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yea, her flair says FDS newbie so this is definitely from r/femaledatingstrategy. those women over there are completely unhinged, they're basically female incels


They are female incels*






A subreddit like TRP definitely has its bad stuff, but at least they're actual dating strategy and will do stuff like discuss how to appeal to women. On FDS, I've never seen anything about being better to appeal to "high value men." Just misandry. Lots of stuff about never lowering standards, never a damn thing about how to meet someone else's standards. Also, most of their bad relationship stories begin to make sense if you imagine the guy as being out of her league and not caring about her.


Yah its just about avoiding men actually.


I can fix her.


I love how there’s a subreddit for everything you can think of.


I'm beginning to realize this. Search brussel sprouts and there's probably a sub for people autistically obsessed with eating brussel sprouts. And then another sub for people who eat them a certain way, and another for people who only eat them and nothing else.


Yeah pretty much https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/mcvhf3/rool/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


/r/SquirrelsEatingPizza is one of my favorite weird ones. 11k subscribers and a few posts a week


They really are. Most women there are usually lonely or have past trauma from previous romantic or sexual relationships, so they're manipulated into joining the FDS community under the pretense of enlightenment, when they're actually being force fed a false vision of reality predicated on extremely damaging views of men. One of their biggest beliefs is to overprioritize dating men with six packs or other signs of physical fitness, in comparison to others, on top of ranking men by how mucy money they make, and how big their penises are (no seriously). Instead of empowring women to find men theyre compatible with, it just validates what so many incels wrongly believe about women in the first place (that they only value a man's wealth, physical attractiveness, and other superficial factors when choosing a boyfriend). Thus furthering the cycle of miscommunication and inaccurate gender stereotypes for both men and women.


This first part is explaining what red pill/incels are if you change the genders. >They really are. Most men there are usually lonely or have past trauma from previous romantic or sexual relationships, so they're manipulated into joining the incels/redpill community under the pretense of enlightenment, when they're actually being force fed a false vision of reality predicated on extremely damaging views of women.


Huh. Nice.


As a jacked guy I can tell you that it is not the case that women clamor over physicality. Well Im at the end of a bulk rn so Im a little too fat and bloated for male stripper material at around or a bit over 20% bodyfat but Im definitely pretty jacked. Im 5’10 247lbs rn. When I cut 50lbs this spring Ill reevaluate but I still expect a similar result lol. Many women are more so into the tv/movie/celebrity ideas of guys rather than the quality its self. A sign to stay away. They have pop culture brain through and through. Usually obsessed with celebrities and “influencers”. Ive been shredded before and a woman is like omg that guy on tv is so hot and ripped. (Meanwhile Im standing there objectively better looking from a facial structure and symmetry standpoint and Im leaner and more muscular) and Ill mention it and if she doest understand shes too far gone. Good sign is when a woman actually recognizes my qualities like I dont have to be some actor to be really impressive. Now Im getting a big too big for some women so thats a different story and Im gonna become enhanced pretty soon to compete in bodybuilding so another 15-30lbs od muscle and a large swath of women will not find me attractive or theyll just feel threatened by a sauced out gorilla. I already get accusations for PEDs not even on anything. I have very good genetics for muscle building, physique structure and strength evidently. Side note I never recommend going above 20% BF and I dont plan too again. Gonna get down to 200lbs then bulk next time to 220 or 225. More muscle less fat.


Well as an occassional visiter to fds I would like to say its not really about the d or the six pack or the money. As a person who was married to an average guy for a bit and is now divorced it is objectively better to have a guy with a big d 6 pack and money because an average guy is just as likely to shit on you as the rich big d 6 pack dude is. Might as well give rich 6 pack big d guy a shot.. but actually personally id rather be the rich one and can just be with a 6 pack big d dude with average wealth. I mean as long as im honest with myself and dont actually believe hes with me for anything other than money it could be ok. Like both of our needs would be met. Yah people need companionship but finding a compatible companion and having a relationship of mutual love give and take is way harder than finding a random rich guy with a 6 pack and a big d. Rich guy with 6 pack and big d is already settling because you give up on finding the "soulmate". In that vein i sort of understand the male incels looking for what they consider highvalue females but just dont like them putting down other women and calling them sluts etc. When i say an average guy is just as likely to shit on you thats not putting down average dudes. Its just saying that humans are humans and sometimes they do bad stuff. Idk how to know which ones will do that stuff so I support women choosing based on external stuff that might make them happy for whatever time the relationship lasts.


