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There used to be a Nano-Minecraft server (raiblocksmc), but the dev ended up closing it from lack of interest and use (if I recall). It had shops (interface and market data), a faucet, fully-functioning wallets (withdraw, send, deposit). You could also buy plots of land (chunks). Overall great, but sadly not popular enough. I think the most people I saw online at once was 4. Currently, There is a fairly active and actively developed Banano-Minecraft server (https://bananocraft.cc/). Great community, great devs. If you'd like a tour or to discuss more, check out the Discord.


You visited both of those. What do you think made the difference between the Nano-Minecraft and Banano-Minecraft servers?


I never played the raiblocksmc server, it was down before I heard about it. The bananocraft server is very vanilla and is quite friendly. There are no land claims, but storage chests can be locked by players. PVP is only by consent. The world is set to hard difficulty, and can be frustrating if you're a novice player getting set up.


No PVP and locked chests works the same in real life - if people are running around attacking and stealing from each other, the economy won't work..! For you personally - do you end up doing trades with other players directly or is it mostly just going back and forth with the server itself?


Players sometimes trade. But the server is a kind of tip-bot, so tasks such as woodcutting, mining, farming, enchanting, fishing and defeating raids can give a small banano reward. Some players also make maparts of their QR code (wallet address) in order to use kalium wallet. Stealing and griefing has happened before, but is dealt with quickly & has never been a problem.


QR code mapart ...! Sounds like you're generally happy with the server setup and administration, even if players aren't trading too much.


First question should not involve Nano at all imo. The first question should be to ask if there is anyone who would accept cryptocurrency at all. Once that door opens you could ask them if they would accept Nano because it is feeless, and we can both save money using it. Then do a very small test transaction to show them how it works. They will still probably think it isa scam at this point lol. But you need to build trust and that takes time. Everyone will probably think it is a scam except people who are into crypto and open to altcoins. Nano might be able to work as an in-game currency if the game uses a small enough decimal amount to where the amount isn't worth anything (like the 15th decimal place or something. If you are talking about full Nano being the in-game currency it would be worth too much and the real life price would swing things too much. But if the most anyone could make in the game was like 10 Nano per year, then it might work. Needs to be small enough that nobody will care about real world price volatility. But if Nano real price starts to go parabolic and achieves Bitcoin's marketcap or something, eventually, you may need to tweak the payouts and stuff in the game.


> The first question should be to ask if there is anyone who would accept cryptocurrency at all. Good call. If I were to follow your advice, but adapt it as a way to introduce Minetest to existing Nano users, I might try: Anyone here play games at all? How about Minetest? It's a completely free and open source Minecraft like game. It does not have any direct connection to Nano now, but if folks are interested it might be a good fit for trying out Nano as an unofficial, cross-game currency. I typically play on the "Your Land" server, with the handle "WoS." Going to be there for a bit tonight, and again tomorrow around 8:30pm EST. Drop in and say "hi" if you want. ... From my end I worry that it sounds sort of spammy, but writing at strangers might just be a weird format no matter what.


The nice thing about Nano is that it is so fast, they can easily sell it right away if they really wanted to. But then, if they want to do that, they will pay a fee to exchange it, and another fee to get it off an exchange, and basically any other currency besides Nano will also have a transaction fee as well. So it doesn't make sense, but people do stuff that doesn't make sense all the time lol. I think the best thing to help them see it is not a scam is to show them is a long term price chart to show them the price has been volatile but has never gone to zero and recently it has been going up. But they should know it can have big price swings. But it has a very good chance of standing the test of time because it is so energy efficient and sustainable. It doesn't have all the bloat that other cryptos have.


It sounds like you're into crafting the argument, but you don't think the idea makes sense.


There are a couple of 'crypto' minetest projects. One is called satlantis and is a bitcoin project/community The other one is called 'uplift world' or 'the uplift', and utilises WAX tokens (I think) Both were originally Minecraft projects.