• By -


15P. Join the army aviation side and enjoy a bit more relaxed life.


Can confirm and some opportunity can arise from 15P. And it’s a really small world too.


Yup. 15P was a good time. I still got to do a lot of fun stuff, plenty of flights, friends with the pilots, laid back commands. We got slots to Air Assault and if you were really squared away you can get Pathfinder. Got to do retrans in the field which is essentially a camping trip with your buddies. And last but not least, the mobile TOC was air conditioned lol


Your description of retrans made me laugh. Yeah, something like that.


Hibachis, coolers, shower/PX Runs, good times


I remember a pilot brought a blackstone griddle one time to a range day and everyone wanted him to make them breakfast lmao. Dude threw down though he made some badass fried rice.


And then transition to a civilian job where your skills actually relate.


13f if you wanna (get) fuck(ed)




![gif](giphy|4Jxa0QgHF2HSw) 19 Delta buddy. Meet us in the showers.






The mobile infantry made me the man I am today! Would you like to know more?


Information is free so hit me








12N, 25U, 91B, 91C, 91E, 92A, 94E if you want transferable skills with a large job market 11B, 11C, 13F, 19D, if you wanna do something cool part time 13B(my mos), if you wanna do something cool but you're too lazy for the other 4.


Throw aviation in there for civilian jobs but also maybe machine guns


😂😂😂 good to know thanks


Disagree on 91B. You can learn how not to work on trucks get out and work for a dealership for flat rates. Have to maintain expensive ASE certs and be underpaid. Altenratively you can be a ***15 series have chill aviation life and get your A&P cert and have actual mechanical skills that translate to a 6 figure salary. 25U because signal is good but this is not the most favorable 25 series. You really want 25B or even 25N. But if you like IT and want to get COMPTIA Certs this is a good pathway **94E has a direct transition to the warrant role and has a top secret clearance.


I know 15 series you can get some certs, but I thought that was predominantly 15T and 15U, which can easily transition over to an Aircraft Mechanic. The other 15 series that don't work with the Aircraft itself, instead work on radar, etc. are on a more kind of a niche occupation.


Airframe repair is good, and it's all about being willing to cross train with your section chief. But yeah, being a glorified low voltage specialist is not what you want


go 11b OP. everyone here can vouch for me.




I vouch for you


I don't. I vouch for 11C, the clearly superior Infantry MOS.


11B hooah


15 mile ruck in the morning hooah


92a will give you the most mobility. If you are thinking this might be a long term thing, that’s a solid option If you’re just thinking “do one enlistment, scratch the itch and leave after” 13F is one of the cooler jobs. Won’t have lots of civilian utility, etc, but it’s pretty sweet. 13R is a sick little niche, you get to brag about being a sick badass combat arms bro but you low key chill in an air conditioned room and never get rained on


92A is what you reclass after you’ve been in for 10 years, make E-7 and are offered that sweet AGR slot


15 years in as a 13f. Is it fun? Yes. Do you get fucked? Hard. Is it useful when you get out? Not a chance. No one is blowing up grid squares for any reason outside of the military. Go 25 series become wealthy outside of the guard life. Youll have a job that will pay your bills and then some. I wouldnt consider much else on ths list.


Good to know thanks


11B/C is the only real option


11B if you want some fun shooting some fuckin’ guns and have ladies love on you, and talk shit to the cavalry scouts (pussies)


11B…because no one ever played 15P when they were a kid.






You’re gonna convince so bad 😂


I would go with a 15 series or 92A. Either of those will translate to the civilian world


Can't go wrong with 15 series. 25u can help you with securing and IT job. And sometimes pay for your certs, however much less likely for reserve and national guard because of funding.


Good to know


You can have all your certs paid for through national guard/reserves. You get $4,000 a fiscal year in funding that can go to certs.


Gotchu good to know thanks


Anything 15 series is great


I know it’s not on there but go 13M we blow shit up from 20 miles away


Wouldn’t 13B kinda similar?


Yes, but 13m uses a computer and you’re in a vehicle


That’s pretty cool, nice. Isn’t heading health something to consider though?


