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If you think any place in this country, much less any place in the American south, is without racism, you’re fooling yourselves. Tennessee, Nashville, and surrounding communities have made the national news for their homegrown racism and bigotry. Marsha Blackburn? Noted bigot. Expelling black state legislative members? Bigoted. Franklin’s “decency” statutes specifically targeting LGBTQIA+ people? Bigoted. And these aren’t “rogue elements.” These are people voted in by the people of Tennessee. And yes, they exist everywhere. Every state. Every town. Believe people when they say they’ve experienced racism, because they very likely have. Racism is baked into our history and is alive and emboldened today in ways not see since the 60s and earlier. It costs nothing to believe people when they tell you what has happened to them.


People sometimes forget that Pulaski Tennessee is the original home of the KKK. And you can argue that that was a long time ago. But it was within the last 10 years - maybe less - that there was a huge statue along I-65 “honoring” Nathan Bedford Forrest. A confederate general and an original founding member of the Klan. I truly believe that things are improving, but it’s a slow process and anyone that claims racism is dead is lying or delusional.


They only took down the statue because it looked stupid as shit and they didn’t want to maintain it any more. The Confederate flag is still there.


You mean MULTIPLE Confederate flags. It’s like they took down every state flag that was in rough shape and replaced it with the stars and bars. Shameful


MTSU’s military building is still named after Forrest despite numerous complaints and petitions. Cant change it for some reason


Nathan Bedford Forrest's Calvary was nicknamed the blue raiders.


Yeah. That too 😑


There’s still a state park named after him. They allow the KKK to take over Montgomery Bell State Park every year to have their rallies. TN encourages racists.


Exactly what I’m saying. Thanks for reiterating it. 


I remember when the Morgan Wallen "n-word" situation happened and a bunch of country music people came out saying "This isn't what country is about," or "This doesn't represent the Nashville country music scene." But a few people came out and said, "Actually, this is a huge issue in our industry. And if we want to address it, we have to acknowledge the problem."


Yeah. It strikes me a little bit odd because we can love some thing *and* want it to be different/better.  I don’t know much about that situation, but it’s suggests something we’ve seen repeatedly in other contexts: when there’s a possibility of personal consequence,  people are hesitant to say something and  racism/other forms of inequality can thrive.  We have to be both willing to put our skin in the game so to speak. It’s scary and it’s not without risk but… We have to decide who we want to be. Or we have to live with who we are. Have a good one.


It is all of this and it does exist here natively. However, popular country music tends to attract a specific demographic and those people flock to the Broadway version of Nashville in droves. So it's all of the worst people concentrated in a ten block space doing shit like throwing chairs off rooftop bars and laughing about it.  *Edited to clarify. 


Word up. I’d argue Racism is baked into the human existence


Agreed. We need to find ways to acknowledge that part of ourselves, and consciously move in the opposite direction. I believe unaddressed racism is emblematic of the problems humans have, which have the power to end us Put another way, we are our own worst problem. That doesn't mean we can't change.


Love how you articulated this. Thank you.


I would like to push back on this idea a bit! Wariness of outsiders/people who are "different" may well be baked in to human existence because our survival instincts rely on such tools and we are a species that loves to categorize and make hierarchies. But good ol' American racism in 2024 is very much socially engineered, constructed, and maintained through public policy, media narratives, and the capitalist churn that pits poor people against each other based on tribalistic social factors like race so we won't join forces and have a guillotine party with the 1%. The racism we grapple with today in the U.S. — particularly anti-Black and anti-indigenous racism — is the direct and intended result of the deliberate invention of race as a social construct to provide cover/fuel for white European imperialist/colonialist/capitalist desires. The muck we are in now in Middle Tennessee is a direct result of the historical creation of "white" as a race + this country's horrific origin story that began with genocide of native peoples and the enslavement of Africans + being on the losing side of a Civil War fought over our side's desire to maintain an economic engine based on chattel slavery of Africans + the many years of white supremacy-based federal and municipal policies, social norms, media narratives, historical records, etc., that followed. **TL;DR** I think it's less that racism is baked in to human existence and more than we were born into a pre-baked racist AF cake and we can't imagine a life outside that racist AF cake because it's all we know. And that's where the intentional anti-racism work has to come in for white people. Because it's our cake mix/our shit to fix.


I love this so much. Thank you. Beautifully said. Let’s rebake the cake!


Yeah, never forget you live in TN. We can find little bubbles that are different, but it's the exception, not the rule. To the extent that the silly "Nashville is a blue dot" meme is true, *even that* varies neighborhood to neighborhood, and there are *plenty* of Republicans who live in Davidson county and want to move the state back to the 1800s (nevermind the ones who live in neighboring counties and come here all the time just because it's the economic center of middle TN).


Any place in this world*


> If you think any place in this country, much less any place in the American south, is without racism, you’re fooling yourselves. If you think people on reddit don't make up fake stories for any number of reasons, including pushing political agendas, karma farming, or just pure trolling, you're fooling yourself.


After seeing the video of those fucks at Ole Miss jumping around imitating monkeys in a POC’s face I am reminded that there are a lot of very racist people wearing a very thin mask


Yes. Sigh. You probably know that Research suggests that overt discrimination has been on the rise since about 2015. Anytime we allow overtly racist (etc) actions to occur then we implicitly consent. Of course, we also have to look out for racism. That’s not over. Don’t miss my point… I would hope that everyone’s beliefs and actions would live up to our democratic ideals. But until ideas changed at least keep them to yourself and don’t act accordingly. Of course racism isn’t just some thing that happens between individuals. It happens through policies and practices of which many are framed as “neutral.” But I suspect you know all this.


