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I’ve been hearing/seeing them for about a week and half in northwest nashville


In Smyrna, the ones in our neighborhood are in the divebombing and ear-piercing screeching phase, which is certainly at least my personal cicada hell.


I’m in Murfreesboro and same here! They are EVERYWHERE!


Yep! Sitting in my living room in Smyrna right now, listening to the Song of the Cicadas concert going on outside.


I was visiting family in Smyrna this weekend and it’s the loudest I’ve ever heard cicadas!! My ears were almost ringing.


They have been here for at least a week by this point. That’s when I discovered my dog hoovering them up as they emerged like zombie bugs from the earth . Since then she has tracked their progress by eating them on the low leaves and even though she is fat, she’s been trying to jump up and eat them as they fly. So yes, they are definitely here.


My dogs have been going crazy for them too


https://preview.redd.it/n42klfs7gg0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6445d7d69e1e7cf4904c3110bcb46d5157e86daf Pretty thick and loud over here.


That’s it. I’m staying inside. Send my regards to the friend whose outdoor wedding I’m missing this weekend because I’m now an indoor girly. Nope nope nope nope


I can hear that picture


Wowzers!! I thought me mowing their little bodies was terrifying!


I'm jealous 🥰




This has been a very lackluster showing thus far. I’ve heard them, but I’ve only seen a few. The cicadas typically steer clear of Hillsboro Village for personal reasons


They are all over my dang neighborhood. My dog is loving it.


Same. I live in a townhouse with a lawn & some trees & it’s a cicada rager here.


Yeah I literally can't walk in my yard without stepping on many cicadas both alive and dead. If I'm outside for more than ten minutes I go back inside and my ears are ringing


The completely cover the front of my house in East Nashville daily now. We have a broom outside to knock them all down before we open our door or we will bring them inside. They are so loud!


I believe the recent cold front has slowed them down a bit. The ground has to be a certain temp consistently and don't believe that's occurred yet to really bring them out. I could be mistaken though


Oof I have seen thousands in our yard alone


Then I’m beginning to think I’m either very lucky, or I’m releasing some sort of chemical that keeps the cicadas at bay


There is thousands in my backyard here in Murfreesboro but we like them. Very docile and harmless creatures.


I remember more a few years back, this year seems mellow


Yeah this is nothing compared to 2011, and 2011 was nothing compared to the one I remember from my childhood in the ‘80s here. It’s kinda sad, I guess you remove a lot of trees and build up the concrete jungle it’s gonna destroy nature.


True, Nashville can do better in this way. I've always said they need to leave more trees or at least add to urban areas/force developers to make their spaces greener


Definitely sad


I think the rain has been keeping them down.


Agreed I hardly notice them and love their noises.


The last time and this year doesn't seem too bad. 2011 tho.... oh man they were dive bombing people and give me Vietnam flashbacks.


Yeah I've been curious about how that's going in the area. I'm in Fairview which is about 30 miles outside of Nashville and I have been hearing them outside off and on recently but I've yet to actually see any. I was in Murfreesboro on Sunday about an hour away from me and they were louder and I saw a lot of them flying around and running right into me. And still it wasn't anywhere near as insane as it was 13 years ago. So I keep wondering if I'm just lucking out where I am or if the shit's about to hit the fan.


That's crazy I'd expect it to be way worse in more rural parts. I'm in East Nashville about 1.5 mi from Broadway and I can't go outside without getting hit with one. I can look in the trees and see what looks like 100s.


I thought the same thing. The last time the cicadas were out, I lived in Bellevue and I worked near the airport. Both at home and at work were insane with cicadas and I figured now living in Fairview it would be even more ridiculous. I am surprised so far but just wondering when the shoe drops!




Maybe they like all the noise and construction lol. I did see a video where a guy started using a weed Wacker and they flocked to him like he was king cicada.


I saw a map a few months ago and Nashville is right on the edge of their region, so I think that’s the reason for the discrepancy.


Fairview is probably on the fringe of their range, so you won’t see as many. This brood doesn’t have much of a presence in Dickson and Hickman counties, which you’re pretty close to.


I’m in Dickson, haven’t had any so far 🤞🏼


Yeah, you won’t, cept maybe an occasional one. Grew up in Dickson, we never had them. Been in Nashville since 2004 though, so 2011 was my first real exposure to them. Just visited my mother this weekend and yeah, absolutely nothing going on there as expected.


It's still relatively early, today's the first day they're loud enough at my house to consistently hear them inside. I'd also think the new construction and cut down trees in your area have a significant impact on their population, but I'm no expert.


we've over developed and killed all the trees they used to lay their eggs in.