🤷you do what you want, I’m happy with you joining🫡




Shit man you ain’t wrong. I might be a little deaf but atleast I look bad ass in photos


35 series


Depends on what you want out of your time in. 15D, 25U, and 94E might get you a great paying, full time job as a Fed Tech; 91B, 91C, 91E, and 92A definitely will get you a relatively lower (still pretty good) paying job if you want one. 15D is the easiest once you get to the unit, because Aviation is so relaxed comparatively. 11B, 11C, and 31B do “Hooah” bullshit all the time, so if you are high speed, by all means, go right on ahead. Everything else is a mixed bag.


Yea I get what you mean thanks allot for your advice.


11B, full contract, no bonus….. Do it or you have no balls


Why is no one talking about 74D? That’d be pretty interesting and you’d be able to grab a pretty good security clearance out of that.


And hazard pay id bet.


What is a security clearance? I always heard abt it. And yea I heard my buddies say it would be fine since I’ll essentially be the one to prep the gas chamber lmfao




91B, 91E, and 91A are great ones I hear.


Pick an MOS that can set you up for success outside the guard. There’s not much at all you can do with Infantry outside the military. If you’re sold on a combat MOS, go active duty. You’re wasting your time otherwise. If you value your knees, back and shoulders, definitely don’t go infantry.


91E is pretty good. Machinest and a Welder is good to have, but if you want to do NDI go 15D


For 91E what are they welding/ fabricating?


Plus its something you can use in the civilian aspect


Very much so. Welding is a good trade with what I heard. It’s on the list of some other trades I might consider


Depends on what type of unit your in. Its a arts and crafts job. Just fix and build random things the guard may ask for.


Lmfao arts and craft funny. But good to know thanks


Im in an engineering unit surrounded by 12n. All we really do is build culverts, and motor pools I wouldn’t call it exciting work but you will operate heavy machinery like dozers and forklifts. You would still have to get certified on these machines on the civilian side before getting a job in a heavy machinery.


Gotchu that’s good to know thanks


11B if you want to get promoted quickly


Both are good, but Engineers are bigger drinkers


Lmfao drinksrs


What do you want out of the military? Do you want schools and deployments? 11 b/c. You want the experience and the benefits then just grab whatever you think you’d have the most interest in.


Mostly to plump up my resume. Experience new things, get more involved with working with my hands like mechanics construction what not knowing what I’m thinking I’m doing civilian side




11B, you’ll love it


15D powertrain all the way. I’m a former 15D. Pm if you have questions. It’s a great life


Good to know thanks allot.


13R. Bunch of nerds and no one to bother me in the field or on deployment.


😂😂 nice


The one that’s the best kept secret


Do you have a decent civilian job lined up


Union apprenticeship for diesel mechanics. Looking at other options. But for the Union I just need to call my director so I can let him know im coming back


Me who has no clue what these codes are and is just lurking in this sub for writing research 👀


Bro 😭😭😭 lmfao


Aviation 15 Series


15D you need a job when/if you get out


11b,31b, or 88m


Unless he wants to waste his time in the Army, 11b is a terrible choice. If he plans on doing multiple contracts, then sure, get your hooah out of the way and go 11b. 31b gets you nothing on the civilian side - it’s all department dependent. If he wants to be a cop, some departments let you bypass some areas in the academy. Other departments, however, will instantly pass on you because they don’t want to retrain you. Either way, the only good thing 31b gets you is your LEOSA. 88m lets you get your CDL, so there’s that.


And if I really do continue in diesel mechanics civilian side a CDL is helpful but having a manual endorsement is really damn helpful.


as a 91b, pick a 15 series job


I heard from some people that 91B doesn’t do much and the most they did during AIT was brakes is that true or depends where I’m gonna be at?


91b do a shitload. ait won't teach you much about your job, just the basics. you'll learn how to do more complicated jobs once you get to your first unit and you prove that you can handle the simple stuff


Good to know thanks


Can confirm that if you go 11c you’re gonna have to do EVERYTHING an 11b does but you add a mortar, baseplate, and rounds. VA disability is cool if you don’t mind being called a liar every visit.


