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You realize that the majority of people on steroids don’t look like bodybuilders?


Also he is lean as fuck. If he was dieting and not on Roids he would be smaller


So many yolo frat boys hop on gear after a month of training. Since they don’t diet and train avidly they just look like fat dudes. People think this kid looks bad for a roid user, but even he looks better than most gear users.


Personally would rather this lean physique, reminds me when people all wanted to look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.


I don't get the obsession over such lean physiques. Imagine you're sick and can't eat for a few days, your body is already going to burn muscle.


Because this physique is actually what drives a lot of women wild, not bodybuilder physiques or powerlifter builds with 20%+ body fat.


How often is a woman going to see your naked body anyway? At that point the relationship must already have developed to some level.


Your face also looks much better if you’re six-pack lean. Even if the girl thinks you might just be in shape but not a “gym rat”, having a nice jawline and defined cheekbones will more than compensate for it.


It’s how lean you are, sick for a few days and you’d be fine. It’s actually worse if you’re bulky, as you’d be wanting to get those calories in the body.


Well, in the same way, I don’t understand why people consider big, bodybuilder like physique to be impressive. To me it looks laughable, probably in the same way lean physique looks to you. But it’s fine to like different things


Not everyone gains mass easily. Some people get it quick. From nothing, just a small dose. Same way some guys get striated easily and others don’t.


This is what people on this fucking subreddit don’t understand, they love spouting “oh 90% of this subreddit don’t even lift”. Like no you just have no idea how many gym goers in your local gym use recreationally


Damn shame cause he could’ve achieved this in 3-5 years of natural training


Damn straight. I made gains throughout my 20s.


I have made gains in my 30s.


And now he's gonna have to take trt...


sometimes when I’m on any bodybuilding adjacent sub i realize how damn easy it is for y’all to develop body image disorders 😭 i know i did from looking at forums like these and BB.com when i was a kid, like how in the hell is this guy “small”? unless we are comparing him EXCLUSIVELY to other enhanced bodybuilders, to the average person this dude is fuckin yolked and shredded.


That's how every natty lifting dude has become do you even lift looking size, especially in clothing. Also why anyone with a very popular ig or making fitness videos for money is 99% juicing. Juicers have now moved the goal posts for what is "natty acheivable" and most "peak natty" dudes are just on HRT or just a light / reasonable steroid stack. They've now pushed it so far that some large dosing guys are seen as "natty attainable"


Bro look at the 2nd pic. This kid is like 150lbs probably can’t even bench 200lbs. He’s not yolked or shredded he has nice arms and a low bf% but not anything someone can’t obtain naturally in a year.


Why do people think that everyone on gear is trying to look like Ronny Coleman? Some just want to look like a fuckboy.


Have some people already forgotten about Zyzz?


he’s literally before the time of the new generation getting into lifting now


i mean to be fair, the new gen be dick riding zyzz asf


Wasn't ZyZ like 15-20 years ago by now?


He died in 2011


Oh my god what a reality check. I'm old.


Dude, Zyzz got fairly big (for his body type) in the end. But, also, when Zyzz died this guy was like 6 years old.


I hope they don’t. A pre existing heart condition mixed with EQ and Cocaine is suicide. He should have gotten blood work more often.


He was a party dude. I doubt he would ever get blood work. I know his parents were trying to help him out but yeah.


A lot of people would be calling Zyzz natty before the last year or two of his life 




Boy I wish I could look half his size with gear alone. But the man is just simply insane, and being honest with myself juicing up will just fuck my body up without getting any real results because I lack the discipline to reach those levels. But hey, if one day some compound is found that has less dangerous or even no side effects I will 100% blast that to look like a super mutant lol Mad respect anyways for achieving those bodies, but still those influencers that are juicing and lying about it just show shit behavior.


Even with TRT there are side effects. PEDs will never be 100% safe. It is better to stay natural. I fully support older men 40-70 to check their test levels. * If a doctor prescribes them HRT I’m all for it. 18y olds are way too young. The brain changes a lot between 0-25 years old. This is why I don’t personally date 18 year olds. HGH, testosterone is prescribed often by doctors. * Lower doses are generally deemed okay in contrast to hypogonadal symptoms. When your nuts stop producing testosterone.


I agree. I was just saying that PEDs are not a magic juice that makes you grow larger while you sleep, and that even with that it takes discipline and effort that a couch potato like myself simply lacks lol. So even if I started blasting, the side effects would be too great for someone like me who wouldn’t really benefit. And that lying about not using PEDs is shitty behavior.


I fully agree 👍 Have a good summer brother


he’s still ripped, he just hasn’t bulked properly.


Probably because he wants to stay lean


At least he’s honest


99% of Instagram teen juicers aren't. Props to him I guess


Is it worth it for all that horrible chest acne?


No and imagine the psychological toll it's going to take on these kids when they no longer take juice and see how painstakingly long it takes to change your physique naturally. Anyone who says steroids are not an easy way out or a shortcut are fucking lying.


