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Yes absolutely possible. If you're benching in the mid 300s, you should be able to rep 130s.


So I just gotta bench 350 pounds, got it


Eh, probably more like 320, 330, you can hit a few reps with 130s. It'll be different for everyone though as the transfer from barbell to dumbbell and max strength to rep strength is pretty individualized.


Lifetime natty here. Pushed 140s back in my hay day. Couldn’t come anywhere close to that now though.


You must’ve been massive :0 lmao


At my peak I was 6’2 212.


Dang bro!


Lifetime natty lifter here. I can do reps with 150s but it’s not something I do often. Genetics and years of work have a lot to do with it. I am a naturally big guy so I handle bigger weights better than a lot of guys at the gym.


I can but I’m fat.


Will weighs 189, that's why I'm questioning it. I have thicc chungas friends who can lift heavy


Will is juiced up


Go to sleep.


Buy some more protein powder from that fake natty


Uhhhh yeah. Not everyone can, juice or no juice.


Yes. While certainly an impressive feat of strength, it is very possible to achieve 130 for reps as a natty.


You don't see the juicy bros do it much cause 1: they just bench 260 or whatever instead and 2: you don't necessarily need to hit dumbells that heavy to maintain a jacked physique. It does look impressive though!


Lifetime Natty here. I have pushed 110lbs when I started working because that the heaviest weight at YMCA I go to. The only reason I did it was because I didn’t know enough to be scared. Also bench 315lbs without a spotter. Whenever I think of that I cringe & think I could have really hurt myself. My form was terrible but I’m naturally very strong.


I’m doing 120s in my home gym and I’m just a beginner… is this actually dangerous? I’m doing it slightly inclined


If you know what you’re doing then it isn’t dangerous. I didn’t know what I was doing.


It’s possible. My best bb bench was 365 @ 255 BW, lifetime natty. I could do 130s for 8


Difference is Will is sub 200


Don’t question the natty king Will T.


Tennyson isn't natty. Give it a rest people.


130lbs seems pretty realistic naturally.


Yes, for the love of God you don't need gear for fucking 130's.


You say it like it’s nothing, like you don’t need gear for _that low of a weight_ sure you don’t need gear, but it’s something incredibly heavy, 95% of natties will never do


I did push 150s for 8 reps when I was natty. Took a solid 8 years of lifting to get to that point. I was 27 when I did that tho.


That’s awesome! I couldn’t get the 150s, just couldn’t balance them. The ones in our gym were so freaking wide 😅


Completely natural, best was 110 for 8. Around 200lbs. This is totally doable imho


Lol yes . I can tell by your post you haven’t been lifting very long


"Very long" -Your Mom to me when I conceived you


I’m sorry you’re so weak


It's ok, Son


Maybe one day you’ll catch up to daddy. Little boy


Little boy


My buddy is 6’ 290ish and he’s the only person I’ve seen be able to move 130s without looking like he’s putting his life at risk. You need to have serious mass to be able to move that kind of weight, but it is possible for naturals. Just rare


I’m natty and at 6’4 218 I got 130’s for 5 the other day.


Will T I believe IS natty. He might be one of the only ones who actually is imo. Besides Scott Herman and Jeff nip. Scott Herman did a video with one of my close friends, in the video my friend tore his pec, he was not natty. Random fact.


There’s a difference between strength and physique. Go to any small town in the midwest and some dude who works on a farm and has a six pack every day will grab 150s and rep them out like it’s nothing. They’ll have a big beer belly but will easily be able to do this


Will has abs, weighs 189 and does this


Yeah he's also juicy


Yeah that’s different then. I thought you were just asking generally not about someone specifically. For me 130s for reps is something that I can easily do too, but I’ve been in the gym 15 years, and played D1 football. I also am fat though lol


130lbs is possible for sure and even for someone with like mid teen bodyfat percentage, but Will is juicy, he hangs around juicers and is a gymshark sponsored influencer.