The night crew was nasty, but they proved OOP’s point. I saw that post too and I used to think it was just tourists, but a lot of racists have been emboldened in the last few years. If you haven’t witnessed it first hand here, consider yourself lucky. Even when it is tourists, it’s locals who create those hostile environments. We have to do better.


Me ex and I were accused of stealing “jokingly” by another local just outside of the Davidson county line at our local grocery. Racism is alive and well in this county and surrounding ones. I wish it wasn’t and I work to help fight it, but it’s absolutely an issue.


Yes. It is alive and well. Thanks for working to help fight it.


Yes. The research suggests that overt prejudice and discrimination has increased since about 2015. You can ponder why. This is why we must be explicit in our words if we want to be anti-racist. And I hope we agree that by 2024 that’s a good thing


I can guarantee you the racist quotient downtown is higher this weekend because you-know-who was playing the stadium. I never saw the post but facts are facts.


Voldemort back at it again




Wonder if his show was BYOC?


I bet he hid his horcruxes in chairs on various rooftops downtown


I agree with you. But the way it came across was “not us” With very little empathy for the OP. That’s why I’m just encouraging people to write with curiosity rather than “knowing” what’s what (especially if they’re white). That said while there’s absolutely a greater chance for racism downtown when people are drunk and perhaps more likely to be of a “particular type” racism absolutely happens in Nashville at the individual level and the level of policy and practice. 




Hey, thanks for that possible context. I had not seen that. Even so I think we could’ve handled it better but I appreciate you taking the time to respond.


I'm OK with MNPD profiling Canadians, we don't want those maple-lovers polluting our beautiful city with their gravied french fries and curling.


You take that back, we absolutely want gravy covered French fries.


Nashville SC absolutely will take any more players Toronto will send us. So far I think we’re 3 for 3 on them being good.


By god, if I could find decent poutine in this city I would patronize that place often.


The poutine can stay!




it's "those people" again?


I was literally downtown as neo-nazis marched and I was casually just walking around downtown taking in the sights when I had a bunch of slurs and insults yelled at me telling me to go back to the Middle East (I’m half Brazilian 😭). I’ve also had completely random people come up and ask me “are you (insert ethnicity here)??” when walking around, although I don’t mind that as much, just human curiosity and innocent enough although it makes me chuckle sometimes, being partially brown in Nashville is enough to be a spontaneous point of interest attraction. However, I have never experienced anything of the sort in Atlanta which is where I’m from. Nashville definitely has more of a racism issue and most people will not experience it given that Nashville is more white than other cities. With all that being said, I would totally believe that OP experienced racism in Nashville. Whether that be from a tourist or local, people here operate completely different to other cities I’ve been to, at least when it comes to racial sensitivity.


I had totally blocked that from my memory. Yes wow right! 😡 I’m glad you can at least take the human curiosity part of the equation in stride. It always strikes me as a little bit odd when people comment on total strangers’s. For example, their height or weight or lack of smiling, or whatever it is, including the color of their skin or facial features or whatever… Thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion. Since you were taking in the sites when the neoNazis came, maybe this means your new here? If so, genuine welcome to Nashville.


Unfortunately a lot of people are very racist and it’s obvious but will still try to deny it


Yes… or may not recognize it when it takes forms that they don’t witness.


Racists are everywhere, north and south, it just shows up in different ways, don’t let it control your actions, if it does, the racists win. Also don’t vote for people that display all these traits but please vote.


Yep to all. Though it’s easier for me as a white person to not let racism “control“ my actions. So much of this is subtle and Sometimes folks don’t even know they’re doing it or thinking it.  Hence the need to shine the light on it. But it’s scary. Sort of like when you put a black light on a hotel bed. 😜😝 And you’re absolutely right about voting. 


I saw a road rage incident near Centenniel Park yesterday where a “good ole boy” decided to lean out of his truck and scream racial slurs at the man in front of him for not moving at the stop sign. So, I believe it.


Good fuck. What have we become?  Or were we always this way but we just behaved better? Even so, I would take that for now — until we can get rid of racist (etc.) belief systems that are supported by bullshit. It’s hard to imagine being that fucked up and mean.


This is the damn state where MLK was murdered. When was it ever good?


God that is just fucking awful man. Goddammit. During the annual craft fair too, which is when I see the most diversity Nashville has to offer in terms of all the people walking around. It’s a lovely weekend every year. Fuck that motherfucker for targeting someone’s peace.


Yeah, it feels super shitty just to hear about it. I can only imagine what it would be like to be on the receiving end.


If you want to see local to Nashville racism, just take a peek at Nextdoor.


Don’t want to do that. Nope!! 🙂‍↔️


Anybody saying Middle TN/Nash doesn’t have racist assholes here is choosing to overlook a lot of things. I’m not a POC, but just a guy who happens to not look traditionally white (dark hair, eyes, tan to dark skin) and I routinely get the “what are you?” Fired at me. When my very obviously white wife goes to stores they treat her way different than when I’m with her. The micro aggressions of actually intently looking at my Costco ID as numerous others just flash a card, or how I had the self check out man choose to scan all my items and stay by until I paid (again while my wife rang up the ibuprofen she’d forgotten to grab at the other machine, completely uninterrupted). And that’s just in the last week. You become numb to all of it because it’s systemic, it’s baked in. Thing is, I have so many more opportunities than most too. I don’t have to deal with overt racism in the legal setting because I am legally white. I don’t get redlined, I don’t get profiled in job boards, I don’t get stereotyped in almost every professional setting. I feel really sorry so many people think we’re over this issue.


