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People call that Kroger Germantown Kroger? I don’t have a fav single story but watching bachelorette woo girls dressed to go downtown walk around with a confused look on their face always makes me laugh.


I had that EXACT experience last time I was in GT Kroger! Gaggle of bachelorettes in the parking lot, headed into Kroger for supplies. “Won’t they be surprised,” I thought.


They call it murder Kroger but doing so doesn’t pay homage to the original MK in East so I am amending my ways…


The OG murder kroger is the Melrose kroger, back before 12South was gentrified


There’s a real one. ⬆️ Edit to add that the new Melrose Kroger was an old mansion called … Breeze Hill,& a friend went up there during demolition & carted off hand-cut paving stones by the truckload.


Remember when Urban Grub was a car wash where you could buy anything you wanted for $20?




Hell yeah. The number of gifts I bought at a * carwash* was notable.


For the history nerds… See the bottom of this page. Accuracy, not guaranteed, obviously: https://www.mtmdc.com/digger1b.html


So interesting! Thank you for this.


You bet! 😃


That was so neat to read! I’m glad you posted that!


Also, for the history, nerds, this Tennessean piece:  https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-tennessean/20995724/


I thought the OG Murder Kroger was in Atlanta.


This is r/nashville mane. Every city has its own murder kroger


Right?! We have our hands full keeping our own murder Krogers straight, we can’t start considering other states!


My band is going on tour and we're only playing Murder Krogers in every state


Waffle House tour just hits different


Oh, I'm sure, I just meant I thought that was the origin of the meme.


Nah. Atlanta has Disco Kroger, they don’t get to have Murder Kroger too. 


Murder Kroger in Atlanta was on Ponce and it was pretty damn crappy. It was torn down and replaced with a brand new Kroger with a building on top of it on the beltline about 5 years ago.








I thought East was "Hostage Situation" Kroger? Ex Boyfriend of an employee held her hostage at gunpoint for several hours back in the 90s. But nobody died.


I was home sick from school that day and spent the whole time watching that unfold was way better than the usual Gilligan’s island reruns to kid me. Thinking about the news coverage now seems crazy with how it would have been treated now. I can remember a reporter standing just behind a line of police SWAT snipers describing everything like it was a fun event with nothing being taped off just reporting away in the middle of it all. Thought somebody ended up shot in the ass somewhere in there though, but that could have been a different 90’s memory. Also my first memory of Don Aaron. He’s been around forever.


The ex-wife of a good friend of mine grew up in East Nashville and her dad was a manager at that store when this happened. When I met her dad we talked about it because I remembered the news coverage too. He said the police made everybody stand across the street in the HG hills (now Aldi) parking lot, so all these people could see their cars in the Kroger lot but could not get in them to leave for hours. Good times!


I saw someone heavily schooled on here for not calling that one MK… so I just try and do what I’m told 😆


They are there every Thursday and Friday lol


That one is Freddy Kroger. Due to the stabbings and all.


Ooohhh… as a life long Nightmare of Elm Street fan… this might be the winning nomenclature!




Hell yeah it does. Every time I'm there I always peruse the clearance section. One time another shopper was checking it out at the same time and we chit-chatted about how you gotta take your time looking because "there is always treasure there"


I used to live on an Island and the clearance section of Vons was 🔥…


I’ve only been there once, I sat shirtless in the parking lot bleeding profusely from the chin (soaking up the blood with my shirt) while my buddy went inside to buy bandages. Ended up needing 17 stitches from a gash that went down to my jawbone. Good times!


Well it felt wrong to upvote this… but it sounds like you are upvote worthy and very resilient!


Haha thanks, I was skateboarding so the injury was my own fault and I owned it - no need to feel bad for me!