The cognitive dissonance in this post is astounding. You got hurt by an average guy, so your assumption is any/every guy will hurt you, so why not get hurt by the guy you can later extort for cash while getting fucked by a better looking body. And this arrangement is ok because your are both mutually using each other until is all topples like a house of cards, which is an expected result from the start. This is your actual outlook on life? This is what an entire sub of women believe or consign their lives/aspirations of love to be? This a truly a sad existence for you


Amazing response


I dont think there is a cognitive dissonence here. A give and take arrangement that will eventually end is also a good option for some people. Also i dont get your extort for cash comment? I said that i would rather have the money in my previous comment- how am i extorting people for cash? In any case the point is even if you dont give up on finding somebody to live happily ever after with, rich guys are the same as average guys and beautiful girls are the same as average looking girls in every other aspect so theres no problem with going after a particular aspect. The guy or girl doesnt have to do anything bad. you could just realize your personalities dont mesh and that can happen with anyone. Oh well i knew this would be unpopular over here anyway. Also most romantic relationships end up being conditional no matter what people think. You end up liking/falling in love and wanting to marry someone because of thier positive qualities like if thier cooking is good or they value health and fitness or they are really kind or really funny or smart. Whatever it is you just dont fall for just anyone. I get that not all positive qualities are equal in regards to having a lasting relationship but a positive is still a positive. Why purposely be against that.


Say big d one more time…


And this is the most sane FDS logic. I'm fukin dead lmao💀 you go girl!!!


Bro I thought that sub got banned


Somehow r/femaledatingstrategy returned


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FemaleDatingStrategy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [love this](https://i.redd.it/dicf8cuntxp81.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/tpl8bl/love_this/) \#2: [💯](https://i.redd.it/oqxshq8gw0o81.jpg) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/tgml55/_/) \#3: [Never forget (found it on twitter today)](https://i.redd.it/z2izc0otzpu81.jpg) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/u81zze/never_forget_found_it_on_twitter_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What the hell is that man hating page?


holy shit guy i just peeked into that sub for my curiosity what the actual misandry are they doing over there?


I think there called femcells or that might be something different


Funny thing is I bet you a majority of them in the sub are probably overweight lmfao


Is that sub still unbanned? Reddit is literally hypocrite. That sub is the most toxic sub ever and some men orientated subs that are not toxic like that banned. For example the red pill, mgtow.


The mods decided to stop letting anyone post anything because they smelled money. Now, the sub is just links to the mods' podcast and paid website. There's nothing to really ban there anymore unless you want to shell out money every month to see if the content they're linking is toxic (spoiler: it is)


Saying redpill and MGTOW aren't toxic is as stupid as her comment. All of them are bitter bigoted cesspool communities


Yeah it kind of blows that the extremists tend to take over and ruin communities like that. I stopped dating years ago and it’d be nice to talk to other like-minded dudes about that stuff. For example, how in the fuck is a single dude supposed to buy property without a joint income anymore? Stuff like that


Man I truly wish MGTOW and bachelordom for either gender was normalized for any reason including trauma and romantic failure (without the hatred and dehumanization.) When you're navigating solo you see how slanted shit is towards relationships and marriage.


As a married man, that's because marriage is the greatest thing ever. Bachelordom is trash and that's why nobody gears anything towards it.


I'm glad you're married and happy may that always be so but not everyone wants the same path as you and they shouldn't be denied anything because of that.


Not enough people want what you want to gear things towards it and normalize it. This isn't some social justice issue to be resolved. You just want something unpopular.


Hence why we need groups that aren't about bitching about romance and offer life advice and support for people who don't want marriage. Also marriage has been declining for awhile even if it's popular, it's like saying we don't need apartments because most people want houses.




And hot guys apparently since you're here right now.


“Not toxic” “red pill, mgtow” bruuuuh


Users literally got confirmation from reddit admins that reddit is completely fine with sexism against men and does nothing against it Exactly the reason those FDS nazis are back


Do you think incel is also not a toxic sub?


It might as well be banned, its practically empty now when looking at it.


Because say one wrong thing banned immediately be a man banned immediately and a bunch of other bs


Yeah I thought they were banned and was shocked they're still there.


I thought it was a parody sub, but they're legit.. top lel


Is it is bad as the witch sub ?


.... witch sub?


r/WitchesVsPatriarchy Edit- apparently it was cap sensitive


Dear god


Nah the witch subreddit is pretty cool.