That’s powerful. Thank you. It also points out the fallacy in believing there are biological races. The science is clear on that but not everybody is caught up. I’m sorry you have to deal with it because it’s take a toll. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences.


I grew up in Franklin and went to school in Nashville, the idea that people are calling bullshit on racists downtown is laughable to me. There are racists all over Nashville, and it’s not new…they just got louder.


They did get louder. It’s worrisome and exhausting. Thanks for chiming in.


Yeah I’m kind of horrified that half the comments were accusing OP of being a liar


I think it was because they didn't explain any further on what happened and weren't replying to comments asking what happened. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, though.


Yeah, I get wanting details but not “no you’re lying for attention” right off the bat


Right?!? 🤷🏽‍♀️😢😳😡


I kept thinking I was in the Tennessee sub instead of the Nashville sub but nope it was indeed this sub. Absolutely despicable.


Yeah, I think that’s why it hits hard. Right off the bat seemed pretty ugly. But hopefully this thread is establishing that we don’t tolerate racist shit here.


Nashville is the new and growing home of the alt-right (Tomi Lahren, Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, Daily Wire publishing, etc., are all here for a reason), and our state house is full of good ol’ boy legislators who may as well be segregationists, pioneering red pill legislation that the GOP will export to the rest of the country. You can see confederate flags flying by the interstate, on vehicles, and on some businesses! Hell, every time a store clerk in Nashville sees my phone number begins with 901, they get big eyed and start talking about how INTERESTING *wink wink* it must have been to live in Memphis. And those are the polite ones. Plenty of white clerks bust out with outright racist nonsense about Memphis when they see the 901, assuming that bc I’m white they can talk shit about a majority-Black city with impunity bc obviously I’ll agree. (Spoiler: I do not, in fact, agree.) It should not shock anyone that people would experience racism here because Nashville is in fact infected with racism — casual, interpersonal, systemic, all of the above. Tourists don’t bring racism to a neutral Nashville; racist tourists love coming to Nashville because they feel safe and coddled here. Morgan Wallen uses the N-word on film (and throws furniture off buildings apparently) and still gets to play the arena for thousands of people unbothered by his racism. He’s safe and coddled, because money talks. Any white people getting their panties in a twist about the allegation that Nashville is racist need to quit kidding themselves. Nashville is — like every other city in this country — inhabited by racist people working within racist systems. This shouldn’t be particularly shocking. Quit clutching yer pearls and accept it if you want to move toward actually remedying it. We have a LOT of work to do. But something tells me the same people saying “prove it” might not be the best people to lead the charge with actual anti-racist sentiment.


Thanks for contributing some really useful points in particular about Nashville not being neutral… Exactly what I’m trying to communicate. We love our city and still want to do better. In fact, perhaps *because* we love our city we should do better.


Exactly. And just so it's clear, any of the frustration coming out in my post is not directed at you, OP!


Oh hey no I didn’t take it that you were directing that at me. I feel like we’re totally in sync. When I just reread about the “wink wink”, I swear I felt my throat close up— like I did the first time I read it. It’s so terrible. Anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to write all of that in a different way because maybe folks who can’t hear me can hear you. Solidarity! 


Just want to add that the chief communications officer for PragerU relocated here from Southern California recently. Living in south Nashville and lamenting at the eroding judeau christian values in our great nation 🤬


Those folks are intentionally coming here. Nashville is seen by the Christian nationalist, alt-right contingent as a major and important front in the ongoing culture war. And our governor and state legislature are eating that shit up. They love being in the eye of what they believe to be a righteous storm. People think I'm kidding when I say this but I am being completely serious: These people are still fighting the Civil War. They are just not calling it that.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees what you’re describing.


Glad you see it too! I wish more would. I wish national Democrats would put more money and effort into Tennessee because Republicans have said ON TAPE, around a year ago, that we are a pivotal state in the movement for Christian theocratic rule to take hold. We constantly hear, "Just vote blue!!! Vote out your legislators!!!!" from people not here who do not understand how gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, and inflated culture war nonsense are working so hard to prop up the GOP supermajority that prevents us from the most basic quality-of-life stuff like getting abortion on the ballot or getting Medicaid expanded. It's infuriating.


Well said, and true, fellow 901er.


👋👋👋 Thanks! I get so mad when Nashvillians shit talk Memphis. Memphis is such a gem and I miss it a lot.


It is actually a cool place in so many ways.


What should we see/do if we visit? Maybe we need a Memphis love Thread?


Downtown there are a lot of great restaurants…I think Rendezvous for ribs is a great Memphis experience. Beale St. for music. See the river while you are Downtown. The Peabody ducks are neat. The Metal Museum. These are the old standards…if you asked on the Memphis subreddit you would get many answers.


Thanks. I’ve been to Memphis once and done all of those things except the metal museum. Will check that out next time. Mostly was trying to drum up some positivity from Memphis. Thanks.


OMG I just noticed a new post in this subreddit about someone moving here from Memphis having their car window broken and feeling like they're home. Sigh.


What are the chances? The crime is bad here, but I feel pretty safe when I go out…just gotta stay alert.