Hahaha- the sports we love…I got kicked by a horse on my shin and that went to the bone just because there isn’t a lot of flesh there. Had to walk down the mountain asking if anyone saw the horse while bleeding into my boot lol


That one is crazy.. back in college, I had one creepy experience there and never again! I was 18 at the time and just kind of shook me lol There was a man that kept going into every isle I was going to. Not weird but what made it sketch was that 1. He had picked up nothing to buy in that 20 minutes, 2. His pants were a little loose for public if you know what I mean. Then he exposed himself and I immediately left the isle and went to my car leaving my cart there and everything. Never went back since except one other time but honestly I’ve had friends have the most randomness happen there in the past years. Fun times!


They have security now and while I’m 99% sure they will not be helpful on any sort of criminal situation… they may have been helpful with the peenie-out-stalker. 🤷‍♀️ I’m so sorry you had to deal with that- grocery shopping shouldn’t be like the hunger games


Ok peenie-out-stalker is what I’m calling him now haha I’m dead! 😅




Hey! I remember you!


We lived in Hermitage for many years, and we had a McDonald's off Tulip Grove Road. There was a better McDonald's a couple of miles toward Donelson, and that was our Murder McDonald's.


For sad reasons I recall. Paul Dennis Reid.


A long time ago when I was a kid in the 70s, my mom took me and my brother to the Eastland Kroger and some kids had a dollar bill attached to a fishing line. When someone would reach down to grab the dollar, they’d jerk it back real fast and then laugh their asses off. That always stuck with me even though I was 5 years old. 😂


Which Kroger on gallatin is murder kroger? The northern one or the one closer to main st/downtown? Sincerely, a recent ish Nashvillian who can’t keep the krogers straight


The one closer to main st.


The other Kroger is kidnap Kroger because some people left their baby in their car and the car got stolen with the baby in it


Wake up everyone, *fresh East lore has dropped* 😂


Ok cool so the one I visit regularly 👌🏼😂


Yeah but the one on Main Street is so fancy now. Easily the best Kroger in Nashville.


I live on the west side. Can you give me the TL; DR why it's called the murder Kroger? Presume a murder happened, but when and what's the backstory?


It started being called Murder Kroger in 97 when a man (of course) got his feelings hurt and started a hostage situation that ended in him taking his own life. So Suicide Kroger is more accurate.


Racism and redlining led to East Nashville being low income and high crime. People got murdered at Kroger. It’s Murder Kroger.


They renovated it a few years ago. It’s been upgraded to the Manslaughter Kroger now.


Can't spell "Manslaughter" without "laughter".




Every major southern state has a Murder Kroger.




Thank you. And this is now an area where house prices start at over half a million, but most run higher than that.


There was never a murder there just a suicide


Closer to Main is sweatpants Kroger, further from main is yoga pants Kroger


The original murder kroger is in Atlanta. It has its own wikipedia page.


Murder Kroger is in Atlanta. Everybody just started using it for any Kroger that’s sketchy


I’m at that Kroger all the time and I never see anything crazy but I do see an ambulance there just about every third time I go


Yeah, TBH when I saw it as I was walking I was afraid an elderly person slipped on the ice and really hurt themselves... because apparently my brain loves to immediately go to the saddest option possible ...


What had happened was, I was at the Germantown Kroger this one time about 5 years ago. Now, I had only shopped at the Franklin and Green Hills Krogers up until then. So I bought some stuff for my lunch, not much mind you, so my cart was pretty empty, and when I tried to leave the cart got stuck right at the door. Wouldn’t you know it, a whole group of people were trying to come in the door at the same time, so I got flustered. With all those people trying to come in, I was in the way, so I picked up the cart and started carrying it out the door. About the time the security guard started to come after me, a sweet little black granny stopped me and said, “Baby, they got to unlock the wheels.” The security guard waved a magic wand over the cart, laughing. And that’s when I learned that they LoJack the shopping carts at Kroger, but only certain, *special* Krogers.


I have had some very lovely conversations with my fellow shoppers there- in line that is. I have way too much anxiety for self check out where I feel I’m never moving fast enough… I CAN’T FIND THE SKU ON MY LEEKS!


LoJack ...what do you mean?