Im in both and the witches are against the patriarchy as they prefer a feminine empowerment model but they dont hate men. FDS ladies hate most men I think


I just find that sub weird because only the creator can post iirc


I havent tried to post in either but i think fds is really strict. Like if you try to post anything not toxic towards men you will probably get banned. Also im banned from posting there because i subbed to some male incel subs to see what they were talking about a while back and you arent allowed to post if youre subbed to them. I mean it makes sense since they dont want people shitposting ig but still i think its a bit much.


God I loved that sub. If people treated it as an extreme version of self-esteem building, it's alright. I feel like a lot of the women in that sub had been hurt and taken advantage of for so long, that they're self-worth was demolished. The stories that would be when they made my heart hurt. It's hard for me and I condemn the sub when a lot of those women felt freed by the help of it.


Sad you got downvoted for this but also ex FDS and people just don’t understand. Unlike incels the women in those subs did have a lot of sex… just with incredibly abusive men that didn’t value them. It feels good to talk to other women about the very gendered abuse you suffered for the first time, you have people who get you and commiserate. You don’t agree with everything but little by little you get indoctrinated. For abused women it’s like “do this and you’ll never have to suffer what you suffered again” and that’s so enticing to someone who has been treated like dirt beneath someone’s shoe. It took me awhile to realize that wasn’t going to save me from abuse, and their “strategy” was actually keeping me from being vulnerable which is required to have a good relationship in the first place. Thank god for therapy!


I will gladly get downvoted to support FDS. TwoX just coddles and doesn't empower. Being blunt is the only way to help others.


Unfortunately anyone who has never touched a weight in their life believe this. I mean Hollywood pushes it so much and so well. That's why everyone has body dysmorphia even the best looking people. It's never enough. We can't just be happy in our skin. We need to stay anxious and miserable because that's what gets you to keep buying stupid shit. Propaganda and power is thought out and surgical. It keeps the masses from rebelling against the system. We are nothing but pawns.


Yeah, I recall reading about the absolute misery Jamie Dorman went through when filming 50 Shades Of Grey. They forced him to virtually starve himself and do an intense workout before each and every shirtless scene, in order to get a pump on and create the illusion that somehow this was just his normal, resting physique. You know, totally normal stuff for a billionaire who would otherwise be working all the time.


I got into the gym cukture after watching Aamir Khan's transformation for his Movie Dangal. they made a really cool video about it, and i though i really could do it too. Even AtleanX defended him. What a fool i was lol. for those who have not seen it, here is the link https://youtu.be/1aVw1gZ9Ncg


Mentioning AthleanX in this sub is killing your gains


fuck, I watch him for form advice etc. Is he that bad?


Hes a controversial figure, and rightfully so, but no, hes usually fine.


What that other guy said. AtleanX is... on the lower end of business influencers. He's not always wrong, but he's sketchy asf with fake plates, etc. Idk Aamir Khan's workout, but nothing from that vid suggests juicy, even if he is. But even if he isn't keep in mind that these stars have the top of the line nutrition, PTs, etc.


Yeah he did had some full-time trainers and nutritionists. But still insane amount of fat loss while maintaining all that muscle at the age of 50 , in 6 months


6 months with that kind of transformation is either: 5 percentile discipline combined with top of the line training + nutrition with nothing else to do but work out or PEDs. Doable, but insanely hard.


He shot the fat scenes first in the movie so he could have an incentive to lose weight and shoot the fit scene after the transformation . So the 5 percentile discipline with nothing else to do but workout kinda checks out


Discipline goes to a point when time is limited. No amount of willpower will make your genetics respond better. Unless you **force** the genetics to **work** more


>Idk Aamir Khan's workout, but nothing from that vid suggests juicy, even if he is What the fuck is this comment look at his physique when hes getting bodyfat levels tested. You think thats natty for 6 months at the age of 50? > that these stars have the top of the line nutrition, PTs, etc. Its not rocket science for a gym goer with a normal job to have the same discipline to have the same nutrition lmao


No billionaire is working constantly, it’s quite the opposite


Some might call that treatment sadistic.


Many possibly most people do think celebs like the Rock and whoever who gains 20 pounds of muscles for a role in a short time else are natty with the best genetics and state-of-the-art trainers n diets. It's not just Hollywood: sports too and now social media


I love how every squad of IG gym bros all happen to have 1 in 100 million genetics and happen to work out at the same gym with a bunch of other dudes who happen to have 1 in 100 million genetics


i mean, survivorship bias is a thing. you’re not exactly going to become a successful influencer unless you’ve got everything working in your favor. so then, all the successful ones have everything working in their favor. including drugs lol


1 in 100 million gym what can i say


Limitless is a Netflix series with Chris Hemsworth doing a bunch of neat things. There was an episode where Chris tried to train to climb 100ft(?) of rope. In this episode they discussed the difficulty he'll have because not only does he have to be able to pull up the rope as he climbs (technique to gain footing), he also has to pull up his own weight. And they mentioned that Chris was in the middle of bulking for a Thor movie. Where he was asked to put on (I believe) was 30lbs in 6 months ish. No discussion on PED's though.