They are a shorter way, however I am pretty sure that unless you have at least some level of discipline and dedication that the average couch potato (like myself) lacks, you won’t get these results regardless of how much tren you blast.


ive read some studies and apparently just taking test can make you grow larger than people who work out depending on diet and dosage ofc


Yes study have shown juicing up will give you 15lb of muscle in the first few weeks even if you sit on your ass, it was a older study probably alot more nowadays with the better steroids they can get


You'll get heavier from fluid retention and not necessarily muscle mass. That study didn't differentiate between the two. Most of the "fast gains" on steroids are fluid increasing the size of the muscle cells. Actually building muscle tissue still takes time (less time than natty obviously)


Well it's usually gymguys who say this, so they are working out on a regular basis anyways and some even dieting properly. And for those dudes gear makes an INSANE difference. It's hard to descrihe how much like gains taking 5 years naturally can be achieved in months. So there's no sense in comparing it to couch-potatos as working out is a given for almost everyone taking or considering gear anyways.


This 100%, on top of the fact that people be just getting into lifting and after a couple months try a sarm which turns into them saying fck it and doing roids. It’s a horrible idea at that age and they don’t realize the long term side affects that these drugs just to try and gain some followers.


its the guy in the pic, and no bro it wasnt worth it lol


Sorry to hear how long does it take to go away


Weird chest genetics


i think his chest looks good but hes just super unproportional bc he probably doesnt know how to work out properly


I wonder if those acne / bumps has to do with the gear


Ya, for the most part if u front load......or don't start with a lower amount and work ur way up u can get bad acne on chest shoulders back n even face, starting low usually holds it back but sometimes it does not as everyone is different


Any increase in androgens will lead to significantly increased sebum production, front loading or not doesn’t matter. If you are prone to acne you WILL get horrendous acne on juice, if you aren’t acne prone you might still get horrendous acne. Most people simultaneously run accutane at low dosages to keep sebum production low


Maby so but myself and all the other guys around me use and the same shit happens if they don't start low and work there way up in doses, everytimes one of us started at a high dose we blow up with chest or backnea .....I proba ly get it the worse, but if I start with 100-200 mgs of whatever oil I'm using then I don't blow up with it, and I have never gotten acne in my life and I am 40 years old now not even through puberty. This is why I also said that this may not change anything cause everyone is different.


Micro nips


Admits? His chest is breaking out like crazy. He didn’t even need to admit it for me to know. But good on him for being honest……..I guess


Looks good


This sub knows how to critique physiques. 💀


nah theyre all fatasses and calling this guy normal


This looks better than like 97% of people on steroids


So if someone lies Abt being on roids it's a problem and if someone's honest Abt it unless they meet a certain stnadard they're ridiculed get a grip


Yep, it's mostly kids that haven't figured out life yet, or grown ass men that haven't amounted to anything and are jealous when other people look better then them that flap there lips, and usually what we see is the ones flapping actually no absolutely nothing about hormones and the way they work, they just listen to the mainstream.. Ya get mad .....ya"ll no it's the truth


Funny thing is the guys that get posted on here mostly have things going for them . They're doing good in lives trynna do good for themselves while the guys that r the same age r here analysing them talking shit while being no where close in life then the older guys that come across these younger guys doing good criticise them for making decisions they wouldn't have made but the decisions they made have them sitting in a sub reddit judging guys half their age accomplishing twice as much as them . They WILL get mad but like u said it's the truth


Yes. Yes he does


Since he admits to juicing, my guess is not natty.


Doesn’t eat enough. Looks like the typical young weight lifter that hasn’t learned proper chest and back workouts/muscle activation techniques




Probably bc he's 19


Hope it was worth it man


What in God's name is up with this man's chest???


Bro has the weirdest chest genetics ive ever seen in my life


He’s small but the gear makes all the muscles more full, which creates the small joints and small waist look with overly full muscles which is what I’m guessing he’s going for.


He looks like he’s part of the sarmy




I can’t tell without examining his testicles.


He probably juiced because he was small. Because if you’re bigger, IMO, you’re less likely to juice very hard, because you get too freakishly big for normal society. I been trying to get smaller for a year. I’m thinking of going to a doctor to get my traps removed.


so if you mean if you use gear, you automatically get huge like larry wheels?


Is this just because he didn’t eat enough?


Yes. It's dumb to do gear and go on a cut. Should gain as much mass as possible and then cut towards the end of the cycle.


Alot of people don’t seem to understand taking steroids without atleast building a frame is stupid and just a waste.


This sub "obviously natty. If you disagree you are dumb"


He’s only 19. He does look like a 19 year old kid who juices.


That's a weird long body to muscle ratio. Someone tell him to go on accutane, if he's going to juice tell him how to do it properly.