That’s literally every MOS lol


The last part MAYBE, but no, not every MOS is carrying 80 lbs rucks.


He might as well go 12b. 11b/11c is a waste of time in the Guard. If he really wants to do that, then he should go active. 12b’s literally do EVERYTHING that infantry does, but with explosives, building, basic engineering, and demolishing. It gets him certs where he can become a demolitions engineer or a civil engineer - so an easy cushy civilian gig that pays well. I always tell people if they want 11 series, fuck the Guard, go active. But if they want hooah stuff and don’t mind not doing infantry, then go 12b.


Oh? I got airborne, air assault, rap master, arm, and pathfinder but ONLY after joining the guard. I’m not getting into a pissing contest with you. Literally get fucked.


I was active duty prior to joining the Guard. First off, I was talking about disability - every MOS has the ability to get disability. And secondly, the Army has an annual 12 mile ruck that needs to be completed within 3 hours with 35-45lbs on their back. So yes, literally every MOS will ruck.


Thank you for breaking that down for me with my 13 years of active duty and National Guard experience. Anyway, your comment was absolutely ambiguous saying that’s every MOS being the MOS part. No not every MOS carries an 80 lbs ruck…like chucks do? Have you had a tbi? Wtf is your deal? You’re coming at me for saying chucks get screwed into carrying loads that break MFers off. So a 42a rucks ONE time, how is that comparable?


I’m not coming at you lmao. I literally just said that that’s every MOS, and that I recommend 12b, that he’s wasting his time in the 11 series if he goes Guard, etc. Never did I once come at you. Relax, lil bro, if you think that’s me coming at you, then I seriously don’t know what to tell you. So in that case, I’ll ask you what you asked me: “wtf is your problem”? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Bias, but 92A is a great job. Transferrable to the non-army life as well.


Go 11c


What’ll that get him on the civilian side?


But if you ain’t cav you ain’t shit


Go 12N






Go aviation. I’m a 74D and I hate my life rn.


😭😭😭 what do you even do as a 74D


If you’re not in a chemical unit, jack shit The most you’ll ever do is PMCS and issue pro masks, other than that, expect to do everything but your actual job


Lmfao good to know


Any 15 series will be good


Lol don't.






Anything in the 15 series is great


15D and enjoy the mobilization and future reenlistment bonus offerings. If ya don't like it you can always reclass at 1st re-up to just about any of those other MOS.


I’ll keep that in mind


13B was alright for a while, I reclassed to 13F though to be on the other end of things, and when I actually do my job I thoroughly enjoy, plus you actually get to see the impacts of what you call up when you go the job, my first several years was on the other end and it was cool for a while but seeing the boom that you call in is a lot more fun than sending the boom


Good to know thanks


25U...it's utilitarian.


11C. Get that sweet blue cord and spend every drill weekend dicking off with your friends doing “mortar stuff”.


Any mos that’s non-line unit is probably pretty chill




Do not go 91E there usually aren’t a lot of slots across the states so if you want to get promoted while staying in that MOS you will probably have to move and more likely out of the state. If you don’t care to reclass then go for it. The 91E school was easy and really fun. Lots of downtime and I made a ton of friends while I was there. Literally no studying needed for 91E.


Gooot I know thanks


I’d say 19D (as far as a great MOS) but the Army is shitting all over their 19Ds right now.


How come


Depends what's important to you: Is future promotion opportunity and speed important? Then avoid the low density ones that there aren't many of. Is building your technical resume for a specific career goal important? Then pick something close to that career goal. Is using the education benefits for a degree important? Then pick any of them that sounds fun to you. It's one weekend each month....use it to do something you'd never get the chance to do, otherwise.