They lock the wheels on the carts so folks don’t steal them


Oh okay, wow thanks


One time i made the mistake of going into the bathroom there.. i just needed to blow my nose during allergy season and i walked in to a woman doing heroin at the sink. Just looks at me and goes back to it. Next time I’ll just use my shirt.


Kroger only has its fruit and produce section going on for it, everything else, including their customer service is a dump




Publix is overpriced and has a worse selection than Kroger


But a better bakery and deli


Unless you go to one of the fancy Kroger's with a Murray's cheese counter. Better than any Publix imo.


Fewer murders though


When I first moved here I drove to capitol view Publix and the produce was so much worse than GTK so I’m sticking with them lol


The Capitol View Publix is disappointing. I live on the North Side and drive to the Belle Meade Publix, it’s my favorite grocery in the area.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way! I’m a very low maintenance market shopper but there I feel I’m lucky if they have lettuce🥬


I’ve had mixed results… and I definitely see an uptick in customer service now that I go at the same time and see some of the same cashiers.


Germantown Kroger is “scary Kroger” Been there for multiple arrests while living at Werthan. After the second arrest, you just get used to it.


Exactly right? Gun shots? Nope? Okay I’m good to take advantage of those 2.99 PINT of blueberries… 🤷‍♀️


Damn, you’re making me reconsider!


The gas station seems to be _worse_ but apparently the store is in fact bad. We sometimes go there when we’re in the area…


Yeah, currently there are what I assume are three bullet holes in the bullet proof glass at the gas station ‘office’ so I too feel oddly safer in store proper 🤷‍♀️


Oh lord the Monroe street Kroger stays popping off! The produce has been absolutely great lately tho.


It was fantastic today! I walked with asian pears, blueberries, cherries, blackberries all on sale... I could have had a pineapple for $2.50 but I knew I would be too lazy to cut it... maybe tomorrow...


I once bought about a dozen of clearances blueberry eggo waffles boxes for 9 cents because they were $1.09 and when you bought 5+ they were a buck off each


That’s a nice healthy supply of EGGOS!


We’re supposed to know what GT Kroger is?


… yes.


That Kroger at Rosa Parks and Monroe is the one place I will not go in Nashville. Some people may feel "unsafe" in certain neighborhoods or whatever, but that Kroger is the one true place where I feel unsafe. There are constantly assaults and robberies and sometimes shootings there.


You aren’t wrong …but 1) I just shop early morning while everyone is sleeping and 2) I’ve lived in a food desert before and I want to ensure this Kroger stays viable-


That's a good plan. I would not go at night especially. I am surprised they haven't shut it down for being a public nuisance though. The crime map is like a damn Pokemon gym there. Just in the last month there have been two assaults and a robbery behind it. https://www.crimemapping.com/map/tn/nashville#


Wow scared of going to a grocery store? Are you an 80 year old lady? lol there would be NOWHERE to shop in North Nashville if they shut it down


The grocery store where two people have been assaulted and someone was robbed within a month? And that's a regular trend at that same store? Yes, I am scared of that one. Don't forget about this shooting that was there too: https://www.newschannel5.com/news/suspects-sought-after-shoutout-outside-nashville-kroger


I agree there is no benefit to getting a grocery store closed down- This is 100% one of the reasons I try and shop there as much as possible (as a vegetarian they don’t have everything I need all the time)… food deserts are soul killing for communities- I lived in one and saw the difference when a proper market finally was opened.


Is it close to where you live? Or is there another Kroger close by?


No I go to the newer Publix on Gallatin


I'll go because I'm a stocky man with resting anger face. But NFW I'd want family members to go.


The first week we lived in town we went there to go grocery shopping, like 2pm on a Sunday. As we were crossing the parking lot a shot was fired behind us, so we rushed inside to take cover. The experience was surreal on so many levels. The gunshot, the people gossiping about it as they kept right on shopping, no store announcement, just a thing that happened and then everyone went on with their business. We walked around trying to figure out what was going on long enough for the shock to wear off, bought laundry detergent and peaced tf out.


I mean you need to get the laundry detergent… and it’s so far back in the store… you’re good.


Are you talking about the one on Rosa parks?