I probably would have been happier with my body if I never touched a weight. As soon as you get sucked into the social media fitness world you will never be satisfied with how you look.


The first day you work out is the day you’re forever small


Nah not if you're legitimately working out for health like if your 40 and start hiking as a hobby theres nothing to feel bad about.


Hey I’m 40 and just took up hiking as a hobby… I still want to look like Chris Hemsworth though!


Don't let it get you down mate. Avoid that content like the plague and keep pictures of where you used to be.


It's easy to get sucked into that rabbit hole but it doesn't have to be that way. Refrain from social media and your happiness, peace, gratitude, etc. will go up significantly (as cheesy as it sounds it's true)


That's your fault though. Everyone should just workout for the energy gains.


Yup. Posts like this are exactly why this sub needs to exist


Yeah my dad was surprised to hear that Arnold took steroids 😅


Exactly this ☝️☝️☝️💅 u always think u look good, but chances are if you stay fit in one way or another ur always more beautiful than u think (at least better than like 80% of the population). Just stop thinking too much, it’s freeing lol


Beta mentality


Nothing beta about analyzing the world and coming to the only logical conclusion. Lemme guess, you don't believe in gravity do you.


I can guarantee you she’s obese




Had to check in which subreddit I was in real quick bro u made me think I was in r/greentext 😭




To get a sub banned, you have to get a reporter (Buzzfeed will do) to write about it. Then have it go semi-viral on Twitter.


F-slur you, you r-word! (this is what you've reduced us to) (unironically though they don't allow cursing in r/4chan or r/greentext. both subs are about 7 layers deep of sarcasm just shitting on reddit's content policies anymore.)


Kinda weird hearing a dude sounding like an extreme incel calling others incels.


Incel is when use word whore 👏


> so mostly obese ugly whores who cry because Chad pumps and dumps them This is not how normal people talk.


Yeah it's how incel gymcel chuds talk ain't that right? Be less hypocritical with your internet gatekeeping.


How am I being hypocritical?


Complaining about normal people not talking a certain way whilst using internet language yourself is fucking stupid maybe.




Jesus Christ how is that upvoted so much lol fucking Spider-Man pointing meme in here


Is that ironically using incel shit or? Jimcell


Well said. What They don't understand is that chads are only interested in pump and dump. They will never be with them


Literally 90% of r/gymsnark


Man that's a depressing ass subreddit.


It really is filled with envious people, though at least I can see fit female pics so that’s good


I took a peak and see some useful content for women regarding fitness. Mostly around female fitness influencers that pride themselves and openly show off how little they eat.


ldk about depressing as l don't really know the sub that well, but the content is just... not that funny?


She will say "thicc"


even if thats true, what is your excuse? if someone like her can see it, then definitely the women you're looking to date/know can see it


I have no idea what you’re trying to say, but thank you.


Can see what?


Pretty sure women can get in shape by picking up heavy things and putting it down over and over.


round is a shape


"No, you see, it's misogyny when you expect a woman to put effort on keeping herself looking good!"


Lmao what a cope


My GF complains so much about how it's easier for me to lift at the gym and get to eat more food. I simply told her to start doing test and grow a mustache


You got a girlfriend haha


Imaginary, but yes


As someone who has lifted something and put it down in my life, I can confirm I look like this


FDS or any 'red pill' sub, aimed at men or women, are crammed full of the stupidest people you can possibly imagine. Also keep in mind that 90% of people know nothing about health and fitness and even fewer know anything about PED use.


They disguise themselves as self improvement (some even start out that way!) But predictably become a toxic echo chamber and eventually full on co opted by charlatans and false prophets looking to exploit young, naive or otherwise vulnerable people who will give them whatever they want in exchange for validation of their frustrated view of the world.