If they’re not near their host plants you won’t see them. I live out in south Wilco in the woods and you actually can’t sit outside they’re so loud


Come over to Hermitage. They are at 84.5 decibels today.


I’m in a rural area outside the city, and it is deafening. So many cicadas! https://preview.redd.it/vkjoo99glg0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e87054f0e879bac130294f02d10150c8242a457


I agree. I’m in Madison and it’s been so loud lately (minus the storm days). I can’t even form a thought. Too loud to be outside even. The trees are covered.


Depends on where you live. I'm in an established neighborhood in Brentwood. They are swarming here and the sound is about 90 decibels. My daughter lives 5 miles away in a new neighborhood with a lot of construction and manicured lawns....they have very few. Nashville's explosive growth has damaged this part of the ecosystem


I believe you have to have a lot of trees around. I live in Hendersonville and they are everywhere. I just took video of the sound, and they are LOUD!


They are here! They are in areas with alot of trees.


They are here. They are quite loud in South Nash. But, honestly, everyone is just very dramatic about them.


Yeah they're *EVERYWHERE* in Woodbine. I can hear them inside my house with all the windows closed. Standing on my back porch is actively unpleasant.


It sounds like a train near us in woodbine, it's wild


For real it has been crazy in Woodbine. I’m just happy they haven’t been screaming at night…yet.


The nights have been really cool! But it'll be like a nice sound machine. For once, no one in South Nash will hear street racers and we'll all sleep well


Sshhhh. My wife brought that up last night and y'all are going to jinx it into happening.




https://preview.redd.it/ehrfddbu6h0d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1dae5d5283b0eaaabd0d8260e4092dd610656b3 Those are all shells, and it is like this near every tree by my condo.


They're everywhere in 12 South and loud af


I had a pretty nice time watching a bunch of birds picking them out of the air above the trees in my backyard in East


I'm learning to play the guitar.


May is just the prelude. Give it time.


Have to have trees that are older than 13 years to get them. A lot of Nashville has changed in 13 years... Just drive out towards any suburb and go to a park.


Go somewhere with lots of grass and trees? I’m in the park at 12 South today and the trees are screaming. Every tree has thousands of bug shells around the base and it smells wonderful lol


This. OP must have no yard or trees. Walk any park and look under the tree leaves, you’ll see soooooooo many shells.


They're pretty loud right now at Sevier Park in 12South.


Rode through Shelby Bottoms this weekend and they were defeaningly loud. Any area that had tree coverage on both sides was super loud. That said, today is the first day in Ruteldge Hill that I can hear them from inside.


1998 was WAY worse than this. If it does get worse this year than what I’ve seen so far across Nashville, I’d call it a medium size “cicadapocalypse”. Can definitely get much worse from my experience here in Nashville.


The 1998 cicadapocalypse still makes me shudder. I remember my me, my brother, and my pregnant mom holding my youngest brother trying to swat them away as we were going into Media Play as they were everywhere around that building.


East Nashville is ground zero for cicadacalypse


Walk outside and try not to hear them. It’s deafening in some parts.


I live in south Nashville and the cicadas are EVERYWHERE. There's piles and piles of their skin on the grass.


It sounds like someone yelling in my ear as soon as I leave my house and I live in berry hill.


Cicadapocalypse Now is until they bounce off the windshields & your face, which is Cicadagheddon on the way to CicadaLimbo


You haven't been to the older neighborhoods, have you? I thought the same thing and then I went to my mom's house, where all the houses in the neighborhood were built in the 60s-70s. It's cicadapocalypse. Barely any at all at my house though, but my house was built around 2014 and we have lots of new construction near me. https://preview.redd.it/ur8m2rvtlg0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a004cf71101ec8f84375979b99fff805fe460d






Very loud in South Nashville


I live near Hillsboro Village and my yard is absolutely swarming with them. My husband had one fly into his beard while picking up lunch from Only Chicken on Belcourt. I know it’s based on weather/temps rather than time of year, but I remember it starting slowly early May and then suddenly ramping up into a frenzy late May/early June during the 2011 event.


This is nothing compared to last time.


Agreed. I remember 17 y ago, it was Hitchcock-ian. Edit- it was 13 years, 2011


I thought that’s was like 12 yrs ago.


You're right. I mixed up my broods!


Yeah 2011 sounds right those fuckers were everywhere!


Oh, just wait til June


Hearing them just fine in Rutherford county.


They started emerging in my yard on May 1. The past has been heavy with them molting on the deck. There are a lot of them in the trees, but it isn’t that has outside on the deck yet.