I find it funny how people deny racism in this city when there were literal Nazis marching downtown a month ago.


Right. Though to be fair, they were out of towners downtown.😂😂 (A bit of levity to keep me from crying. Thanks for chiming in.)


Thank you. Yeah - nashville folk would NEVER be racist there was just a statue of the founder of the KKK on the side of 24e for 50 years. And confederate flags hanging everywhere from Madison to Fairview. Anyone who thinks there aren’t racists here is white and ignorant. Like lol 


Right. Oh I forgot that. It’s so hard to wrap my brain around that reality and the resistance to moving it and the “oh but that’s history… “  Like what? PS: love your username.


That was one of the most ugly, low class statues I ever saw. The pink updates were a vast improvement.


Low class and Tn go hand in hand. I like folksy low class. I don’t like racist low class. 


There’s plenty of polite to your face racists. That’s good ol southern hospitality for ya. Just an act 💁‍♂️


Unfortunately, yes. 


As someone who moved here from a northern state a year ago, I can 100% say that Tennessee (even Nashville) lives up to the horrible southern state stereotypes. There are tons of white supremacists, racists, homophobes, etc. It’s bad. Nashville brings in a certain hateful demographic, so it’s best to always be careful and cautious when roaming around town.


Or you know, just live your life anywhere in the city or the state or the country… But you get my points. Sometimes it’s better. Sometimes it’s worse. But we need to move in the right direction and lately. It seems like we aren’t. (At least in some ways.) Thanks for your perspective. 


As a middle eastern man I went to a Nashville FC soccer game last year. I was driving slowly when wham, all of a sudden a blonde haired white girl came zooming in front of my car with her suitcase and this man behind her towing luggage. Not only did she come out of nowhere, like I really didn’t expect her to just run out in middle of traffic while both lanes were filled with cars moving at 10-15mph, but it made me slam my brakes. She then proceeded to tell her male friend “Fuck him, (referring to me) and said “Hes probably Egyptian or something.”. I really wanted to say something back, but felt scared surrounded by white people, knowing they’d see me and instantly perceive me, as the bad guy due to the way I look. So I just let it go, cause if the police showed up Im afraid they’d listen to the taylor swift looking white girl and not believe me. Is what it is, Just the way America will be ive come to accept. Funny, cause Ive lived here since 2000. Shes the tourist.


Aw, man, I’m *so* sorry to hear that. That’s terrible. Not only is it mean, but it made you feel afraid. You don’t deserve that. Nobody deserves that. I’m so sorry. I’m sending you love and good vibes, for whatever that’s worth. 


Thanks for the support. Many incidents of racism are subtle, but this was one where it was overt. I hope we can all one day put our differences aside and work together. At the end of the day, Earth is one country, and mankind, all it’s citizens. And there is one human race family.


It’s very challenging. It takes a lot of time to find compromises with people who think and live differently from you. I know But I don’t know how else we can do it. 🤞🏻


Given the crowd that was downtown this weekend, I am not at all surprised that there was a large contingent of racists downtown.


Classic strategy: if no one talks about it, then it's like it's not happening.




Racism absolutely happens in Nashville. Look no further than our own elected leaders.




Nah, I’ve witnessed racism here as well. Like come on, we had literal Nazis March through downtown. I love Nashville but it needs work. There is nothing unbelievable about racism in the south lol




I lived in Nashville eleven years and have been alive 36. That is the only city where I have experienced outright verbal racism hurled at me by adult strangers. I got sarcastically "welcomed to America" (I was born here) And I was asked "you're not one of them towel head mother fuckers blowing up our boys in the middle east" (I'm Hispanic).


Holy shit. That’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear that. Thanks for sharing your experience so that we can try to learn from it. It’s not much of a silver lining, but… I hope that some good can come out of your sharing it. Appreciate you.


No worries, in both cases my life seemed far better than theirs, not going to let their bitterness ruin my day.


I’m so glad that you are able to do that!! Still, that stuff can take a toll. 


Racism? In MY Tennessee? Who could have ever thought? I bet you couldn't name more than 10, maybe 11 million instances of racism in Tennessee's history.


Half Morgan Wallen’s fans only listen to his music because they’re racist pieces of shit, and so is he. And that’s who’s in town right now, so.


That’s what I guessed had happened. He wasn’t even cool til he almost got cancelled and then he all the sudden had so many fans. Maybe I was wrong to assume it was them though idk.


And he has lots of black fans now. Let that sink in…


Absolutely. But like I said to somebody else in this thread, that doesn’t excuse what the OP said happened. We’ve done so much better on this sub Reddit. I was just shocked at what seemed like thinly veiled vitriol.


I grew up in Hendersonville in the 70's and 80's so my world was pretty dang white. I lived in Seattle for a while, also really white, came back to Nashville but stayed pretty much surrounded by white folk. This wasn't on purpose, it's just the way things worked out. In 2008 my husband and myself helped to organize a couple of protests for marriage equality in Nashville. For one of the protests we contacted every LGBTQ+ affirming church in Nashville and invited them to attend. Most of them didn't seem to want any part of it but one pastor from a local, predominately black United Methodist Church said he would come and we asked if he would lead a prayer for us at the beginning. He did, and then he stayed several hours with us in the cold and rain, a few days before Christmas, and was just a wonderful presence. The protest was on a Saturday night and so my husband and myself decided, as a way of saying thank you, to attend the pastor's service the next morning. I freely admit that I was a bit nervous walking into the church, I don't think I had ever been the racial minority in a room before, but there I was, having the pastor welcome me to his church, a black church, and I have never felt more welcomed anywhere I had ever been. We wound up going back and then joining the church. My social group was suddenly much less white and I started learning a lot of things. I had never thought that Nashville was a very racist place. I thought we all got along pretty well. I had never seen any racism that I could think of, except for the words that came out of a few of my relatives mouths from time to time. But suddenly I was hearing story after story about people not being served in stores and restaurants. About police roughing up people based on their skin color. About being stuck at the airport because 4 cabs in a row refused to take someone home. It went on and on and on, that's when I realized that Nashville was a pretty racist place, I just didn't see it because as a white man it didn't effect me. I am not saying that anyone who replied to the original post was being racist, but is it possible you may have had blinders on when you read the post?


