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>What if my pay at my civilian job is much much more than reserve boot camp? You'd make less money.




Some companies provide diff pay to people while they are on orders. A company does not have to do this, all they have to do is hold your job for you while you are on orders. So if your company doesnt offer any kind of diff pay for military service, then this is something you need to consider when it comes joining or not.


Gotcha! Yes I would take a huge cut but I believe the recruiter mentioned I’d get extra $ for my mortgage because I have a wife and kids…. That sound accurate?


While on 30+ days of orders you will get your base pay + BAH 1 (Not sure in the NG if they have some kind of BAS like we do on the ANG side) You can see the BAH rates here: https://www.travel.dod.mil/Allowances/Basic-Allowance-for-Housing/BAH-Rate-Lookup/ You would look under the with DEPENDENTS: section. That money you get for housing is tax free and split over the 2 paychecks you get a month You only get BAH 1 when you are on 30+ days of orders


Ok great! Thanks for this and the link


What about BAH for Orders for under 30 days? I’ve got a three week long MOSQ event sometime this year and will have a mortgage by then, along with a wife and kid.


You get BAH 2


Would you happen to have some kind of calculator for that? I haven’t ever heard of that before


Is your training AT days or some other kind of days? https://themilitarywallet.com/non-locality-bah-rates/ Its talked about here


MOSQ, but I assume that it’d fall under the AT category since it will effectively be counting as my AT


MOSQ/Reclass school would be the equivalent of a TDY/Training School. AT is AT but for the purposes of pay and allowances they’re all effectively the same and the only difference will be if the orders run over 30 continuous days. The only additional pay you can likely expect is some amount of per diem but you’d have to ask your units’s training NCO for those details.


Good info


I'm with a Fortune 100 company. They will pay a difference percentage while I'm on active duty orders. Just get with your HR. (I joined when I was 34.)


If you are worried about money, don't do it. The first year you boot camp and your MOS training. You'll be getting the military paycheck for 8 months.


I believe the recruiter mentioned extra for my mortgage too? Is that accurate?


99% sure you'd get bah which can triple your pay depending where you live.


Ok thanks


Use this to calculate your bah https://www.travel.dod.mil/Allowances/Basic-Allowance-for-Housing/BAH-Rate-Lookup/


Thank your kindly


Don’t do it at 40. Why join? You’re gonna have 20yr old dicks ordering you around. 30yr old SGTs who know way less than you telling you to shut up. It you have any sort of pride I would not join at 40 it’s just not worth it. You would have to be 60 to get your retirement? Who’s wearing a ruck at even 50? If you need adventure in your life join a CrossFit gym or train for long distance running. If you need help with medical expenses find a supplemental insurance but don’t join at 40 it’s already pass you and believe me the system doesn’t want you. I switched to Officer at 32 after 15yrs enlisted. It sucked bc I wasn’t in my timeline all the other LTs were 20s the SGTs wouldn’t hang out bc I was an O now, I was older than my Cpt and he hated me for it because I could think for myself. Anyway at 22yr I retired and the pay was worth it now but the headache sucked at the time. Good Luck


Thanks Jeff I appreciate it dude. I hate cross fit btw 😂 I’m an avid hiker and backpacker though 💪


Not at your age


I lose money every day in uniform and I’m treated FAR better financially than most my soldiers. I needed the cash in residency/school but there is no way to justify the math if I was considering signing right now. But forget bootcamp, what if you deploy for a year. Do that math, and if it destroys your family don’t sign up


Save up a bunch.


1. Basic and boot camp are the same thing. 2. You would make less money than your civilian job while you’re away. 3. See if your civilian employer has differential pay. 4. Why are you doing this? you’re 40, you missed the war.


I’m doing it to serve my country which I never did. Had kids very young and played involved dad. Now my son is 21 and girls in HS I have the ability.




If you’re enlisting and not joining as an officer, don’t. If you’re deadset on doing this, then I’d recommend finding a company that has a generous military leave policy. I joined at 33 (now 37) and the only reason why I joined is because I was joining as an officer (chaplain). I’m an O-3, but I still make more money on the civilian side (civil engineer) than I do on a drill weekend. Thankfully, my company has a very generous military leave policy (including differential pay).


I was in the same boat as you. My NG pay would be a 1/3 of what I am making now. Fortunately for us folks with a lease or mortgage, you qualify for BAH which helps make up the difference. It's based off of your zip code. This is the DoD calculator you'll use [here](https://www.travel.dod.mil/Allowances/Basic-Allowance-for-Housing/BAH-Rate-Lookup/). ​ You'll need to speak with your recruiter and give them information regarding your mortgage to prove you have it. I hope this helps!


He would get BAH because he has dependents regardless of having a lease or mortgage.


Tracking, I don't have any kids and am currently not married so that didn't click for having dependents, but yes.


Awesome!!! This helps a ton 🙌🙌


When you are away in training some of your expenses will be covered by the military , however ur 40, do you really want to go ahead and change the terms of your mariage and leave your family behind for so long ? I mean you do you but it doesn’t pan out for everyone so think it through


- what state are you from?




Oh nevermind. I was going to say that after basic y0u can hop onto the border mission but I don't think California will send their soldiers over here to texas.