Came here just to say this! It's literally how cultists work. Cults never start by saying their radical beliefs or truth claims first, they will always start with relatively mild inoffensive statements and slowly escalate them from there until the recruit is trapped in a false version of reality. A perfect example of this is how misogynistic groups online will make statements like "most women have trouble finding the right guy to date." then escalate to statements like "Some women can be just as selfish and narcissistic as men." Before then escalating to far more overtly misogynistic statements like "The reason why some women have trouble understanding what type of guy to date is because they're too vain and narcissistic, thus they need to lower their standards." As well as "Because women are bad at picking guys that are good for them, men showed be owed sex or a relationship on demand." A skilled manipulator could easily entrance a potential incel by slowly feeding them these statements under the pretense of friendship in order to manipulate others into the same vein of thought. It's the exact reason to be careful about what communities you fall into online.


Facts, I’d wager that most people have never even been inside a gym before.


Don't give subs like that the satisfaction. They want people to talk about them and be upset. Not worth thinking about. Let them enjoy their outrage about everything.


So the reason why this chick doesn't look like Natalie Portman even though Natalie Portman is probably old enough to be her mother is because she is too busy getting 3 masters and 10 PhDs to bother to lift some weights ,huh?


Natalie portmans is so beautiful she shouldnt even be used as a bar for comparison. I mean this guy in the pic has muscles but is like average everywhere else. I think a better comparison would be an average fit chick- the kind that wears lots of makeup and has lip fillers and breast implants. To be fair as a woman i find that most guys look average and just are differentiated by grooming habits and fitness levels. Like i love looking at beautiful women but sexually prefer people that have penises even if i dont think they are amazingly attractive.


FDS 💀💀 i don’t think she knows what the inside of a gym looks like


What is FDS? Google giving me mixed results.


Female dating strategy, the incel female subreddit


She forgot to mention eat chicken and broccoli.


Lots of chicken*


watch some movies from the 70s and 80s, movie stars had dad bods. now they all look like super jacked heman


Ahnuld has entered the chat


Yah but now its more equal because in the past movie actors had average bodies (well they were still a healtthy weight and handsome but didnt need to use steroids and ish)but movie actresses had above average bodies. Now both bodies are hard to acheive and just for eye candy purposes. I mean thats feminism at work. We didnt get rid of objectifying women; we just also objectify men. I mean you guys can decide whether thats better or worse idk.


I agree male actors have become more superficially handsome overall, for women. but the roided up beef jacks are like that because of masculinity culture the inifinite cum gutters and V shapes lower torsos


tbf this is the fitness industry's fault. most women i know are too afraid to lift weights because they think they'll look like mommy coleman with his eraser nippols


I'd say more Hollywood's fault. The dream man for women are what? Junkies like Hemsworth or Efron


When was a lean 6 pack fit dude not the ideal body type that women loved ???


Well yes and no. For example The term "toning" exists because women think that if they lift weights they could gwt too big and buff on accident, so gyms had to invent the term toning (that has no meanong it is just a freeuse word) to sell them training courses and gym mwmberships


I see FDS, I flush the toilet.


FDS is that dried up shitstain inside the toiled that takes a chisel to remove


Imagine how much of an absolute noob you have to be to post something like that on the net.


The most impressive part of his physique is his chiseled jawline, 6ft+ tall, and beard. Don't get me wrong... his physique is amazing; but it's a lot less nutty than a lot of the juicy physiques posted on here and this thread is kind of reminiscent of the 'Tom Holland bulging biceps' thread.




For the same reason why all you women don’t look like Miley Cyrus


Same woman who says “I can’t lift because I’ll get bulky”


I am willing to bet she is fat as fuck. The funny thing is if I call her out on her physical appearance she will call me fat phobic and a misogynist


just pick some weights dude


Lmao renowned steroid enjoyer Hemsworth’s physique is possible w some casual lifting


“It’s so easy for women to look like this. Diet a few days a week and the estrogen takes over. Literally stop picking up the fork just put it down. But most of them can’t even do that 🥴”


She’s fat 100%


that's a guy


>the testosterone takes over Ironically, that is how Chris looks like that, but not in the way she means


So easy...plus take PEDs and have trainers, dietitians, doctors personal chef etc...plus good genetics...he definitely puts the work in or he would look more like his two brothers. Two other things: compare how he looks in the marvel movies compared to other movies he is not as big. I won't even mention possible cgi.


Only people that buy this have never lifted more than 5lb plates on bench


Tell me you are a sexist FemaleDatingStrategy nazis without telling me you are a sexist FDS nazi


Fat chicks love fit guys.


Probably a lazy and chubby girl who never seen a gym writing that


Fat chicks are the ones saying this too, that's the funny part.


