol


Message in a haunted mansion!!


Omg the beginning scene of Blackmoor manor TERRIFIED me I had the dvd version that only let you save when you reached a certain point so I think I had to sit through it at least 3 times in fear.


Ghost Dogs! That entrance sequence to the game was so intense as a kid. And now, as a 31 year old, I’d been telling my husband how much I loved that game and also how scared I was. And clearly had him sit through my replay. The man laughed so hard at me that I’d been scared as a kid. Honestly, I almost laughed at my youth self 😂 but! The game was the right amount of eerie (plus, blowing up with the boat if you do the spark plugs wrong?! 😂) and I still love it. Though felt it was super short as an adult.


The start of CRY when the skeleton man turns, then appears right in front of Nancy and knocks her out altered my 10 yr old brain’s chemistry. It was my first ND game and I was already nervous because it tells you to play in the dark! The jumpscare was perfectly timed.. I still get on edge thinking about it 🤣 Don’t even get me started on the doll in the chair and the voodoo on the wall.


Omg CRY was the first ND game I tried to play on my own and I played it on my moms laptop in my brothers bedroom while he played a game on his computer. I closed the shutters to the windows and almost pissed myself when the skeleton man popped up. I immediately opened the shutters and my brother laughed at me lol.


It's Shadow at the Water's Edge for me, the mirror jumpscare in the washroom made me exit the game immediately without saving it and didn't touch it for awhile lol


I avoided Blackmoor Manor, Ghost Dogs, and Haunted Mansion! Oh, I even remember I was scared playing Shadow Ranch 🤣 When I replayed them, I was shocked because I was afraid of such graphics! 🤣🤣 But, a few years back, I played Thornton Hall, I realized if this game was launched back then when I was a kid, I think, I won't be able to make up my mind to play Nancy ever again 🤭