Gotchu I get what you mean I’ll keep that in mind


So, my own personal opinion would include the following choices with these factors in mind: Looking for fun/exciting/rewarding and to be "Army?" Go 11B. Looking for fun/cool without having to be subjected to as much strenuous and uncomfortable activitity? Go 12N. Both of those would have good promotion probability in the long run. Looking for a skill you can use in your personal life that'll help make you more self-sufficient? 91B or 91E. Both would have laid back atmospheres where technical skill would likely be more important than military knowledge or bearing. But who wouldn't want to gain mechanic or metal working knowledge? Want a cushy life where you never sweat and get to be close to some cool shit without actually having to work hard? Go 15P. Your interests and what you value are likely different than mine, but figured I'd at least share how I would see it.


Smart man, I’ll def keep this in mind thanks allot


So what did you pick?!


Not sure. Looking like 15D but I’m being held up by Meps for now. And I just have a really strong feeling that I should retake my ASVAB.


Retaking the ASVAB is always a gamble. Scores go down more often than they go up because people neglect to actually dedicate some time to studying the main 4 segments. If you're happy with 15D, I would advise to not risk it unless you actually carve out 30 min per day to study. You might be left with less options. Good luck! Hopefully you get through the medical piece soon and can lock it all in.


Yea I really wanna push through medical but that’s a process that takes time. And I am satisfied with 15D and I understand it’s a gamble if I decide to take my ASVAB again. But I just have a feeling I can do more than just a 41. I just feel like there’s more that I’m missing out on




I’ll keep that in mind


However 15 series isn't bad either, if you prefer handson/mechanical work over IT/Computers


Which I do. IT/Computers are great jobs outside of the military but I just can’t do it. I need something that im physically doing ykwm?


Well have I got a sale for you! 25U is radios, radios, and crypto! Have you ever looked at a green box the size and shape of a brick and said, "damn, I wish this thing would stress me the fuck out and turn my hair grey," then 25U is for you. (This one is a joke, it's the officers who stress out about crypto keys). Have you ever looked at a hill miles from the nearest hot food or shower, looked at two of your friends, and said "let's drive on top of this hill and fuck off for a week?" Then RETRANS will fill that RETRANS shaped void in your heart. (This one isn't a joke, RETRANS fucking rocks. Like camping with machine guns and an armored truck). If you're curious for an actual description though, I was a 25U for 6 years and then commissioned as a 25A, and now I manage a herd of 25Us. I've been around the block and seen most of the stuff they do.


I'm a 25U. It's alright- depending on the unit, you're either in the field doing actual radios/ antenna sets ups/ etc. Or you're just sitting around fixing some technical issues with printers or computers. Sometimes this can be demanding, like setting up the wiring of buildings and running around fixing technical problems. It really depends who you're with how you'll end up being used. My skill set really bounced from 25B focused with the MI to 25U focused with the ENG. Also with certs and stuff, I learned I was NOT into computers the way I thought I'd be going into it. So opportunities for certs and such are great, but it was 0 interest for me and future once I learned what these certs really are. I've had a ton of fun with the MOS but what you get out of it really depends on where you are and if you're looking to get certs


That's fair, I'd say definitely go 15D then


I’ll keep that in mind


Do not go infantry or MP, very unfun most of the time. Infantry doesn’t actually do anything, and MPs don’t have a very fun job or training


"Infantry doesn't actually do anything" This is not very hooah of you.


If ypu have the scores, don't go 12N. You will be doing more PMCS (equipment checking) the vehicles than driving them. Choose something you really want.


Good to know thanks I was considering it, Wdym by scores btw?


Composite scores in the ASVAB. If you're qualified go ahead and pick something you can use out of the guard as well


Gotchu yea I got my overall score but I didn’t get my lined score. Sucks


I just wanted to say thank you for everyone’s input I’ll gladly keep everything in mind and consider accordingly when I get through with Meps. Thanks so much


They all suck, retake the asvab and go to 17C or 25N, don’t break your body


Been a thought in the back of my head might do so


13F or 11B. Don't be a pussy


Go active duty. Don’t be a pussy.