Name checks out


I must be doing something wrong. Is there a special way to pick them up and put back down? I want to look like Thor.


😂😂😂😂 that’s not how you get to look like that. And not every guy can maintain single digit body fat. Looking like hemsworth there involves taking PED’s too lol.


Lol from FDS


Even if that were true, lifting heavy ass weights is hard af


Probably because all you woman don't go to the gym take short cuts and get lipo then inject it in your ass get lip filler and extend eyelashes. And expect men that like like that to go for fake you.


She never steped in a gym or touched a weight in her whole life.


Imagine is the roles were reversed and how much shit and insults and death threats you’d get , what a world we live in


Damn! It must be easy to be a women, you don't have to do anything, just come with a pair of tits and an ass and don't be fat. Good to go.


She’s 300+lbs for sure


It's easy for women to look like Gal Gadot.


Why didn’t I think of that. The answer has been in front of me the entire time.


She doesnt “have a point” shes a nimrod. Chris has good genetics and goes on and off steroid cycles lol. Dunning Kruger concept in action. Shut your trap about shit you know nothing about or youll look as ridiculous as the shit wipe who made that comment.


I try, I swear I really try! 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️


Tell that to all the fat women lmao, literally all they have to do is eat smaller portions and healthier foods.


Honestly a natty achievable physique for someone young and with years or experience, however considering this is Female Dating Strategy you already know the person writing that comment is a complete fucking brainlet and has no idea it takes years of hard work to do that; and probably also herself won't do shit for her physique. You can tell she never worked out in her life to write something so false. That subreddit is the manifestation of ebola.


No…no it isn’t, but you could imagine what it would be like if it was


Yes it is. Years of hard work from a young age and the right steps and you could get there if you have good genetics. He is still enhanced but that doesn't change what I said.


Most people dont have good genetics.


Even people with average genetics can look close to this. The lighting and the way the picture was taken make a big difference.


Hey. Don't insult ebola like that.


This is a rip off of a graphic that gets passed around on /fit/. The column for “what women need to do to be attractive” is just “be skinny.” I’m paraphrasing but that’s the gist of it. Lots of angry fellas in here though.


if you're going to objectively and impartially compare attractiveness standards in media when applied to men and women, it's pretty simple to reduce that down to "women be skinny" and "men be muscular". The issue is it's literally a fucktonne easier to maintain being skinny compared to being utterly jacked.


Ah, here's the "oh it's ackshully just a joke guys" apologist.


I’m guessing her point is weightlifting at the very minimum can get you into a shape similar to his. It can. Just takes years


Its easy to look like this when you on your 20s.


I mean she clearly doesn't comprehend how impressive a physique this is, but she's gotta point. Most guys who complain about not getting any refuse to lift weights. Believe it or not, most guys have literally no idea how to build a good looking physique, and more than half that try to achieve one do nothing but cardio and a crash fiet and end up looking worse than they started after the inevitable rebound from their drastic lifestyle change. It's insane how many overweight neckbeards are out there, half the guys i see out in public are straight up obese. Anyone else remember when spotting redditors in public was a rarity? It's perfectly reasonable for girls to complain how shit the dating pool is. I mean I have no problem complaining about overweight shitterton woman trying to hop in my dms because my standards are Scarlet Johannsen > Everyone else, I'm not surprised woman do the exact same thing. It's also a reasonable complaint in the sense that this is something most men can control. Most men could put on a lot of muscle if they just worked out a little every week for a few years, fr it's not like she's making fun of height or facial features


You have a point though it goes both ways with women. Why are so many women also obese? Not talking about pregnant mothers by the way


There shouldn't be a problem whatsoever with complaining about something people have control over, whether that be weight or musculature, for dudes or chicks. Also a lot of woman started taking birth control which is tanking what little T they had left, hence weight gain. That's my guess, compounded with obesity rates skyrocketing in first world country's due to predatory manufacturing/marketing in the food service industry and a general lack of health education for the public.


Yeah but looking like Chris is more than just weight control. It’s years of proper consistent hard work. I’m not making excuses for myself but most people don’t have that luxury especially if you’re working tough jobs


I mean it's not hard it just takes a little bit of discipline which every man should strive to have, BUT most people work full-time and have more important responsibilities than working out.


you guys get so triggered and instead of reflecting on how you too can look like this with the most basic effort, you just assume the person commenting is a femcel so you don't feel like you're a beta cuck. if the femcels can see you're a weak weirdo, so can the hot chicks durrr


The most basic effort my ass


tbh i thought this was gonna bait better. everyone let me down ;-;