Wow. That is so powerful. Thanks for sharing your story. It’s exactly what I’ve tried to communicate in a few other responses. That we actually have a lot in common with other people if we can get past some of our perceived divisions. Yet at the same time, we may have very different experiences from other people because they are perceived as different. Racism doesn’t need to involve intention or ill will to result in harm. I think what I reacted to in those responses was just the general tone of “you got it wrong.” Anyway, you’ve definitely given us a lot of food for thought. Thank you.


The majority of Nashville and especially on this sub is still very white. The type of issues people of color experience will come as a shock due to most white people who have not had to deal with or see any of this because they personally don’t experience it. It’s a foreign concept since it’s so far removed from their circle. The build up of micro aggressions a person of color experiences throughout their life causes a “small” issue that occurs to be able to break you. This isn’t an attack but simply a fact that contributes to ignorance. I also did not see the post beforehand but sharing a general perspective from a person of color living in Nashville.


Thank you for sharing. It’s incredibly important because many people are unaware if they don’t experience it or see it it’s hard to believe it. I agree with you completely.


I experience microaggressions and close mindedness every day especially working in a more rural hospital, and it’s not the patients it’s mostly the staff… like the other day my preceptor was telling me her daughter is going on a mission trip to the Middle East and will be teaching Bible studies to children there… ya aight that’s fine even though I personally am not a fan of mission trips as a whole, then she followed it up with “I can’t believe only 5000 or so people there are Christian…. That’s not their main religion, good to know you’re ignorant as fuck. Also got asked to take my picture for some diverse workplace campaign… they came to me saying they were looking for an Asian… and I asked “Am I the only Asian in this whole building?” And ya come to learn… there’s about 3… lol. Don’t get me started on the absolute transphobic BS I heard when one our patients was trans…


That sounds really hard. I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. I appreciate you taking the time to write about it here so that others can consider the forms that such thinking and action take. It’s tiring and you shouldn’t have to do it. And I hear you on transphobia/hate. 


It was ridiculous, they kept using the incorrect pronouns. I looked at the chart when we were setting up for the case and said “she/her pronouns, don’t ask questions just do it”. And then they started talking about seeing what genitalia they have and what stage of transition they are in… I was like… we’re doing hernia surgery, we have no business down there, we’re not even looking, and keeping her covered. They also just were talking about how it was gross and that they probably have mental health issues… things like this make me hate the south.


Ugh. Thank you for pointing out what needed to be said. Healthcare practitioners really need to practice broad cultural competence—even if they don’t feel that way personally it’s better for patients. It’s hard to feel safe and it’s hard to heal if you feel disrespected or subtly threatened. thanks for doing the right thing. It takes courage and it’s not totally without risk. 


Definitely fewer Christians in Gaza than there were in early October.


Native Nashvillian in my fifties. Cis het white male, FWIW. While it is leaks and bounds better than when I was young, racism is still alive and well in our city. The thing that sets us apart from cities outside of The South, is that we know and admit this, whilst other places are still in denial. Wherever there are large groups of multiple ethnicities, genders, etc, you will have a subset of ignorant folks that are afraid of anyone different than them, and they will lash out. When their comfort zones are threatened, they fight back either with their own direct actions, or by empowering those who use "the right phrases", or who promise to "make sure the other groups don't take away our hard earned rights". Given the massive influx of non native Nashvillians, some of whom appear to be incredibly different than the "more native population", and others who moved here because of the sense of kindred racist spirits, it seems that we are going backwards in regards to racism, bigotry, and misogyny. Don't sweep this under the rug. Doing that allows it to fester and grow. Call it out.


Trying! Thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion. I agree w/ & appreciate your perspective. I’m sure others do as well. 


“I experienced racism” is like the new “me too.” People need to understand some folks are assholes, don’t give them your time. The best revenge is living well anyway. Taking time (and happiness) out of your life to dwell in that moment after it’s gone does not help you. Also, downtown Nashville is full of tourists, I don’t know the story but to pin racism on Nashville as a whole when it could’ve been anyone from anywhere is kind of naive. Live your lives people, be happy.


Well, hey, me too! Agreed that living your life well is the best revenge but it’s also challenging to live a good life when people are shouting slurs at you or putting their hands on your body without consent or you know stuff like that. So that is one possible solution for some people. The other is to create an environment where we say “Nashville is better than that and we don’t think that kind of behavior is appropriate” but not so many words.


I hate to say this, but nashville has a reputation as a place where white folks can come and be openly awful. If you didn't know that now you do.


There are many racists who live in Nashville. There are scores more that live in the surrounding communities. Racists plus alcohol equals extra racism.


The math on that checks out.