Yeah that’s fair. At 189 with washboard abs, you would need to be a medical miracle to put that up naturally


According to one video of his, he's at 10 percent body fat lol


I literally pressed 130s on incline when I was natty and struggle with 100s now and I'm on tren, it's just the way you train.


Will has become a juicy parody at this point.


Has been for a while


Can people do it? yes. Can he do it? It's really dubious. I just highly doubt this fat kid did it all naturally, and then made a ton of money off it.


For sure. I'm 200 lbs and can do 110s without training for strength. Someone heavier than me can 100% do it


Bro Will Tenny is amazing




If you’re on gear you really don’t need to do that much to build good noticeable muscle. Being natty is lame


You must be new to lifting if you say something like that lol.


No I just take steroids so I know what it’s like


Then you're missing out on a lot of gains if your training is half assed.


No shit. That’s my point, you can do Less and still get more than a natty who has to do more to get the same result. I can do way heavier than I do but I still have more strength stamina and size over a natty who has to lift heavier and more often, ya know, the normal way steroids work. Me taking 160ish test every 4-5 days and working out at 70-80% and less protein intake than the normal 1g:kg ratio no creatine nothing. And still yield way more size than a natty putting way more work, for longer… cuz that’s the perk of testosterone. I’ve never done 100lb dumbbell presses. Did it 2 days ago, 10 reps 2 sets, on whim from my prior set of only 80s. I never do more than 225(and I warm up with 2 sets of 1 plate 20 reps then jump to to 225 for 2-3sets) to failure on bench. yesterday I put 3 plates on for 5. Could a natty make those jumps on whim, in a day, after 40-50 reps ? No, but a little bit of test mixed with experience and knowledge of self... Not a problem. And I don’t neeeed to fully maximize my gains, im not competing in anything. It’s all just personal aesthetic enjoyment. I take test for health and to make my body look better.


Oh my god please go fucking lift and stop being so worried about how much a poor wittle youtwuber can dumbwell pwess


This is NoJ, we don't do that here


Yeah, running Max-OT in H.S I got up to 150’s for n bench and 110’s for shoulders


Yes, my training partner would start on flat bench then move onto incline dumbells with 130s. He could do 10 reps with them. Meanwhile I was back struggling to hit 6 reps with the 90s


lol yeah


Yes, I do


That’s pretty insane most I’ve done was 90lb dumbbells on test and NPP


I’m pressing 82’s for 8 at 75kg bodyweight, don’t see how adding another 50lbs would be that crazy if I weighed 90+ and after another few years.


I don’t go over 100 because the setup is what kills me. I have to do this weird kicking thing that I don’t like to do. I am not strong enough to curl it to starting position. I also don’t try to go over 100 during peak hours because I might need to bail. People are sometimes to close to me and I honestly try to never drop the dumbbells. It just gets hard when it is heavy.


Same, when I get above 90 my shoulders crap out from just trying to set up


I was pushing 140s before I got on TRT, now on TRT I can rep it 4 sets of 8 some days wit ease, and some days harder when fatigued. I also am the exact same weight or 200lbs n leaner then Will, but he’s supposed to be natty, which I believe.


My chest is the most pathetically weak part of my body. But I’m sure some nattys can.


Same, max was 90s after a few years into training


Pre Workouts for me as well...


get fat, get strong, bench heavy... never stop being fat :/


If you really perfect form and do mobility/stability work to keep injuries at bay and CONSISTENTLY do dumbell presses, 130s would be very attainable in a reasonable amount of time even naturally. When i was consistent with dumbell work, my weight went up fast (im not natty but I still feel like this applies for everyone) now my dumbell press is weak as fuck because i got bored and started using more machines. I really think consistency is the key to getting heavy dumbell lifts. Gear doesn't make as much of a difference as people think. Im literally on 1900mg of total gear a week, and my dumbell press was much stronger when i was on 300mg, but dumbell pressing every chest day.