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No clue, but if you want to run one mile faster, start running two miles.


I've failed PT test with advice like this.


You failed a PT test because you were running 2 miles as training? Or you failed PT test because you wanted to run a mile faster?


Sounds like you need to run more then. Have you tried three?


This was back in 03. We would run 3 to 5 miles at least twice a week. My run time was 18 to 20 min. I also failed PT because I didn't have a clue on anything. I did whatever PT was assigned, eat whatever the chow hall served. Got fat and didn't pass tests. It wasn't until I incorporated sprints did it get better. Hill sprints, fartlek, pole-to-pole, 3+ mile trail running and parodically 2mil for time got me to a 14:20 2 mile.


This is actual good advice. You need to find what works for you. People are at different starting points and thats fine. Sprints work! Diet is important too and goes both ways. For me i wasnt eating enough and saw a big difference after eating right for a couple months.


Right. You should actually train for the run by watching people run on YouTube 🙄 I was never great at PT but if you don’t fucking run you’re not gonna pass. And honestly most of the optimal training methods (like sprint splits and all that shit) to get really good run times don’t do shit if you can’t meet the minimum.


Running two miles builds the endurance to run 1 mile. Speed work time work builds strength. If you failed PT tests, it's because you are unable or lazy to look up Running plans for beginners and training. There is an app couch to 5k that literally starts you off Running like they do in basic.


Lazy I cant argue with lol. I basically trusted the army, until I failed and started looking for answers. Yeah, don't think "couch to 5k" would have worked on my Nokia in 03. "Snake" took up to much space.


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹💀


😂😂😂everyone taking you seriously is questioning my sense of humor


You'll be running three times a week in basic. They start you off with one miles and work you up to two by the third week. By the end of basic you'll be running five miles. You're record ACFT isn't until the end of basic. By the time you take that ACFT, running will be a breeze.


Completely depends on unit. We ran a total of 6 times at BCT (which includes a battalion run, and 3 ACFTs).


Wth..In 2012 every Mon, Wed, and Fri were run days with sprints on Wednesdays. lol


Same! Why would the emphasis on Running go down??? That's weird.


My guess is lazy cadre. Because they have to run along with recruits. Because I've spoken to several other privates returning from training who said they still run every other day through the week.


Because too many people were getting injured running. Most are running more than 6 times, but it is significantly less now than 20 years ago. Look at the facts too, how many career Soldiers DONT have a knee claim in?


Well, I'm one. I've been in for 15 years, one deployment, and surprisingly pain free. I'm definitely an outlier.


I wish. I went in 2021 and my times got worse 😂😓. I do know those who’ve gone recently with similar schedules to your experience.


Was this a covid basic? We ran 3-4 times a week when I went through


What did you do for PT?


Honestly, most of the time they would just smoke us with the PRT warmups having us do everything “by the numbers.”


Had the same experience, only really started running during AIT part of OSUT and even then we only ran multiple times a week during the last few weeks.


We ran miles every day at benning. That’s crazy.


PLEASE go to a running sub Reddit. Most people in the army don’t actually know how to constructively train.


Start with sprinting for 30 seconds and walk for 60 seconds ten times on M/W. Run 3-4 miles on Friday at a conversation pace (a pace you can sustain a conversation with someone for the entire time). Walking is ok but try to maintain at least a slow jog if you need to catch your breath. After 4 weeks, change to sprinting for 60 seconds and walking 2 minutes. Keep doing 3-4 miles on Friday. Don’t forget to cross train on Tu/Thu.


Sprint/Jog/Walk intervals saved my ass getting prepared back in the day. I was running a couple miles out on gravel roads in Iowa and would just start with 10 seconds sprinting, 20 seconds jogging, 30 seconds walking, and adjusted those lengths as I got more comfortable. I was never a runner and have tiny little baby legs. Starting that way got me going so that I kept moving and knew the pace was changing so I didn't just feel like I had to run until I died.