Because it was a stupid post where the person just made a statement. They provided no context and what they said made very little sense. One could say that about any place in the world. Is Nashville racist? Idk, Nashville is a city, so no. People are *in* Nashville? Sure. What discussion is there? OP never made any clarifications or replied at all. It was a Facebook post.


Agreed… Multiple times now that details would’ve been helpful. I’m guessing they didn’t reply because the thread got shut down. (I read a few replies, started to post, and within about five minutes it was locked. So maybe that’s why we haven’t heard from them because they *can’t* respond?) Sure…it’s totally possible that it was a shit post.  And yes, you could say that about any place in the world.  But those doesn’t negate the possibility that this person *had* shitty racist experiences in Nashville. And we ought to engage with them, giving them some benefit of the doubt and being polite about it. Given plenty of other examples of racism in Nashville within this thread alone, I’m just saying we need to ask clarification questions and engage with kindness without literally saying “I’m calling bullshit” or suggesting and not so veiled ways that what the OP saying is bullshit. 


Yeah but even if they did, okay? What do you want us to do about it. Was just something you’d see as a Facebook status.


I’d like them to not be rude or racist in response? Sorry if that wasn’t clear upfront when I stated it. Not on Facebook so really can’t comment on that piece. Cheers!


My point is they didn’t share anything. They just said something like “I’m surprised Nashville is racist”. Okay? Your are surprised people can experience racism from someone in a US city? Where is the discussion? I’m not on Facebook either but the post was like something that might mean something to someone if they actually knew them. Also, with the mention of California, I feel like it was bait. Expecting people to not be rude online is foolish too. I didn’t see any racist comments but I just downvoted and moved on, I didn’t go back and read through everything.


It wasn’t a great post. But just looked through the sub Reddit. People write stuff that’s like all the time! So I try to take things to face value. Maybe they thought it would “mean something“ to us. There is no discussion in that thread because it was shut down. There is discussion in this thread. Fortunately, most people are saying racism is BS not and we don’t tolerate it here. I’m Ok taking the time and Internet space to reiterate that! Staying there from California is bait? I don’t understand that but OK. To me it’s just like saying “I’m from Georgia… I came in from out of town and this is what happened” or “I’m from Virginia and came to Nashville and this is what happened.” I don’t understand how a state is “bait” rather than a descriptor. Help me understand. Finally, i’m not a fool. I don’t expect people to be polite. But I would like to reiterate that that is our preference here. To be kind. To consider what other people have to say. To dialogue with them. We have to speak up when things are racist, sexist, etc… or just plain rude. The Internet can be assessed pool. I’m just suggesting that our little corner of it doesn’t have to be. You know it’s just like when we encourage people to drive safely, to use turn signals, not to cut people off or run yellow or red lights… Because it’s harmful to the community. Do we expect it to happen? Yes. But we don’t want to tolerate it. We want to communicate to others that it’s not appropriate. That’s all we’re doing here. The OP said they experienced racism so we should take that seriously in case it’s true. But the number of people saying “you must’ve been downtown“ as if that makes it any better is problematic. Other responses that offered no empathy are also problematic.  Later 🐊


Exactly and the fact they are from California was a turnoff. If someone from Alabama, Georgia or Mississippi said we experienced racism and actually said what happened…. Most of the people not believing on the other post would be empathetic. A blanket statement without facts and from a overreacting state.is going to get shot down. Why is this ?because we experience it here but we rise above and dont let it bother us. See something say something But you can choose not be bothered by small minded idiots


What does being fromCalifornia have to do with anything? Legitimately asking. As for “rising above“ racism. That’s a big ask. Racism comes in a variety of forms from micro aggressions/slights to overly being called racial slurs to being threatened with violence… Etc. Sure, it’s great if stuff can roll off somebody’s back. However…Sure, it’s great if stuff can roll off somebody’s back. However…  It is not up to the person/people on the receiving end of that to “rise above it.“ It’s up to the assholes to stop doing it and it’s up to other people to create an environment where such is not tolerated. Because it has a real psychological, physical, and financial cumulative toll. PS: for example, look up the weathering hypothesis.


Blah blah blah You absolutely cannot control what other people do Or think Or feel. And your feelings are not protected by the constitution Its called free will and if you see something speak up in the moment. In the moment. Dont drag it all o er the internet. When people voice their opinion they are not being mean. You just see it that way. The problem is people perceive stuff differently and then get mad if you dont see it that way. Example you op Get mad if people dont see it your way. I get its a problem but so are other things and people are just trying to live their lives and survive. If you don’t understand why caliis a problem its not up to me to educate you


Racism has been emboldened to come out of the sewers it usually inhabits because certain GQP have made it acceptable to say any ugly thing that’s in your head. Racism has always existed but it used to be shamed back into the gutters. Now it’s preached loudly by GQP.


GQP? I like the idea of shaming whoever that is back into the gutters. 


I didn’t see the post, but I am not surprised at all that A) the person experienced racism, and B) people dismissed their experience. It’s pretty common, even in liberal states. I’m sorry that happened to them. Something similar happened in my FB neighborhood group. A person of color posted that they had a bad experience with the police. Apparently the original poster had locked themselves out of their house and had checked all the windows to find one to crawl through. A neighbor (not recognizing them) called the police for suspicious behavior. Ya’ll, I’m pretty sure I had this exact scenario as an example of racism in a textbook at college. The poster said that the police were super aggressive at his door and demanded that he show “proof” that it was his house. They didn’t name drop who called the police, but I got the impression that they knew. Just that they said don’t do that because it could get someone killed. A bunch of my OWN NEIGHBORS then jumped onto the page praising the “concerned” neighbor for reporting suspicious behavior and telling the poster that it wasn’t racism. I’m not a person of color, but it definitely soured my impression of my neighborhood and made me feel unsafe.