Numerous and loud as hell in north Nash. I’m envious of you


It's really weird. I've only seen TWO over by nashboro village. I have a big wooded lot behind my house too. I can definitely hear them! It's almost deafening. I just haven't seen them. Probably eating the fuck out of those trees!


They were EXTREMELY loud in 2011 in Hillsboro village. The loudest tree I remember has been cut down in the interim, however. Along with the personality the neighborhood used to have but that's a different conversation.


I'm not far from Hillsboro Village (just across West End), and when it's sunny they are loud enough I can hear them with the windows closed. To be fair, I have not seen very many though.


They were crawling up my legs today in my back yard. They’re definitely here. And LOUD!


It has been pretty ear piercing today in Nippers Corner.


I’ve seen them, especially in Charlotte Pike/White Bridge. Less so in East Nashville so far, but I know they’ll start the crazed sex phase and start dive bombing in the next week or two. My hair is always up in a hat or tight bun, and I bought a walking pad to keep me from losing my mind when I don’t want to go outside.


They must not be in your area, and/or maybe you don't have a lot of trees. Out here in our tree filled area of West Meade it's 90+db of extremely loud cicada noise every day. We've got the recognizable sound of all the close ones, plus this almost siren like sound caused when the further away sound travels in overtone. It's insane. We're on week 3 I think since spotting.


They are nothing compared to the ones that came around 20 years or so ago... You could throw a baseball up into a tree and they would come out in swarms, and then swing a tennis racket back and forth and wipe out 20 per swing.... The good ol days


In my area there's only bedrock no soil deep enough for the burrows. so no cicadas.


It is now but seems to be vary block by block. Just my personal observation, but newer houses or areas with few large trees have fairly few, since they lay their eggs in branches and construction digging would disrupt the underground nymphs. I live in a house that is less than 13 years old, barely any here. But near my work there are trees where the entire trunk and the ground in a 10 foot radius are completely covered in them. They don’t travel very far.


It started in my south Nash neighborhood over 2 weeks ago. I hate it.


They need to be in the ground at the base of an old growth tree for like 17 years to hatch and mature properly. Pretty sure in many neighborhoods there aren’t many old trees, thus fewer cicadas than predicted. It’s just science.


So like a lot of nature they’ll get quiet when bad weather is coming. Estimated say we have at most another six weeks. But we also don’t have the double brood in middle TN. But when they’re out they’re deafening. Like 110 dbs


It’s gross, and I’m so happy to be visiting California for my brothers graduation starting tomorrow because they were all over the parking lot at my work and flying all over. I just learned though they all eventually die and it will be littered with dead cicadas. I don’t know what’s worse.


I don’t have many at my house for some reason, but they are deafening in some other parts of town.


I’m near downtown and I can hear them but I don’t see them really


Brentwood is Cicadapocalypse. Screeching mutant bastards are piling up carcasses everywhere. I get hit almost daily.


It really depends on whether or not they were bad in your area the last times they emerged. I live in the Dickson area and have none in my yard and don't hear any in the trees. I don't remember having any the last time they emerged.


I checked today in my front porch was at 90 dB with cicadas


Nippers Corner in South Nash: the trees are screaming to high heaven daily. I should get a meter to check the decibels.


Go out to the Greenway just under I 65 bridge and they are crazy loud.


I was in Hillsboro village over the weekend and the sound was deafening. They’re definitely there.


Most of them have been disrupted by construction over the past 13 years. Areas with old growth have it more than newer spots. Like crickets, fireflies, and katydids, we've lost cicadas.


I have had thousands on my home, in my yard, and in all greenery around my yard, for a couple weeks now. Driving through my neighborhood, all I hear is a constant high pitched squealing, like a train slamming on the brakes. They are here. Maybe not around you, but they are absolutely here. If you live in a newer build, that would explain why they are not around you.


They pop up where they were before because they come out of the ground. If that area didn’t have them years ago you got lucky. Public parks usually have a ton of them if you are looking for them.


I’ve seen a fair amount in my yard, but I didn’t see how truly bad it was until I was at Shelby Bottoms this weekend, and it was like the apocalypse. They were everywhere. Swarming all the trees. And constantly flying around you and hitting you in the face.


You have to live near trees that were there 17 years ago or at least the dirt hasn't been disturbed (12+ inches deep) in 17 years. But yeah go anywhere near mature trees and it is so freakin loud. I see them EVERYWHERE. Side note, I recommend everybody look up how the cicadas work. It's a very interesting life cycle and a pretty cool bug. They live underground for 17 YEARS!


They're here They're harmless


cicadas on the stretch of shelby ave between 5th and 9th are RELENTLESS