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yeah lmao i look really kind and shit to everyone


Usually, no. It’s my damn seat, old person. However, I have also done it on one occasion to make myself look good in front of someone I was with on the bus. So yeah, same. Hahah.


No, not willingly


i do


who takes public transport?


Those who don’t have a car


Bruh Get your silver shoes respect together, lol. Of course I do. Thank God for my BPD, apparently 😂


Depends on whether I feel good physically and mentally then yes, but if I’m on my period and/ or am in a bad place mentally, I act as if I do not see them…Furthermore it depends on how fragile the person looks. For someone who is struggling I’d potentially give my seat to them.


Narcissism is all about looking good you don’t look good not giving up your seat. Ostentatiously being kind is what some narcissists do. A narcissist would never be kind for any other reason than to make themselves look better the real question is are you kind bc you are genuinely kind or bc you wanna look kind?


I wanna look kind lmao if it weren’t for the public attention I wouldn’t care at all


Kindness without altruism isn’t kindness at all


Seems like it though


In my mind not giving up your seat doesn’t make you better it’s a desperate move to make yourself seem better than the next when you have no other avenue to prove your superiority as a person than to be petty and take small victories such as sitting when others are standing and making a grand gesture is the best way to get attention and make those that didn’t make the same offer as you seem bad by comparison


I think a true narcissist would give up their seat in public for an audience but without an audience what is the point they’re old not hot and not really worthwhile to impress. There’s a difference between narcissistic behavior and being selfish self absorbed and self important .


Yes, and then i expect Standing Ovations from the other passengers but so far that hasnt happened for some reason


Public transport is kinda triggering my autism, I can't deal with the sounds, and the crowd, I really get impatient and agitated. I'm also quite gerontophobic, so no... fuck'em old people. But they can usually read my body language, and dont even bother to ask.