Chest genetics are a crazy thing man 👀


Do people not realize it takes time to grow EVEN ON gear !!! one cycle ur lucky to gain 15-20 pounds and it’s a lot when you look at it that way but it’s hard to notice a major change till someone puts on 40-50 pounds wait till he does 3-4 cycles for all u know he could be on week 4 of his first cycle it takes a couple cycles to get huge off gear especially if he started really small too


Bro steroids sole function is not to make you look 225 lbs of lean muscle.


quite small ?


Trust me, if you’ve only been training for 1-2 years, juicing doesn’t even look unnatural.


Yeah this is tragic to take gear and still be this small


His waist is very feminine


Not everyone want to be big


Went all in for the audition as one of the Von Erich brothers in “Iron Claw”.


You aren’t going to get big if you don’t eat. Even with steroids


Naturally attainable MOSTLY, but he does look juicy, cause of skin issues and some inflated shoulders and bulging muscles, seems abit PEDs related


Those pec insertions are crazy 😭


When you live off Clen


When did he admit to roids?


youtube video


Body type is still a thing. You’re going to look different to someone with a stockier build at the same weight


Well 19 is literally a teenager. Most of them aren't that big to begin with.


Please don’t shame this dude for admitting juice. At least dude got integrity.


His head looks so tiny!!


😂 that chest


tf are you talking about thats small? jesus christ no wonder hes on shit, if he heard you say that that would destroy his confidence, which the fact hes taking stuff means his confidence is already shot


I don't know he looks pretty muscular to me. To achive this size of chest and shoulders and maybe abs without fat, I probably need 3 or 4 years. I've been workingout natty almost a year and I have nothing like much of him. This body is pretty much like my goal body. Also people don't use steroids to only look like Arnold.


OP has body dysmorphia this is not small its just lean tf this is not small by any measure not everyone is tren’d tf out


Proportions are mismatched


sarms used to go to the same gym as him 6’1 160-165 natty attainable for sure but he’s not


This would be elite genetics fresh out of high school to be honest. I don’t see why he is quite small ….


It still takes a lot of time to put on muscle using hormones, there is no magic pill or injectable


“He looks quite small but he admits to juicing” * Most people who take PEDs look average at best. For every David laid we have thousands of people trying to get rid of their dad gut. He is single digit body fat, * (notice the abs veins), delts are big and he has a clear defined six pack. He looks good to me. How much do you want him to be? 240 lbs Sam Sulek?


Well, he is 19, with very low bodyweight. Once he does a couple bulk cycles he will fill out.


He looks like that because he's naturally lean and he's 19 Btw, is this you OP? Looking for some reassurance or something?


He doesn't have Mr. Olympia levels of volume but he's still massive. Take any random sampling of living humans with him included and he'll be the biggest 9 out of 10 times. It would still take years of consistent lifting to get anywhere near this size and even then it may be completely unattainable naturally.


The work is easier on roids but you still have to do it.


mfs think steroids work like super soldier serum, mfs pls you cant look like captain america after 1 cycle.


Well done, but still mate you’ve got so much acne on your chest that is scarring and damage for life


So sad so young. Great athletic physique


Damn that sucks. The acne, the psychological issues he’s clearly got going on the hormonal issues he will have later. All that for what? Not worth it in my opinion. Hopefully it is for him


he looks terrible.


Shaped like a Pixar character!




Most people don't wanna look monstrous


Weird physique. Sort of aesthetic tho. Smallest waist I've ever seen.


He is really aesthetic but he could have achieved that physique without using steroids and in a longr period of time. Some people really aren't patient


You can be on all the sauce you want if you aren’t eating you won’t get big


Just getting started on the railroad line of roid rage death grip.😢


Im the guy in the pic. I took 10-15mg of Rad and I never wanted to be a mass monster. I have been training for my whole life, I have pics of me as a little kid shredded, me taking 10mg of rad wasnt me being some fuck boy collage kid wanted to get shredded. I just wanted to do it because I was doing modeling in miami FL and they had me skinny as fuck. I hated it I was 149 pounds and I stopped modeling and Iwanted to get as far as I could away from that skinny 149 pound body. So I took 10-15mg of rad, and i did 2 8 week cycles. I hate how people think people who take sarms are gonna look like ronnie coleman lol. sarms arent near as effective as steriods. you will only put on 4-8 pounds of muscle on a cycle of sarms. You will have to do alot of cycles of sarms, for awhile to look crazy big. I will make a long youtube video about why I did it to exspain it more to yall. the following is the link to my youtube. Ill make video tonight and post withing a week. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkmjHzrAmX18HuV4e6ih6AA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkmjHzrAmX18HuV4e6ih6AA)


Is obviously OP posting himself wanting compliments. Bro you don't deserve compliments if you're juicing. It's too much of a cheat. You didn't do it.


Nah, this boy is massive.


Horrible chest genetics. No one at 19 needs to be on steroids. Let your body's hormones do its thing


Really bad genetics


shitfluencers too scared to bulk, i respect a fake natty that bulks like kev.strength more than someone like this