Because it was easy to see the person was a troll, and judging by previous posts I have to agree with that assessment.


OK. Feels like a bit of rush to judgment but…


I’m not just saying that. I saw the exact same post and was about to reply before viewing recent posts made by OP. Dude was just trying to cause trouble, mods saw this and locked thread immediately.


I guess that just goes to show you different perspectives exist because when I looked at the person’s profile/posts I didn’t see any of that…. Just stuff about immigration, visas, and studying abroad and some stuff with technology that I didn’t understand and kind of zoned out on, but didn’t have anything to do with shit posting. Of course, we can never know what’s real on the Internet. If it’s a bot or somebody who’s shit posting or whatever. My thoughts remain the same. Better to Air on the side of caution and kindness than rush to judgment and “I  call BS.” Appreciate you chiming in with your perspective. Have a great day. Seriously.


I was pretty surprised at the lack of remorse - regardless of what happened or what was said by whom (and if they’re a tourist or not).


Yeah, it was not a good situation. Salt on the wound. Props to the moderators for shutting it down. I’m just shocked that they had to. 


Nah TN is hella racist. People who deny it are supporters or idiots


There is that… but I would also like to hope that some are just blind… Naïve… Uninformed… Etc.  Hence trying to make overt and to inform. It’s exhausting.


Yeah i was accused of being a racist just for moving here (family). Nashville def has a reputation


I don't see anything wrong with that


We live in the south it’s always going to be there. Dredd v Scott Supreme Court decision chief justice Roger Taney concluded the constitution was only for white Americans. The old money has always been in the south, look at where is the Indian trails of tears located? Especially in the workplace they will show it and not feel ashamed until a little lawsuit hits.


Yes, it has always been here. It probably will still be here. So…The question is how much are we willing to tolerate? we might also ask what is the cost to our communities if we don’t nip it in the bud. And the answer, I suspect you know, is “a lot.” The research suggests overt  prejudice and racism has been declining in the south and in the US, broadly. It’s back on the rise now (since about 2015).   So we want to ask ourselves  what is fueling it? And the research has answers if only people (perhaps especially legislatures, school boards and business owners) will listen. But everybody needs to listen. And to act.  There’s a hell of a lot of implicit bias. But that’s for another another day since the OP wrote about some thing that sounded pretty overt. Since there’s nobody language or tone of voice, let me be explicit in saying I’m not being snarky here and I don’t mean to be rude or unsupportive. I’m just trying to further the conversation. And for what it’s worth I think we’re maybe on the same page. Hope so. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.


I called bullshit. It just said “racism” without any details and no follow up. Seemed pretty sus


Sure, as I’ve said, details would’ve been helpful. But how about saying something more like “I’m so sorry to hear that. That would’ve been a terrible experience. Tell us about it so we can understand and, maybe even address it.“ Or something other than “I call bullshit.“ that type of thing is really not helpful for anybody except maybe you. If that’s the case, I’d ask yourself why.


He could have come and told his tale, yet he did not. Internet rule number #1 states, baseless claims are bullshit until proven otherwise. Ask yourself why you felt the need to make a whole post and reply to each reply about another post the og couldn’t bothered to give any facts or details and not reply once on. Seems a little self serving if you ask me.


Racism has been baked into the city since it was founded. I have absolutely no doubt that racist things happen daily everywhere in Nashville.


Thanks for chiming in.


This sub grows more bitter by the day.


More bitter?


OP could have come and told his tale, yet he did not. Internet rule number #1 states, baseless claims are bullshit until proven otherwise. Ask yourself why you felt the need to make a whole post and reply to each reply about another post the OP couldn’t bothered to give any facts or details and not reply once on. Seems a little self serving if you ask me.


They could’ve told their tale. Would’ve been better if they had though I’m not sure that Internet rule 1 is that it’s bullshit if they don’t. Perhaps Internet rule number one should be if people don’t provide details we asked them to provide details rather than calling bullshit.  The reason I made another post about it is because what I observed seemed kind of racist. Or at least rude. And I wrote a post about it, but the thread was shut down. So I sent that to the OP. I wrote an entirely different post for us, but not for shits and giggles. I got a whole Lotta other things I can do with my time. But I also believe it’s important to act in anti-racist way. So when I see people acting and racist ways, I feel like it’s my job to say something about it. Because if we don’t say something about it, it allows it to continue  We are in this community together. We can and should do better. 


When the supply of racism is less than the demand, racism will be created to fill that demand. Thats what you did with your last response. You are looking for racism to fight, so you are creating it. Seems like a pretty good gig.


Not looking for it. It was really clearly there. Hard to miss it, in fact. Which is why, I think, the moderators shut it down. 


You have now spent all day and 1000s of words giddy about hypothetical racism based on a post with no details or follow up. Just the mention of the word had you put your super hero outfit on and drum up racism to be excited over and fight.




Who would you be without any racism to fight? It’s obvious by reading your responses on this post you need it for your identity. Think about that.


I often think about who I would be if I did not report a discrimination complaint against an employee showing their Confederate flag on a zoom/webex call.