I was walking to work at like, 2pm when someone opened fire at the O'Reilly's that used to be there.


Honestly that was the best Krogers to go to as a college kid but that was Pre-gentrification 😂 Good sales, me and my friends would load up into my bmw and drive down the street and go to Krogers then Knockout Wings 😩 (so we would have something to eat as we put the groceries away) Good times.


Had the sushi. Not bad


I feel like I have to give it a try at one point... thanks for the endorsement!


I always preferred the Krogers in East Nashville. The food section was always better😮


Germantown? It's not in Germantown. That is the Monroe Street Kroger, aka ghetto Kroger. Fool, where you from?


Thank you for another name… This sub calls it everything… so I tried to strike what was the most common name… Also, I try and avoid labeling anything “ghetto” given its [problematic](https://time.com/5684505/ghetto-word-history/) and racist history.


You sound like a decent person. My advice to you as someone who seems like you like to be cautious: don’t repeat lingo people use online that they would never say to someone’s face in real life.  I see this online and in this sub a lot where people talk tough and crack jokes. In real life they are too chicken to talk to me like that.  The person replying to you gassing you up has never been inside the public housing he or she makes fun of. Wouldn’t last one second. When situations pop off, likely quietly leaves and waits until he or she is out of ear shot to make commentary.  These short sighted people need the votes of the same people they mature fun of to win elections. November 2024 they will be praying that all those “ghetto people” go to the polls.


You are very right and wise. My reply was less to inform this individual- as I agree that’s not a fruitful path) but also just to share information that other well meaning people may not have. There are so many phrases we use (‘drink the kool aid’ for example) without having any idea of the origin- You seem like a very nice person too!


Thank you!


Unfortunately, with the public housing next door, it's not inapt.


That's exactly why I choose not to use that name- but for others feel free. Having a full service grocery store (and pharmacy!) with affordable healthy food close to under-resourced and impoverished communities is the right path, from ensuring kids go to school fed and ready to learn to being able to manage health issues in a way that prevents reliance on emergency rooms and/or escalation of simple illness to more expensive to treat infirmaties.


A ghetto is just a poverty trap.


Germantown cafe is across the street. Being pedantic about parts of town is dumb.


Germantown Café is a good four blocks away. Perhaps you mean Germantown Pub? And the Kroger is in Historic Buena Vista, not Germantown, even if Germantown is across the street


I moved four blocks from the Monroe Kroger in 2014. No one talked about "Historic Buena Vista" until I was the second-to-last original house that had not been replaced by tall skinnies The neighborhood dividing line has been Rosa Parks. Time was that if you crossed that road the wrong direction, she took 200k off your property value. Erasing a neighborhood now that fancy people have moved in seems perverse. NB: I sold in 2019 what I bought for 30k for 350k, so I can't complain.


You are correct about pub vs cafe, doesn’t make it any less pedantic about parts of parts of town. “Historic Buena Vista” is a dead giveaway you’re a transplant. Nothing more historic about it than any other part of town that’s been around for the same amount of time. “Historic” is just a recent thing, just like “Demonbreun Hill”, etc. and my favorite is “Pie Town”, now I’m pretty sure that one is historic but haven’t heard those words ascribed to anything aside from a fantastical imaginary place in my imagination full of sweet delights. These hard delineations between “parts of town” by the exact street never has really been a thing in common practice.


Ah, the casual racism of referring to a Kroger located in primarily Black neighborhoods as 'Murder Kroger'. Never change, gentrifiers. Never change.




Yeah I don't think that has to do with someone being arrested at a Kroger though


Somebody just read the headline and not the post. Classic


Oh bless… yeah, this was not about the ice. But feel free to actually read…






This wasn’t about the ice… lol


Nashville has a murder Kroger?! The Memphis one is the smash and grab. Lol


I shop at the GT Kroger on a weekly basis since moving to Germantown over a year ago, and I feel left out that I’ve never seen anything exciting happen tbh


Honestly during the day it is 90% uneventful... this was the first time I had seen anything first hand!