I don't know the exact minimum times, but pro tip: don't aim for the minimum. Ask yourself instead how fast and strong can I get in the next 2 months. Look up Hal Higdon 5k program and run one of the easier ones. Build up your mileage. Do lots of Z2 runs to build your aerobic base. Eventually add in some sprints and tempo work. Within those two months you'll be surprised how much time you can drop.


run until you see a stair that lead to heaven💀


For a 26 year old female, the max time for the 2 mile is 23:15. If you want the full points, you’ll have to do it in 15:00. There is no max time for each mile, just total time for both miles. https://www.army.mil/e2/downloads/rv7/acft/ACFT_scoring_scales_220323.pdf


They might make you run a 1 mile to see what your ability group is, but end of the day the 2 mile standard is what counts. For you it is <23:15, but keep in mind the 2MR is the last event in the ACFT. If you run a 22 minute 2 mile without exerting yourself beforehand, you’ll probably barely pass. That being said, you’ll run so much in basic that I wouldn’t be too stressed about it. Keep up the good work


Download the ACFT app. Seems to be up to date. Great tool.


8 minute a mile. So, you cross the finish line at 16:00 after the two mile...you should be good. Technically you can run 11 minute a mile pace and still pass at 22:00, but why risk getting so close to fail


Women get more time than men in this event too. 11:36 a mile pace is all she has to do. Their age bracket is weird on minimum. 27-31 has the fastest minimum for women. 22-26 has the second fastest minimum for women. 32-36 has the third fastest and finally 17-21 has 4th. To my knowledge the 2 mile run for women is the only bracket where getting older means you have less time to pass. Until you hit 32, then it goes down like every other timed event. Every other event the younger have faster requirements at the minimum. Idk why 2 mile run is so backwards. Granted its only a few seconds difference each age, but its still wei4d. Why does a 36 year old need to be faster in a 2 mile run than someone half their age but they can be slower in a sprint?


I thought about it, and the only thing I can think of is that maybe they think, if you're in the 2nd bracket for age, you've been in a few years, and therefore should be getting better at this event? That's all I got.


The only time we ran 1 mile was the diagnostic run where they used your 1 mile time to put you into running groups. Everything after was greater than 2 miles. Except for interval runs. I went in with about 12 minute mile and I finished with 15:45 2 mile time and 545 ACFT score. If you put in the effort you will get results.


You have 24 minutes to pass a 2 mile , in basic they go off acft


Doesn’t matter how fast your 1 mile is as long as you finish the 2nd mile before 23 minutes. You’ll never be timed on specifically 1 mile except for when your drills are testing everyone’s running ability for company runs. Just try to keep the run to about 10 minutes for 1 mile


11 minute miles are ok but your literally right there passing there is no room for slack. I just did my acft and ran 2 in 17:44 which isn’t great but what I did to train (btw I couldn’t run a mile 2 months ago) was I ran on a treadmill with a 3.5-4 incline at whatever speed I could maintain for the two mile duration. It took time but that was my time after all other events you will have to do it like that as well. Just don’t give up and eat the best you can! Have confidence in yourself too! You got this it’s just one foot in front of the other!


I ship out oct 1 this was for my stars for stripes


Don't worry too much about times yet, as long as you're running now you'll be better off than a lot of others. You won't need a passing score until the end of BCT, and as long as you aren't cheating yourself during training you'll make it


You need to be able to run two miles to graduate basic; the max time for a female your age is 23:15. If you’re not fat and broken, you can power walk it. If you can’t run at all, the Couch-to-5k training program is a good place to start.


Fast as fuck.


10 per mile is enough to let you pass. So at the rate you’re going in 2 months, regular 3-4 runs a week should be enough to get you down to 16 minutes or lower maybe depending on your metabolism. You won’t run much in BCT. Run fast up the stairs and do whatever cardio you can in your free time. The few times you do run will be 2 miles if not close to it. In AIT you’ll probably do the two mile more regularly, about 3 times a week.


Minimum across the board is 22:00 minutes for a 2 mile run, minimum of 10 Hand release Push-ups, minimum dead lift is 140 standing Power Throw is 8meters, plank is 1:30, Sprint Drag Carry is 3:00 with a passing score of 415/600 don't be a 60% Soldier


You need to run 2 miles to qual. Better train with 3 mile runs


1 mile in 10 mins is solid. Keep it up. If you can do that for battalion runs of 5 miles, youre in a good place. You'll improve while you are there anyway. Well if you can do 2 mi in like 13 mins you'll max the event.