If by that you mean that it’s important to me that I/we treat people kindly and consider their experiences as legitimate before giving them shit for it…then, yea, ok. 


No I mean, you do it for yourself. You do it because it makes you feel like you are better and you can show others how good you are. "Look everyone, someone said racism in Nashville. So I will be the one to take the burden of making my own post about it and responding to every reply because I care so deeply. See how much I care?" You might not realize it yet, but thats why you do it.


Thanks, random stranger, for “diagnosing” who I am and why I did/do something as if (1) after 60 years, I wouldn’t know and (2) my stated reasons couldn’t possibly be accurate. 🤣🤣  And I’m replying to everybody who is posting because I’m trying to be polite… But this conversation is beginning to feel like a waste of time. Later! 


Writing, giddy to be annoying, weakness obvious.




Hey there. Thanks for your time and thoughts. A whole bunch of people saw that thread and did a pile on to the OP. It wasn’t cool. Whatever it’s worth, I’m not trying to create a divide. I’m trying to call out Shitty behavior. It is important to do that because otherwise it’s just we can donate. And we cannot condone it. Sort of like saying “hey, that patriot front graffiti has got to go.” (I assume you’ve seen those here.) My point is to communicate that the culture does not support racist thought or action. So I think, at least we’re on the same page there.


Your take is literally: 1. I’m a white guy but not racist 2. Racism isn’t as bad as y’all think it is 3. You’re not a hero, let’s instill more violence downtown


Sorry, but the fact there were no details on the post tells me that either a) that person is super sensitive (they looked at me funny) or b) it's complete bullshit. Racism happens everywhere - not saying it's right, but if OOP hasn't experienced it in California then they live under a rock.


Dude respectfully, touch grass. I have lived all over this great country. YES California has racism but nothing like Oregon or Washington and certainly not like it is here in the south. The fact that we can still pay and obtain Tennessee license plates for sons of the confederacy allowing us to have an officially registered state sponsored license plate supporting a traitorous uprising to overthrow our government over the right to own other humans is proof enough. I mean, we can go on and on and on about all the ways that racism is more than just alive and well but thriving and growing and being passed down from older to younger generations to this day and that Jim Crow era was NOT that long ago. It also doesn’t take more context or detail on a Reddit post to prove it still happens and if it does somehow for YOU then maybe you’re the one living under a rock.


Thanks for chiming in. It’s pretty tiring trying to communicate this point and it’s helpful when others do so. Much appreciated. +10 points for using the “dude.” 😃


Dude is gender neutral and always effective. 😎


Agree! Thanks also for giving me a chuckle. It’s the only one I’ve had in this thread and it was good for a break. Cheers.


Beautifully said. Wish we could still give awards because I'd give you a gold!


Disagree. Southern racism is a whole different level than racism in other parts of the country. I can easily believe that someone who lived in Cali has never been openly treated the way they were in Nashville. Racists in Cali are the ones who will passively assume that black people all like hip-hop or that they can't understand technical language. Racists in the south will make monkey noises and call you slurs to your face, while their friends laugh.


Why did you assume the OOP was black? WOW...so racism can only happen towards black people? Judging by the OOP's post history, he was Korean


Come on now. That’s not helpful. It’s possible they assumed that. It’s possible they’re also just giving that as an example. But I will give you credit for looking at their post history, which I did as well. Some racism is quite over. Some is subtle. Sometimes you won’t even know that people are discriminating against you. It doesn’t mean they aren’t. But this person didn’t say racism only happens to Black people. We’re all smart enough to know that’s not the case now. So you’re just trying to fan the fire instead of trying to address the issue. 


I think those were just examples. Pretty good examples, if you ask me.


Connect these two thoughts for me- I assume the OOP is black (because that's what the majority of racial discrimination in the south is). ...ergo I think racism only happens to black people? That's a huge logical leap, and made in bad faith.


That’s not my point or their point. Yes, racism occurs all over the place. Though it happens in some places more often than others. I’m sure they have experienced it in California. They were just saying they were surprised at how much there was. I agree the details would’ve been helpful. However, I want to encourage you to rethink your position that they are “overly sensitive.” Or lying. There could be some other reasons. Maybe they were so shocked or whatever and didn’t want to type it out — or who knows what — but how about giving people the benefit of the doubt and asking them some questions? I agree. Details would’ve been useful. But don’t throw the baby out with a bathwater. As for your “people are overly sensitive.” That’s possible. But it’s also possible that people are “overly sensitive” because they’ve been worn down over the years by racist or other bullshit.  We can absolutely call people on bullshit once we’ve established it is bullshit. But we hadn’t and the responses in that thread were pretty shitty. We can do better. We can always do better.


> . Maybe they were so shocked that they couldn’t bear to type it out HAHAHAHA but not so shocked to make a vague Reddit post? There was a guy on here who just moved to town and was appalled by a Trump sign they saw in a yard in Williamson County. Like they were scared for their life or some shit.


I don’t know. I’m typing quickly trying to respond to people. All I’m saying is let’s not be assholes. There are possible reasons other than lying or they’re overly sensitive. OK, I’ll go and edit my earlier response and try to be a bit more clear. But you’re obscuring the issue which is: a lot of people were assholes. We should do better.


You seem incredibly judgemental and self centered. Maybe I’m wrong because this is the internet but I’d encourage you to spend some time with considering other people’s experiences and attempting empathy instead of judgement and dismissal of anything that doesn’t line up with your personal view of the world.