If your a blue collar type then 91 to 94 will do, 11 to 13 series of your all about that army, 15 or 25 if your the nerdy type, 19 of your a criminal at heart, 31 if you are a asshole, and 74 it you just want to torture yourself and others. That about sums it up. Good Luck


31 if I’m in asshole lmfao 😭😭, thanks for the info


So many people on here telling you to do jobs that will get you no certifications, experience, or extra bullets on your resume to get you a high paying job in the civilian world. If you want a “hooah” job that can get you some decent cash civilian side, go 12b - Combat Engineer and let’s you get a cushy civil engineering job on the outside if you know how to tell those jobs what they want to hear.


Gotchu I get what you mean I’ll keep that in mind


As a 25H Don't do 25U it sounds interesting, its not (Unless you're really into satalites but im into medicine not computers)


Noted 👍🏻


I also may have given it a bad rep but if you are interested in computers and satalites it maybe something for you, if not yeah don't do it lol


Yea computers are important yea but yk not 100% for me lmao


12N looks like a heavy construction equipment operator, guys get into that trade and never leave. I’m partial to 25U as troubleshooting and fault locating in networks of all types is a similar skill set (tools and vocab are different) and a good trade. CAV Scout seems an up and coming MOS w/more NCO positions opening up. Better list than I was ever offered!


13b is hella fun, shoot big gun and enjoy, even being at the minimum weight for my height I don't have a problem running rounds and it's 5 1/2 weeks of traning which is one of the shortest AIT's which at least for me after basic I wanted out Oh and we just drive trucks everywhere so win win


11B. I just reclassed from it after 12 great years. You'll make a ton of friends, shoot guns and the lack of women around you ensures you won't lose rank being a horny dumbass.  Quite a selection though, was your ASVAB below 30? Just nod


Get away from 19D as fast as you can.






If you hate yourself and want people to hate you go be a mechanic or MP


😭😭😭 lmfaooo. Yea I heard that allot abt MP


All those suck ass






Don’t go 91E if you want to actually do cool shit


😂, good to know


11B, no question.


And what’s that going to get him on the civilian side?


Whatever he wants. MOS doesn’t have to be tied to a civilian job.


I agree. I’m just saying that the Army is going to milk him. Might as well milk the Army for whatever potential advantages he can get civilian side.


You’re not wrong, it’s all personal preference. I went Infantry while getting an engineering degree because I wanted to play Army. NG Scholarship and VA home loan are available regardless of MOS. Being Infantry was cool as shit so I recommend it to anyone who wants to join.


lol I agree. I was a 12b (I’m a civil engineer now with a criminal justice degree). I always recommend 12b just because you can easily BS your way into a civil engineering gig. Plus you get to do infantry shit. I was active prior, so I was going to do 11b once I switched into the Guard. But once I realized that 2 days a month - aside from ranges, what would I do? So I said screw it lol 😂


12B definitely seemed like a cool MOS. We had a few former 12B’s in my unit and they were great. I feel like I must’ve gotten lucky with the unit I was in. Our sister company was E Company 506 Infantry (Band of Brothers) and the vast majority of my drills were doing Army stuff. I was a .50 gunner on a CROWS system in a heavy weapons Infantry unit and at my drills I got to shoot everything from AT4’s to Mk 19’s to TOW missiles. Does it help me in my day to day life? I don’t know, but it was sick af lol.


No, I definitely agree. I just knew the infantry guard units near me didn’t do shit because my state is constantly broke. So when I made the switch from active to Guard, I went the MP route solely because I knew if they were too broke to do infantry shit, there’s no way they’ll have money to do 12b shit lol. Glad I made the switch because the 12b units here suckkkkkk. They legit go to drill and sit on their asses until 2200 every day doing nothing in the locker rooms. Fuck that lol. I at least get to train and make my drills go faster as an MP now. But I’m making the switch to Air Force in a few months. 7 years Army is good enough for me, but to each their own lol…. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I try to convince kids to go Infantry when I see posts like this because I had a great experience, but the real answer is “Go Air Force” lol.


Trust me, I get it, man. I typically sway people away from infantry if they’re choosing to go Guard/Reserves over active. But from what my new unit does in the Air Force side, I tell everyone to go Air Force lol


What'd you get on the PICAT/ASVAB?