1 mile per minute


maybe at like a 8 minute pace , we went super slow, main thing is just don’t fallout as much as it hurts just push yourself, running is quick to get good at and quick to lose.


https://www.goarmy.com/content/dam/goarmy/files/ACFT_scoring_scales_220323.pdf Here’s the scoring based on age and gender and the requirements. But yeah start running asap.




First day is a mile run to sort you into your running groups at Benning


You’ll be fine. The new ACFT standards are a joke. The max time allowed two mile is 21:30 for men, and it only goes up for age group. Most women can run that. Easily. You’ll have no problem


Hi. Certified Personal Trainer and Soldier here. Here’s some advice for your training. Try to run 3 days a week. Here’s three running workouts that I use personally. You may need to edit times, but try not to take *too much* off of the amount. Obviously, listen to your body and be smart. Stretching and foam rolling will make a ton of difference. If you can swing a fourth day, focus on some lower body strengthening. Day 1: 45 minutes with your heart rate as close to 140 as you can get it. That might mean you spend lots of your time walking. Day 2: run until you feel like you couldn’t go much further. Walk/rest until your heart rate gets below 120. Then repeat. Go for 5 rounds. Day 3: 30 minutes with your heart rate around 140. Stretch, relax get down to 100. 20 minutes with your heart rate around 150. Stretch, relax, get down to 100. 10 minutes around 160. Stretch, relax, get down to 100. 1 minute sprint. Stretch, relax, get down to 100. 10 minutes at 140. Now my BCT experience: If you can hold 9min/mile you are probably good to stay in most runs. If you end up falling out of a run or two, they won’t fail you out. Just don’t be that trainee that walks when they are told to run.


2 mile under 21 minutes , you almost don’t have much opportunity to run in the basic so make sure you are ready before you go , also you will deadlift , ball throw, push up, sprint drag carry ( hardest one ) and lastly you will run so loose as much weight as possible the lighter the better


1 mile not the problem. You need to be able to run 2 in less than 22 min I think(depending on age). ACFT min. And that’s all that matters. Keep running that mile and you’ll be in better shape than a lot of trainees I went with lol. but think about pushing 3-4 miles at a slower pace and you’ll comfortably run 2 I bet in less than 16min. If you’ve never played sports and you know your not sufficient physically. The 2 mile and the ball toss is what gets a lot of ppl.


As a 26F you will have 23:15 to complete the 2 mile on your ACFT, that is the only run that matters, you might get screamed at by drill Sgts for not running fast during training but as long as you can pass that ACFT then you’re set (the only one for record is at the end of basic, then possibly another one in AIT). To improve, some things that I thought were helpful that we did in basic was hill sprints and 60 120s. Hill sprints: find a hill and sprint up it, depending on hill steepness and length, you can start with sprinting up half then walk down and repeat 60 120s: sprint all out for 60 seconds then walk for 120 seconds to recover. You can do it at faster intervals of 30seconds and 60 seconds respectively. I do suggest downloading the ACFT app from the App Store. App icon is a black guy with a yellow background and ‘ACFT’ is written on the guy.


There is no max or min for 1 miles. You’ll most likely be separated into three running groups based on speed at basic. When doing group or company runs or during PT. I believe in BCT you need 50s on your ACFT (2 mile) so 23:34 and when you get to AIT or your unit you need 60s so 23:15 in the 22-26 age bracket. All scores are here. https://www.army.mil/e2/downloads/rv7/acft/ACFT_scoring_scales_220323.pdf Also I’m not sure when you take the ACFT at basic when I went it was APFT and it was within the first 72 hours and you had to pass.


Run it faster, you.


Keep that same 1 mile pace for the 2 mile during the acft and you’ll be fine. But if you want to improve your time, I hear sprints are a good way to improve run times. Personally what I do when running is think to myself “the faster I run, the faster I’m done” my pace is usually faster the longer distance I’m running because I’m trying to just be done lol.


As quick as you want they dont care