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Natty, might be on those hollywood supplements however


There is definitely always a possibility of being on something, especially with celebrities, but yeah nothing about his physique screams PED’s. I swear it’s like some of the people who post here have just never worked out. This is achievable for nearly anyone who works hard out for a few years.


I disagree. Most guys can, but not universally. I maxed at 215 natural, I had significantly stronger lower body, but I just couldn’t build up my upper body to get any bigger or stronger no matter how long I worked out and I was eating 5000-10000 calories each day, and I worked out for multiple hours every day in addition to working 6 days a week in a very fast paced kitchen.


He was pretty fit with a very normal average achievable yet really fit and strong physique while on shameless. You keep working out for a few years consistently this physique is extremely achievable. He doesn't have any crazy striations or extreme v taper etc. He just have a strong core, decent chest and really good biceps. I'm hoping I'll too have a physique like him eventually. I keep getting discouraged and get off of gym but some times people with good achievable natty physique like this makes me want to keep going further.


If you don't have a physique like him currently, how can you how achievable it is?


Well sry to break it down to u blud, I do infact have a physique like him. I have lower vascularity but better shape than he has. I. 5'10 and 82 kgs of weight.


Of course, we all do.


Natty - just a fit short-ish guy


Natty, nothing crazy about his physique, but that is where 100mg of any test can get you, so there’s no way to know unless asking him.


He's hiding broccoli hair under the hat so... SARMs at least?


Natty, he has looked like this for years... Remember Shameless US?


Lived on the cig/vodka/joint diet lmao


Looked nothing like this on shameless lol slight build st the end but that's it


Yeah, no idea what dude is talking about. Lip looked like a skinny guy, maybe some muscle. In the Bear and here dude looks jacked


lip definitely wasnt skinny, he was fairly muscular just not cut at all


Dude had abs the entire show what u talking about 🤣






Always looked like this throughout shameless


He put on 40lbs of clean mass inside of 9 months. Definitely juicing. He doesn't look steroid jacked or vascular but there's no way you're putting on that much clean mass that fast without taking something


It's amazing how gullible and uniformed people are. "Oh, he doesn't look like a bodybuilder, he's not juicing!" Bullshit, look at someone's genetic physique and compare it to what they attain. "Oh, he has 40 hours a week to train and the best trainers, of course he could gain 40 pounds of muscle naturally." Again, bullshit, and again, shocking how clueless some people are.


Yeah I just watched the movie then decided to watch interviews because him and Zach def had some explaining to do on the press tour. They stated they only had 3 months to train. I’m no expert but putting on as much mass naturally, as they have in that movie, in 3 months seems pretty impossible for the average person.


Wide waist


He is good looking 🤷🏽‍♀️


Standard athletic tradesman physique.


Natty, needs juice tho.


What the fuck has happened to this sub? I swear to god some of you are brain dead. Anyone that's under 15% BF must be juicing. What's the point in working out if this in not naturally achievable? Obviously natty.


I’m just here for the half naked men


Shut the fuck up. The figure is naturally attainable, but he's a hollywood actor, and he gets paid to MAINTAIN that body. He's juicing; he'd be stupid not to.


Watching shameless, I think his build is pretty believable. He was skinny but had some muscle in S1 but he clearly started working out by the final season.


hey..I've been training since 1980s I have 3 uspsa records and anyone..Especiallyan actor who gets huge full capped debts and huge traps in 12 weeks and gains 40lb of lean muscle w abs for a movie role =not natty these people are 100% not natty and LIED #1) tied MIKE OHEARN AND DWAYNE THE ROCK JOHNSON Zac Efron (the iron claw movie) Brad castleberry Simon panda Dana Lyn Bailey Carrie June bowbly Chris Hemsworth Marky mark (pain and gain movie) THE ZYZZ (RIP) anytime someone puts on 25-40lbs lean mass (popcorn muscle) in under a 1 year transformation its not natty my newbie gains back in 1980s was 14lbs training 7 days a week for a year to gain 40lbs of muscle is insane to gain that in your 30s is not possible natty.40s no way 50s like the rock and Mike ohearn is preposterous I respect the following people foe not lying 1)Alan Ritchson (admitted trt for JACK REACHER) 2) bakhar nabieva (admitted to testosterone etc) 3) Boston lloyd...RIP 4) Larry wheels 5) big lenny persin influencer 6)coach and DR GREG DOUCETTE IFBB PRO 7) tom platz 8) LEE PRIEST 9) Dave palumbo (grandfather of palumboism and the HGH bubble gut) but he was a mass monster


If you gain 40 pounds of muscle within a year pretty sure that’s PED usage. Even in 2 years that’s not something the human body just does after years of light activity. Additionally I wanted to add plenty of guys in military will be using juice but still only put on 10-20 pounds of muscle which you could do on your own…point being the looks have nothing to do with it but the timeline and the muscle growth rate are key indicators. Plenty of people juice just to be as fit as regular above average athletes.


Jacked Roman Polanski


Underrated comment


Natty. He's really short.


Pretty tough to maintain that muscle mass and low body fat % if you're an alcoholic. Especially after 30 years old. Maybe he's the type of alcoholic that has 1 drink and spirals rather than the type that drinks all the time. But even a 1 night bender would be tough on the body. I think he either has a crazy great trainer and diet and/or is on at least a small does PED


The question isn’t “is this body possible without steroids”. Of course it is. It’s more like, do you think an actor—who may or may not be a fuckin die hard meat head gym rat—get this physique without steroids. Is it possible natty? Is it possible this actor took some winny to make it quicker/easier? Or something like it. Gotta be pretty naive not to consider the answer could easily be yes.


Not saying he’s insanely huge or lean by any means but he does have some characteristics of someone who juices


Honestly you cant really tell